Chapter 6

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"I am honoured to present this medal for valour to my personal friends... Captain America and Red Angel!" Senator Brandt announced, the hand raised to rest over his heart swept behind as he turned to the curtained back of the stage.

Behind the dark podium he glanced back at the red and white striped drapes. "Captain America and Red Angel," he beckoned again, his stance flanked by guards and soldiers standing at attention.

A crowd of uniformed and well-dressed men and women sat looking on wonderingly. A couple of reporters knelt with notepads in hand as another stood in wait, three flash and two recording cameras set on tripods. "Captain, Lieutenant Colonel, that's your cue," he coaxed with a smile.

His assistants entered shaking his head in apology, leaning close to whisper excuses into his ear. "I thought they'd be taller." One of the veterans in the crowd muttered to his companion in belief of the man to be the Captain and the woman to be the Lieutenant Colonel.


Blimps flew through the cloudy sky behind Big Ben, over cobblestone streets bearing poles with the Union Jack displayed, and buses and cars rolling past pedestrians. The Daily Mail read 'CAPTAIN AMERICA AND RED ANGEL TO RECEIVE MEDAL FOR VALOUR' as the vehicles beeped, driving past cyclists, while underground Morse code drilled out a constant stream of messages as a gathering of Allies discussed the threat of HYDRA.

A map of the world was hung upon the far wall of the brick-enclosed space, a wide round table in the center of the uniformed men and women displaying Europe, all of the bases, defenses, and troops marked. A bell trilled at incoming transmissions as Steve leaned over a similar map rolled out over a desk, Peggy and Scarlet sitting on the edge overlooking as he marked locations with a pencil. "The fifth one was here in Poland, right near the Baltic. And the sixth one was...about here, 30, 40 miles west of the Maginot Line." He elucidated.

"I just got a quick look," Steve defended as the estimation of Schmidt's bases of operation was whisked from the surface by the man standing alongside.

"Well, nobody's perfect," Peggy sighed, getting to her feet before walking away with a smirk.

He offered a small smile in response, then tossed the writing utensil to the table and turned to follow.

"Good, someone said it – can't have you having a big head," Scarlet nodded getting to her feet as well.

"Me?" Steve piped incredulously.

"These are the weapon factories we know about," Phillips explained as he approached the center map, her beside as Steve and Scarlet moved between them. At several points there were small models of structures under tall flags, a black 'H' bold on a white circle bordered in red.

"Sergeant Barnes said that HYDRA shipped all the parts to another facility that isn't on this map," Steve reported.

"Agent Carter, coordinate with MI6. I want every Allied eyeball looking for that main HYDRA base." He ordered as he strode away.

"What about us?" Peggy asked, trailing with Steve and Scarlet a step behind.

"We are gonna set a fire under Johann Schmidt's ass," Phillips asserted, whipping the proffered information from a blonde's hand. "What d'ya say, Rogers, Silverthorne? It's your map – you think you can wipe HYDRA off of it?"

"Silverthorne? Really?" Scarlet asked. "Out of the three last names I have, you go with the first one."

"That's my point. You have three last names."

"Might end up with a fourth if anything happens to Sergeant Barnes. Dean."

Peggy's lips parted before she closed them again, Steve turning back to assess the assignment and then facing him. "Yes, sir. I'll need a team." He proclaimed.

"We're already putting together the best men."

"With all due respect, sir," the Captain countered, "so am I."

"You rebel, you," Scarlet approved, the advantage of loyalty and shared experience well-defined.


November 1943

One week after Bucky had returned, Bucky, Scarlet and all the soldiers that Bucky was close to were sitting around in an English bar enjoying spirits and the freedom that they now had.

Bucky reached over and grabbed Scarlet's hand, running his thumb over the back of it as one of the men made an offensive joke and she rolled her eyes.

Bucky grinned as he took another sip of his whiskey as he listened to his men talk.

Scarlet shook her head, "That's an interesting group over there." She said as she tilted her head back to the group behind them sitting at tables, from her spot on a bar stool next to him.

"They sure are." Bucky told her as he leaned over and kissed her.

One of the soldiers whistled at them and Bucky made a gesture at him that made Scarlet swat at him. Bucky just laughed as Steve walked past them nursing his own drink.

Steve walked over to the table of Bucky's best men. Private Timothy Dugan aka Dum Dum looked at Steve as he sat down at their table, "Wow the national symbol, Captain America wants to talk to us simpletons."

Steve shook his head, "Not like that sir."

Dum Dum held out his hand, "Private Timothy Dugan but you can call me Dum Dum. I was our troops transport specialist."

"Cause he is pretty Dum Dum. Private Gabriel Jones sir, I'm the communications specialist of our group." Jones introduced.

"Lieutenant James Falsworth, I am the tactics man. You can call me Monty." The British man to his left told him.

"Corporal James Morita, Medic. I go by Jim."

Steve shook his hand and then looked at the remaining soldier.

"Jacques Dernier, I's.... make things... go boom." Dernier said.

"He's a demolitions man." Jones explained.

Steve nodded. "I have something to ask you. I am looking to put together a team to go out and defeat Hydra. My greatest friend is Sergeant Barnes and he recommended you all."

A glass mug sloshing beer was firmly set onto the surface of a wooden table.

"So, let's get this straight," Dugan began, the bar atmosphere noisy and comfortable surrounding them.

"We barely got out of there alive and you want us to go back?" Gabe interrogated from his left, James thoughtful with lips pursed on his right.

Steve sat relaxed across the close table. "Pretty much," he answered as Jim drank.

"Sounds, actually," James said.

Jim belched. "I'm in." He agreed.

"Moi je combattrai jusqu'à ce que l'dernier de ces bâtards soit mort, enchaîné, ou bien pleure comme un p'tit bébé!" Dernier declared vehemently. ["I will fight until the last of these bastards is dead, chained, or cries like a little baby!"]

"J'espère tous les trois," Gabe inserted. ["I hope all three."]

"Moi aussi!" Dernier laughed, cheering. ["Me too!"]

They shook hands, grinning and chuckling, before Gabe restated at the blank looks of the others, gesturing between them. "We're in."

Steve displayed an amused expression before turning his gaze back onto Dugan with a raised eyebrow. "Hell, I'll always fight-" he returned, mug in hand. "-but you gotta do one thing for me."

"What's that?"

He drained the alcohol and sighed, slamming the glass down. "Open a tab."

They laughed as Steve allowed a huff of hilarity.

"Steve," Scarlet stood, collecting some of the empties. "Don't worry. I got it." She headed over to the bar, she was dressed in a navy blue chiffon gown, featuring a-line silhouette, plunging v-neck with long cape-sleeves, and a flowing chiffon skirt.

"Well, that was easy," She heard Dugan mumble from the table.

"Another round," She requested. "Please."

"Where're they puttin' all this stuff?" The bartender asked in wonder with a white rag thrown over his shoulder.

Scarlet shrugged in response. "No clue."


The man on the piano started another song, the men singing in chorus in recognition, 'There is a tavern in the town...'

"See? I told you," Bucky stated from his seat at the bar, Steve circling around to sit beside. "They were all idiots." He drank from the small glass lifted to his lips.

"How 'bout you? You ready to follow 'Captain America and Red Angel' into the jaws of death?" Steve asked.

Scarlet sat down at the bar.

"Hell no," Bucky said. "The little guy from Brooklyn who was too dumb not to run away from a fight and the woman who helped her country twenty one years ago – I'm following them."

He smiled as he took another sip, Steve giving a nod to the bartender for a drink. "But you're keeping the outfit, right?" he ribbed Steve.

Scarlet giggled, swatting him away, his grin then dropped to a small smile as his eyes stayed locked with her own, and she couldn't bring herself to look away.

One hand held her tightly around the waist while the other came up to her cheek, his thumb gently caressing her face. "I love you." Scarlet's heart stopped.

Bucky's smile widened at her shock, and she sheepishly smiled back. Scarlet leaned forward, nuzzling him lovingly. "I ... I love you too, Buck."

He huffed, laughing softly as his hand gently went through her hair. "No need to be shy, Doll," he teased.

Her cheeks burned in embarrassment. "Hey, cut me some slack, I haven't said those words in some time," Scarlet mumbled, burying her face in his neck.

"Well then, I must be the luckiest man to hear it for the first time."

Steve lifted his gaze with a smile and turned to look back at the poster behind.

"You know what?" His image saluted, emblazoned. Scarlet's image was posing as Uncle Sam. 'CAPTAIN AMERICA AND RED ANGEL, ON TOUR; London, Bristol, Manchester, ALLIED BASES IN EUROPE & NORTH AFRICA'. A banner across the breadth declared, 'TOUR CANCELLED Until Further Notice'. "It's kind of growing on me."

The group gathered around the table continued singing with beers on the table and in hand. "...And remember that the best of friends must part, must part," before motion stalled and mugs were held in suspension, the next line trailing off. "Adieu, adieu..."

Bucky leaned back to peer through the crowd as Steve turned as well at the absence of vocals to the piano, the two standing as Peggy was revealed. Stares were fixed upon her, curves clad in crimson as her dress hung cut at the knee, sleeves three-quartered and neckline a V.

"Captain," she greeted, approaching with heels clacking on the tile. "Lieutenant Colonel."

"Agent Carter," Steve nodded, Bucky's eyes falling down her form and dragging back up before he met her gaze.

"Ma'am." Bucky added, giving a small nod before looking at Scarlet and winking.

"Howard has some equipment for you to try," Peggy justified, attention on Steve and Scarlet. "Tomorrow morning?"

"Sounds good." Steve replied.

Scarlet smiled slightly at the move. "She tempts and feels out the terrain before going after what she wants." She acknowledged.

Peggy faced the sound of the singing having resumed, Steve exhaling heavily as he regarded her form. Bucky noted his lack of praise and lowered his eyes.

She turned back to observe. "I see your top squad is prepping for duty."

"You don't like music?" Bucky queried.

Scarlet hummed at his insertion.

"I do, actually," Peggy responded, stare fixed upon Steve. "I might even, when this is all over, go dancing."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Bucky scoffed charmingly.

Scarlet shook her head in entertainment.

Peggy maintained eye contact with Steve for a beat. "The right partner." She said.

Scarlet smiled.

"0800, Captain, Lieutenant Colonel. " Peggy reminded, and then strode confidently away.

"Yes, ma'am, I'll be there," Steve replied, hands in his pockets as he glanced down.

"Yes, ma'am." Scarlet added.

Bucky ogled her as she exited with brows furrowed before turning back.

"I'm invisible." Bucky uttered with a shrug, Steve considered him. "I-I'm turning into you. This- I-It's like a horrible dream," he conceded, biting his lip and shaking his head.

"Don't take it so hard," Steve comforted with a couple of pats on the shoulder. "Maybe she's got a friend." He winked at Scarlet before retaking his seat.

Scarlet looked at him. "Really Steve?"

"Ummm aren't you her friend?" Steve asked with a grin.

"Not the point!" Scarlet huffed as she walked away causing both of her boys to laugh.

Bucky grabbed her hand and pulled her into his chest. "What are we waiting for, doll?" He whispered. "Let's go dancing."

Bucky moved her to the dance floor and danced with Scarlet all night. The two were having so much fun, she almost forgot there was a war going on.


Early in the morning, Bucky finally got his wife back to their place. They looked at each other, silently, for a moment before Scarlet grabbed Bucky's shirt and pulled him in for a kiss. She didn't want him to leave again. But she knew that there was no stopping him and Steve. They were going to take down each of the HYRDA bases. When they broke the kiss, Bucky noticed a few tears on her cheeks.

"Oh, doll," he cooed, resting his hands on the side of her face and wiping away the tears with his thumbs. "Don't go crying again."

"I'm just scared, Buck... I could really lose both of you now... I don't know what I'll do if it happens."

She looked down at her left hand which now sported four rings instead of the usual two. "Te iubesc." ["I love you."]

"You'll continue on. Maybe join the SSR like Peggy. But you'll make it through. Like you always have... Scarlet, I love you."

Scarlet covered his mouth with her hand like she did the night before he was shipped off. "You promised you wouldn't say those words until you came back. This isn't over yet. We're not back in Brooklyn."

"It slipped out." He pulled her in for another kiss. "Just remember that you're my girl."

"I'll remember... how could I ever forget?"

"If you're not going to let me say the words, doll, we're going to need to think of something that we could use to share our feelings. I need you to understand how I feel."

"If you just keep coming back in one piece, that'll help me understand."

He shook his head. "Its not enough. How about... how about Brooklyn?"


"Yeah. Something to do with Brooklyn? Like... um... the first person says, 'where are you from?' Then one of us will answer with 'Brooklyn', and then the first person will say 'I'm from Brooklyn too.'"

"That's so ridiculous, Buck." Scarlet chuckled.

"No it's not." He pulled her in for a long kiss. "Try it," he whispered, looking down at her lovingly.

"Where are you from, Soldier?" She smiled as she gave into him.

"Brooklyn." He grinned. "I'm from Brooklyn, doll."

"I'm from Brooklyn too."

The two stayed in their rose-colored bubble for a bit longer before turning in for the night.


That night, Scarlet had a nightmare. She was talking in her sleep.

Bucky awoke and switched on the bedside lamp. "Doll, wake up," Scarlet thrashed around in bed. "Scarlet. Scarlet!"

But Scarlet showed no signs of waking until Bucky's hand touched her shoulder and her eyes snapped open.

Scarlet shot up in bed, breathing heavily, dripping with sweat at this point.

"My love?" Bucky whispered, staying put in case she needed space, before he could add anything else, Scarlet was falling into his arms, crying loudly.

Bucky wrapped his arms around her and held her close. She sobbed into his neck, wiping her face against his soft sleep-shirt.

"Shh, it's okay doll," he whispered, threading his fingers through her hair. "I've got you. You're safe. You're safe."

"That was awful," She mumbled once she was calm enough, Bucky continued playing with her hair, rubbing her back with his other hand.

"I know, but you're okay now. I've got you. It was only a bad dream doll."

"Buck... I-I'm-" Scarlet started to apologize, her voice cracking slightly.

"Hey, it's okay, I shouldn't have freaked you out like that," Bucky told her softly.

"I don't want to go back to sleep yet," She whispered, cuddling closer to him.

"That's fine. Do you want me to read to you?"

"The Hobbit?"

Bucky smiled, grabbed his book and turned his bedside light on, sitting up against the headboard. After he was situated, Scarlet cuddled back up against him.

"I love you," she whispered after pulling away. Bucky leaned his forehead against her own and closed his eyes in content.

"I'd do anything for you, Love. I love you so much." Bucky chuckled and went back to playing with her hair. Scarlet helped him hold open his book as he began to read quietly to her, holding her close.


The next morning, Howard maneuvered a pair of delicate tongs to remove the miniscule azure bead from the top of the device Steve had relieved from the HYDRA compound. "Emission signature is unusual – alpha and beta ray neutral." Howard relayed in curiosity Behind the glass another scientist leaned into the viewing area at his side. "Though I doubt Rogers or Huntington-Montgomery-Blake-Barnes picked up on that." Howard added in jibe with his hands poised on the levers of the machinery.

The other exhaled laughter while Howard smirked, their attention returning to the power source as he said, "Seems harmless enough." He moved the mechanism of his left hand so the tips encroached on the ends of the other. "Hard to see what all the fuss is about."

Contact was made to a sharp buzz as the bead glowed, azure circling before a blast shot outwards and shattered the viewing pane, the scientist tossed to the side as Howard was thrown back.

The former scrambled to brace himself against the wall as he shook his head, Howard propping himself onto his elbows, dishevelled and splayed over shards of glass, as he grunted.

Others darted to aid him. "Write that down." He commanded.


Early in the morning, Bucky was in the living room seated at the piano playing.

He looked up briefly pausing upon hearing footsteps coming down the stairs and he couldn't help but smile at the sight of his wife wearing one of his shirts.

"Morning, Love." He stopped playing and got up to greet his wife.

"Morning," Scarlet replied, kissing him.

"I made breakfast. It's on the table all ready for you." The two went into the kitchen and sat down at the table. "What time do you have to leave?"

"Uh..." Scarlet paused to think, casting her mind back to the night before. "Agent Carter said 0800 hours." She began eating.

"After you've had breakfast, I'll do the dishes." Bucky leaned over the table and placed a kiss on her forehead. "I'll always be here to take care of you."


Scarlet was dressed in her service uniform which consisted of a olive green four-button coat with four pockets in olive drab with matching trousers and forest green long-sleeved shirt. She wore a leather brown Garrison Belt with a brass buckle around her coat, an army pin was on the collar of the coat and her rank was on the shoulders. "I'm not in the mood for playing hide and seek, Stark." She grumbled.

"Still not a morning person?" Steve smirked at her.

The duo strode through a sparingly lit work area to round shelving full of binders behind a seated, uniformed blonde. "Excuse me, I'm looking for Mr. Stark," Steve informed as he folded his hands behind his back.

"He's in with Colonel Phillips," she answered dismissively, leant back from the typewriter on the desk and reading from within where The Stars and Stripes reported, '400 PRISONERS LIBERATED,' on the front page of the newspaper. He nodded and glanced around the area at the delay, the woman casting her gaze to him briefly before doing a double-take in recognition. "Of course, you're welcome to wait." She then welcomed enticingly.

Steve nodded with an awkward smile and pointed to the desk along the wall adjacent, stepping over to it. She snapped the pages closed and swiveled her chair to face him as she folded it in half.

"I, uh, read about what you did," she began playfully with a smile, displaying what remained visible of the front page for a second.

"I was there too, airhead." Scarlet growled, clenching her jaw. Something about her dismissive attitude towards Scarlet was really familiar - who the hell was this woman?! She spared Scarlet one glance, then rolled her eyes and looked at Steve.

"Oh, the — yeah," Steve replied, gesturing to the same article and nodding humbly. "Well, that's you know," his eyes darted away, "Just doing what needed to be done."

"Sounded like more than that," Private Lorraine disputed, eyebrow raised and one knee over the other, her body elongated in profile. "You saved nearly four-hundred men."

Scarlet scoffed. "I know what you would do in a room with 400 men...." She spat, a little louder than intended. Steve sent her a quick warning glare while the blonde just looked smug.

Steve sat in awkward silence for a moment with a half-smile, her eyes averting coyly to the floor as she flexed a foot before pointing it again and meeting his stare. He attempted to divert the attention, gesticulating vaguely. "Really, it's not a big deal."

Private Lorraine stood primly and sauntered forward. "Tell that to their wives." She enunciated.

Scarlet's eyes widened in pure shock. She knew this woman....she was the bartender that Scarlet beat up all those years ago!

Steve inhaled and crossed his arms over his chest defensively. "Uh," he stuttered, looking up to the ceiling as she neared, "I don't think they were all married."

"You're a hero," Private Lorraine pronounced from before him.

Scarlet stood up from the wall, clenching her fists - if this woman made one move on Steve, Scarlet was going to kill her this time.

"Well, that, you know- that depends on the definition, really," he excused, scratching his head with furrowed brows.

Lorraine gripped his tie. "The women of America, they owe you their thanks," she uttered lowly, his eyes looking up to hers. Private Lorraine cast Scarlet a quick, smug glance. "And, uh," Lorraine cast her eyes to those gathered around the far wall with their backs to them as she pulled him to his feet and behind the cover of the shelving. "seeing as they're not here..." She grabbed a lapel with her other hand and tugged him forward into a kiss, hand raising to his cheek as their eyes closed and his hands rose to her arms.

Heels clacked as Peggy strode into the room and rounded the corner.

Peggy stared for a minute before propping her hands onto her hips.

"Captain!" She shouted as the blonde's arms rose to encircle the nape of his neck and his, her waist.

His hands flew from all contact as he turned, the woman stepping back and looking away. "We're ready for you, if you're not otherwise occupied." She stated shortly.

She spun, irate, and started walking as Steve wiped his lips and ran after her, the other with fair hair straightening her uniform.

"Agent Carter, wait," he implored, hurrying to tail her while casting an abrupt look back, fiercely rubbing his mouth again.

Scarlet lingered back and glared at the blonde.

Lorraine looked up and down with a scoff. "What do you want?" she hissed. Scarlet's gaze sharpened, and she stalked over to her.

"Let's see if you remember this, bitch," The cyborg spat. She punched the Private straight in the jaw, sending her over her desk and onto the floor while ignoring the shocked gasps of everyone else. "Keep your filthy paws off my friend next time." Scarlet walked away, head held high as she rejoined Steve and Peggy.


"Looks like finding a partner wasn't that hard after all," Peggy declared.

"Peggy, that's not what you thought it was," he tried with palms raised before fixing his tie.

"I didn't think anything, Captain. Not one thing. You always wanted to be a soldier and now you are – just like all the rest."

Scarlet looked back at Steve. "She's got a point..." she mumbled with a shrug.

"Well what about you and Stark?" Steve combated, slowing to a halt. "How do I know you two haven't been fondue-ing?"

Scarlet spit out a laugh before she choked on her own.

Peggy turned to look over her shoulder with a quizzical brow, his expression the picture of uprightness, and she let escape a huff through clenched teeth as she rolled her eyes. "You still don't know a bloody thing about women." She proclaimed.

His brow furrowed in confusion.

Scarlet just shook her head.


"Fondue is just cheese and bread, my friend," Howard explained.

"Really? I didn't think-"

"-nor should you, pal."

He, Scarlet and Steve walked into the lab and weaved between the workbenches with others bent over intricate pieces of tech. "The moment you think you know what's going on in a woman's head is the moment your goose is well and truly cooked." He imparted. "Me, I concentrate on work, which at the moment is about making sure you and your men don't get killed." He circled to a table and lifted a hand out of his pants pocket to touch and display a layer of material. "Carbon polymer. Should withstand your average German bayonet. Although... HYDRA's not going to attack you with a pocketknife."

"Encouraging," Scarlet stated as she moved a hand down her back in between her shoulder blades.

Howard sidestepped to pat the shield the Captain bore on stage and against Schmidt. "Now, I hear, you're kinda attached?"

"It's handier than you might think," Steve justified, tapping it fondly on his way past.

"I took the liberty of coming up with some options," Howard answered. On the bench between them lay varying shapes of shields; a thick rectangular one sported a view pane along the top, and an ovular one had spikes concentrated in the center. "This one's fun-" Howard said, "-she's been fitted with electrical relays that allow you to-"

"What about this one?" Steve interrupted, bending down to grasp the wide disc that had caught his eye beneath the bench.

"No no, that's a prototype," Howard waved down.

Scarlet snorted. "Good luck trying to get it back now Stark." She mumbled as she remembered how Steve always had been determined to keep things he liked.

"What's it made of?" Steve asked, the circle held with mystification between his hands.

Howard placed a hand lightly on the edge of the table. "Vibranium." He replied. Steve flipped it, the air surrounding resounding. "It's stronger than steel and a third of the weight." She was slid onto his left forearm. "It's completely. Vibration. Absorbent."

Steve hefted her gently and ran his fingers along the edge. "How come it's not standard issue?" He questioned.

"That's the rarest metal on Earth – what you're holding there, that's all we got," Howard explained to Steve's awe. "Scarlet's got one of her own but she doesn't exactly use it anymore." He looked over at her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"You quite finished, Mr. Stark?" Peggy asked as she entered confidently. "I'm sure the Captain has some unfinished business."

He turned to her with a smile. "What do you think?" He asked, posing as he held the shield before him.

Peggy met his gaze before turning to the surface beside and reaching down to grab one of the handguns on display. "Scarlet, I suggest you cover your ears and close your eyes." She suggested.

Scarlet did so. Peggy aimed it at Steve and fired four rounds, the bullets falling to the floor as he ducked behind and the material reverberated at the impact.

Peggy looked over at her. "It's over now." Scarlet uncovered her ears and opened her eyes.

Steve peeked cautiously above the rim as Howard slowly turned back from his recoil and lowered the forearm protecting his face, the two gaping as she released a satisfied sigh and smiled brightly. "Yes, I think it works," she answered.

She replaced the gun and lifted her chin to stride towards and past him, Steve stepping out of her way as he stared and Howard came to his side.

The two stared at Peggy's back with mouths parted as they put their hands into their pockets, Steve retrieving a piece of lined paper from his and handing it over. "I had some ideas about the uniform."

"Whatever you want, pal," Howard conceded, reaching mechanically to accept it.


Scarlet ran out of the room and after Peggy. "Peggy! Wait up!"

Peggy sighed and stopped, looking back at her, "Anastasia I am not in the mood currently."

"Well that's obvious, without that new shield Steve would be up in the med wing. What is wrong?" Scarlet asked.

"Men." She said frustrated as she growled and marched off.

Scarlet rolled her eyes and Steve walked up next to her, "What's wrong with Peggy?" He asked.

"Not a clue. Hate to say it but despite being a woman myself, I am shit at understanding my fellow gender thanks to you two." Scarlet told him shaking her head and walking away.

"That wasn't our fault!" Steve defended.

"Yes it was!" Scarlet called back, looking over her shoulder.

Howard walked over to him. "Has she ever lost an argument?"

Steve looked at him. "You think she'd let us win?"

Howard just laughed.


Scarlet unlocked the hotel room that the SSR had reserved for their two week R&R and walked in quietly when she noticed the lights were all off and it was quiet.

She quietly shut the door behind her and slipped her shoes off.

"You are late."

Scarlet jumped. "Shoot Buck, I thought you were asleep. Sorry three more soldiers came in tonight."

The lamp beside the bed came on and Bucky looked at her from the bed and her mouth went dry as she saw his naked chest.

"Aren't you cold? I'm freezing." Scarlet said as she pulled her shirt out of her trousers. "It's snowing. What time is it? These short sun hours are messing with my head."

Bucky grinned from the bed and threw the covers off himself to reveal that he was totally naked. "I can warm you up."

Scarlet grinned as she started unbuttoning her blouse.

"No, let me." Bucky said as he stood up and walked over to her unbuttoning her blouse, slowly button by button. He pushed it off her shoulders, kissing as the fabric slid down her shoulders.

Scarlet moaned as he pulled her mouth up to his. "Buck, it's been too long."

"Can...hmmm can you... make love?" Bucky asked concerned as he ran his hands over her back.

Scarlet rolled her eyes. "I'm not a china doll and I think it's adorable that after all this time you still call it making love."

Bucky kissed her hard. "Because I love you... and that's all I ever want to do with you."

Scarlet let him unzip her trousers and slip it from her body, then pull her tank top from her body. Leaving her only in her tank top and panties.

"So beautiful." Bucky said as he picked her up and laid her on the bed. "I have an idea."

Scarlet moaned as he palmed her breast after removing her restricting bra. "What is that?"

Scarlet looked into her eyes, "Let's have a baby."

Scarlet sat up on her elbows. "What?"

"Let's start trying." Bucky told her.

"Bucky, you are going to be out doing... lord knows what missions searching for Hydra..." Scarlet told him.

"I know, but if it happens... you can stop the field work." Bucky told her.

"Seriously?" Scarlet asked shaking her head as she pushed him off her.

"What?" Bucky asked.

"Where the hell did this come from? We decided that we were going to wait until after the war." Scarlet told him sitting up so her legs were dangling off the edge of the bed.

"Well when I was lying on that table... constantly being pulled back from death... it changes your perspective." Bucky told her looking at his hands.

Scarlet sighed as she crawled over to his side of the bed. "Bucky..." she said as she sat next to him.

Bucky looked at her with tear filled eyes for the first time since he got back. "Red... I was dead. Three times. Then they pulled me back using some drug each time."

Scarlet gasped covering her mouth. "God Bucky."

"Each time all I could think about was you. What if...what would I leave you with?" Bucky asked. "Debt? No real home?"

Scarlet swallowed hard. "Are you sure?" She asked.

Bucky nodded. "I don't want you to resent me."

Scarlet smiled at him. "Never, I want to be the mother of your babies James Barnes. Just didn't think it was this soon."

"Red, we never know what tomorrow is going to bring. I haven't been very... spiritual in a long time but there was some reason that I came back each time. One of the times... I was so out of it or something; it was almost like a dream world. I... I saw your Ma." Bucky told her.

Scarlet grabbed his hand, "Really?"

"She was wearing that pink flowered dress that she always loved to wear. I was sitting on the steps of your old apartment and she walked out, beautiful as she ever was." Bucky told her with a smile, "She looked at me and sat down beside me then went 'James Barnes, you aren't supposed to be here yet'. I don't recall what I told her but it was some smartass comment about being on the wrong end of the war. Made her laugh but she placed her hand on my arm then told me that I was meant for a long life. A tough life but a happy life in the end. That she would watch over us until it was time but Scar, in her arms was a baby."

Scarlet squeezed his hand tighter.

"She told me it wasn't his time yet but when he was born, he was going to move mountains and would be perfect in every way." Bucky told her, "He was beautiful... I want that... I want him. I just, I'm not sure if I am going to make it home Scarlet... and I don't want to leave you. I just... if I knew you'd always have a piece of me-"

"We can try." Scarlet told him as she pulled him down into a kiss and laid back on the bed, "But I'm... I'm not sure if my body is recovered enough... Buck... one of my ovaries was damaged." She told him ashamed, "I... was afraid to tell you."

Bucky kissed her tears away. "Don't ever be scared to tell me anything. Well... if it happens it happens. It was all a hallucination anyways."

Scarlet put her arms around his neck. "I want it though."

Bucky kissed her softly. "Then let's go for it," Bucky leaned in to kiss her collarbone. "I want to do this."

She groaned. "Yes."

He rolled them over until he was on top of her. Then pulled down her panties. He spread her legs and saw she was already wet. "You're beautiful."

His tongue flicked out against her folds. She groaned and rolled her hips into him. He took her clit into his mouth and sucked it like it was the sweetest piece of candy he had ever tasted. All the while, his fingers dipped down lower. He slid two fingers into her, pumping in and out, curling them. Scarlet cried out as he touched the spot deep inside of her.

He picked up the pace of his fingers, wanting nothing more than to watch her fall apart. She once accused him of enjoying getting her off more than actually experiencing an orgasm for himself. Maybe it was true. There was nothing like watching her fall apart underneath him. Watching her mouth fall open and her eyes roll back in complete ecstasy as she reached her breaking point. The way his name fell from her lips and moans that came with it. Yes, he loved getting his wife off.

Her thighs began to shake on either side of his head; her back arched as she cried out his name. Slowly, he pulled away from her and she whined at the loss of contact.

"Fuck," she whispered, "Don't stop."

"Such language from a pretty-" Bucky said as Scarlet pushed herself up and grabbed onto the back of his neck. She brought him to her lips, kissing him roughly.

She ran her fingers through his hair, gripping it tightly as they kissed.

Bucky pulled her by her thighs so that their hips aligned. "Ready?" Bucky asked.

Scarlet nodded, closing her eyes as Bucky filled her.

"Oh my God," Scarlet moaned, "Move!"

Bucky gazed down at her, eyes closed in bliss as he moved in and out of her. Her tight, heat around him was almost overwhelming as his heart raced in his chest. The sounds she made as her hands gripped his shoulders, her nails cutting into his flesh. Bucky did everything he could to memorize this moment. From the flush on her cheeks to the freckles that he had missed throughout the years.

He felt himself getting closer. "Red... I..."

"Finish when you need to," Scarlet told him, her voice tight with her approaching climax. "I'm losing..."

Bucky closed his eyes as he felt Scarlet squeezing him as she moaned into his neck as he fell apart, falling on top of her.

Scarlet giggled.

"Are you seriously giggling right now?" Bucky asked.

"That was fun." Scarlet said pushing his sweaty hair out of his eyes. "Keep growing your hair out if you can... I love it a little long like this."

Bucky kissed her forehead, "Whatever you want angel."

Scarlet ran her fingers through his hair, "You haven't called me that in years."

Bucky nuzzled into her neck, "Never felt more right, you are my angel Scarlet Silverthorne-Blake-Barnes."

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