Character Profile

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Scarlet Blake

(Young Scarlet — 19 Years Old)


(Older Scarlet — 25 Years Old)


Full Name: Anastasia Lindsey 'Scarlet' Silverthorne

Meaning and origin: Anastasia is a name of Greek origin that means Resurrection. Lindsey is a name of English origin that means From The Lake Settlement Island. Scarlet is a female name of English origin that means Red. Silverthorne is a surname of English origin that means Silvery Stream or Silversmith.

Preferred Name: Scarlet Silverthorne-Blake


• Scarlet Silverthorne (Prior to Engagement to her fiancé)

• The Shield of Ikaris

• First Lieutenant Silverthorne (Rank during WWI)

• Captain Silverthorne-Blake (Promoted to near the end of WWI)

Sexual Preference: Asexual

Species: Enteral (Cyborg)

Citizenship: American

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: 6th of April 1898

Date of Death: 8th of April 1918 (Resurrected on 11th of April 1930)

Ser. No.: 35222465

Titles: • First Lieutenant (Formerly)

• Captain (Currently)

Affiliation: US Army (Currently)

Personality: Upon first meeting Scarlet, she seems to be happy-go-lucky and can be the life of the party. She is an uncompromising friend, no matter how tough the situation is. Though she is not afraid to use her powers to defend herself or to protect her loved ones, she feels no remorse for hurting or killing people, stating that 'it just comes naturally to me'. She actually takes great pleasure in using her power to make other people suffer. She feels like she's been wronged and wants to add more power to her own, not caring who she has to kill to do so. She is filled with determination, never giving up on the task at hand which can also make her rather stubborn. She can be quite heroic, never hestiting to protect someone who needs help. She is extremely conflicted, torn between what he feels and what she believes is the right thing to do. Because of this, her judgment is often skewed and her mind constantly sways from one side to another.

Likes (What are their favorite things? Favorite food, favorite activity, etc.): Snow, animals in general, mythology, supernatural things, music, reading books, rainy days. She likes doing Winter sports such as snowboarding and skiing. She enjoys watching Formula One wether it's on the Television or/and in person.

Dislikes (What do they not like?): Scarlet dislikes diving of any kind wether it's into water, cliff diving, sky diving, etc. She also dislikes clowns/mimes/puppets, etc pranks, hypocrites, drama, being alone, crowded rooms, mushrooms, bugs, wet socks, loud noises, fireworks, explosions.

Pet peeves (Minimum of two. Maximum of 5. Please make it detailed.): Talking during a movie; it really annoys her, the whole purpose of going to see a movie is to experience a film. People in the audience can't do that if one person is speaking loudly and filling the theatre with chatter. People Who Walk Slow. There's nothing more stressful than being in a rush on foot through a city and getting caught behind a slow walker with no way to get around them. People who scuff their feet as they walk down the street. People who eat food off her plate without asking first. When people ask if they can have some of her food as they make a grab for it.

Habits (Good or bad or simple habits like: tapping your toe or pencil, etc. Minimum of two. Maximum of 5. Please make it detailed.): Humming a tune, or whistling a tune, or singing a tune under her breath. When Scarlet is lying or not telling the whole truth, she will change the tone of her voice at odd points. When she is scared, angry, nervous, Scarlet will clench her jaw, scratch the nape of neck, her arms will be crossed defensively and she chews on her lips.

Phobias/Fears (What are they afraid of the most? Does the character have to take any medication to help with this phobia?): Scarlet is afraid of being alone, being unable to see and claustrophobic spaces. She is also afraid of deep bodies of water such as the ocean or sea. She doesn't take any medication to help with the phobia.



• Eternal Physiology: By design from the Celestials, Scarlet was an Eternal possessing superhuman strength, durability, speed, agility, stamina, reflexes and healing numerous times superior than any normal human being, as well as immortality and being able to manipulate cosmic energy to a certain degree.

• Superhuman Strength: Like all Eternals, Scarlet possessed great superhuman strength, numerous times stronger than any normal human being. He was the third strongest Eternal of her time, only surpassed by Gilgamesh and Ikaris.

• Superhuman Durability: Scarlet's body is numerous times more resistant to physical and energy damage than any normal human being. She was able to withstand multiple powerful blows without suffering any noteworthy injury.

• Superhuman Speed: Scarlet could run and move at great superhuman speed, much faster than any normal human being. Her speed is lesser than Makkari, but more so than the other Eternals.

• Superhuman Agility: Scarlet naturally possessed far greater agility, equilibrium, flexibility, dexterity, balance, and body coordination than any normal human being.

• Superhuman Stamina: Scarlet's advanced musculature was considerably more efficient than any normal human being. As a result, his muscles virtually did not produce fatigue toxins during physical activity. Her endurance allowed him to exercise her maximum capacity for an extremely long period of time without tiring at all.

• Superhuman Reflexes: Scarlet could react and dodge objects traveling at high speeds, much quicker than any normal human being.

• Regenerative Healing Factor: Scarlet's metabolism enabled her to rapidly regenerate damaged bodily tissue with far greater speed and efficiency than any normal human being.

• Immortality: As an Eternal, Scarlet is genetically able to live forever, without dying due to old age or illnesses.

• Flight: Scarlet can fly using her telekinesis by project herself through the air and is able to simulate self-propelled flight at considerable speeds.

• Cosmic Energy Manipulation: By design of the Celestials, all Eternals are genetically capable of using cosmic energy. Each Eternal possesses a unique ability, all derived from the same cosmic power source.

• Energy Blasts: Scarlet can use her cosmic energy to project powerful cosmic energy beams from her hands, she can create projectiles of powerful, telekinetic energy that could shatter the ground and knock people down or high into the air.

• Advanced Telekinesis: Scarlet's telekinesis was far more advanced than it was when she first practiced. She displayed a unique psionic ability to actually create 'tendrils' of telekinetic energy from her hands that could latch on and drag her enemies across the ground. She could use her fingers to create a powerful bash of energy to knock her enemies back to the ground, levitate them high into the air and toss with great speed and concussive force.

• Long-Range Teleportation: Scarlet could instantaneously teleport herself and others from one location to another and across great distances.

• Glamouring: She can alter her appearance using magic.

• Telekinetic Flight: Scarlet could levitate and maneuver through the air via her amplified telekinetic abilities.

• Weather Manipulation: Scarlet is able to control the weather and all of its forms with ease. She can control meteorological tempests, such as lightning, thunderstorms, hurricanes, blizzards, tornadoes, mist, and typhoons. She can even siphon electricity, causing her to shoot it out as lightning of any intensity.

• Bionic Physiology: Scarlet's body has been altered with cybernetics and bionics, giving her a cyborg appearance along with a wide range of abilities.

• Enhanced Vision: Scarlet's eyes has advanced scanning and holographic capabilities. The eyes give her vital information on her surroundings such as potential threats, location of items and seems to enhance her vision well beyond that of a normal human, including telescopic and spectrum lenses.

• Glamouring: She can alter her appearance using magic. She can take on a living or dead person's physical appearance, gaining everything, including fingerprints and DNA; she can also mimic wounds, even very serious ones. Once Scarlet transforms into that person, she can access the thoughts and memories of the person she is mimicking.

• Voice-Mimicry: During her time as an assassin, Scarlet would use this ability to lure her victims to their deaths much like a siren would.

• Weapons Conjuring: Scarlet is capable of fashioning any solid metal form, such as knives, swords and other bladed weapons simply by extending a limb and solidifying it into the desired shape. She can also convert a limb into a blade and throw it like a javelin at an enemy in some situations, with sufficient force to impale an enemy and knock it backwards at least a few dozen feet. Once manifested, she can also change the form of a weapon, like shifting a shield into a sword instantaneously and fluidly from one type of weapon to another rapidly with only she herself knowing what manner of wielded weapon she'll materialize next, making her very unpredictable in combat.

• Immunity: Scarlet cannot be harmed by conventional firearms. Her endoskeleton is only vulnerable to electricity, magnetism and heat.

Bionic Arms:

• Enhanced Strength: The bionic arms give her extraordinary superhuman strength, superior to that of Captain America's strength.

• Enhanced Durability: Her cybernetic arms are incredibly resistant to physical damage. The cybernetic arm is bulletproof and grants her even higher durability due to it being composed of vibranium, as well as the benefit of being vibration absorbent.

Bionic Legs:

• Enhanced Strength: The bionic legs give her extraordinary superhuman strength.

• Enhanced Durability: Her cybernetic legs is incredibly resistant to physical damage. The cybernetic legs are bulletproof and grants her even higher durability due to it being composed of vibranium, as well as the benefit of being vibration absorbent.


Power Limitations: Scarlet's psychic abilities can mostly be overpowered by the cold or sound. Her headstrong attitude and overestimation of her abilities often goes to her head and can prove to be a weakness. If Scarlet loses her focus while utilizing her powers, her abilities will become invalidated.

• Firearms: Machine-Gun caliber rounds or armor piercing bullets made of depleted uranium can penetrate its endoskeleton, disabling and even destroying the unit. Plasma weapons can penetrate the armor and destroy the unit.

• Extreme forces: Intense explosions, could permanently dislocate limbs and disrupt the internal frame, possibly even destroying it. A pipe bomb jammed between its joints, for instance, can blow a the endoskeleton in half. Nevertheless, the upper half torso can remain functional albeit with a severed left arm. Razor-sharp edges such as metallic pipes, steel rods, or shrapnel can pierce into the endoskeleton armor plate if propelled with sufficient force, disabling the cyborg, and even decapitating it.

• Age: The endoskeleton can be affected by age. She has trouble with her servomotors degrading which most of the time causes lockups on her knee and in her hand. Additionally, if any part suffers from damage during battles, after operational for long periods of time without proper repairs, the endoskeleton would begin to break down with the joints locking when exposed to stress or repetitive movement.

• The Power: The Power is a mysterious force that bestows potent supernatural abilities upon those who tap into it, but at cost of gradually siphoning off their life force with each use. This is also her lifeline ever since becoming 18 years old, therefore every time she uses one of her natural born powers, she will prematurely each time until she burns her body through over-usage. If she were to will her power away, she would die instantly.

• Addictiveness: As each time Scarlet makes use of The Power, either for helpful or harmful purposes, she becomes addicted to it, and as a consequence, she seeks to use The Power much more than is necessary and as a result she becomes consumed by The Power's seductive nature craving more.



• Master Martial Artist: Due to her advanced age and countless battles, with thousands of years of training and combat experience, making her one of the most powerful and best fighters in the universe. Scarlet is very efficient, highly skilled and extremely lethal in various forms of martial arts and hand-to-hand combat, as well as many other martial arts. While mostly using savage slashes with her blades in combat, she is shown to be very precise and methodical, quickly adjusting her tactics to better suit the situation and type of opponent. She is an exceptionally skilled and formidable martial artist and hand-to-hand combatant, excelling at improvisation and weapons handling.

• Gifted Intellect: As an Eternal, Scarlet possesses superior intelligence. She is crafty enough to have come up with a public explanation for her immortality that involved her being the latest member of Silverthorne's greatest acting dynasty.

• Weapons Proficiency: Scarlet is proficient in handling any melee weapon or firearm, due to her war experiences.

• Stealth Mastery: Scarlet is able to sneak around with ease. She has been trained in military tactics and has spent decades as a soldier and covert operative, using quick thinking and resourcefulness to execute her assignments.

• Multilingualism: Scarlet fluently speaks her native English, as well as fluent Romanian, Latin, French, Italian, Spanish and Russian. She also understands German and Japanese to some extent. She can also speak Babylonian, and sign language, using the latter to communicate with the deaf-mute Makkari.

• Expert Marksman: Scarlet can throw most projectile weaponry with great accuracy and is well-versed in the use of firearms like the military-issued Colt 1911.

• Master Spy: Aside from being a veteran soldier and one of the world's greatest combatants, Scarlet is skilled in espionage, intelligence gathering, stealth, infiltration, and sabotage.

• Master Acrobat: Scarlet's years of training and experience have made her an highly skilled acrobat, gymnast, and aerialist. She often utilizes these talents in combat for both evasive and offensive purposes.

• Pilot: Scarlet has a strong understanding of aerodynamics and air crafts, allowing her to perform complex manoeuvres.



• Celestial Armor: Scarlet donned black leather armor with a dark blue corset and a dark blue leather jacket over it, equipped on her by the Domo. The armor was durable enough to withstand multiple blows during the fight with the Deviants. The armour included dark blue leather fingerless gloves, and tall black boots with dark blue and gold piping on top of them.


World War I Weapons:

• Gauntlets/Bracelets: These are virtually indestructible (although they can show signs of minor damage), capable of deflecting even a tremendously powerful and destructive thermal attack, creating a massive wave of energy outwards. In addition to deflecting energy, the bracelets are capable of absorbing energy as well.

• Vibranium Shield: Scarlet's shield is virtually indestructible. Her shield is able to withstand machine gun fire and deflect shells from the German Army. She stopped using the shield after the First World War ended.

• Colt M1911: Scarlet used one as her sidearm and was issued a M1911A1 pistol during the First World War.

• Lee-Enfield No.1 Mk III: Scarlet was issued one of these rifles. She used it for during World War I, however she did not continue to use it after the war ended.

• Winchester Model 1897: Scarlet used it for during World War I, however she did not continue to use it after the war ended.

• War Uniform: Her uniform consisted of a olive green four-button coat with four pockets in olive drab with matching trousers and forest green long-sleeved shirt. She wore a leather brown Garrison Belt with a brass buckle around her coat. She also wore a Tan leather Jerkin over her coat. Her footwear consisted of low quarter russet brown leather cap toe boots.



• Domo: Like the other Eternals, Scarlet arrived on Earth in this massive spaceship. She stopped using the Domo after she began to live a life as a successful movie star.

• Triumph Model H: Scarlet owned and used a Triumph Model H during the early years of World War I.




• William Silverthorne † — Father

Beatrice Silverthorne (Née Delaney) † — Mother

• Gabriel Joesph 'Gabe' Silverthorne — Brother

• Thomas 'Tom' Blake † — Husband

• Joesph 'Joe' Blake — Brother in Law

• James 'Bucky' Barnes — Best Friend and Later Husband

• Mildred Barnes — Mother Figure and Later Mother-in-Law

• George Barnes † — Father Figure and Later Father-in-Law

• Bucky's Siblings — Later Siblings-in-Law

• Rebecca Barnes — Friend and Later Sister-in-Law



• Ikaris

• Sersi

• Thena

• Kingo

• Makkari

• Phastos

• Sprite

• Gilgamesh

• Druig

• Ajak

• Celestials — Creators

• Arishem the Judge — Superior

• Steve Rogers / Captain America — Friend

• Sarah Rogers

• Mildred Marie Dean — Family Friend

• Winton Dean — Family Friend

• Ortense Winslow — Family Friend

• Marcus Winslow — Family Friend

• James Dean — Friend and Later Love Interest



• Loud Jerk

• Wehrmacht

• Adolf Hitler †

• Schutzstaffel



Backstory: Scarlet Silverthorne was built and programmed by Arishem the Judge, and was sent to multiple planets to protect and help evolve sentient life forms from the Deviants, powering a Celestial seed inside the planet, which would absorb the energy made from the sentient lifeforms. Eventually, the Emergence would occur, destroying the planet in the process. Upon finishing their mission, the Eternals would be sent back to the World Forge to have their memories erased and reset. Scarlet never met or saw, Arishem the Judge, but initially followed what she believed to be his orders out of pure faith. She and the rest of the Eternals were sent to Earth in an inactive state on the Domo. Once awoken, the Eternals were provided with suits to wear before arriving at the planet. Scarlet, being one of the Eternal's main fighters, landed on Earth first to fight the Deviants. When the Deviants attacking the humans were defeated, the Eternals presented themselves to the race they were assigned to protect.

After working with each other over the centuries to pass by, Scarlet had formed a close relationship with her partner and confidante, Druig, eventually falling in love with him.

The Eternals eventually relocated to Athens, Greece to continue fighting the Deviants.

After thousands of years of fighting with the Deviants, during 1521, there was a spanish invasion on the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan runs concurrently with an attack from the last of the Deviants. In 1521 AD, the Eternals engaged Deviants in battle around Tenochtitlan. However, a concurrent war between conquistadors and native mesoamericans caused Thena to go berserk. During the battle, Scarlet's then husband, Druig left the Eternals to save humanity owing to them abstaining from human affairs. After the Deviants becoming seemingly eradicated.

The Eternals regrouped to a temple in the city to assess Thena's condition. They believed she had Mahd Wy'ry, which Sersi thought was a mythical disease. With the Deviants gone, Ajak advised the Eternals to split up and live a life among the humans until they're called together again.

With her husband gone, Scarlet opted to go and live with Kingo, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't bring herself to love him believing her heart was still with Druig.

Over the years, Scarlet observed humans and became loving of them for their emotions particularly loyalty, forgiveness and love, coming to believe that her own kind were emotionless and without any will of their own in comparison. She also became fond of the idea of chocolate cake and sex.

After having her memory wiped, she was reborn as Scarlet Danvers on April 12th 1898, at Heathwood, her family's home on 8 Wildwood Road in Hampstead Garden Suburb, London. She received dual British-American citizenship at birth as her parents were United States citizens, both originally from Lawerence, Kansas. She is a descendant of a witch. When she was born, she was gifted a daemon (a visible version of the soul that takes on an animal form). When Scarlet's mother died when she was two, she was adopted by the Silverthorne family.

Her parents moved to London in 1905 and opened an art gallery on Bond Street. The family lived in London during Scarlet's childhood.

When Scarlet was a toddler, she panicked in William's presence because she believed that her 'real' father would kill her for her disobedience. Her outbursts were such that the Silverthorne's took her to a child psychologist for therapy. Scarlet gradually repressed her memories of her origins and convinced herself that she was a normal human; something that would later annoy some of the Eternals.

She was enrolled in Byron House, a Montessori school in Highgate, and was raised according to the teachings of Christian Science, the religion of her mother. In 1911, her powers began to develop at thirteen and she was initially scared, due to having no knowledge of her true heritage, but later met who she thought to be her biological father.

Scarlet learned the truth and of how descendants of the witches of Ipswitch will 'ascend' and gain further power, but the power is addictive and has negative aging effects. Her father had used his powers to such an extent that it had reduced him to an old and weakened state. Thus, in order to end her father's suffering (something her father had desired after using his powers for so long and being near death) and increase her own powers, Scarlet convinced him to will her (transfer) his share of the power into her thereby killing him.

In early 1912, the Silverthorne's decided to return to the United States on April 10th 1912 aboard the ocean liner RMS Titanic. Her father unfortunately died during the sinking after it struck an iceberg. Once she and her mother arrived at their destination, they moved in with her maternal grandfather in Pasadena, California. After briefly living in Pacific Palisades, her mother and herself settled in Beverly Hills, where she was enrolled in Hawthorne School. She signed up for the army on her sixteenth birthday in 1914 and was sent to war to fight against the Nazi's as part of the 160th Infantry Regiment. She was nineteen years old when she first died in 1917. She was resurrected a year later. Unknown to her at the tone, her mother had transferred her own Power to Scarlet in order to bring Scarlet back. Scarlet managed to get through the rest of the war alive, she did however lose her left arm to a machine gun and her right leg to shrapnel as well as explosion. She was presumed to be dead.

Scarlet can remember lying on a hospital bed being having given a cybernetic arm and leg to replace the ones she lost during the war. Afterwards the war ended, she visited a friend in Fairmount, Indiana in 1938 and met their grandson James Dean, he was only nine years old at the time. Scarlet was twenty five. During the early 1930s; Scarlet met and befriended both Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers.

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