for miles

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you've helped me so much
though we've never met
you make me feel like a blessing
when everyone else thinks i'm a curse
you give me hope in humanity
i wish others were as kind as you
i wish i were like you, and didn't care what others thought
i wish for so many things
and you make me feel
like i can have them
you make me feel
like less of a freak
because i'm not alone
you know my struggle
and i thank you for being my friend
without even knowing it
i thank you
for making me feel like
i can love myself
just for a moment
i wish i could embrace myself
i wish i could abolish my fear
i wish i could stand up to her
you make me think i can
but then she scares the shit out of me
and the cycle never ends
the endless fear
i wish it would end
i wish i had your courage
your fearlessness to live your life authentically
to be the real you
to not even worry about wearing a mask
you're just you and i look up to you so much
i wish i were you
but i can't be
but maybe i don't need to be
maybe i should just be me

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