author's note

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First of all, The Search for Juno is getting so much love from everyone on Wattpad lately and that's so exciting! Can't thank you all enough for reading and falling in love with these characters as much I have; it truly means the world. I mean otherwise I would just be a crazy person going on and on about fictional people all the time (I mean yeah I still am, but you guys validate me).

As for the impetus behind this bonus, I snuck hermcon crumbs into Olympian VIP, but that was not enough for me (and some very insistent friends, you know who you are) so I thought it would be fun to explore their relationship and Conny's adjustment to the Underworld a bit more in depth. I'd also spent a lot of time thinking about Conny and Alex's father and how he might react to seeing Conny again, and this was an excuse to write about that, too. Long story short, my motivation was pretty much the same for any supplemental thingie I come up with: I love these characters and I couldn't let them go yet.

Thanks again for reading this silly little story and I hope you got something worthwhile out of it. If you want more bonuses like this for this story or other ones I've written, let me know! Till then, see you around.


J. Nicole 

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