Chapter 1

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PRESENT DAY — October 5th 2011

A strong breeze whistled through the air before gathering into a howling wind that tossed heavy snow over the blanketed tundra.

Bright high beams shone weakly through the white-out, briefly illuminating a dark figure that began waving in front of the vehicle. The large truck slowed to a halt before the man insulated within an orange hooded, thick parka, gloves, and goggles, who propped up the staff he held topped with glowing orange mark to call attention to his stance.

A door on either side swung out to allow the departure and approach of two others similarly dressed, though in black.

"You the guys from Washington?" The Search Team Leader asked.

"You get many other visitors out here?" The S.H.I.E.L.D. Technician questioned rhetorically.

"How long have you been on site?" The S.H.I.E.L.D. Lieutenant interrogated.

"Since this morning," the Search Team Leader answered. "A Russian oil team called it in about 18 hours ago."

"How come nobody spotted it before?" S.H.I.E.L.D. Lieutenant questioned.

"It's really not that surprising," the Search Team Leader explained, "this landscape's changing all the time. You got any idea what this thing is, exactly?" Another surveyor of the area strode in the same direction some distance to their right.

"I don't know. It's probably a weather balloon."

"Haha, I don't think so," the Search Team Leader laughed. "You know, we don't have the equipment for a job like this."

"How long before we can start craning it out?" The Technician asked.

"I don't think you quite understand. You guys are going to need one hell of a crane!"

A sharp curve stuck out of the drifts, the wingtip of what was unmistakably an aircraft protruding from the buried remains. Orange markers dotted the air above the five walking its base, barely reaching the half point of the length revealed, a blue light swivelling from the explorations of a man that had climbed to travel the top running over the rim. The two newcomers gaped as they stared up at the size, marks set in the snow further behind in the outline of a behemoth, triangular plane.

As the sun set, bags of equipment were laid nearby to supplement constant work. The vehicle was parked and a mechanism overhanging from the back was distended to spin around, and around, pointed down and slicing gradually through the surface of the craft with a teal laser. The metal supports of the interior stretched cold and ice covered as the laser spun to imprint on the floor below, the circle of the ceiling finally falling to collapse with a clang, its edge smoldered and followed by flurries of snow and a cylinder of reflected daylight.


The two repelled down one after the other, safety suits donned with enclosed visors and breathing apparatuses, powerful lights in hand.

"Base, we're in," the lead reported.

"Copy that." Base immediately responded.

His head tilted for his eyes to follow the ray of light, tall frames whose welders spared material by hollowing out the unnecessary centers of beams columning the space. "What is this?" The lieutenant queried as he switched on his appliance and shadowed him in exploring. They stepped over to what had been the control center, the glass panes coating the surface before it facing the snow below the surface of the ground instead of the skies it was designed for.

They approached while keeping an eye on the play of light and shadow cast on the walls of the large hull, a stumble over a partially iced over hole.

"Careful." The lieutenant prompted.

The empty chair of command was surrounded by a couple of feet of snow and ice, the technician began creeping closer with head tilted to the side in inspection of a patch alternating in colour. He crouched down and swiped his gloved hand over the surface to clear it.

"Lieutenant," the Technician called to the other's turning behind him. "What is it?" he asked as he drew near, twisting to address him before turning back.

"My god," The lieutenant uttered, light affixed on the object, stunned. "Base, get me a line to the Colonel," he insisted.

"It's 3 a.m., sir." The voice from the earpiece replied.

"I don't care what time it is – this one's waited long enough." The Lieutenant proclaimed.

A round shield was coated in ice on the floor, bright white star painted on navy blue, stripes of red and white circling around it.


TØNSBERG, NORWAY — March 9th, 1942

Gunshots popped in the otherwise serene night, clouded sky above shadowing the deserted cobbled streets, stone houses, and panting male that ran from the sounds of the fired rounds and a vibrating explosion. He darted through one of the wooden double doors of a monastery, locking it behind him. "De har kommet for det!" Jan warned in the native tongue. ["They have come for it!"]

The bearded church keeper stepped down the stairs. "De har gjort det før." He dismissed firmly in the same language as the younger man barred the entrance with a plank. ["They have before."]

"Ikke slik." Jan replied with an anxious gesture over his shoulder. ["Not like this."]

The lit candles in the candelabra and torches dimly lit the area. "La dem komme. De vil aldri finne det." ["Let them come. They will never find it."]

A grating sounded to the man casting his eyes over his shoulder, the elder glancing to the corners of the ceiling above as some pieces of stone broke from their supports and clattered to the floor. The younger backed away from the door as the building shook, chandelier, door, and artefacts rattling before the sound of a machine halted its movements outside. They breathed heavily in apprehension before scrambling back as the front wall and door within it were suddenly forced forward. The carved wood and slabs of stone crashed to the ground in clouds of dust, the man crying out as he was partially buried in debris.

The forward-facing wall of a large claw remained in the gaping hole now open to the streets before beginning to retract, the old man moving forward to lift a squared stone with trembling hands to reveal the blooded skull and vacant eyes of the corpse of the other. Outside, tanks with wide tracks and piercing beams of light rolled to surround the monastery, a grey, supercharged V16 Coupé rolling to a rumbling stop with a chrome skull and six elegantly curved tentacles as a prominent hood ornament.

Legs wrapped in leather boots stepped from the driver's side, thick coat snapping about them as they strode around the front of the car, the man's hands nonchalantly held behind his back.

Inside, three soldiers struggled to push off the stone slab topping a sarcophagus at the order of their superior, who stood at the head in uniform. "Open it!" He bellowed in English. The church keeper watched with furrowed brow from the floor where he propped his dishevelled torso from the ground with his elbows, additional armed infantry at his other side as he cast his eyes over the haste of the men. "Quickly, before he..." he continued before abruptly cutting himself off at the entrance of a figure through the opening. He snapped his heels together as the three working turned in respect as well.

Johann Schmidt made his way carefully over the debris with the headlights' illumination through the dust at his back as the troops under his command broke to either side before him and stood at attention. The church keeper stared silently with gradually widening eyes at the charged atmosphere developing with each step closer.

"It has taken me a long time to find this place," he declared, German accent rounding his unhurried speech as the HYDRA emblem glinted from his lapel. "You should be commended," he snapped in admittance to the effort exerted, head lifting to unshadow his face from the brim of his visor hat. "Pick him up." The man was hauled to his feet and set before Schmidt, breathing heavily. "I think that you are a man of great vision," he began, straightening the other's coat, "and in this way we are much alike-"

"I am nothing like you," the elder countered with a fleeting smirk as he shook his head.

"No, of course," Johan Schmidt conceded. "but, what others see as superstition, you and I know to be a science."

"What you seek is just a legend-"

"Then why make such an effort to conceal it?" Schmidt questioned with a jerk of his head towards the sarcophagus. He turned to it and removed his hat as his boots sounded on the floor, handing the adornment to the officer to his right as he reached the sculpted stone. With braced stance and one forceful push of his palms the lid sailed off and toppled off the opposite side, skeletal remains revealed garbed in frayed clothing, rusted armour and sword, and a cube.

He reached in to grab the object from the curled bones of the hands, pastel blue unblemished, translucent insides stilled mist.

"The Tesseract was the jewel of Odin's treasure room," Schmidt announced as he stared, turning to the church keeper as he allowed it to tumble from his fingers. It fractured into pieces easily, appearing to be crafted of ice to the surprise of the officer at his side. "It is not something one buries. But... I think it is close, yes?" he concluded.

"I cannot help you."

"No. But maybe you can help your village," he posed. "You must have some friends out there, some little grandchildren, perhaps? I have no need for them to die." The man stared at him, appalled, before he turned to face the whir of the turret on top of the tank visible through the hole in the wall. He faced Schmidt again with resignation in his expression as he heard the gun lock onto some distant target, indicating with a motion of his chin the space behind the man.

Schmidt spun and stepped towards the wall. "Yggdrasil," he pronounced in name of the depiction of the carving of an intricate, large tree, "the tree of the world – guardian of wisdom, and fate, also." His gaze was drawn onto a section of her roots, a coiled serpent wrapped around one. He ran an index finger gloved in leather over its neck before pressing the eye of the sculpture with his thumb. The section was released and protruded slightly from the wall, his hands grasping the sides of the box as he turned. The church keeper stared as he shivered, Schmidt glancing up at him before reverting his interest.

He lifted the lid with lips parted in anticipation, bright azure light streaming from within the confines.

"And the Führer digs for trinkets in the desert..." he mused, awestruck at the power contained in the artefact now in his possession. He glanced up again before stating, "You have never seen this, have you?"

"It's not for the eyes of ordinary men," The Keeper declared.

"Exactly," he concluded, pursing his mouth and shutting the lid. "Give the order to open fire," he commanded as he retrieved his hat and situated it upon his head.

"Jawohl!" The officer moved to relay the order in German to the others. [Yes!]

"Fool!" the church keeper yelled in anger, and Schmidt turned atop the debris. "You cannot control the power you hold. You will burn!"

"I already have," Schmidt announced, unimpressed, retrieving his gun from its holster. He shot the old man through the heart from his hip, returning the firearm in satisfaction before reaching to touch his jaw as he flexed it, a crack having sounded. Red blood had flecked onto the pin on his chest, the substance marring the silver and staining the material behind it as the fire of tanks echoed.



The Brooklyn Bridge stretched high across the East River over the tug and steamboats plodding through the water, the Empire State and Chrysler Building reaching up into the pale blue of the sky over New York City.


The day before Bucky shipped out, he and Scarlet came home from their honeymoon. After spending three days in Niagara Falls, they then took a bus to the Adirondacks where they had spent another three days.

Bucky slid the key into the lock and Scarlet sighed. "What's wrong?" He asked looking at her before opening the door.

"Back to reality. I wish we would have stayed longer," Scarlet told him as he opened the door.

Bucky picked her up and carried her over the threshold. "Well we could have, but we ran out of condoms."

"Eww! Just what I needed to hear."

Bucky set Scarlet down. "I saw you, and I said that to mess with you."

Scarlet rolled her eyes then giggled. "But it is true!"

"Ugh... don't." Steve said grabbing his jacket as Scarlet laughed. "I was just heading out."

"Where to?" Scarlet asked as Bucky started raiding the ice box.

"Looking for more work," Steve told her as he kissed her cheek, "I'll see you guys tonight."

Bucky set to making himself a sandwich and Scarlet sighed as the door shut behind Steve. "What?"

"How much do you want to bet he is going to another recruitment office?" Scarlet asked.

Bucky took a bite of his sandwich and chewed on it, "Probably... he is just going to get the fame refonse fough. Ifs just befause I'm leaving." He said as he swallowed the bite he was chewing. "It will die down after awhile."

"Stop talking with your mouth full." Scarlet said cleaning up behind him, "But what if he gets someone careless and-"

Bucky set his sandwich down and placed his hands on her arms. "If it would happen, they'd toss him out as soon as he got to boot camp. He's gonna be fine."

"I hope so," Scarlet said as he leaned down and kissed her.

"Hmmm I have more here you know." Bucky said with a grin against her lips.

"God it's like you married me just to have sex with me finally." Scarlet told him with a smile.

"Nah, it's just a perk," Bucky said as he picked her up and carried her to their bedroom.

He threw her down on their bed and climbed on the bed with her.

"Don't you need to go check with the Army office?" Scarlet asked.

"Hmmm, probably should... but it can wait." Bucky said pulling his shirt off.


"O'Connell, Michael," an Enlistment Officer announced closely followed by another name. "Kaminsky, Henry."

Henry began folding of a paper as he stood. The men were seated in rows within the registration office had stripped of their shirts and pants for inspection, many visages blocked by the wide spread of newspapers held in hand.

Scarlet Blake, formerly known as Scarlet Huntington-Montgomery, was sat next to a shirtless Steve Rogers in the waiting room, holding a newspaper and lazily reading it.

"I can't believe you made me do this," She groaned, not looking at him. She was dressed in her uniform which consisted of a olive green four-button coat with four pockets in olive drab with matching trousers and forest green long-sleeved shirt. She wore a leather brown Garrison Belt with a brass buckle around her coat and her footwear consisted of low quarter russet brown leather cap toe boots.

He sighed. "Come on, Scarlet, you promised you would come with me. Besides you got in yourself and you're a what? First Lieutenant?"

Scarlet groaned again, rolling her eyes and continued to read. "I'm a Captain."

Herself, her lovely friend Steve Rogers, and her husband of 5 years, Bucky Barnes, had heard that America had joined World War 2; so, as heroic as the two idiots were, they wanted to enlist - but they were equally as stupid. How they pulled it off, Scarlet didn't even know, but no matter how much she protested, here Scarlet was, sitting in a chair, waiting for the doctor to call Steve up.

Scarlet looked down at the wedding ring Bucky got her, smiling faintly - at least she had something that gave her some sort of relief; the ring had been crafted in 18 ct yellow gold with 18 ct white gold diamond settings. It displayed an impressive feature 3.60 ct step cut natural Zambian emerald held in relief within an 18 ct yellow gold claw setting. The natural emerald was bordered by ten, well colour matched, transitional modern brilliant round cut diamonds individually displayed within the 18ct white gold multi claw setting. The feature pierced decorated shoulders had a flared, tri-lobed design, with the central lobe being accented with a transitional modern brilliant round cut diamond. The shoulders were ornamented with a bead decorated cuff design at the junction with the pierced decorated ring shank and the ring was hallmarked 18 ct to the interior of the shank.

"Besides, do you really wanted to sit at home, waiting who knows how many years for Bucky and I to come back from the War?" he reasoned.

"It's better than actually being in the War and possibly dying," Scarlet muttered, fingering her engagement ring. The engagement ring had been crafted in 18ct yellow gold, it was embellished with a total of twenty-one collet set transitional modern brilliant round cut diamonds, totalling 1.76cts. The sides of the ring are plain and embellished with a subtle channel to the edge. The impressive eternity ring was hallmarked with the French import mark (owl).

Steve rolled his eyes, and went back to his newspaper.

Scarlet's eyes flicked down. Two gold bands were worn on her right hand; the one on her middle finger was a fine and impressive antique 18ct gold men's diamond ring crafted in 18 ct yellow gold. The shield shaped plateau was embellished with a claw set Old European cut diamond, set within a five-pointed star shaped design. The flared and subtly elevated ring shoulders were ornamented with fine chased floral decoration, integrating with the main setting and melding with the plain ring shank.

The other on her pinkie finger which was also crafted in 18 ct yellow gold had a rounded edged, square shaped anterior face of this antique signet ring embellished with the engraved initials 'RVI'. The anterior face had a hinged, push fit concealed compartment, which lifted to reveal an impressive painted enamel portrait of Scarlet's profile. The flared, elevated ring shoulders integrated with the main setting and blend seamlessly with the plain hallmarked ring shank. The ring was hallmarked to the interior of the shank with the gold guarantee mark (crown), the 18 ct gold mark (*18), the Birmingham Assay Office hallmark (anchor) and the maker's mark for Charles Green & Sons (CG&S); both had been worn by her deceased husband Lance Corporal Thomas Blake.

She wore her former husband's wedding ring on a chain around her neck. The wedding ring was crafted in 18 ct yellow gold with the substantial ring being crafted in the form of a three dimensional belt and buckle, ornamented with a feature 0.19 ct Old European round cut diamond collet set within a subtle stellate design.

She also wore her husband's ID bracelet on her left wrist. It was just a plain silver bracelet.

Also on worn on her right hand on her ring finger were her wedding ring and engagement ring which were also from Lance Corporal Blake. The wedding ring was a stunning sapphire and diamond ring crafted in 18 carat yellow gold. The impressive shaped multi-claw, scroll setting displayed three graduating old round cut sapphires displayed alternately between two Old European round cut diamonds. The ring shoulders which integrated into the claw setting were ornamented with a shaped, scroll and groove design, and melded smoothly with the plain 18ct yellow gold ring shank. The interior of the shank was engraved with the date '12th March'.

The engagement ring was a stunning 18 carat gold and diamond five stone ring from around circa 1890.

'U-BOATS TORPEDO SHIP OFF VIRGINIA COAST,' the Manhattan Trigraph declared.

"Boy, a lot of guys getting killed over there." Steve remarked from behind the broad sheet.

'NAZIS RETAKE ZHITOMIR' the Daily News informed from the paper alongside, 'Berlin Afire After Big Raid, Hit By 350 2-Ton Bombs.'

"Rogers, Steven." The officer called.

The larger newspaper was folded to the other man lowering his own obstruction. "It kind of makes you think twice about enlisting, huh?" The man beside Steve remarked.

Steve stood small and emaciated in contrast to those around him, placing the paper on his seat with collarbones sharp over his narrow chest. "Nope." He answered in reply and strode towards the call.

"Rogers," the officer began from behind the podium a few had gathered in line in front of, Steve lifting his chin with a firm gaze. He glanced over the file before sweeping his eyes over the blond's much shorter form, raising an eyebrow before returning to the notes. "What'd your father die of?" he asked.

"Mustard gas," Steve stated. "He was in the 107th infantry – I was hoping I could be assigned there-"

"Your mother?" The officer interrupted. Scarlet winced.

"She was a nurse, in a TB ward," Steve obliged. "Got hit, couldn't shake it."

The officer's brows furrowed as he read the 'Summary of Patient Health Issues' presented: asthma, scarlet fever, sinusitis, chronic or frequent colds, high blood pressure, palpitation or pounding in heart, easy fatigability, heart trouble, nervous trouble of any sort, has had household contact with tuberculosis, parent/sibling with diabetes, cancer...' "Sorry, son," he pronounced as he raised his eyes.

"Look, just give me a chance," Steve pleaded.

"You'd be ineligible on your asthma alone." The officer said.

"Is there anything you can do?" Steve continued to beg.

"I'm doing it," The officer asserted, grabbing the large stamp from the inkpad. "I'm saving your life." A black 4F was pressed onto the forms to Steve's lowered eyes.


"Steve...I don't know if I should slap you or not," Scarlet said.

He looked at Scarlet, a sad smile on his face. "It's alright, really. I'm honestly surprised they didn't see anything...unusual with you." He added lightly.

Scarlet rolled her eyes, slinging her arm around his shoulders. "Thanks to the power of makeup, magic and a lot of binding around the chest area, your and Bucky's dumb ass prank actually worked."

Steve just laughed, looking down. "Oh man...what are we going to do now?" he asked, looking over at her.

"Right now, we can go watch a movie. You know - relax, kick our feet up, watch a comedy. Sound good?" Scarlet asked. He smiled and nodded.

Scarlet would have asked Bucky to come, too, but he was unfortunately out working.


The duo made their way to the movie theater and Scarlet, being the nice friend, let Steve pick - instead of going for something funny like she was hoping for or something like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs or Dumbo, but instead he picked a movie on the war. Scarlet winced, shaking her head, and followed Steve into the room, taking their seats near the top as the movie started.

"War continues to ravage Europe," an announcer broadcasted as a flag with the Nazi symbol fluttered in the wind. Bowed, armed soldiers trudged through ruined streets and collapsed buildings as smoke filled the air, before images were shown of well-dressed men marching in droves through an urban city, "But help is on the way!" A queue of males stood with their shirts off as a doctor walked to hold a stethoscope over their hearts, the strong-voice describing, "Every able bodied young man is lining up to serve his country."

The bright light of the projector streaked through the dim theater onto the screen amidst the clicking of the shutter, older couples and women rapt at the procession along with the occasional proud male, Steve was in one of the rows with a hand curled at his chin in thought. Scarlet was sat bedside Steve. "Even little Timmy is doing his part, collecting scrap metal." A young boy sorted through a landfill for metal objects, a troop of them then piling the garbage cans, sheets, and rods into a mound of the resource. "Nice work, Timmy."

"Who cares?" a man's voice jeered to tearful women's narrowed eyes and others' incredulous stares. "Play the movie already!"

Scarlet rolled her eyes, leaning forward. "Hey, you wanna show some respect?" She whispered to the other's dismissive huff. He ignored her, and Scarlet sighed, continuing to watch the introduction to the movie as the announcer continued.

'Meanwhile, overseas, our brave boys are showing the Axis powers that the price of freedom is never too high.' Injured and deceased soldiers were carried on stretchers in a display of insistence and sacrifice.

"Let's go – get on with it!" the man shouted again, the crowd beginning to murmur in discontent. "Hey- just start the cartoon-"

"Hey, you wanna shut up?" Steve defied. The brown-haired two rows in front of him looked over his shoulder as he stood to face him, towering over Steve in opposition.

"Together with Allied forces, we'll face any threat – no matter the size." The reel added.


The next thing, Scarlet found herself in a back alley.

In the dead-end alley outside, the man lunged to punch Steve in the jaw, the attack throwing the blond as he grunted into the cardboard and garbage can in the corner behind.

Scarlet winced, the hit bodily hurling Steve's small form.

The thin metal dented at the impact of bone before Steve scrambled to his feet to face the other and was hit again.

Scarlet then snarled as she clenched her fists at her sides. She was trying her hardest to keep her blades concealed.

"Leave him alone!" She grabbed the jerk by the shoulders and attempted to throw him off. Instead the jerk turned on Scarlet and punched her straight in the jaw, sending her tumbling to the ground, clutching her jaw.

When Steve whipped around, breathing heavily, he snatched the lid from one of the cans and held it before him as a shield.

It was grabbed and tossed away before the man pulled his fist back to punch him once more before Scarlet got up and gritted her teeth at the beating.

Steve staggered to his feet and leant against the wall, blinking to gather himself as he raised his small fists. "You just don't know when to give up, do you?" the taller mocked in amusement.

Scarlet brought her fists up, slamming them down on the guy's back making him stumble forward.

"I can do this all day," Steve replied confidently, hopping forward to punch him for his arm to be deflected and to receive another hit to the face that flung him to sprawl over the concrete on his front.

"Watch it, sweetheart," the man warned. "Mind your own business."

Scarlet's fist clenched as she approached the bully, placing herself between Steve and him. "You should leave before you get hurt."

He scoffed. "Listen, dame -"

"Don't call me that," Scarlet growled, moving swiftly to knee him in the groin and when he doubled over, her fist connected with his nose hard and swift.

The man growled, shoving her to the ground.

"Hey!" A soldier called as he gripped the man's shoulder from behind and pulled to shove him away, towards the street. "Pick on someone your own size."

Scarlet was torn between smiling and wincing at the sight of her husband.

His dark olive service uniform was pristine, a newspaper folded under one arm as the visor of his tilted peaked cap shadowed his eyes.

The other charged and threw a punch, the soldier dodging easily and responding in kind. He was spun and fell almost to the ground at the impact of the hit, and then received a kick to his behind that forced him from the scene.

He helped Scarlet up off the ground, looking her over. "Are you okay?" He asked concerned about her. "He didn't hurt you did he?"

Scarlet smiled briefly. "James. I'm okay." She assured him. "He just punched me, but I'm fine really."

The soldier sighed and then leaned forward kissing her forehead. He leisurely turned and strolled back to Steve. "Sometimes I think you like getting punched." He commented.

Bent over his knees panting, Steve shook the dirt from his hand. "I had him on the ropes." He groaned as he raised a hand to his forehead and squeezed his eyes shut as he pushed away the pain.

Bucky bent to pick up a piece of paper.

"How many times is this?" He looked over the rejected application. "Oh, you're from Paramus now?" He questioned rhetorically.

"Smooth," Scarlet drawled in surprise and approval.

"You know it's illegal to lie on the enlistment form. And seriously, Jersey?"

Scarlet looked at Bucky with a baffled look. "Look who's talking! Your little prank actually got me through!" She shot back. "I don't even know how."

Bucky looked at Scarlet with shock. "Did it actually work?" He questioned.

"Sure did." Scarlet grinned. "I used magic to make myself look like a male, so now I'm off to die with you guys. Again." Scarlet reached into her back pocket and handed Bucky her form from three years ago. "Well, with you, at least." She added as Bucky opened the form and looked at the stamp which read 1A.

Steve halted his hissing and brushing dirt from his ill-fitted clothes to furrow his brow at the other's dress. "You get your orders?" he asked.

"The 107th," Bucky reported with an apologetic sigh. "Sergeant James Barnes, shipping out for England first thing tomorrow."

Scarlet's smile faltered. He was leaving tomorrow?

"Tomorrow?" She gasped, trying to hold back tears. "You're shipping out tomorrow? And you're only telling us that today?"

"Scarlet, doll," Bucky took a step towards her.

She took a step back, shaking her head. "And you," Scarlet moved her focus to Steve, pointing a shaking finger at him. "Stop trying to get yourself killed."

Steve huffed in irritation and shook his head. "I should be going."

"No. You should be staying here, with me. I've already lost my mom and dad, Bucky's shipping off tomorrow, I'm not about to lose you too."

"Scarlet," Bucky stepped forward again, "You have to understand, I wanted to tell you but I didn't want to hurt you."

"And telling me the night before you shipped off was going to be any better?"

"Can we not spend my last night fighting?" Bucky reached for her hands. "Let's get Steve cleaned up and then we're going to have some fun."

Steve dusted his palms off one another as Bucky watched, before the latter's mouth split in a grin and he grabbed Steve around the shoulders and wrapped an arm around Scarlet's waist. "Come on, man," he encouraged. "My last night – gotta get you cleaned up," he muttered with an encompassing gesture as he released him but kept his arm around Scarlet, resting his hand on her waist.

"Why? Where we going?"

"The future," Steve responded, handing over the paper. Steve gazed down at the large photograph of the Stark Industries globe, a firework erupting in the captured corner of the sky. 'WORLD EXPOSITION OF TOMORROW,' 1943.


"I don't see what the problem is," Bucky said as the frame of the welded globe rose behind a roller coaster that streaked past, fireworks illuminating the dark sky as he, Scarlet and Steve descended a row of steps. Crowds were gathered in the courts before the tower, suits, uniforms, hats, umbrellas, and canes the mark of men and skirts, blouses, dresses, and softer caps that of women. "You're about to be the last eligible man in New York-" he pointed out, "-you know there's three and a half million women here?"

"Well, I'd settle for just one," Steve retorted.

"Good thing I took care of that," Bucky proclaimed absentmindedly as a smirk erupted and he rose a hand in a wave. One woman at the base of one of the statues of trumpeters had caught his eye, waving back.

"Hey, Bucky!" The woman cried out.

Steve's eyes widened and steps faltered before he shot the other an unimpressed look. He composed himself. "What'd you tell her about me?" He asked.

Bucky faced him with a teasing smile. "Only the good stuff." Bucky said.

Steve adjusted his bangs with a sigh.

"Cute," Scarlet stated at the situation, a smirk on the Bucky's lips as Steve flushed. "Where's your date, Buck?" She asked. She was used to be the fifth wheel.

"I figured that you could be, doll," Bucky smiled, putting an arm around Scarlet's waist, pulling her into him. "It is my last night and I wanted to spend it with my best girl."

Scarlet looked down, intensely blushing. He always knew how to make her get flustered. Though, she figured he never realized what he was doing to her. Scarlet was wrong though. Bucky loved her too, but was just too afraid to say anything. Especially now, since he was being shipped off to war.

"Welcome to the Modern Marvels pavilion," the announcer over the PA greeted from overhead, "and the World of Tomorrow." Stark Industries was in red lettering over a darkened stage in the background as 'A greater world, a better world,' echoed overhead, the Tell-O-Vision, Earth's Treasure, and Dr. Phineas Horton's The Synthetic Man shining above bright daises.

The tempo of the music changed into that of an attention-grabbing swing tune as suddenly the masses started chatting.

"Howard Stark – let's go see him!" A woman squealed.

"Oh, my God, it's starting!" Bonnie said excitedly looking to Bucky and Scarlet both before pulling Steve by his hand in the direction of the stage with a giggle.

Scarlet and Bucky trailed behind as they weaved through the applauding crowd before darting to stand behind Steve and Bonnie.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Mister Howard Stark!" A woman heralded.

The stage was lit with spotlights on the center, a cherry 1940 Chevy Tudor behind five showgirls in ladies' suits over shorts, top hats and heels, turning to the man entering stage left. He hopped into view before sauntering in a tailored suit to hand his top hat to the woman who approached with the microphone, placing a lingering kiss to her lips and then stepping back with the microphone as she trot off with a smile.

"I love you, Howard!" A woman in the crowd shouted out as he wiped the lipstick from his mouth with a handkerchief, the girls rounding the car, his dark hair and moustache neat and he charmingly smiled at the congregation.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he began, Steve offered a bit of his concession snack to his date to be looked at in disbelief before she turned back to the display. "What if I told you, that in just a few short years, your automobile won't even have to touch the ground at all?" The audience gasped as the women removed the four wheels from the vehicle to expose the devices that had been covered, Howard grasping the pole of the podium behind with wires that ran to the machines. "Yes – thanks Mandy," he remarked as one of the girls passed. "With Stark Gravitic Reversion Technology, you'll be able to do just that."

He turned a knob and slowly raised a lever on the control panel to whirring, the music building as the car rose to hover from the surface of the stage. "Holy cow," Bucky uttered as the people gaped, Howard smiling in pride as he held out his hand to capture the demonstration.

Suddenly one of the devices started sparking, and then the technology failed for the automobile to fall back onto the flooring to wincing and turning from the clatter. Scarlet jumped, her body shaking slightly.

"It's alright." Bucky soothed. "I've got you." He held her closer than he was before.

After a stunned moment the audience clapped at the presentation regardless. Scarlet looked up at Bucky. "Sorry." She mumbled.

"Doll, you have no need to apologise. You've been through some hard times."

"I did say a few years, didn't I?" Howard recovered with a weak smile through his discomfort.

Steve turned away to idly examine the other exhibits when over the heads of the crowd his gaze found a poster of Uncle Sam, emblazoned, 'I WANT YOU for the U.S. Army – Enlist Now.'

Howard laughed haltingly in embarrassment above as Bucky suggested an idea. "Hey, Steve, what do you say we treat these girls..." He trailed off as he turned to find his friend absent.

"Where'd he go?" Scarlet asked.

The recruitment center caught Bucky's eye. "I have a feeling I know where."

Scarlet followed his line of sight, letting out a sigh when the center came into view. She just couldn't understand why Steve wanted to join the war efforts so bad. He had never been in the best of health. Scarlet sighed. "The recruitment office."

Bucky sighed as he leaned down and kissed her. "Let's go get him," Bucky urged Scarlet forward, Steve's date following.

As they reached the recruitment center, Steve's date stopped aways outside of it, allowing Bucky and Scarlet to go in together.


The United States Armed Services recruitment building stood with American flags littering the roof waving in the wind, groups passing by in front while inside an encouraging depiction of soldiers stood saluting with 'Enlist Now' across the bottom. The foremost figure had a darkened face, a male standing on a pressure pad before it shining a light and reflecting his own face back at him in the combat uniform. "Come on, soldier," a female laughed as she dragged him from the illusion, Steve moved to replace him to find his face appearing a foot below where it should due to his lesser height.

"Steve," Scarlet called her friend to attention. He turned around to see her sad eyes. "Come on, you're supposed to be a date." She teased playfully.

"Come on," Bucky prodded as he pushed the back of his shoulder. "You're kinda missing the point of a double date – we're taking the girls dancing."

"Wait...I thought we were getting sodas?" Scarlet questioned.

"You go ahead, I'll catch up with you," Steve responded as he placed his hands in his pockets, head lowering for a moment before he looked back up to the distant females.

Bucky gazed at him solemnly for a second before turning to fully face him. "You're really gonna do this again?" He questioned.

"Well it's a fair, I'm gonna try my luck-"

"As who, Steve from Ohio? They'll catch you – worse, they'll actually take you."

"Yes, because that's our biggest problem." Scarlet muttered. Thankfully no one heard her.

"Look, I know you don't think I can do this but I've told you." Steve looked down.

"This isn't a back alley, Steve, it's war."

A balding man slowed at the other end of the hall at their argument. His facial hair was unshaven and he watched through the argument dark below the wire frame glasses.

"I know it's a war, you don't have to tell me it's a war-" Steve argued.

"Why are you so keen to fight?" Scarlet asked Steve, folding her arms over her chest. "There're so many important jobs."

What do you want me to do, collect scrap metal..." Scarlet cut Steve off from finishing his sentence by raising a hand.

"Yes." Bucky seethed.

"In my little red wagon?" Steve finished.

"Why not?" Bucky questioned his friend.

"I'm not gonna sit in a factory, Bucky," Steve fought. "Bucky, come on, there are men laying down their lives – I got no right to do any less than them. That's what you don't understand. This isn't about me."

"Right," Bucky drawled, skeptically posing. "'Cause you got nothing to prove."

Scarlet was torn between anger at Bucky's disapproval and commiseration with his concern; Steve, for all his inner strength, was still very small. "Yeah? But what about me?" Her small voice stopped the two men. "Taking care of your friend isn't enough?" There were tears in her eyes, tears both of the men immediately regretted putting there.


"No. Steven." Scarlet snapped. "I'm done hearing your excuses. Your reasonings... If you want to go off to war to get killed, then so be it. You want it so damn much, it shows what you really care about. The reason I fight is to avenge my deceased fiancé, Thomas Blake."

Bucky looked at her. "I always wondered who he was. I hear you thrashing about, screaming out his name." He murmured.

Scarlet walked away, towards Steve's date, before she could hear the men say anything else. They watched with sad eyes as she walked away. They both knew what they were doing to her. But they didn't know how they could really make it right. She reached underneath the top of her dress and pulled out an aluminium identification tag, the size of a silver half dollar and of suitable thickness looped on a chain; it was different from the ones Bucky wore. Her finger ran over the name engraved on the tag; Lance Corporal Thomas Blake.

The man observed as the two stared at each other, at an impasse.

"Hey Sarge, are we going dancing?" Bonnie called out.

"Yes we are," Bucky sung in answer as he turned to open his arms in invitation of them and the event. He faced Steve and sighed in resignation, stepping away. "Don't do anything stupid until I get back," he implored.

"How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you," Steve remarked.

Scarlet snorted in amusement before smiling.

Bucky shook his head and strode back to him. "You're a punk,"

"Jerk." Steve replied. They embraced tightly before Bucky departed again.

"Be careful," Steve requested. "Don't win the war 'till I get there." He called.

Bucky turned to snap his heels together and salute him before walking down the steps. "Come on, girls," he bade, "they're playing our song."

Scarlet looked back at Steve as Bucky put his arm around her. "Steve, please don't do this."

"I gotta Scar," Steve told her as he walked towards the office.

Bucky kissed the side of her head, he noticed that Scarlet was still emotional and Steve's date, Bonnie, clearly wanted to be spending time with Bucky more than with Steve.

"Hey, Bonnie," Bucky started. "Do you mind if it's just Scarlet and I tonight?"

"Oh," she was clearly taken back. "Sure." She reached up and kissed Bucky's cheek. "Be safe out there soldier. And make sure to find me with you return."

Once Bonnie was out of sight, Bucky wrapped an arm around Scarlet's waist. "Let's go dancing," he smiled down at her.

"I don't feel like dancing tonight, Buck," she sadly said, looking down. "I just want to go home."

"Come on, doll." Buck moved to stand in front of her. "It's my last night."

"Yes, it's your last night before you get shipped off to war... I really don't need another reminder..."

"Scarlet. Look at me." He tried to meet her eyes. "Please." When she still refused, he put his hand under her chin and gently guided her head to look up at him. "How about we do whatever you want tonight? I just want to spend my last night with you, doll. My favorite girl."

Bucky's eyes showed nothing but sincerity. All Scarlet wanted was to hold onto her boys and never let them go. But she was coming to the realization that that wasn't an option. She wrapped her arms around Bucky, holding herself close to him. He reciprocated the action, breathing her scent in. Every moment with Scarlet tonight, Bucky had been trying to memorize every detail of his wife. He never wanted to forget anything about her. They stood there, for a moment, holding onto each other like they were the only two people in the world.

"Come on," Bucky whispered, letting her go and grabbing her hand. "I know some place we can go."


Scarlet silently followed Bucky, never once losing her grip on his hand. He took her to a small park near Steve's apartment. She had Bucky's jacket draped over her shoulders to keep her warm. Guiding her to a small under a large tree, he sat down before helping her sit beside him.

"Why here?" She quietly asked, looking around. No one was at the park. Probably because it was late at night.

"I knew we'd be alone," Bucky answered, staring at Scarlet as she continued to look around. "I'm sorry, darling." He gently moved some hair behind her ear. "I should have told you sooner..."

"Yeah. You should have... What am I suppose to do with you gone? How am I suppose to stop Stevie from getting into any fights? Or.. what if he does get recruited? Am I suppose to just go to work and act like I'm not worried to death about the two of you?" Tears formed in her eyes again. "I can't—" She stopped before her voice broke anymore. Scarlet looked down, playing with her dress as she tried to compose herself. "I can't live without you two... I've already lost my parents... I can't stand to lose any more family. I just hope and pray that Joe comes back to me alive." Her brother Joseph was a First Lieutenant in the 107th.

Bucky's heart broke at the sight of Scarlet like this. He didn't want to be the cause of any of her pain. But here he was, the night before getting shipped off, doing just that. He didn't know how she would respond. How should she have? Scarlet, Steve, and himself had been attached at the hip since they had meet as kids. Of course she would be upset with him. He reached over and carefully took her hands from her lap.

"I promise that I'll come back to you... You and Steve," Bucky stated with conviction.

Scarlet looked at him, a tear rolling down her face. "You can't promise that, Buck." She shook her head.

"Yes I can." He moved closer. "I promise that I'll come back to you. That no matter what happens, I'll find my way home to you."

"To me and the million other girls you've promised that to."

"No." Bucky set a hand on her cheek, making sure they were looking in each other in the eye. "You're the only gal I've made that promise to." Looking in his eyes, Scarlet knew that he was telling the truth. "And I can show you that I mean it."

He moved in slowly, making sure that he wasn't doing anything that she didn't want. The moment their lips met, she tensed. He immediately noticed and began pulling back. But before he could get very far, her hands were on his neck, pulling him back in. She hadn't meant to tense, she had just never kissed anyone before ... anyone beside her father, brothers and Tom, when he was alive. Once she had pulled him in, Bucky knew that she was okay with it. He wrapped his arms around to her back, pulling her so near that she was practically on his lap. Both of them at waited far too long for this moment. When they pulled away, Scarlet started crying. She held onto Bucky, sobbing into his neck.

"Shh..." He cooed, rocking her in his arms. "It's alright... Everything's going to be fine..." He gently ran his fingers through her hair.

She sobbed. "You're leaving tomorrow... Why give me hope?"

"Doll... I just shouldn't have waited so long to show you how I feel... To tell you that I—"

"Don't!" She quickly stopped him, putting a hand to his mouth. "Don't say it..." She whimpered. "Cause if you say it, and then don't come back... I don't know what I'll do..."

"Okay." He nodded understandably. "Okay..." He put his hands on either sides of her face, wiping of her tears gently. "I'm going to promise you this, doll... That I won't say those words until I come back. I promise you that I will be coming back. Just so that I can tell you how I feel and show you."


"Oh, the first name," he chuckled. "Now I'm in trouble."

She put a hand on his cheek. "You can't make promises that you don't have any control over whether you keep them or not. Don't do anything stupid. Please come back to me."

"Scarlet, I'm yours until the end of time." He took his hand off her cheek and grabbed hers that was resting on his cheek. "Still going to promise you this." He moved her hand, kissing the palm of it. "I'm coming home to you, doll. Whatever it takes."


The day came too quickly for their liking and after they got dressed and Bucky packed his bag. They made their way to the train station.

Scarlet stood at the train platform. "Write as much as you can."

"Of course." Bucky told her.

Scarlet bit her lip as she put her arms around his neck. "Don't do anything stupid. Please come back to me."

"Scarlet, I'm yours until the end of time." Bucky told her. "I love you and only you."

Scarlet laid her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. "I love you too."

"All aboard!" The conductor yelled.

"Baby I have to go." Bucky told her.

Scarlet sniffed back her tears, "I'll see you when you get back. This isn't a goodbye, it's an I'll see you later."

Bucky smiled as he kissed her hard.

Scarlet moaned.

Bucky leaned his forehead against hers, "I'll be counting down the days. I'll try and keep Joesph alive."

Scarlet laughed through her sob, "You'll have an easier job defeating the Nazis single handedly."

Bucky laughed. "Probably." He said.

Bucky gave her one last hard kiss then pulled away climbing aboard the train. He glanced back at her, "I'll see you when I get back. I'll see you later Scarlet Blake-Barnes."

"I love you Bucky Barnes!" Scarlet yelled.

Scarlet watched as he found a seat on the train at a window and she walked over to the train. Bucky opened the window and leaned out, "I'll save a dance for you at the victory party."

"You better Bucky." Scarlet said as the train whistle blew.

"Scarlet, Red... you've never looked as beautiful as you do right now." Bucky told her.

Scarlet reached up and grabbed his hand, and then the train started moving.

Scarlet ran alongside the train as far as she could then Bucky leaned his head out the window. "I love you Red!"

"Love you...too." Scarlet said as the train sped away. She wiped her eyes. "God I hate trains." She complained.


Steve walked further into the building, the elder man lowering his head as he passed before noting his passage with an interested stare. He glanced forward again before the edges of his open mouth quirked upwards and he shadowed him.


Steve sat in an examination room unbuttoning the cuffs of his sleeves when a nurse entered the curtained area and whispered instruction to the doctor to Steve's intent notice. He nodded as she left again. "Wait here." She ordered.

"Is there a problem?" Steve questioned.

"Just wait here." The nurse insisted.

Steve sat on the medical table with the optical testing chart on the wall to his left and a warning on his right that he turned back to read. 'It is illegal to falsify your enlistment form.'

His eyes darted from side to side before he stood and moved to the chair in the corner, pulling on his shoes. A military police officer entered to stand at the exit, Steve righting himself to warily meet his gaze.

The older man that had been watching him entered next, and dismissed the other. "Thank you." He added with an German-accent. "So, you want to go overseas – kill some Nazis," he began, casually paging through a file.

"Excuse me?" Steve responded.

"Dr. Abraham Erskine," he introduced. "I represent the Strategic Scientific Reserve."

"Steve Rogers," he answered, accepting the handshake. He nodded in acceptance as he stepped over to the medical table, his file open before him. "Where are you from?"

"Queens," Erskine replied. "73rd Street and Utopia Parkway." He adjusted his glasses. "Before that, Germany." Erskine added dismissively and he looked to Steve again. "This troubles you?"

"No," Steve said.

"Where are you from, Mr. Rogers, hm?" he asked, fists curled on the edge of the surface before him. "Is it New Haven? Or Paramus? Five exams, in five different cities."

"That might not be the right file-" Steve objected, attempting to appear unruffled.

"No, it's not the exams I'm interested in – it's the five tries," Erskine proclaimed, closing and picking up the folder. "But you didn't answer my question: do you want to kill Nazis?"

Steve glanced away. "Is this a test?" He asked

"Yes," Erskine said.

"I don't want to kill anyone," Steve declared. "I don't like bullies – I don't care where they're from."

Erskine nodded with a small smile. "Well, there are already so many big men fighting this war, maybe what we need now is a little guy, huh?" Steve exhaled slowly. "I can offer you a chance – only a chance." Erskine continued.

He exited to Steve stooping to grab his jacket and following. "I'll take it." Steve vowed.

"Good." Erskine took the file to the desk. "So where is the little guy from? Actually." He questioned Steve.

"Brooklyn," Steve said with a smirk.

Erskine stamped the papers and closed the folder, extending it towards him. "Congratulations, soldier," He told Steve as he walked away.

Steve opened the file and gazed at the box in the corner, 1A inked within it. He inhaled before exhaling heavily.


Scarlet walked back to their apartment and saw Steve sitting on the couch. "Why weren't you there to see Bucky off? Not another recruitment office were you?"

"No." Steve told her, "I had to go pick something up and lost track of time."

Scarlet walked back to Bucky's room and just stared at the bed, "I think I am going to head back early... to DC."

Steve sighed as he followed her, "I figured but... I won't be here much longer either."

Scarlet looked at him, "Why?" She asked.

"I went to the recruitment office yesterday. They offered to recruit me for a special project. Not front lines but still helping the Army." Steve told her.

Scarlet groaned. "Really Steve?"

"I want to help Scarlet. Bucky is off fighting the war, you are helping those who come back...I'm just here. I have to do something." Steve told her as he pulled her into a hug.

"I don't want you killed too." Scarlet told him as she cried into his shoulder.

"I'm not going to be on the front lines," Steve told her as he pulled her back, "Look at me, do you think they'd put me there?"

"No ..." Scarlet sniffed.

"Buck is going to be fine and so will I." Steve told her, "We are going to come back here after the war and live together like one big family okay?"

Scarlet nodded, "Promise?"

"Promise. Maybe between the two of us working for the government we will make enough to get a real house." Steve told her rubbing her arms.

"I'd love a house in the Adirondacks. You should have seen some of the places Bucky and I hiked by. Beautiful log cabins... they looked beautiful and would be amazing to live in." Scarlet told him, "We never have had a home Steve... I want a real home."

Steve pulled her back to him, "We will get one Scarlet."

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