Twenty- Pain

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I've been slacking with updates y'all, I'm so sorry.💜


I was engulfed in a cold sweat.

I could feel the dreadful feeling of guilt hovering over me like a polyergeist.

I sat up, my eyes heavy and begging for more sleep. I took in the surroundings of my cell, noticing the guard standing outside my cell as someone other than Namjoon.

I stood up with a slight wince, my shoulder throbbing. I cleared my throat as I neared the gates. "Hey, uh, what time is it?"

The guard turned towards me and tilted his head. "You're on Death Row. Time is irrelevant to you."

"Please." I gripped the bars, desperation leaking from my voice.

The guard scoffed. "It is against the rules for me to tell you and I rather like having this job, thank you."

I growled at his harsh tone before wandering back to my stiff cot.

"I always fucking hated Death Row prisoners," I heard the guard mumble under his breath.

I turned around, just as I had reached my cot.

"W-What did you say?"

The guard turned to face me with a smirk. "Nothing, dumbass. Go to sleep or something. You have nothing else to do with your life."

I stormed over to him, reaching through the metal bars and gripping the collar of the uniform he wore.

"You better take that back, you fucking piece of shit."

He chuckled maliciously. He was so close to me, I could smell the old tuna lingering on his breath, making me want to gag.

"You have no life. You're stuck in this cell. Hell, you don't even know the time of day. Nobody wants to visit you because nobody cares about you. You're all alone now, and you'll die all alone."

Red filled the edges of my vision as hot tears spread down my cheeks. My hands gripped his collar tighter as I leaned back aggressively. His head collided with the metal bars before I tossed him aside, stepping away from the doors of my cell.

My chest moved up and down as I breathed heavily, anger still seathing through my body and coursing through my veins.

"You messed with the wrong guard, Asswipe." The guard grumbled as he wiped blood from his mouth.

"And you messed with the wrong prisoner, Dickwad."

The prisoner smirked before pulling out a pistol from his holster. "Oh really? You want to see who is better?" He walked closer to the cell. "I could kill you right this second. But I bet you wouldn't mind, would you? It'd be better for you to die now, rather than spending the last month you have alive in your cell, alone." He chuckled. "Too bad I want you to suffer."

The sound of footsteps sounded, coming closer slowly.

The guard must've noticed as he straightened up, walking even closer so he was barely outside the cell.

"I want all of you fuckers to suffer. None of you deserve to live a happy life," he muttered before spitting on my face.

I wiped his spit, taking in a sharp breath.

"Alright you fucking prick, be that way. But I hope you die the most horrific death known to man. And I would love to be the one to kill your sorry ass."

I turned around to walk back to my cot, but didn't make it, as the sound of a gunshot, quickly followed by pain shooting throughout my body, made me stop, falling to the ground.

Screams erupted from my mouth as tears protruded from my eyes.

The footsteps grew closer, and I could make out the sound of shouting before everything went black.



This definitely wasn't planned lmao

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