Never Knew Rabbits Could Be Creeps!

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Never Knew Rabbits Could Be Creeps!

"Today was a long day... Let's sleep. Or at least some of us." Umber said.

"You can say that again," Ocotillo said and collapsed into the temporary shelter and started sleeping.

Eventually everyone fell asleep after her. The people who stayed up the latest were Abraham Lincoln and Percy Jackson who were reminiscing about their mothers.

In the middle of the night, Ocotillo jerked awake. Her eyes wide open, and her breaths short and quick. She closed her eyes and muttered,"Just get that memory out of your head Ocotillo. Just forget about it..."

Qibli woke up and started coughing. He turned his head around to see the awakened Ocotillo,"Hm? You're awake, Ocotillo?"

Ocotillo's breaths returned to a normal rate of speed and lengths. She opened her eyes and faced Qibli,"Yeah..."

"Is anything the matter?" Qibli asked.

"No... Just a petty dream and this evil sting. That's all," Ocotillo replied.

"Oh, as long as it's nothing," Qibli said.

"Yeah. You should go back to sleep and get more rest," Ocotillo said.

"You should too, we both barely escaped death," Qibli said.

"Let's not talk about that. How are you and Umber?" Ocotillo said, changing the subject.

"Actually, we decided not to date. I mean it IS an apocalypse after all. But... Moon and Winter are still hitting it off. Young love I guess," Qibli said.

"You make yourself sound old," Ocotillo chuckled a bit.

"Oh but I feel old in my bones!" Qibli jokingly said, imitating an old man's voice.

"Go to sleep old man," Ocotillo said and laid back down.

"Yes ma'am," Qibli said.


Ocotillo was outside the shelter. She laid on the grass and stared at the morning sky. The sun was still beginning to peep put from behind the wall.

A yellow bird flew onto a branch and went,"Tweet! Tweet!"

Winter, who was curled up next to Moon, opened his eyes. He lifted his head and yawned,"Too early..." Then he lowered his head and closed his eyes again.

Lina jumped up and yelled,"RISE AND SHINE LOVELIES!"

"No!" Winter and Eri said in unison.

Minho, who had already been awake for a while, walked in and ordered,"C'mon shucks! Let's get down to business!"

"To defeat... THE HUNS!" Eri sang, fully awake now.

"Then get up. We have to go running," Lina said.

"Actually... Can I quit? Runnings not really my cup of tea," Eri said.

"Fine," Minho said,"You can help around here then. Help build stuff and get food."

"Yeah! I'll help build an even better shelter!" Eri said.

"I have to run..." Ocotillo blearily got up. She took a few shaky steps,"See... This is easy."

"Are you seriously gonna try to run?" Minho asked with skepticism.

"How about no to you running?" Kinkajou said, gently pushing her down.

"But I have to run! The maze still needs to be mapped. We've already lost a runner, I can't just sit around and do nothing!" Ocotillo protested.

"Don't worry, there are still four of us!" Kinkajou reassured her.

"Lost...? You make it sound like I died," Eri said.

"Well... Still. Like I said, I just can't sit on my butt and do nothing," Ocotillo said.

"You can do what I've been doing. I've been helping cook and gathering fire wood and tinder," Qibli suggested.

Ocotillo sighed,"I guess. At least I won't be useless."

"Good, now I must run!" Lina said, and dashed off into the maze.

"Should probably go after her... Make sure she doesn't run into a brick,"Minho muttered and ran off.

Kinkajou turned to run after them, when Winter yelled out,"Wait Kinkajou!"

Kinkajou looked back,"Yeah?"

"The box just came up and there's someone you might want to see," Winter said.

He walked towards the box and Kinkajou followed him.

She and Winter peered over the box. The unconscious person inside was Turtle.

Abe looked down at the box,"Hm... That's a bit odd. The only reason we're here is because we teleported here. I wonder why this boy is here."

Newt walked to the box,"It's because every month or so the box brings up supplies and a person."

"I meant, why is a non-Maze Runner character here? The only reason why non-Maze Runner characters are here is because of Lina," Abe said.

"Maybe it's still because of Lina. Maybe once a type of character is here they can come from the box too," Newt said.

"Well, tell Turtle I said hi. I have to run," Kinkajou said and ran into the maze.

Turtle stirred awake,"Urgh... What... Where...?"

Winter explained everything to Turtle and finished off with,"And now Moon and I are together as well!"

Ocotillo stumbled over there and said,"Hey Turtle!"

"We can save the conversation for later. Let's get him out of the box!" Umber said.

Newt leaned down and pulled Turtle out of the box. Then he said,"Welcome to the Glade!"

"Hello... Your name?" Turtle asked.

Newt told Turtle the names and showed the faces of everyone he wouldn't know. Then told him who were in the maze currently.

Umber leaped down into the box and took a look at what the supplies were.

"What's in there Umber?" Newt asked.

"Let's see... A couple of seed packets, gardening tools, an axe and a box," Umber listed off.

"And? What's in the box?" Newt asked.

"You can do the honors and open it Newt!" Umber said. He hauled up the box and other supplies and flew out of the box.

Newt slowly opened the box. He took out the supplies in it and said,"Looks like we've got nails, a hammer, blankets, and a lot of bagged dry fruit."

"That's great!" Umber said.

"There's dried cranberries, raisins, pineapple, strawberries, and mangoes," Newt said.

"Yay! Kinkajou will like the dried mangoes," Eri said.

"Of course she will," Winter said.

"I bet Lina will claim the dried pineapples," Ocotillo said.

"Anyways, Ocotillo, you and Qibli can go get wood for a fire. We'll be needing some for tonight," Umber said.

"I'll get some logs!" Ocotillo said.

"I'll take care of that for you. You're too weak in your condition. You and Qibli can get tinder and kindling." Eri said.

"You're way younger than me, but fine." Ocotillo said.

"Come on Ocotillo," Qibli said.

"Humph," Ocotillo grunted and started to walk with Qibli.

Eri put her hands on her hips and said to no one in particular,"Oh Ocotillo... What're we gonna do with you?"


"Section eight is open!" Lina said.

"Got it," Minho said.

"Which side should me and Kinkajou take?" Lina asked.

"Whichever side is closest to the exit!" Kinkajou said.

"In that case, you guys'll take the south side and then when you're done go to the west side. Me and Thomas will take the north and east side." Minho said.

"Alright. Let's go!" Kinkajou exclaimed and ran to the southern side.

Lina sprinted after her.

After a while of looking around and taking note of the walls, Lina spotted a griever,"Griever alert. Don't panic it's just a dead one."

Kinkajou sighed in relief,"Thank goodness. It kinda looks like the one we melted the other day."

"Oh cool! We have to get it's controller thingie!" Lina said.

Kinkajou went over to it and ripped out the device,"Got it!"

Lina stuck her arm into the fleshy, gooey parts of the griever's mechanical body, checking if there was anything else in it.

With no luck, she pulled her arm out. Lina saw one of WICKED's beetles so she stomped on it with her foot and crushed it. "There, now we aren't being spied on!"


Ocotillo snatched another armful of tinder and leaned against a tree to rest.

Qibli was getting crushed by all the tinder and kindling he had,"Think this is enough?"

Ocotillo straightened up and grabbed some more until her pile towered over her,"Yeah I think so!"

The two of them headed back to the camp.

When Eri saw the mountain of tinder and kindling her mouth gaped open,"Well... I guess that covers tinder and kindling for at least a week."

"Think so?" Ocotillo asked.

"Yes!" Eri nodded her head vigorously.

"Well then, I'm going for a walk," Ocotillo said.

"Have a nice one!" Qibli said.

"Thanks," Ocotillo said and started walking.

She got bored of walking in the forest after ten minutes or so and rested beneath a tall tree.

A yellow bird flew onto a branch and went,"Tweet! Tweet!"

"Is that the same bird?" Ocotillo wondered,"Oh never mind. Why can't my life be not confusing?"

She stopped talking and closed her eyes. She let her mind wander through her thoughts until...

"Hello Alice," the bird chirped.

Ocotillo's eyes flew open,"Say what now?!"

The bird flew down and morphed into a rabbit in a waistcoat,"Alice, now you have to follow me into the rabbit hole!"

"No thank you, go away. My name is not Alice, it's Ocotillo," Ocotillo said.

The rabbit sighed,"Fine. I guess I'll have to take you to Wonderland by force!" The rabbit then morphed into a man (in a waistcoat) with bunny ears.

"Oh no you don't!" Ocotillo said. She morphed into her full dragon form. Smoke drifted from her nose and she whacked her barbed tail against the ground.

"My, my, aren't you feisty?" the rabbit man smiled and lifted Ocotillo up.


"I'm carrying you right now. Who says I can't?" The rabbit man still grinned. He set her down and said,"Alice my love! Wonderland awaits for us!"

A deep hole appeared in the ground and the rabbit man jumped into it.

Ocotillo sat down on the grass and crossed her arms,"Letting me go was a very bad move in your kidnapping plan!"

The rabbit man peeped out of the hole and asked,"Would you rather have Cheshire come and get you?"

"Nobody is getting me!" Ocotillo roared and walked back to the camp, looking ruffled and a bit freaked out.

By then it was probably around noon. The runners had done an especially quick job and had come back already.

"How was your walk? You took a while," Umber said.

"Yeah... It took a while," Ocotillo glared back into the forest.

Whoever would come to kidnap her next. She would be prepared.

A/N: Well this was interesting to write...

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