episode 1: balang araw [sungchan, haechan]

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2chan ; balang araw (someday)

was i too late or am i just not for you? ❞


warning: bullying, trauma

Sungchan nervously stood infront of the mirror as he fixed his uniform. He repeatedly tried calm his nerves down as it was his first day of classes in a new school in a new town. His mother is a teacher and her work was destined here in Jeju...But that wasn't the only reason why they moved. They just moved two months ago and he knows nothing about the town.

He was able to look around with his mother when they were buying groceries but that was about it. He wasn't that an adventurous kid to begin with, even not a sociable one. Sungchan grew up distant towards people, other than his family and animals. It was more like a trauma to him whenever he's too close with someone.

Sungchan was pushed away several times since he was in elementary. Kids have a natural instinct to befriend with other kids just because they were thought being friendly. Ever since he got pushed away by one kid, he became an outcast.

Since then, he worked alone.

When he got into junior high, his mother got him into a soccer team. It was for Sungchan to be friends with other people. Maybe a team would be a good one to have. She didn't want her kid to be left alone afterall.

She wasn't wrong. Sungchan gained some acquaintances. Some people who would actually be there when he needs somebody. The boy was happy, but he constantly got bullied by his classmates. Some just didn't want people who are smarter and better than them.

"You're weird."

"You're too boring."

"Are you deaf?"

"You're such a showoff! You're not even that good!"

"With that flimsy body, you joined the soccer team?"

Things like his projects, homeworks and even his own food would get stolen. Sungchan just had enough of it and begged his mother to transfer him to another school for highschool. His mother immediately did when she saw Sungchan crying.

In the second semester, Sungchan was enrolled in a school in Jeju. The boy has mixed emotions but with this, he gets to start all over again. He gets a chance to forget everything and live somewhat peacefully. Like what he did all the years he spent in his old schools, he'll be working alone.

Staying away from people is somekind of self-care to him.

Less attachments, less anxiety.

"Chanie, let's go and you're going to be late for school!"

Sungchan heard his mother said. He got flustered and went to grab his bag by study table before he ran out of his room. He ran down the stairs and since he was too much in a hurry, he almost bumped against his older brother who was also on his way to work.

"Little Chanie, you're quite in a hurry," his older brother uttered.

Sungchan nodded timidly, "M-Mother said I might get late for class...So I was in a hurry."

"Come on, stand up straight."


His brother smiled helplessly at him and placed his hands on his waist, "If you want to create a good impression to your new classmates, stand proudly and confidently."

"But hyung...I don't like attention--"

"What? You used to be playing with a large crowd cheering for you. Even if you don't want any attention, a pair of eyes will still be on you."

That's what Sungchan has been scared of. A pair of eyes judging him. He got insecure, to be honest. All those names his past classmates gave to him made him think more about himself.

Overthinking would be the right word.

"Just stand upright, okay? If anyone bullies you, I'm gonna have to beat them up--"

"Sungchan, don't listen to your brother. Fighting is not good," their mother buts in as she did her sons' lunchboxes.

"Mom, it's called 'defense.' I won't beat someone up without any reasons," the older brother said.

The lady sighed and gave the boxes to the two boys infront of her, "Whatever. Good luck on your work. Come home after your shift, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am," the older boy uttered and kissed their mother's cheek, "I'll get going. Good luck on your school, baby brother," he uttered, ruffling Sungchan's already fixed hair before he goes out of the house.

Sungchan pouted and tried fixing his hair again.

"Come on. We don't want you late on the first day," his mother uttered.

They left the house, locking it before they walked the way towards the school. His mother first went to drop Sungchan on his new school. She was as nervous as her son but she knows Sungchan can atleast help himself. His boy isn't the 6-year-old she used to be taking care of.

From afar, Sungchan already saw his new school. It was bigger than his old ones, but hopefully, his classmates were different as well, in a good way.

"This is where I stop. I don't want to embarrass you," his mother uttered jokingly, stopping before they cross the street.

Sungchan sighed and smiled briefly, "You won't embarrass me."

"Well...it's about time to let you handle yourself. You don't have to be anxious, okay? I know someone will atleast be there for you," she uttered softly.

"Let's see," he answered.

His mother smiled at him sweetly and cupped Sungchan's cheeks, and squishing them, "I'll see you later then."

"See you later, mom."

Then Sungchan was left. He took a deep breath before he crossed the street, holding the strap of his bag. He entered the new grounds and saw many students walking around. He looked at the new place and seemed like he should feel peace. Some kind of relief that he's finally away from the people that made him hate his life.

He then took out the map and his schedule for the semester. He looked at it and thought that he should be in his first class today.

It took him half an hour to finally see the classroom he should be in. He looked by small window on the door and saw that the class was already on-going. His nerves suddenly shook but he thought to himself that he should calm down.

They don't know Sungchan, afterall.

The boy softly knocked against the door which made the teacher inside to stop and look outside. Sungchan was warmly welcomed inside.

"This is your new classmate. Would you care to introduce yourself?"

Sungchan nodded timidly before he bowed infront of the whole class, "I'm Jung Sungchan from Seoul. Nice to meet you...Please take care of me."

"You can seat on a vacant seat at the back," the teacher uttered nicely.

The new boy nodded before he walked towards the seat. Sungchan didn't like the feeling of several pairs of eyes on him. He quietly seated down as the teacher continued what she was saying. Sungchan didn't give them a glance and just minded his own business.

"Considering you're from Seoul, people would be interested in you."

Sungchan looked back at his seatmate. He quite oblivious that someone talked to him first. His seatmate smiled at him and handed out his hand.

"I'm Renjun. Nice to meet you," his seatmate introduced.

The boy shook hands with him and timidly smiled, "Nice to meet you too..."

"I would've thought city boys would be wild. You're different," Renjun uttered.

"D-Did I...disappoint you?"

Then his seatmate chuckled, kind of like stopping himself from laughing inside the class.

"Why would I be disappointed? That's funny," Renjun said with a smile on his face.

Sungchan's lips became thin and got embarrassed.

"Hey, relax. I was kidding..." his seatmate added.

The new boy nodded but realized the hardest thing to do right now was adjustment.

Class was done and it was break time. Sungchan actually has other plans to do for that time, which was to familiarize himself with the new environment. He was just about to go, but his classmates crowded over him.

"How is Seoul?"

"Are the foods really that good in Seoul?"

"Seoul boys are cuties, I knew it!"

"Seoul is beautiful, isn't it?"

"Have you met idols?"

Sungchan actually got scared that he literally wanted to run and go. Renjun was too overwhelmed by the amount of attention the new kid was getting but what overwhelmed everyone was one person.

A person stood behind Sungchan and slammed his hand down the table, making the new kid shiver.

"Hey, could all of you sit your asses down? You all are scaring him."

Sungchan looked behind him and stared at the person who said those words. He actually got mesmerized by how the boy looked. He doesn't look like anyone inside the classroom, either the ones he already met, with a fair skin and soft facial features.

Everyone quiets down at their black sheep of the class. Sungchan was too busy staring at the dark-skinned boy beside him that he forgot about him being scared because of his aura. When the fierce looking melanin boy looked back at him, Sungchan jolted.

"Hi, my name is Donghyuck. Sungchan, wasn't it?" the boy introduced himself with a sweet smile on his face and almost had imaginative flowers behind him.

"Stop doing that!" Renjun uttered at how fast his friend's mood changed.

Sungchan took a second and blinked before he answered, "Y-Yes..."

"You're a city boy and moved into a province like Jeju. Have you looked around?" Donghyuck asked as he sat on the edge of the table.


"This place is too simple for people who grew up in a city since birth like you. You think you can live here?" the boy interrogated.

The new kid hummed, "There's no other choice--"

"Why did you even move here? Isn't Seoul that good--"

"Hyuck, shut up. You're the one scaring him," Renjun buts in.

Donghyuck looked at his friend and pouted with eyebrows furrowed, "I'm being friendly."

"I-It's alright...I guess he's just curious," Sungchan uttered.

The boy looked back at him, "Well, it's not everyday you get to see a city boy. Most of us here sees Seoul as our dream destination. But Jeju is a special place too!"

Sungchan wasn't used with people who are very talkative towards him. As a defense mechanism, he's the one distancing himself. He was used to be with no one and the feeling of being with a person makes him anxious. It's really different this time. People recognized him and it hasn't been a day, students already know him as the 'city boy.'

"Jeju has many beaches here! Very beautiful ones specifically," Donghyuck added.

Renjun hummed, "Yeah, there are. In fact, Hyuck keeps on strolling there."

"That's why I got tanned. But, being dark skinned is not something I should be worrying about," the talkative boy uttered confidently.

Sungchan wished he was this confident as Donghyuck. He thought he wasn't really attractive as some would say. He's sometimes too tall for some, which is an inconvenience and it makes him feel like he's different from everyone in a bad way.

"Hey, you good?"

The new kid felt himself got anxious when the attention was put on him.

"Y-Yeah, kind of..." Sungchan answered.

Donghyuck pats his shoulder with a big smile on his face, "Don't worry, you'll adjust easily! I'll help you with it! We can hang out sometimes, or even show you around! How does that sound, Sungchanie?"

The boy felt hesitant, "I don't know--"

"Great! From now on, you're my best friend!"

"You forgot about me?" Renjun uttered with a frown.

"From now on, we're best friends!"


It has already been two months since Sungchan attended school and has been getting subtle attentions. He has already made friends--Well, they were the ones who first made a move. Specifically, Donghyuck already considered him as a friend on their first meeting. It felt weird but he started feeling butterflies inside his stomach whenever he's with Donghyuck.

Donghyuck has been the only person, so far, who sticks with Sungchan like glue. He spent hours talking with the new kid about random things. He somehow likes Donghyuck's company.

Though the first days of them being together doesn't feel right. Sungchan was the one who kept on pushing himself away. He was somehow able to tolerate being with someone again.

"I missed you!" Donghyuck uttered and hugged Sungchan, like the clingy person he is.

Which made Sungchan to blush.

"You guys literally are in the same classroom," Renjun said.

"Shush! You're just jealous," the talkative boy said with eyes wincing, "I just got back from the club so I haven't seen Sungchan that much."

"You mean for an hour?"

"Shut up, Injun!"

Their small built friend stood from the table they were seating on in the cafeteria, "Anyway, I'll go home."

"Isn't Jeno and Jaemin picking you up?" Donghyuck asked, separating himself from the tall quiet dude beside him.

"No, not this time. I'll see you guys tomorrow then," Renjun said before he walked away from the two.

Both of them were left on the table. Sungchan was quietly watching Renjun walking away but jolted when Donghyuck suddenly slammed his hands down on the table and blocked the new kid's sight.

"So...?" the tanned boy started.

Sungchan furrowed his eyebrows, "So?"

"Are we going to the beach?"

The boy suddenly remembered about it. He looked away and hummed, "Well...it's fine--"

"Well, let's go then! We'll miss it out!" Donghyuck uttered excitingly and pulled Sungchan out of the table then ran towards the main gate of the school.

The boy couldn't really keep up with Donghyuck. He's very energetic, unlike him who barely wants to interact. But in the bright side, Sungchan started to bring his best side when Donghyuck kept on cheering for him.

Sungchan nervously joined the soccer team again and Donghyuck was there when he was in his tryouts. The tanned boy was shouting on top of his lungs, was being extra by the bleachers, shouting how good he was and even looked really happy when Sungchan was accepted in the team.

Donghyuck called himself as 'Sungchan's cheerleader.'

"We made it!"

Both of them panted from running but Donghyuck seemed to still have a big amount of energy left. Sungchan can't kept up with him, he's also out of shape. The tanned boy placed his bag down the sand and sat. The new kid followed him and tried to steady his breathing.

"Wh-What are we here for again?" Sungchan asked, still panting.

"Look up ahead, dummy!"

The new kid did and saw what his friend was saying. The wind blew gently against them with the waves crashing in the background. Sungchan felt calm.

"Isn't it pretty? I come here every after school just for this to relax myself," Donghyuck uttered.

The sunset was always beautiful. Sungchan hasn't been to a beach like this. He suddenly felt like he should have been here earlier than he did. It was something Sungchan has been finding, peace. He felt happy for once.

"You've been awfully quiet," Donghyuck uttered.

Sungchan felt apologetic, "I'm sorry..."

"See? Who would say sorry for being quiet? Just you," the tanned boy chuckled.

"I'm sorry--"

"Will you just keep saying sorry?"

The boy was about to say another sorry but he zipped his mouth. Donghyuck sighed and leaned back, closing his eyes as he felt the warmth the sunset was giving.

"You moved here because Seoul wasn't a good place for you, huh?"

Sungchan looked at the tanned boy but looked away as he felt his heart skipped a beat upon seeing Donghyuck. He thought Donghyuck suits being pretty. How the orange sun rays touched his face, wind blowing his hair and his facial expressions being surreal. He wasn't the Donghyuck people described him, Sungchan knew him differently.

"Was it obvious...?" Sungchan asked.

"It was a hunch, Sungchanie. But you wouldn't push people away if nothing happened to you, right?"

"Push people away?"

Donghyuck nodded, "You're probably doing it unconsciously. You don't know it but you were kind of pushing me away. Like, you were indirectly saying to me to stay away."

The new kid felt anxious.

"Trust issues?" the tanned boy asked.

Sungchan hummed, "...I just grew up without any friends."

Donghyuck looked at him and pouted, "You're an awesome person. Why would you not have friends?"

"I guess...they don't see me as you do," the new kid answered, "My classmates back in Seoul...made me realize that I'm better off with no one. We moved out because I was constantly being bullied. It was too much for me that I just wanted to escape from everything...I just didn't know what to do when you started talking to me and considered me as your friend...It was weird...I'm sorry."

Sungchan started playing with the sand as he let his burdens out of his chest. He wanted someone to hear him. His family were the ones who should know this but he doesn't want them to feel like they should do something for Sungchan. He was grateful they were there for him.

Donghyuck fortunately came by at the right time.


The boy looked at his friend beside him who was wearing a wide smile, a heart melting one. It was like telling him that things will be fine.

"I haven't known you for a year but time doesn't matter. Just know I'm here for you, Sungchan. I'll beat them up for you. Those ugly pigs, ugly assholes..." Donghyuck trailed off, "I'll make them say sorry."


"I'll make them pay! You're literally the best person I've ever met!"

That made Sungchan's heart to skip a beat for the second time. Suddenly, Donghyuck cupped his cheeks and squeezed them as the tanned boy leaned closer with a determined expression.

"Don't let them tell you otherwise, okay? You listen to me instead. Okay?"

Sungchan looked at him straight in the eyes, seeing how much of a comfort person Donghyuck is. As an answer, he nodded before the tanned boy lets him go. Donghyuck then stood and ran straight towards the waters. The new kid watched him and couldn't describe how surreal Donghyuck looked.

"Sungchanie, join me!"

The new kid hugged his knees and smiled to himself, realizing how much he was wasting his time on useless things. Donghyuck was just the only person he needed to knock some sense out of him.

I like him.

At the track and field, Sungchan was jogging along with his team as a warm-up. Interschools were coming this week so they were already practicing. Every after class, he goes straight to the field, do some warm-ups then practice until seven. It has been going on for a month and his mother was fine with it, as long as Sungchan will come home before nine.

The boy was starting to loosen up and becomes friendly with his team. He wanted to atleast have a nice bond with them and it was going well. Sungchan has been doing good in practice as well. He wanted to bring back the flame anyway.

It felt good.

Sungchan was open in the field which made his teammate to pass the ball to him. He then worked his way to the net and kicked the ball to score. Fortunately, the scorer of the other team wasn't able to catch the ball. Instead of his team cheering for him the loudest, from afar, they heard someone else cheering for Sungchan.

"Good job, Sungchanie! You did great! It was the best score you had!" Donghyuck shouted by the bleachers.

Sungchan felt his heart beat because of it. He waved at the tanned boy before he jogged his way to his team.

"That was good, Jinsung!" their captain uttered proudly and ruffled the freshman's hair.

The new kid nodded, "Thank you. I'll work harder."

"That boy must be your lucking charm?" one asked, giving water bottles to the members.

"He just...brings out the best in me, I guess," the boy uttered before he chugs on the water.

"If you like something, you should pursue it."

Sungchan suddenly choked on the water, "W-What does that mean...exactly?"

The guy who said it wiggled his eyebrows with a grin on his face, "If you like him, get the chance."

"Wh-Who said I like him?" Sungchan uttered with a frown on his face.

"Enough of that. Let's get back to practice."

"You did great! You were like sonic or something! No wonder you were the best player at your last school!"

Donghyuck enthusiastically said as they were walking on the street, on their way home. Sungchan was quietly walking beside him as he listened to the tanned boy with a smile.

"I'm sure your team will have a good chance at the Interschools," the tanned boy added.

"Don't get your hopes up," Sungchan said.

"What? Are you kidding me? You're literally the ace of the team! And the team has a good connection," Donghyuck uttered, "I bet you guys can win the trophy."

The tall boy chuckled, "You really think we can win it?"

"If no one believes it, I do! That's why, do your best!"

Sungchan looked at Donghyuck who looked really excited about their match this week. He was actually nervous, kind of overthinking things too much. He doesn't know what will happen if he gets on the field again. He can either win or lose it. He got anxious since he didn't want the team to lose because of him.

"Hey, no pressure."

They stopped walking when the tanned boy stood infront of the tall guy. Sungchan furrowed his eyebrows at him but Donghyuck just gave him a smile.

"No matter what happens, I'll be there cheering for you 'til the end."

Can this boy be real?

Sungchan has been having feelings for Donghyuck for months and he kept it just for the sake of their friendship. He already liked him at their first meeting. His feelings grew bigger that it's bugging him. His guts tell him that he should just confess. It'll take him a lot of courage but he already gave himself a deal.

If they win the trophy, he'll confess to him.

"I'll treat you anything if you guys win," Donghyuck uttered.


"I'm on a budget but yeah, anything."

It was the first day of the interschool and every player were starting to warm-up. The soccer team will be the first up to use the field. Sungchan starts to condition himself. He does his warm-ups early and tried to compose himself before the match. Sometimes, his nerves get the best of him.

But to have some adrenaline in him to get fired up, he needs to be a bit nervous.

He can do this.

"Hey, hey, best player!"

Sungchan jolted and felt a mini-heart attack when Donghyuck suddenly buts in while he was resting on the bench.

"Y-You scared me..." the player uttered.

The tanned smirked and sat beside him, "It just shows that you're stiff."

Sungchan raised an eyebrow at him, "What?"

"Loosen up! Don't put all the pressure on you. You're not the only one who's going to go play on the field. Am I right?" Donghyuck asked.

The boy nodded and sighed as he looked ahead at the wide green field, he'll be playing on any minute now.

"It's been years since the last match...I can't help it," Sungchan said.

"You practiced a lot, right? And you did great. I wouldn't thought you haven't played in years if you didn't tell me!" Donghyuck uttered, half-joking.

"Things will go smoothly. Don't worry about it, okay?"

Even the tiniest bit of encouragement, specifically from Donghyuck, it changes Sungchan's mood. The tall boy smiled back at him, feeling a bit better. Donghyuck just knows how to switch things.

"Now, get in there and kick some ass," the tanned boy uttered loudly and pats on his friend's back, which came out a bit too hard.

Sungchan hissed and Donghyuck apologized.

Both teams came out of the locker rooms and jogged their way for the line-up. Sungchan took a deep breath and calmed down his nerves. They walked up to shake hands with the other team and greeted them.

He wants to win this.

Preparing their play, they went back to their benches to plan out their first quarter. Sungchan was composing himself but jolted when he heard loud cheerings from so many people.

"Go, Sungchan! Go, Sungchan! Go, Sungchan!"

It was his classmates. He kind of got overwhelmed with the support but most players wanted supporters to get some motivation. Sungchan hasn't felt this much adrenaline for a long time and it felt good to be back. He might as well use them to his advantage. He'll do his best.

Donghyuck was even there, leading the cheer. When the tanned boy looked at him, he smiled widely at him.

"Kick some ass, Sungchanie!"

Sungchan sighed at how loud he is.

"He's really loud, huh?" his teammate uttered as they walked into the field.

"Well, what's new?"

They stood on their positions, gearing themselves up for their first match. Sungchan kept his cool as he stared at the goal from afar. He doesn't know what will happen but he'll win this first match.

Upon hearing the whistle, the match officially started.

The deafening noise of the crowd, players running around, referees on the sidelines, adrenaline rushing, Sungchan felt like things were a blur to him for the match point. The ball was passed to him and he ran towards the goal. He passed by other players with his teammates supporting him behind.

Pressure was all on him and felt his body getting heavier from it. Though, he didn't mind it. He kept his mind on the goal, which was to score the last point.

Sungchan kicked the ball, targeting the space of the net where the goalkeeper couldn't reach.

The suspense was killing him, rather the whole team. But it took a second before the whole crowd became wild and cheered loudly. Sungchan didn't know what happened but suddenly his teammates ran up to him to celebrate and confused as to why they're very happy.

"You look confused?" his captain laughed.

Sungchan furrowed his eyebrows, "What happened?"

"You won! You won, Sungchanie!"

Before the player was able to look whoever called him, he got tackled hard against the soft ground. Arms were wrapped around his neck and a body on top of him. Sungchan was confused but he blushed when it was Donghyuck who tackled him.

"We...won?" Sungchan asked.

Donghyuck pulled himself away and punched the player's shoulder softly, "Yes, dumbass!"

The player's eyes widened and felt like it wasn't real. The tanned boy stood up and pulled his friend up. Sungchan was still stunned that he pulled it off somehow.

"Hey, it's just the first game. We still have one more this afternoon. Rest up, Jung," his captain uttered before he catches up with his team, clearing up their benches for another game.

Sungchan nodded.

"You were the best! I told you you can do it!" Donghyuck uttered.

The tall guy smiled, "Thank you."

"This is one of my best days!" the tanned boy said.

Sungchan furrowed his eyebrows at him, "Because we won our first match?"

"Yeah! And because, I finally have a boyfriend!"

A boyfriend...

Sungchan felt his heart dropped upon hearing those words. He stared at Donghyuck who looked really happy. It felt like he got deaf for a second. He became speechless, like he lost voice. He can barely think anymore. No matter what Donghyuck was saying, he couldn't hear anything. He refused to.

Those words instantly broke him.

"Hey, best player. Let's go? They're clearing up," Donghyuck uttered and grabbed Sungchan's hand to pull him out of the field, "I can introduce you to Mark! He's really nice and surely, you two will become best friends too. But he's in his basketball game right now so maybe later?"

Sungchan didn't reply as he was pulled willingly. But he thought he should have some time alone.

"I-I still need to change up..."

"Do you want me to--"

"No, you can go ahead. I'll catch up, Hyuck."

Donghyuck took a second before he nodded and ran out of the area. Sungchan watched him as he, himself, started to crumble. He walked into the locker rooms and stood infront of his locker, staring blankly at his shoes. He felt like he wanted to go.

But no.

Sungchan took a deep breath before he suddenly slammed his hand against his locker. No matter how it hurts, it became numb. He won't be able to move on that easily when Donghyuck's around but he'll endure. Donghyuck was the person he thought could've been his.

Guess he was just too slow.

Or Donghyuck wasn't for him.

Nevertheless, Donghyuck was happy, and Sungchan was fine with it. As long as he's happy with anything, he'll try to be happy for him as well.

He'll stay for Donghyuck and punch that guy's face if he ever hurt Donghyuck.

Donghyuck will stay as his motivation.

Sungchan chuckled, "You lost, Sungchan."

(Next) episode 2: Kapit [Jeno, Renjun] >>

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