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' red queen of blood '

Season 4 episode 1
Part 2


After being attacked yet again I decided not to be stuck in a room recovering and waiting till someone else comes.

It was hard to make my mom and dad to make them leave me alone. They wanted to be with me twenty-four seven and I'm fine with that but it's a little too much. I don't see Bellamy doing that.

I think my mother is scared that I'm going to snap again and end up killing someone's else. I would. Definitely but I could tell the way she looked at me the other night. She was afraid of me.

"How do we tell these people that the world is ending after everything they've been through?" I heard Clarke say as I walked behind them watching Bellamy and Clarke talk.

"I'm sorry what?" I said to her confused.

"The world is going to end?" I asked Clarke.

"We don't know, not until we know Alie was telling the truth." Bellamy said making me shake my head.

"Alie is dead." I said to them. "It was the truth." Clarke said to Bellamy.

"Still, keep it to ourselves until, we know what we're dealing with and how to stop it." Bellamy making me speak up.

"If you won't tell anyone then maybe lower your voice." Whispered to them as I looked at the people around us.

"Damn." I heard Bellamy say as he watched the people around us.

"You're afraid of how people will react." Clarke told Bellamy who turned to Clarke and nodded.

"Yes. Besides, I could use a break." Bellamy said with a smile.

"We could all use a break." I said to him crossing my arms. I need a break.

"From keeping you alive." Bellamy said with a smile.

"You gave them their pain, Clarke. Let's not add to that by telling them they're gonna die in six months." Bellamy said to us.

"Good." He said.

"Once everyone's done, we go home, we get to work. We didn't survive this long just to let a little radiation takes us out." Bellamy said to us making me smile and so did Clarke.

"Thank you for keeping us alive." Clarke said to Bellamy. We heard a woman wailing in cries as she held a man. We all three when up to her as Clarke check for a pulp getting back up. He was dead.

"He didn't fall." Bellamy said from behind his Clarke.

"He chased me in the city of light." Clarke said turning to us.

"Then what happened?" I asked her.

"Lexa killed him." Clarke said to us. Lexa? How?  

"Wanheda." The woman said as she got up.

"Yu don dula Disha." 'you did this.' She said to her glaring at Clarke we watched everyone surrounding us as they were full of anger and rage.

"Oh well, that's going well." I said to them, they looked at us with anger.

This isn't our fault it's Alie.

We just saved the world.


I tried to push the memories of happened to me and forget but that can't happen. It's a scar that will be with me forever.

"Good. You're down. We have to go." Clarke said to my mother, my dad, Kane, her mom.

"The rover's in the north woods." Clarke said.

"What about the wounded?" Abby's asked her daughter.

"Grounders don't want our help. Our people we'll treat at Arkadia." Bellamy said.

"They blame us." I simply said making Abby nod. We heard Bellamy's radio go off.

"Hello?" We heard.

"Bellamy, please come in." Raven said as I walked next to Bellamy.

"Raven, you ok?" Bellamy asked her.

"Yeah. Yeah. We're all in one piece." Raven said to us making me nod.

"That's good. There's something we need you to look into." Bellamy said through the radio.

"First tell me how my friends are?" Raven asked him.

"Did everyone make it? Clarke? Madison?" She asked making me grab the radio.

"We're okay, Raven." I said with a smile giving the radio back.

"I'm here, thanks to you." Clarke said to Raven.

"Raven, did Alie ever tell you why she created the city of light?" Clarke asked lowering her voice.

"No. Why?" Raven asked making us look at each other.

"Haihefa. He's alive." 'The king. He's alive.' One of the grounders said.

"Oso gaf a fisa!" 'We need a healer.' He said.

"Clarke?" We heard Raven said.

"Fill her in." Clarke told Bellamy as Clarke called her mom and went over there.

I went with her just in case they wanted help. We watched them out Roan down to the ground he was unconscious. But I didn't see Durant. He wasn't here.

"Roan?" Clarke said to him.

"He got shot trying to help me. I thought he was dead." Clarke said Abby checked for a pulse.

"Not yet, but he's close." Abby whispered to us.

"No exit wound. We need to get the bullet out quickly." Abby said.

"Where's Durant?" I asked before I felt a sharp pain against my neck as they pulled me away from Clarke, Abby, and Kane.

"Far away from our king." I heard a woman say holding the knife up against me.

"Wait. Please, no." We heard Abby say.

"You're making a mistake we're part of the coalition." Kane said to her as I saw the guards coming up with guns.

"I can save him." Abby said.

"But you have to let me." Abby said trying to calm her down. Great. I'm being held against my will. This day is going just great for me.

"Hon daun  haihefa gon  bangeda kom  rest kom Oso dead." 'Take the king to the embassy with the rest of our dead.' She said to her people as they went to roan.

"Dula'm op nau." 'Do it now.' She said to them.

"You must be so smart for holding that up against me." I said to her with a chuckle.

"You touched me and you'll end like one of your people who tried to kill me." I said to her as she held the knife against my throat making me gag.

"I killed him in cold blood." I said before laughing.

"You should've seen his blood all over me." I said with a smirk. I could feel her getting more angry.

"Echo." I heard Bellamy say as he immediately walked towards us.

"Hey, Bellamy don't." I said to him as she pushed me towards him.

"Stop." Kane said as he grabbed Bellamy.

"Let her go, Echo. Let her go." He said angrily to her.

"Back off, Bellamy." She threaten Bellamy.

"Your kind is my friend. Let us help him." Clarke said.

"I saw you in the city of light. I know you destroyed it. Thank you for that." Echo said to Clarke before she pushed me towards Bellamy as he grabbed me wrapping his arms around me.

"You okay?" He asked making me nod.

"Yes." I told him.

"Look around you. Skaikru did this to us. Because of them, Ontari, your rightful commander, is dead. This imposter stole her flame." Echo said as she stared at Clarke and her people held their weapons at us.

"No. Wandheda saved us, all of us-grounder and skaikru." Kane said stepping forward.

"There would have been nothing to save us from you."

"from Azgeda has no authority here." Kane said to Echo.

"We do now. In the name of King Roan, as rightful caretakers of the Throne of the commanders, polis is now under Azgeda rule." Echo said to us.

"Like hell it is." A woman said to echo.

"Where's your war chief, girl?" The woman asked echo.

"Our war chief is dead. As a member of the Queens guard, command of the army has fallen to me until the King awakens." Echo said back to the woman.

"If he awakens. Until a new commander can ascend, polis is to be ruled by ambassadors of the coalition. If Azgeda wants it, the must take it by force." The woman said before Echo slit her throat making everyone gasp.

"Consider it take. No skaikru leaves this city." Echo said to her people.

"Gon Azgeda!" 'For Azgeda!" Echo yelled her people began to follow after.

"Looks like saving the world will have to wait." Bellamy said making me sigh.

"Great." I mumbled watching the cheer and chant as we watched them.


"Well?" Clarke said turning to look at Bellamy.

"You're not going to like it." Bellamy said to her.

"What could go wrong." I said crossing my arms.

"When you destroyed the city of light, there were a thousand of Azgeda warriors inside the city of polis." Indra informed us.

"Good timing." Octavia said to us.

"Only way to remove them is by force." Indra said.

"Then let's remove them." Octavia said.

"Slow down. You're talking about a war." Abby said to Indra.

"Yes. Rock line, flokru, and broadleaf will join Trikru without question, but we'll still be short." Indra said.

"This is madness." Abby said to her with a sigh.

"We should be leaving with the others while we still have time." Abby said to us.

"They know where we live. If we run, they'll follow. There are eight other clans. How do we get them to join us?" Kane asked Indra. A war after war after war. This will never end.

"I can do it, but I'll need the flame." Indra said turning her attention to Clarke who immediately looked back at her.

"No." Clarke immediately said to her.

"Clarke, the clans will follow whoever had the flame." Bellamy said to Clarke.

"Azgeda won't." Clarke said to us.

"Then we fight. That's the point." Octavia said to her.

"I agree." I said to Clarke as she tilt her head towards me.

"No it's not. The point is. There's no time for a fight." Clarke said to us.

"We have to save Roan." Clarke said.

"Save him? They won't let us near him." Octavia said.

"Wait a second. What don't we know." Abby asked Clarke, I turned to Clarke who hesitated to speak.

"The reason Alie created the city of light." Clarke started as she stopped talking.

"Why?" Kane asked her.

"Nuclear reactors inside power plants that survived the bombs are melting down. Radiation levels are already rising. If we can't figure out a way to fix it, all of us will be dead in six months." Clarke said as they all stared at her.

"Alie told you this?" Kane asked Clarke.

"Yes." Clarke said.

"And you believe her?" Abby asked.

"Raven is looking into it."Bellamy said from beside Clarke and I.

"I believe her." Clarke said looking at her mom.

"Even if it's true, that's six months away. There are a thousand ice nation warriors on the street who want to kill us today." Indra told Clarke.

"They won't kill us." I said to them.

"How could you possibly know that?" Octavia said to me.

"Because we're going to surrender." I said to them with a sigh.

I'm not just surrendering myself to them. It's also to find the people that tried to kill me.


"She's Ice nation. She can't be trusted." Indra said to Bellamy. Echo wants to talk to him. I guess she kind of trust him.

"Never a dull moment, huh?" Murphy said making us turn to look at him come here.

"Bellamy, pay attention. She's part of the royal guard, spies." Indra said to him.

"That's why she's not marked, very dangerous, very loyal." Indra said to him.

"Not to the people that saved her life."

"She's Azgeda after all." I mumbled with a sigh.

"Bellamy, I know how you feel about her," Kane said to him making me frown confused looking at Bellamy. What? Feel about her?

"But you can't lose control. You offered them technology, guns, whatever it takes to keep her talking." Kane said but my mind was still on about how Bellamy felt for her. I really don't want to start with the same thing that happened before. Bellamy having feelings for someone else.

"Is that clear?" Kane asked.

"I didn't agree to give them guns." Indra said.

"Well, that's probably because you're not an idiot." Murphy said to Indra.

"It won't get that far. Our objective is to buy time for Abby and Clarke to save the king. And if you want to help, grab a weapon, stand a post." Kane said turning to Murphy as he tilt his head.

"Take mine." Bellamy said handing his gun giving him a nod.

"I got this." Bellamy said to Kane as I grabbed his hand.

"Hey." I told Bellamy as he turned to me.

"Be careful." I said to him as he gave me a nod and walked away making my breath hitch before turning to Kane.

"What did you mean about Bellamy feeling something for her?" I asked him crossing my arms as he stared at me.

"You don't have to worry about that." I heard Dylan said as he placed his hand on my shoulder squeezing them.

"He's totally in love with you." Dylan said making me smile turning to look towards where Bellamy went.

"Come on." Dylan said grabbing hand as we watched Echo walk up to Bellamy.

"Do you think he will go through to her?" I asked with my arms crossed biting down my lips impatiently.

"Uh-he's Bellamy." Dylan said as he tried to comfort me making me roll my eyes.

I didn't take my eyes off of them as he tried to talk to her.

I watched Echo turn around making Bellamy grab a hold of her as her people took out their weapons making me step forward but Dylan stopped me.

I watched echo flip Bellamy as he fell down she grabbed his knife and i immediately pulled away from Dylan.

"Wait-Madison!" I heard Dylan yell.

"Get your hands off of him!" I yelled running towards them before being stopped, one of her people holding a sword against my throat pushing me back.

"Guns on the ground or he dies." Echo said to us. I watched Echo drag Bellamy away.

"Echo!" I yelled at her but she ignored me.

I was being pushed back Dylan pulling me towards him.

I will kill her with my bear hands.

And I mean it.


I stayed sitting down banging my head against the fence. Roan threw us inside a cell. Clarke and Abby saved him and this is was we get. Never save a man and being betrayed.

"Hey you okay?" Dylan asked me making me shake my head as I got up biting my lip.

"No." I whispered looking at the place. I felt familiar.

"I think it was here when they tortured me." I said to him. Dylan was the only one who knew what happened I told him. He's my friend and I trust him.

"Do you recognize it?" He asked making me lick my lips.

"No but it feels like it. I hate it. The feeling. I want it to be gone." I said to him trying not to cry as he wrapped his arms around me as I let out a small cry. We heard the door opening revealing azgeda come along with Echo.

"Where's the king?" Clarke immediately asked them, they unlocked her chains. Only hers. Not anyone else.

"Hey, I need to see Roan." Clarke said before they covered her face as she screamed.

"What are you doing? Let her go!" I screamed at her.

"Leave her alone." I said before a man came up to me.

"No." He said his voice sounding familiar and my eyes immediately water. I was full of anger and rage.

"You fucking piece of shit!" I screamed at him as I tried to attack him.

"I'm going to kill you! You bitch!" I said as Echo came up to me and slap me making me fall to the ground. I looked up at her.

"When these chains are off of me you'll be the first person I will kill!" I said to her angrily as she just smiled at me and walked away with Clarke.

"What happened?" Dylan asked me.

"He was one of them. He tortured me." I said to him as I said it out loud seeing everyone look at me.

"He drained me of my blood. And transfer night blood." I said to him biting my lip.

"They tortured me for days. And I didn't even feel anything. I was numb." I said to them not looking at no one into their eyes.

My eyes gazed down to the floor.

The truth was out.


"I know you've all come here for an execution, but no one else will die today. The city of light had fallen-and there's no commander left to rule us. Until another night blood ascends, I-King Roan of Azgeda, eldest son of Nia, grandson of Theo, and caretaker of the throne and keeper." Roan said to everyone around us.

They cut us loose because of a deal Clarke made with Roan. Durant was beside him, he was Roan's right arm.

"Of the flame." Roan said holding up the flame revealing it to everyone around him. I heard people talking about him being a king not a priest. Or how it's a blasphemy. Roan said it's an order.

"Until another ascends Azgeda honors and will defend the coalition of the last true commander Lexa Kom Trikru, including the thirteenth clan." Roan said to all of us as people began to murmuring around us.

"Let it be known that an attack against Skikru is an attack against us all." Roan said to us all.

We are back in the coalition everything was going  as planned and now that we are the thirteenth clan I will get the blood of the people who tried to kill. I will not rest until they died.

      We were waited for Echo to come and hand us something. Basically giving it to Bellamy. She trust Bellamy than anyone else. And there she comes.

"From your king." I heard Echo say to Bellamy.

"With this you'll be safe in any of our lands." Echo said as I watched Bellamy reached for whatever Echo gave him before she stopped.

"Do you think we'll be able to trust each other again?" She asked him. God, I feel jealous.

"I doubt it." Bellamy said to her as she pulled away and she walked away.

"Welcome back to the coalition." She said passing by us.

"Time to go." Bellamy said to us.

"We'll do our best to keep the king on his throne. We'll find a way to beat the radiation." Clarke said to them.

"If either of you screw this up we die. No pressure" Octavia said making shake my head.

"And that's why there's three of us." I said to her.

"This is serious, O. If anyone finds out why roan is helping us. It'll be every clan for itself. The king will fall, and they'll come after us." Bellamy said looking at his sister with a nod.

"It's getting dark. Let's do this." Clarke said to us making me nod.

"Let's save the world once again." I told Clarke with a smirk. I watched Octavia walked up to me as she smiled at me.

"I'm sorry for what I said." She told me making me sigh.

"I knew I was at the wrong place for that." Octavia said making me nod.

"It's okay. I forgive you." I told her as she smiled at me.

"I missed my best friend." I told her, she wrapped her arms around me hugging me tight as I hugged her back.

"Please, be safe." She told me giving her a nod and a hum.

"Don't worry, I will." I said to her, we pulled away from each other and smiled. Kane came up to me and hugged me, then Abby did.

"Be careful." She said to me making me nod.

"I will," I said.

"Hey," I heard my mom said as she walked up to us.

"Come here." My mom said hugging me so tight that I couldn't breathe.

"Take care." She said making me nod.

"Be careful out there." My dad said as I hugged him.

"Watch over her." My dad said as he spoke to Bellamy, I turned to look at him into his eyes with a smile.

"I always will." He said making me smile wide.

"We got to go." Clarke said making me nod.

"May we meet again." My mom said and I nodded.

"May we meet again." I said before walking away with Bellamy and Clarke.

"Okay, princess." Bellamy said as I heard the nickname. It's been a while since I heard it.

"What now?" He asked making me turn to him with a smirk.

"Time to survive and save the world once again." I said to Bellamy.

"Time to save us all once again."


A/n: so how did you like this chapter. It's a long one and a good one. There isn't much Mellamy scene but there will be very soon! Im so excited that I'm publishing more chapters. Enjoy
Your fav, 🥰🥰


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