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' red queen of blood'

Perverse instantiation
Season 3 episode 15
Part 3


We didn't know what to do. At this point everything we did failed. Now Alie has everything she needs to destroy us.

We no longer have a Night blood. Ontari is brain dead and no one else can help. I jumped back into reality when I heard Abby scream as Clarke tried to get her mom back. Bellamy and Murphy went out and I stayed here with Clarke not leaving her alone. I haven't found my mom, dad or Dylan and I'm worried. I hope they are okay- no. They are okay, yeah they are.

"I know you're in there. Come back to me." Clarke said letting out a sniffle. She had her mom in her lap, her mom wasn't awake yet.

"She's going to be okay." I whispered to Clarke placing my hand in her shoulder.

"I need you." Clarke said before we heard an exhale coming out of Abby making Clarke and I let out a smile chuckle in relief.

"Hi." Clarke said with a small laugh. Clarke." Her mother said.

"Yeah, ha!" Clarke said.

"Told you she would be okay." I said giving her shoulder a squeeze.

"You're okay. You're okay. Here." Clarke said helping her mom to sit up.

I got up and I knew that Abby and Clarke needed to have a moment with each other so I moved away taking a seat somewhere else as my eyes stayed on Clarke and her mom.

But it didn't last for long when Bellamy came in and as soon he saw Abby up he held up his gun making me run up to him.

"Woah, hey, no. It's okay." I immediately told him.

"I used the EMP. She's back." Clarke said as she uncovered her mom. Bellamy wasn't alone, Murphy was there along with Pike making me invisibly roll my eyes at him.

"W-W-well, what about Ontari? Thought you said we had one shot with that thing." Murphy said as Clarke got up walking towards us.

"I told you, Ontari's no longer an option for the flame. She's brain dead. Is the floor secure?" Clarke said finishing off.

"For now. Jaha and the guards are tired up in a bedroom." Bellamy told Clarke.

"We took out the elevator and the ladder as we climbed." Pike said to us making her shake her head.

"The stairs are collapsed. No one's following us." Pike said

"good. Then we have time." Clarke said making my attention get to her. I looked at her confused but the way she's looking at us, it made me realize she was going to do something that wasn't part of the plan.

"What we don't have is a way down."

"Time for what?" Murphy and Bellamy said at the exact time.

"An ascension ceremony." Clarke said.

"Ascension? You just said Ontari wasn't an option. Besides, she's still chipped, and we no longer have an EMP." Murphy said stating the obvious.

"We're not putting the flame into Ontari's head." She said making bite down my lip. Don't finish the last sentence. I said to myself.

"We're putting it in mine." She told us as they all looked at her crazy. I mean yeah-sounds like a good idea but isn't that too dangerous since she isn't a night blood.

"Clarke, that thing kill anyone in seconds, liquefied your brain." Bellamy said to Clarke.

"But we are connected to a night blood." Clarke said.

"Transfusion?" Pike said.

"Not exactly." Clarke said before her mother spoke up from behind.

"Connected like Mount Weather." Her mom said making Clarke turn to face her and shaking her head.

"Yes. Everything we need is in your med kit." Clarke said as I walked up to her.

"Clarke." I said to her.

"I'm so down with that-," I said to her letting out a sigh.

"But don't you think that's dangerous. What if it doesn't work and we did that for nothing. I-it sounds like a good idea b-but I don't think we need to be in more danger than we already are." I said to her, trying not to sound like someone who doesn't want to do it.

"They are too many variables." Clarke's mom said standing up and talking to Clarke.

"But no options." Clarke said before Nathan and the other immediately came in,

"Whatever you're doing, you better do it fast." Octavia said to us.

"What why? What happened?" Bellamy asked her, as she stood there quietly before speaking up.

"They're climbing." She said to us before we immediately went outside the balcony and I leaned forward and looked down to see she was right.

"Are they crazy!" I said as they climbed up this entire building.

"What do we do?" I asked Bellamy from beside.

"If they come up we attack," Bellamy say. I don't know if any of this is a good idea.

"How can we attack an entire army?" I asked him before I watched pike throw oil around the balcony. Smart.

"Oh." Was all I said instead. I walked back to see Abby and Clarke already working as her mom put a needle into her arm.

"Hey." I said to Clarke looking at her.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" I asked her concern. She and I had to go through so much and we still do.

"No-," she said with a small chuckle making me smile.

"But if it's the only thing to stop Alie from winning then, I will." Clarke said making me nod as I grabbed her hand.

"Okay. I'm with you," I said with a smile.

"The balcony is greased." Pike said from behind me.

"No one's getting in through here." Pike said to us.

"Good. There enough lamp oil to cover every window on the floor except the commanders chambers." Bellamy told them.

"Then that's where the fighting starts. We'll dig in there." Pike said walking out along with Bryan who was also injured in the leg. Octavia followed behind but I didn't speak to her-I still haven't at all. She's my best friend and I don't know what to do.

"We're all set." I heard Abby say.

"Ok. You ready?" Abby said to Clarke as I squeezed her hand. I hadn't let go of it. I watched how Clarke's blood began to transfer to Ontari and Ontari's into Clarke's.

"Hey, try doing that hanging upside down." Bellamy said trying to enlighten up the mood.

"This will work." Clarke said to her mom.

"And if it doesn't?" Her mom asked her.

"If it doesn't work, then she dies. When the climbers get here." Murphy said.

"Way too ruined the mood." I said to him rolling my eyes.

"If we're gonna do this, I need the flame," Murphy said walking to Clarke but Abby stopped him.

"Mom, please. He knows what he's doing. You have to let me go." Clarke told her. Abby let go of Murphy as he grabbed the Flame. I let go her hand and stepped back as he went beside Clarke.

"Lean forward." Murphy told her, I watched Clarke getting scared and that's when I went to grab her hand again.

"Ready?" Murphy asked her.

"Yeah." Clarke said in a whisper.

"Ascende superius." Murphy said as I watched the flame activate before Murphy let go of it and it went inside Clarke.

"Uh! Uh! Aah!" She began to scream as she squeezed my hand.

"Uh! Aah!" She screamed as I looked away closing my eyes hearing Clarke's scream.

I felt a hand tangle with mine looking up to see Bellamy standing there. I heard Clarke stop screaming making me turn to face her.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I-is she okay?" I asked Abby.

"Her heart's racing. Get that thing out of her head." Abby said to Murphy who immediately declined her making her snap.

"I said, get that thing out of her head!" Abby yelled before Clarke woke up.

"No. No, not yet." Clarke said to us.

"Are you in any pain?" Her mom asked her.

"No. I'm okay. I know how to stop Alie. I have to take the chip." Clarke say making me let go of her hand.

"What?" I said to her.
"I have to go into the city of light and find the kill switch." Clarke said making me rub my face.

"Yeah. That sounds like a great idea." Murphy said walking away.

"Clarke." I said to her.

"Clarke, listen to me. Alie wants the flame. If you take the chip, you're giving it to her. The second someone sees you Alie is going to know that you are there." Abby told her.

"She'll kill you." Abby said to Clarke.

"If your mind dies, you die." Her mom said to Clarke.

"The flame will protect me." Clarke said.

"How do you know?" I asked her.

"I don't know how I know. I just...know." Clarke said to us making me bite my inside cheek.

"I believe you." I heard Bellamy said making me look at him from far away. A second ago he was right next to me.

"Do you even know what you're looking for?" Abby asked her.

"I'll know when I find it." Clarke said as her mother gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"May we meet again." Her mother said to her.

"We will." Clarke said with a smile.

"We'll keep you safe." Bellamy day making me nod.

"Don't worry, we'll do anything to keep you safe." I said to Clarke.

"Mebi oso na hit choda op nodotaim" I said with a smile as she gave me a nod.

'May we meet again.'

Bellamy had the chip in his hand as Clarke took the chip into her mouth and a couple of seconds later she was out of it making me watcher her unconscious body.


It's been a good couple of minutes that has gone pass by and I was sitting on the ground waiting for Clarke to wake up. Abby was there, Murphy too but Bellamy went out to check out the others. I walked towards Abby and sat down next to her.

"She's going to be okay. She's strong." I said to Abby with a smile.

"She'll get through this." I said to her as she nodded.

"I know she is." Abby said to me.

"She's one of the strangest person I've ever met. She's going to destroy Alie and I know that. She'll save us all." I said to Abby as she held my arm making me smile at her.

"You are also one of the strongest girl I've ever met." She told me making me chuckle.

"No. I'm not. I may look I know what I'm doing but deep down I have no idea what the hell I do most of the times." I said looking to the ground. And it's true I really don't know what I'm doing not at all.

"Yes you do." She said making me shake my head licking my lips.

"No, I don't Abby. Most of the time I have no idea. Like leaving. I should've never left or else I wouldn't be hunted down by everyone. I feel like I'm a failure, I failed my mom, my dad, Dylan, Bellamy, Octavia. Everyone I love I failed them. I almost got everyone killed. If I knew that Carol would have been there to kill me I wouldn't-," letting out a small sigh.

"Madison, don't blame yourself for him. None of you knew that would happen. Not everything is on you. You and Clarke sound just the same way, you guys think everything is in you but no. You need a break. Don't let whatever is happening go on you. You guys are just teenagers. Nothing is on you. Okay, Madison. You are a strong girl, fearless, don't let anyone say otherwise." Abby said to me as I gave her a smile rapping my arms around her hugging her tightly.

Abby and I never had a conversation like this but it was good. I guess she's right. Not everything is on me. "Thank you, Abby. It means alot." I told said to as she rubs my back.

"You don't have to thank me sweetheart." She said to me as I let out a small chuckle. Abby and pulled away as I still smiled at her.

"Abby, Abby, we've got a problem." I heard Murphy say as I turned to see Ontari crashing, Abby and I immediately  ran up to her.

"Hey, hey, come on." Murphy said.

"Move. She's Crashing." Abby said as she began to start CPR to Ontari.

"Clarke's not getting enough night blood." Abby said to us.

"So what? What's going to happen if she doesn't?" I asked her as she tilted her head making me realize what she was trying not to say.

"Her body is already rejecting the flame." Abby said as she still continued to keep pumping Ontari's chest.

"You need to take over." Abby said to Murphy. "Do exactly as I'm doing." Abby said as Murphy hesitated to do it.

"Come on." Abby said before Murphy went in and began to follow Abby's directions.

"If the blood stops flowing through this tube, Clarke's brain will liquefy." Abby said as she grabbed Clarke's face.

"Do we need to get her out of there?" I asked seeing Clarke nose being to bleed out. "I don't know." Abby said looking at Murphy. I turned to Clarke as she began to seizes "Abby-," I said covering my mouth.

"It's not working. Open her shirt." Abby told Murphy. "Murphy, do it now." I said a he began to do as Abby grabbed a small knife.

"I'm not gonna like this, am I?" Murphy asked, he stepped away making Abby opening Ontari's chest as I turned back to Clarke. "Abby-,"

"you need to move faster." Murphy said as I stayed next to Clarke.

"Come on, Abby." I said as I grabbed a hold of Clarke's hand.

"It's working." Murphy said as I looked up at the tubes seeing the blood going into Clarke making me sigh.

"Get over here. I need you to pump her heart." Abby said to Murphy as he hesitated to do it.

"What? Are-are you crazy? I'm not gonna pump her heart."

"Now!" Abby yelled as he groaned before grabbing the heart and began to pump it.

"Ugh, ew." I heard Murphy said in disgust.

"Thank god it's not me pumping her heart." I said making him glare at me as he had a disgust face still.

"Come on, Clarke." Abby said as she still kept seizing.

"You could do it, I know you can." I said to Clarke as I still had her hand.

"She's stopped." I said as I felt her body stop making turn to Abby.

"She's stabilizing. Don't stop what you're doing." Abby told Murphy making me smile.

"You're okay." I whispered to Clarke, I knew she wouldn't listen to me but I wanted to say knowing she will be okay. I don't need anyone else I care to die.

I know she'll be okay. I know it. I took a step back and turned around rubbing my hands into my face as my hands shake. We almost lost Clarke, oh god.

I threw my head back before I watched Bellamy and the others come and and closing the doors and began to put furniture around it.

"Hey." I said to Bellamy as his breath was uneven as he came up to me hugging me making me frown.

"Are you okay?" I asked his as I pulled away.

"They are already here." Bellamy said to me as I heard the door being bang.

"Will you two shut up and help." Nathan said as I immediately helped them putting this against the door.

"We need to keep Clarke safe, give her time." Bellamy said to us.

"Do you think that will hold them off?" I asked Bellamy.

"No, but Clarke needs more time." He said making me nod.

"They're unarmed, but they won't feel pain, and they won't stop until they're out cold." Bellamy as I swallow thickly realizing I'm going to probably fight my mom or my dad, damn even Dylan.

"Copy that. Go for the knockout." Nathan said as he was ready to fight them off, we heard the safety of a gun to off as we turned to Bellamy.

"Only if they get past you." Abby said making me shrug.

"Good point." I said to her giving her a small smile. We heard the door slam, they are here. And are ready to attack us. Dear lord help me.

"I'm going to die." I whispered as the things against the door began to fall to the ground.

"I really hope Clarke gets up," I whispered before they entered the room and ran towards us.

"Here we go!" Bellamy said as I began to fight them off.

Protecting myself with my sword. I dug down hitting them in the side as they fell to the ground and then from the end of my sword I hit them on top of their head as they fall.

I turned around and I got hit in the face as I spin around kicking my legs in the face. Someone grabbed me by the throat and held me up making me groan in pain. I saw there face it was my dad.

"D-dad." I let out with a wimp.

"It's-it's me. M-Madison your daughter-," before his eyes lit up as he looked straight into my eyes making him realize what he was doing.

"Madison?" He said as he put me down to the ground and looked at me with apologetic.

"I-I'm so sorry." He said to me as he wrapped his arms around me hugging me tightly.

"I'm so sorry, kiddo." He said as he hugged and kiss the top of my head.

"It's okay, dad. It's over." I whispered as he rubbed my head.

"It's over. Everyone is safe." I said as I pulled away from him with a smile.

"I'm so sorry." He said to me.

"It's okay, dad. It's alright." I said with a smile, hugging me once again.

"Madison." I heard my mother say turning around and saw her alive.

"Mom?" I said with a smile as I ran up to her hugging her so tightly not letting go.

"You're alive. Oh my god. Thank god." I said to her before I heard groans and scream seeing Octavia killing Pike and just walked away.

She killed him. She really did.


After getting out of it Alive. Alie was gone. Everyone was safe. My mother is alive, so is my dad and Dylan. Everyone is. Clarke saved us all. And I'm glad we are still alive.

I thought we wouldn't get rid of Alie but we did. And I'm so thankful no more chips, no pain. Finally we can be safe. I was still at polis.

I wanted to help and clean but some of Ice nation were there and causing problems which I took care of. But it wasn't much like Alie.

Clarke killed Alie and that's all we needed her dead. I'm happy. Well, still injured and all but I'm happy that Alie is gone and no more of us will be dying.

"Always kom op gon help Strik Won." I said to the little girl as she gave me a smile. 'Always come for help little one.'

She was so cute and adorable and I saw her struggling and I helped her out. She was maybe around six, blue eyes, brown hair.

How could kids come up in the process. Innocent that has nothing to do with this. I waved the little girl goodbye and walked away into the crowd making a turn where I saw my mom and dad go. I looked around it was quiet from where I was just now. 'Mhm, weird.'

I thought to myself as I walked further down. I saw a man in a mask come up from behind me as I turned to him.

"Can I help you?" I asked him confused but he didn't speak at all. He just stared at me. I roll my eyes moving my feet forward as I bump to another one standing in front of me. One came up from the left side and the right. I was surrounded.

"Why do you want?" I asked here as I turned around looking at every each one of them.

"Red haiplana kom drein au." One of them said making me frown.

I was hit on the head, then on my stomach, and then on my leg, and then it kept going and going as one of them covered my mouth.

I tried to scream but I couldn't. I tried to get them off me and I couldn't.

All I could do is let them do it. That's when one hit and covered my mouth with a cloth with something making me completely close my eyes and all I knew was that I was being attacked my four men.

And everything went black.


A/n: this is the end of Act 1 and let me tell you I'm so excited for the next act. Sorry for leaving you guys on a cliffhanger but I had to so hold onto something for the next ride coming soon! Enjoy!!
New TikTok up Add me on TikTok @Stilesstilinskiibaee.wp Enjoy!!
Xoxo, your fav 🥰


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