No Time Traveling

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No Time Traveling

"Did I really cause this?" Riley asked.

"Nah. You are just the messenger. Anybody got some rope?" Eri asked.

"Me. I have rope," Lina said and handed Eri a coil of rope,"Tie away."

"Tie, tie, tie," Eri said as she tied Snow up.

"What should we do when he wakes up?" Lina asked.

"Have Moon read his mind. If he still has dangerous thoughts we'll keep him tied up until he doesn't," Eri said.

"Good plan," Lina said.

"Who'll carry him?" Qibli asked.

"I will. I'm the second oldest here it seems," Riley volunteered.

Back at the cave Cassie was sitting at the entrance regretting her decisions of that day.

Eri ran to the entrance,"We are back! Finally..."

Cassie sighed,"Did you get him?"

"Yeah," Riley said and dropped Snow into the cave.

"What the binoculars...?" Umber asked.

"Tried to kill me. Is kind of a wreck right now. Best not to interact," Riley explained.

"Yeah let's put him in the other room," Umber said.

"Good idea," Riley said.

"I'll take it from here," Abe said and put Snow in the other room.

"Don't think you're getting out of anything, Ocotillo," Umber said.

Ocotillo scooted away from Cassie, "Err.. What would I be getting out of...? Hehe..."

"Knowing you, you'd want to get out of the confinement room because someone else is in it," Umber said.

Ocotillo scowled,"Fine. I'm normal now though, alright?"

"It never hurts to be cautious," Umber said.

"Well it's only the afternoon so it's not like I'm sleeping anyway. I'll go hunting," Ocotillo said.

"Are you planning to go alone?" Umber asked.


"Then no," Umber denied.

"Someone can come with me then," Ocotillo sighed.

"I will," Qibli offered,"I need to get my mind off this crazy stuff."

"Okay," Ocotillo shifted uncomfortably, "Let's go."

"Alright!" Qibli said.

Ocotillo walked awkwardly out of the cave,"Come on."

Qibli followed her out,"Alright so what do we plan on catching?"

Ocotillo shrugged,"I don't know. A rabbit or goat or something?"

Qibli grabbed Ocotillo's shoulder, "I think I see a deer over there. We could probably catch that."

Ocotillo tensed and nodded, "Yeah... sure."

Qibli let go of Ocotillo's shoulder,"You seem kinda tense. Oh, did that hurt? Was your shoulder bad there?"

"No it's fine. It was... nothing. So you'll scare it towards me and I'll slice it's throat," Ocotillo said and hid behind a bush.

Qibli nodded and flew behind the deer and shouted,"MACARENA!" at it.

The deer was frightened by the sudden shouted and leaped away from Qibli and closer to Ocotillo.

When the deer was close enough Ocotillo jumped from behind the bush. She grabbed the deer and sliced its throat. "Got it!" She said.

"Awesome! Should we hunt anything else?" Qibli asked.

"Probably something small like a rabbit," Ocotillo said.

"Alright. I'm pretty quick so I'll catch it this time," Qibli said.

"Good luck," Ocotillo said.

"We just need to find a rabbit hole or something. Or we could lure Rabbit out and trick him into turning into a bunny," Qibli said.

"Yes! KILL RABBIT!" Ocotillo said,"Ack. But he would taste awful."

Ocotillo looked around,"Oh look. There is a rabbit over there!"

Qibli got behind the rabbit but his movements were too loud. The rabbit got frightened and scampered away. Oh but look where it conveniently scampered to and got trapped in: a tree hole. Qibli swiftly sliced the rabbit's neck.

"Great. We have food. Should we go back or wander?" Ocotillo asked,"I want to wander but we need to put the prey away and they would hate it if we were out too long."

"I'm sure we can wander for a bit," Qibli said.

Ocotillo looked a little uncertain but shrugged it off,"Okay..."

"Not much going on for the rest of the day anyway," Qibli said.

"Maybe we can look for that metal you and Cassie found," Ocotillo suggested,"I saw her clinging to it."

"Well I was thinking we could just wander and talk," Qibli said.

"Oh." Ocotillo said,"Everything bad seems to happen to us. Us as in the group."

Qibli nodded,"Yeah, it's weird. We just met Snow yesterday and Riley today yet we're already concerned about their lives. I guess meeting people is different when there's an apocalypse going on."

"I guess the whole situation situation changes. Under normal circumstances, I bet none of us would be friends. Well, except for the people who were already friends," Ocotillo said.


"And if this never happened maybe all these horrible things wouldn't have happened. Everyone could be happier," Ocotillo said.

"Like Snow and his now dead friend," Qibli sighed,"Well, we can't change the past."

"Yeah. Maybe he wouldn't have gone crazy like that," Ocotillo said,"It stinks. I would do anything to change my past."

Qibli nodded,"Exactly. Then you wouldn't have had to go through the maze and all that stuff."

Ocotillo stopped walking,"What if we can?"

Qibli turned to her,"What?"

"Just because we're fictional characters doesn't mean we can't write," Ocotillo said, "You're a canon character, but I'm not. I can change my past!Then I wouldn't have almost killed you guys! Or had to reveal my embarrassing secrets! That would be amazing!"

"We probably can't directly do it though," Qibli said,"We'd have to indirectly change it."

Ocotillo tapped her foot,"Hm... how would we do this though..."

"If we write, we might get magical author powers like Eri and Lina! Then we could poof a time machine here," Qibli said.

Ocotillo said,"Though if it doesn't work... I've been thinking..."

"Thinking what?" Qibli asked.

"I might just leave the group. You guys would have less on your talons,or hands, if I was out of the picture," Ocotillo said.


"I mean, I might not! It's just..."


"Just that I've been feeling like a burden lately. I'm just saying, the group would be better off without me," Ocotillo said.

"I can understand why you feel like that now, since lately all you're doing is almost dying," Qibli said,"But you'll be much more productive soon. We just have to keep you off of adventuring until you're all better."

"Fine," Ocotillo said,"Don't tell anyone else about this, okay?"

"Of course, it's a secret now." Qibli said.

"Let's go back," Ocotillo said.

When they got back to the cave Lina said, "You guys took a suspiciously long time. But that may just be me."

"Nice deer and rabbit," Eri commented.

Rabbit gasped at the sight of the rabbit and hid himself.

Ocotillo burst into a fit of laughter as she saw Rabbit hide.

Unfortunately her laughter only made him come out of hiding. "Oh Alice! The sweet sound of your laughter! I do hope you're better and feeling alri-"

"Nope," Cheshire said and slapped a piece of duct tape, from his seemingly infinite duct tape roll, over Rabbit's mouth.

"Thank you Cheshire!" Ocotillo said.

"You are most certainly, absolutely welcome!" Cheshire said.

"So how was hunting?" Umber asked,"No drama I presume?"

"Oh it was great," Ocotillo said and set the deer down.

Qibli set down the rabbit.

"Did Riley already leave?" Eri asked.

"Still here," Riley said.

"Oh hi there!" Eri said.


"From what we've known of you, you would've left by now," Eri said.

"I don't blame ya," Riley said.

"So why are you still here?" Eri asked.

"No clue," Riley said and left.

"Well that just happened," Lina said.

"Okay... So Cassie how are you?" Eri asked.

"I guess," Cassie said.

"That's not an answer," Eri said,"I asked how are you."

"I guess I am good," Cassie said.

"So while we were walking Qibli and I got an idea," Ocotillo said.

"Yes?" Eri asked.

"We were thinking that maybe we could start writing and get magical author powers like you guys," Ocotillo said,"We could poof a time machine here and indirectly stop all these crazy things from happening!"

"You want to mess with the past, eh?" Lina raised an eyebrow.

"Actually why would we want to change the past?" Umber asked.

"Did you not hear me? We could stop all the crazy stuff from happening! And even if we can't stop them, I could make myself more useful in those situations," Ocotillo said.

"But you can be helpful now in the present can't you?" Umber asked.

Ocotillo sighed,"You just don't understand! How could you? You've never done so many horrible things to others! You just don't understand, okay? Think of how many horrible memories we have! Why shouldn't we deserve some happy ones?"

"But we can make new, good memories in the present," Umber said.

"If it will kill you, then fine," Ocotillo sighed.

"Angs-ty," Lina whispered.

"That's not what I meant," Ocotillo said, "But okay."

"Good. No mopers unless you want to be tied up," Eri said.

"Like me," Snow called from the other room.

Lina laughed,"Exactly."

"Moon go question Snow. Make sure he's not crazy," Eri said.

"Already did. He woke up five minutes ago," Moon said.

"Hmmmm I need something to do," Ocotillo said.

"Something not boring," Moon said.

"What could we do?" Umber wondered.

"We could look for that metal thingy," Newt said.

"Ocotillo, Rabbit and Snow can stay behind to protect our stuff," Umber said.

"Darn it," Ocotillo said.

"You're still injured from yesterday," Umber reasoned.

"That's so bloody true," Newt said.

"Okay..." Ocotillo scowled,"There isn't anyone around to steal it though."

"Well Snow is staying for obvious reasons. And Rabbit isn't of any use unless you're in danger," Umber said.

"What???? He isn't of use anytime though!" Ocotillo said.

"But I would do anything to save my Alice!" Rabbit said.

"For the last time! My name is Ocotillo!" Ocotillo said.

"I'm just going to leave," Lina edged out of the cave.

Cheshire handed Ocotillo his roll of duct tape,"Here, just in case."

Ocotillo smiled,"I'm honored..."

"Hi Honored, I'm Cheshire," Cheshire said and walked out.

Everyone but Ocotillo, Snow, and Rabbit went to find the metal.

Ocotillo turned to Snow, ignoring Rabbit, "So. You almost killed Riley."

"Yeah, not a shining moment of mine," Snow said.

"Been there done that," Ocotillo said.

"We're similar when it comes to going crazy and almost killing people," Snow said.

"You can say that again," Ocotillo said.

Rabbit had already forgotten about Snow and he leaned towards Ocotillo,"It's just the two of us now."

Ocotillo quickly scooted closer to Snow. She gestured to him,"Uh... no.."

"Did you forget about me?" Snow asked,"I feel insulted. I would strangle you if I wasn't tied up."

"If I untie you will you strangle him?!" Ocotillo asked.


Ocotillo untied him but kept the rope just in case.

"Thanks," Snow said then turned to Rabbit, "Well time to strangle you little bunny."

"Finally!" Ocotillo cheered.

"THOU SHALT NOT CATCH MEEEEEEE!" Rabbit said and turned into a rabbit and hopped out of the cave.

"Darn," Ocotillo said.

"Guess we can't follow him since we're not allowed to," Snow said.

"DARN!" Ocotillo said.

Snow sighed,"I doubt your writing thing would've worked anyway."

"I know..." Ocotillo said,"But it was worth a shot. Despite all the bad things happening... no not despite, BECAUSE of all the bad things happening I am not throwing away my shot."

"I'm back!" Rabbit said still in his rabbit form,"No hurting the cute little bunny please!"

Ocotillo reached over to throttle him.

Rabbit hissed and ran over to Snow.

Riley walked up to the cave,"Seemed awfully quiet up here. You guys still alive?"

"Watch out!" Snow called out and threw Rabbit out of the cave.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" Rabbit screamed as he was hurled from the cave.

Riley ducked and said,"That doesn't happen everyday."

"So what are you doing here?" Snow asked.

"Making sure you guys are alive," Riley said.

"Well everyone else is out looking for stuff," Snow explained.

"Oh that makes sense," Riley said.

"So you hanging out here or what?" Snow asked.

"Hanging out for a little bit," Riley said.

"Cool we're basically doing nothing right now," Snow said.

"Then let's do something!" Riley said.

"Like...?" Snow raised an eyebrow.

"Err... you got me there," Riley said.

"Yeah," Snow said.

"Why did you act like that after... the news... and why aren't you like that now?" Riley asked.


"What do I need to 'sh' about?"

"The incident."

"Hm, okay."

Rabbit came back in his bunny man form. "Why must you hurt me so?"

"Because I want to," Ocotillo said.

"How about if I stay ten feet away from you at all times you won't kill me," Rabbit offered.

"... fine," Ocotillo said.

The Mad Hatter appeared from the shadows (because he never left with the group) and said,"Oh he'll keep that promise. Keeping promises is the only good trait he has."

"Alright. Deal," Ocotillo said and shook Rabbit's hand. Then she went to sanitize her hand immediately.

"Now I must stay away," Rabbit backed ten feet away from Ocotillo.

"I'm finally distanced from him," Ocotillo sighed in relief.

"Hello Riley," Hatter said.

"How do you know my name?" Riley asked.

"Um..." Hatter said.

Riley growled at him.

"Well I was here when you introduced yourself," Hatter said.

"Why are Wonderlandians so creepy about knowing someone's name?" Ocotillo muttered.

"Who are you anyway?" Riley asked.

"The Mad Hatter of Wonderland!" Hatter answered.

"I should've expected that," Riley said.

"Yes, look at my hats," Hatter said.

"I wasn't paying attention to your hats. I was distracted," Riley said.

"Very well. Your excuse is valid," Hatter said.

"So what shall we do?" Snow asked.

"Well I'm not allowed to talk about the incident so no clue," Riley said.

"We can talk about it. It'd just be kinda awkward though," Snow said.

"How?" Riley asked.

"Well, you'd be talking to your attempted murderer," Snow said.

"Eh it was nothing. You probably wouldn't have actually killed me," Riley said.

"Sure," Snow said.

Riley raised an eyebrow,"Unless you reeeeeaaallly hated me."

"So... you were wondering why I don't want to kill you now?"

"Yeah, kinda."

"I just think about stuff that I like, it calms me down a bit. Though Lorina's death still deeply saddens me."

"I'm sort of guilty on that... I couldn't defense her."

"Why not?"

"I... I was fighting another person. It tried to help but it was too late," Riley said, almost reliving the memory.

"Is it okay if I ask you some more questions?" Snow asked.

"It's fine," Riley nodded.

"How'd you two end up together?" Snow asked.

Riley sighed,"She happened to be hanging out at my house when it happened. It sounds so strange but the gorillas burst in through the door. A whole group of them. We left through my room's window and left, but not before we heard the screams of my parents... so yeah."

Snow stayed silent for a moment then asked,"So why were the people attacking you and Lorina?"

"For supplies. They seemed so desperate and starved but we had hardly any provisions left before we had to hunt on our own. So when they attacked we couldn't just let them have the supplies. They were a group of people with guns. We put up a fight and well... you know..." Riley drifted off.

"That's unfortunate. Everyone I've met so far has been nice or neutral. Not that I've come across a lot of people," Snow said.

"Yeah well it really is unfortunate," Riley said bitterly.

"So you got any questions for me?" Snow asked.

"Were you really angry enough to kill me?" Riley asked.

"At the time... probably only give you minor damage," Snow said.

"But why'd you react the way you did? For me I was only really sad, and guilty... and angry. Okay maybe I see now," Riley said.

"So really the only difference was that I went into homicidal mode," Snow said.

"Yeah. Though that poor tree that happened to be near," Riley said.

Snow raised an eyebrow,"Huh?"

"Well, sometimes when I get super emotional I take my anger out on something. The tree happened to be the closest by," Riley said letting out a small laugh.

"Ah... I see," Snow said. He looked at the watch Eri had stolen and left behind.

"It's about 7:00, when the others get back would you like to stay for dinner?" Snow asked.

"Er sure," Riley answered.

"What's the 'er' for?" Snow asked.

"Nothing at all! Just never expected to be invited over for dinner in the apocalypse is all," Riley said.

"Hm. Your hesitation makes sense," Ocotillo commented.

"Alright, it's settled then!" Snow said.

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