Tibby Toast! Tibby Toast!

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Tibby Toast! Tibby Toast!

Oh no. Oh gosh no... Why????? Why did we ever RP this part...

The very next day Ocotillo paced around the cave,"I am losing my mind. I need to leave this cave."

"Well it is gorilla nap day. We can go out and get supplies," Eri said.

"YES!" Ocotillo said and started to walk out of the cave.

"Oh. Going ahead of the group. Always a great idea," Eri said sarcastically.

Everyone decided to go out for supplies except for Umber who was going to stay and watch over the cave.

"Now remember, NEVER go alone!" Umber said.

Ocotillo went by herself and grabbed a bunch of non-poisonous berries.

"Well she completely ignored you," Lina said as she walked out of the cave.

"Fine. Stay SAFE!" Umber said.

Snow grabbed his bag of supplies and left the cave.

"I sense more metal!" Cassie said.

"Alright let's dig it up!" Qibli said.

The two headed for the right. Cassie stopped and started digging. Qibli helped her dig.

"I'll go hunting," Moon said. She flew up and spotted a mountain goat. She swooped down and killed it.

"Kinkajou, can we go to the nearest grocery store? We can stock up on foods there!" Eri said.

"Sure!" Kinkajou let her hop onto her back and they flew to the nearest grocery store.

Cassie and Qibli pulled out a big hunk of metal with still more chunks of metal to pull out. After pulling out the rest of the metal Cassie asked, "Will this be enough to finish Victorie?"

Leo stared at the heaping pile of metal, "Definitely enough."

"Hey, do you guys hear chanting?" Snow asked.

"No, I hear footsteps," Lina said.

Then a girl, probably around nineteen years old, walked up to the group. She had long orange hair, freckles and greyish blue eyes. She said,"Hello. So know a good place to survive?"

"Getting chased by gorillas is getting annoying," She said.

Meanwhile with Eri and Kinkajou...

"The future! ...is in the past! Onwards Aoshima!" Eri dramatically said.

"Huh? What's that mean?" Kinkajou asked as she flew.

"It's a reference to a TV show. Oh! Maybe there'll be smile dip at the store!" Eri said.

Back to the group...

"Why are you randomly walking up to us?" Snow asked.

"To ask if you know of a place with good resources," She said.

"Towards the south there's a hollow tree you could live in. The area's got a lot of deer plus a river near by," Snow said, pointing to the south.

"Thank you. That's all I needed to know," The girl said. She turned around and walked away.

"Okay bye," Snow said.

"Yeah. See you," She said as she walked away.

"Hmmmmmmmm strange," Lina said.

"That was one heck of an awkward conversation," Qibli said.

"Hey can I be untied?" Ocotillo asked.

"Oh right," Qibli said and untied her.

"Man... I miss Clarabella's dog Tibby. Tibby's so cute," Lina said to herself.

"Phew." Ocotillo said and shook her wrists.

"Anyway Snow, what were you saying about chanting?" Lina asked.

"I thought I heard chanting over there," Snow said pointing north.

"Ugh. I hope they're not ogres or something like that," Lina said.

"I think I heard something about... Toast?" Snow told her.

Then Lina's mood instantly changed. Her eyes widened,"Oh no... No... No. No! No! No! No!"

The four Teletubbies came marching from the north chanting,"Tubby toast! Tubby toast! Tubby toast!"


"... Tibby toast..." The Teletubbies said.


The Teletubbies turned to the group,"They're onto us..." Then theirs eyes turned a glowing red.

"Aw they're kinda cute," Qibli said. He patted the purple one, Tinky Winky, on its head.


Then all of a sudden the situation took a brightly dark turn. The sun turned into the Baby Sun.

"Ah... Goo-gah!" The Baby Sun babbled.


Snow grabbed his gun back from Abe and shot Laa Laa the yellow one in the head.

Laa Laa screeched,"TIBBY TOAST!" before she fell to the ground and disintegrated into yellow sand.

"Yeah Snow! Do that!" Lina cheered.

Then the girl from before came running back with an axe in hand,"I thought I heard a gunsh- OH GOSH!"

"Apparently these creatures are trying to turn us into toast," Kinkajou explained.

"OH GOSH.... NOT THE TUBBY TOAST!" Riley exclaimed. Then she bashed in Tinky Winky's head with the butt of her axe.

Tinky Winky suffered the same fate as his fallen comrade Laa Laa. He disintegrated into a pile of purple sand.

Ocotillo then burned Dipsy, the green one, to death.

Dipsy made a distorted screech before disintegrating into a pile of burnt green sand.

Then Lina tackled the last one, Po the red Teletubbie. And Abe shot Po in the head. Po merely frowned as she disintegrated.

"As creepy and sketchy as that is I kinda want to keep the sand. It's pretty," Lina said.

Ocotillo said,"Okay....?"

Lina conjured a jar and put the sand in there.

"Now all we have left is the Baby Sun..." Abe said, looking up.

"That's kinda hard to do..." Said the girl,"I think we'll have to leave it until it goes away."

"Goo-gah! Nappy time!" The Baby Sun said and turned back into the regular sun.

Lina sighed in relief.

"Thank you Mystery Girl," Snow said.

"Errr... You're welcome. I'm just going to leave," She said turning around and walking away.

"She's cool!" Lina said.

"I guess..." Snow said.

"Wait why'd you say 'I guess' and randomly drift off?" Ocotillo asked.

"She killed one Teletubbie how is that cool?" Snow asked.

"No like her attitude. I find it cool," Lina explained,"And who doesn't like bashing a Teletubbie?"

"I guess..." Snow said.

"Why do you keep doing that?!" Ocotillo asked.

"Well in my opinion her attitude is just like, 'whatever' and I don't find that cool," Snow said.

"No not that! I meant you could use other words beside,'I guess' yet you choose to keep on using them!" Ocotillo said.

"Oh," Snow said. Then just to annoy Ocotillo he added,"I guess..."

Ocotillo mentally strangled him.

"Why are you glaring at me with an angry face?" Snow asked.

"No.... Reason," Ocotillo answered.

Kinkajou and Eri came flying back with two bags of rice and a bag of chocolate.

"Ooo! Chocolate!" Lina said.

"Did she... Look familiar to you Snow?" Cassie asked.

"Huh? No... But the last time I saw my best friend was when said something about a girl that looked like her," Snow said.

"What do you mean? What did he say about her?" Cassie.

"My friend is a she not a he," Snow corrected,"Anyway she said something along the lines of,'Hey I made a new friend. I would introduce you but she's busy so I'll describe her. She's ginger, a freckle face, and has greyish blue eyes. She's really good with axes too.'"

"Hey Lina want some?" Eri offered a Hershey's kiss to Lina.


Lina grabbed the Hershey's kiss and said, "Of course! Thank you!"

Eri ate a Hershey's kiss.

"So where is your friend?" Lina asked.

Snow shrugged,"I'm not sure. Last time I saw her was before the gorilla attacks. I lost my phone so I don't have any way to contact her."

"Hmm okay," Lina said.

"Also Cassie, why'd you ask?" Snow asked.

"She looks... Familiar..." Cassie said.

"Maybe you two are related! You both have reddish hair," Eri suggested.

"Maybe..." Cassie said,"Oh! Maybe Snow's friend is with her!"

"That could actually be a possibility!" Snow said.

"And it's quite smart to stay with someone who can swing an axe well!" Lina said.

"Dough it be shinda rude if we jus wen ahp to her new hobe an stahted bombahdin her wif questions," Eri said with a mouthful of chocolate. The translation was: Though it'd be kinda rude if we just went up to her new home and started bombarding her with questions.

"Then let's invite her to our home!" Lina said,"Who volunteers to ask?"

"I do," Snow said.

"Me too," Cassie said.

"I'm coming too," Eri said after finishing her chocolate.

"Okay that's settled." Lina said. So she, Snow, Eri and Cassie walked over to Mystery Girl's camp as the others went back to the cave.

Mystery Girl was sitting on a stump sharpening her axe. She looked up at them and stood up, not letting go of her axe. "Why are you guys here? Weren't you guys collecting supplies?"

"How'd you know that? We never told you!" Eri said.

"If you were sane you would be. And you guys seem pretty sane," She answered.

"Oh. You seem sane too," Eri said.

"Thanks. I am. Just collected my supplies," Mystery Girl said, gesturing to a pile of supplies.

"We've collected ours too," Eri said.

"So would you like to see our place?" Lina asked.

"I wonder why we're always inviting strangers over. It completely defies safety logic," Qibli said.

"Sure," Mystery Girl said. She lowered her axe and started following the group to their home.

When they got to the cave Mystery Girl said,"Nice camp."

"Why thank you!" Lina said.

"Yep! Best cave in South Dakota!" Eri said.

"So why'd you invite me? No offense but that kinda stuff doesn't happen in the apocalypse," Mystery Girl said.

"Uh..." Eri said.

"Reasons..." Ocotillo answered.

"Such as...?" Mystery Girl asked.

Lina elbowed Snow.

Snow asked,"Ever met a girl named Lorina?"

Mystery Girl's expression hardened, "How do you know her?"

"She's only been my best friend for 11 years. No big deal," Snow said, a cheerful expression on his face.

"Oh... You're Snow... Aren't you?" She asked.

"Yes. Judging by your expression you do know her," He said.

She closed her eyes and her shoulders slumped. She whispered,"Did..."

And that's where we leave off. Also I still don't understand why Cassie found Mystery Girl familiar. ANIMAL PLEASE EXPLAIN.

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