Chapter 28

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August 1, 1987 - Bucharest, Romania

Scarlet walked through the streets of Bucharest, Romania. Her intelligence operative that she had here through SHIELD was supposed to be meeting her in the market. He had contacted her to say that he had some information about the Red Room.

Walking through the market, she walked over to the produce stand.

A man walked up next to her and picked up an orange. "Do you like oranges?"

"I am partial to apples myself." Scarlet told him as she looked at him.

"Patru mere pentru această tinere doamnă, vă rog." He told the vendor as he paid for four apples. [Translation: Four apples for this young lady, please.]

"Multumesc." Scarlet said. [Translation: Thanks.]

They left the market and walked towards an area less traveled and crowded.

"Red, I believe what you are looking for can be found at the Opera Center. There is a ballet appearance tonight. Many of the ballerinas could be what you are looking for." He told her.

"Thank you Peter. What can I do for your assistance?" Scarlet asked.

"Get these son of a bitches." Peter told her as he kissed the back of her hand then walked away.

Later that night, dressed in a nice dress. Scarlet walked into the opera center and found her seat. Swan Lake was playing tonight and Scarlet smiled as the music started playing over the speakers. She closed her eyes and let it take her back to 1937 to when Steve and Bucky had taken her downtown to see Swan Lake all those years ago.

"I think this is our stop." Bucky said as the subway stopped.

Scarlet and Steve stood up and followed him out of the subway car. As Scarlet walked up the stairs, she started tripping and Bucky quickly caught her.

"You alright?" Bucky asked.

"Just a clutz, thank you." Scarlet said as he tucked her arm into his own.

"Can't have a beautiful lady like yourself ruin her outfit before the big performance, can we?" Bucky asked.

Scarlet smiled as they walked out of the subway towards the theater where the performance was going to be held. Steve slowed and looked at the window front of an art store that they were passing and Bucky looked over at her, his arm still in hers.

"You look beautiful today by the way." Bucky told her.

Scarlet blushed. "Stop, this is one of momma's old dresses that I just threw on."

"But you do, Steve and I will have our hands full telling all those threatening non-gentleman to back off." Bucky told her.

Scarlet glanced at him. "Are you included in those gentleman?"

"Takes one to know one sweetheart." Bucky told her with a wink as Steve caught up.

"If they... are still open when we are done... I need to go to that store." Steve gasped pointing at the art supply store.

"Steve, we could have slowed down. You need not to have run." Scarlet told him.

"I did yell out, you didn't hear me." Steve said taking her other arm.

As they reached the theater, Bucky held the door open for them.

"Thank you sir." Scarlet said as she entered.

The sheer beauty of the theater overwhelmed her senses. From the murals, to the lights, to the music wafting through the speakers.

"This is amazing." Scarlet said in awe.

Bucky took her arm again and led them to the usher.

"This way sirs and madam." The usher said after checking their tickets.

After finding their seats, Bucky helped her take her coat off then they sat down looking down at the stage from the balcony below.

A smaller performance group was dancing on the stage currently before the professionals were to take over.

Scarlet closed her eyes and listened as the music played.

"Merry Christmas, Scarlet." Bucky said kissing the back of her hand.

"Yeah Red, Merry Christmas." Steve said looking on the walls. "Look at these murals."

Bucky just laughed and looked at her.

Looking back, Scarlet was surprised at the time, that she did not realize Bucky's affections for her. Subconsciously she wished she had, so that they would have had more time together.

"But we do."

Scarlet glanced into the open seat next to her, to see something that had been plaguing her for the last few months. At first it was only in dreams, but now... he was here in a seat next to her. "Bucky go away, you aren't real."

"But I am always here with you Angel." Bucky told her with a smile.

"That's the problem. You aren't really." Scarlet said as she reached to touch him and he disappeared.

Scarlet sighed as she closed her eyes and willed her brain to cooperate. 'I'm not going crazy.' She thought as the lights dimmed and Swan Lake started.

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