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' red queen of blood '

The chosen
Season 4 episode 12
Part 1


"What's happening." One of our people said as we stood by the railings.

"That's everyone close the door." The grounder said closing the doors on us all, people began to bang the door so they could open up the door.

"Three out of four of these people are going to die tonight. You still think you make the right choice?" Jaha asked Clarke as she stared at all our people. We're killing a hundred people to survive this.

"We need to talk." Jaha said to us as we enter the room leaving the rest outside as they still wonder what's going on.

"Our people are scared, Marcus." Jaha said to him closing the door behind him.

"We need to tell them something." Jaha said.

"We just spoke with Raven. When she gets here we'll have all our essentials personnel." Kane said with his arms crossed.

"How many spots does that leave us with?" Clarke asked.

"Including the essential personnel and the places that we're holding for the children under sixteen, that leaves us with eighty." Abby said to Clarke.

"Eighty." Clarke said.

"I can't believe we're talking about sending three hundred and sixty four of our own people to their deaths." Jaha said angrily to us.

"We're lucky they're giving us any space In this bunker at all. After the stunt you two pulled." I said to Jaha crossing my arms as he knew what I was saying. Even Clarke.

"Look, I don't like it any more than you do."

"Then let's fight this." Jaha said to Kane.

"No. Any sort of resistance will cost us all our lives. Our best course of action is to hold a lottery for the remaining spots." Kane said to us as I let out a sigh.

"It's not going to work, Marcus." Jaha said to Kane.

"It was your idea." Kane said.

"That was for the chance to survive." Jaha told him leaning forward on the table.

"And how is this any different?" Abby asked him.

"Until twenty minutes ago, our people believed they were safe. They let down their guard. They picked their bunks. They unpacked their bags. They imagined their futures. You try to rip that from them now, and, believe me, they will fight." Jaha said angrily pointing at Kane angrily.

"No one's saying it's gonna be easy, but we need to make the people listen to reason." Kane said to Jaha.

"Someone still needs to get Raven." Bellamy said to us.

"I'd like to volunteer." Bellamy said making my head turn to Bellamy.

"And I'll join you."

"No. Someone else can go with him." Abby said.

"I'll go." I said turning to my mom and dad who gave me a look. They didn't want me to go and risk my life out there.

"Mom, look, Raven needs our help. I know the way to the island. I need to do this." Clarke said to her mother.

"Well, you be safe." Kane said to us making me nod.

"There'll be a place for the three of you when you get back." Kane said patting Bellamy's back.

"I'll meet your in the airlock." Abby said to Clarke.

"Okay." Clarke said walking away before I walked out Bellamy stopped me.

"I don't think you should go." Bellamy said to me making me let out a small chuckle.

"Bellamy's right, kid." My dad said making me laugh.

"What? No. I'm going to find Raven." I said to shaking my head at them.

"Madison you aren't feeling well." My mom said making me shake my head no.

"It was nothing. I was just anxious and scared and all my emotion mixed making me sick but I'm okay." I said to my mom. But she looked at me with sad eyes.

"Mom." I said to her.

"She's my friend." I said to her.

"It's too dangerous for you to go." Bellamy said making me look at him.

"And what? It's not for you and Clarke?" I asked him. He didn't reply because it was true.

"What's the point of me staying here and knowing my friends will be in danger?" I asked them.

"They won't. They'll be safe." My mom said.

"You don't know that." I said to her.

"I'm sorry, since when do we need to keep Madison in the bunker?" I asked looking between them all.

"Hey." Bellamy said to me pulling my arm towards him.

"Look, all we are trying to do is keep you safe." Bellamy said to me.

"Yeah, and I get that but-I want to be with Clarke unsafe and get Raven." I said to Bellamy.

"I get that. But I don't want to be the blame that I'm the one putting one in danger." Bellamy said making me shake my head.

"But I'm the one. I'm doing this because I want to get Raven here just like you and Clarke." I said to him shaking me hand.

"You can't keep me here." I said to Bellamy.

"And I rather you hate me then putting you in danger." He said to me kissing me on the lips. I didn't even kiss back. It was a small kiss.

"I love you." Bellamy said, looking up into his eyes.

"I love you." I said back before he sigh.

"And I'm sorry." Bellamy said to me, making me look at him confused before I felt a sting leave my neck making me place my hand on my neck. My eyes shifted to his hand. He injected with something. He did it to keep me here. I looked at him with disbelief and betrayal.

"W-what d-did you d-do." I said breathing heavily my eyes began to be blurry.

"The only way to keep you safe." Bellamy said as my dad and Kane held me.

"Bellamy," I said as I looked at him.

"I love you Madison." He said to me. I was angry. Disbelief. Disappointed. I felt everything.

"Bellamy! No." I screamed before I felt my eyelids close. Everything went black.


Waking up and seeing I was still in the bunker making me let out a sigh. Wow, I hate him for this. Why the hell he would do that?

"How are you doing?" I hear a deep voice making me turn to see my dad sitting across from me, I let out scoff.

"Look, I know you're mad." He said to me making me scoff again.

"I-I'm more than mad." I said to my dad.

"H-how? Why would you let Bellamy do that?" I asked angrily getting up.

"He's trying to protect you." He said to me.

"No. I don't need protection. Not from you, mom, not even Bellamy." I said to my dad getting up from the couch.

"Where's Kane?" I asked him angrily. Not wanting to talk about this anymore.

"He's getting ready to talk to your people." He said making me nod.

"Okay." I said walking away.

"Are you seriously mad about what Bellamy did?" He asked me.

"I'm more than mad. I'm furious. He thinks he can protect. I may love him but he can't control what I do. He's going after Raven and he thinks he can't keep me here knowing he's after Raven and I'm not there to help. It's my choice to make not his." I said angrily before walking out of the room angrily.

I just want to punch something to get that off my mind. I never thought Bellamy would do that to me? I was furious. Walking and standing next to Kane as he looked at me making me scoff.

"Don't say anything and talk to them." I whispered to him as he gave me a simply nod.

"We have faced extinction before," Kane began.

"And we have persevered, but we have always been familiar with sacrifice, and today we will be tested once again." Kane said.

"The ground won't be survivable for five years. We've confirmed that this bunker can only generate oxygen and food for twelve hundred people for that length of time." Kane said as I watched people began to murmur around us.

"By mandate of the conclave, our clan have been given one hundred spaces, an equal number of spots as all the rest. To fill them, we will hold a fair lottery." Kane said as everyone began to scream angrily at him.

"We will hold a fair lottery, an equal chance for everybody."Kane yell through all the talking from others.

"How long do you think the grounders would last in here without us? Our people know how to operate oxygen scrubbers and hydro farms." One of them said.

"Yeah!" People yelled after.

"We're going to be running this place. We deserve more spots." The same guys said again. This Isn't going how Kane wanted it to go.

"I don't like this anymore than you do, but we must call upon the better angels of our nature to guide us. Like the culling on the ark, some must die today so that out people may survive." Kane said as people started to murmur around again.

"What about her and him?" They said pointing to Niylah and Dylan.

"Is her name in the lottery, too?" They asked Kane.

"We're just gonna let some grounder take a bed from one of our own?" He asked making people yell.

"Right! No!" They yelled.

"I say we let their own people save them." Another said as they looked at Dylan and Niylah.

"Everybody calm down." Kane said.

"We've come too far to turn on each other now." Kane said.

"Your just saying that because you know you're safe." He said to Kane.

"Let it go, hardy." Nathan said to hardy. What a name.

"Let's throw them out!" I heard them say grabbing Dylan and Niylah and pushing them.

"Guard stop them!" Kane yelled as the guards stopped him instead. I pushed through the crowd and punch one of them as they tried to grabbed me. I grabbed indra's sword as I saw her and Octavia come in.

"Let me go!" I heard Dylan say as he punched them only for him to thrown to the wall.

"Follow her." I heard Octavia said as pushed one guy to the floor angrily.

I punched another and kicked him on the stomach and throw him through the railing as he landed on the ground. I pulled Dylan and Niylah towards me and I turned around to see Octavia holding the guy who spoke against her sword.

"Niylah, Dylan are with me." Octavia said.

"You'll be okay." I told Dylan as one of the grounders grabbed them.

"Their safe." Octavia said to all of them as I let out a pant.

"You now have two spots less to fill." Octavia said before hitting the man on the head.

"Octavia, please. You got to stop this." Jaha begged her.

"You're a skaikru. You're one of us." Jaha said to her.

"I'm one of you?" Octavia asked him pushing herself off the railing.

"You made me hide under the floor. You floated my mother. I'm not hiding anymore." Octavia said to him, before she walked away as people began to talk around her.

"Don't do this." Jaha said.

"Every other clan has chosen their survivors," Octavia spoke as I walked down.

"Every other clan." She yelled. "Skaikru is no different. You have until midnight." Octavia said to us all.

"Choose, or you all die." She said to us, that's when they began to talk.


"Pei chao." Kane said as the man let out a relief, I lean towards my mom.

"Where's dad?" I asked my mom, standing next to her.

"He went back with his people." She told me.

"That's good. People would throw dad." I said to her.

"True, but he's on the other side of their door." My mom said as we watched Kane as he called out names.

"Madison Gilbert." Kane said as my mom smiled at me.

"Sonya hassler." Kane said.

"You're safe." My mom said to me.

"And you will be too." I said with a smile to her.

"Y-yeah." She let out with a small tear in her eyes.

"Nate miller." Kane said.

"Kimberly Ginsberg." He said, I watched Kane ask Jackson to do something and giving the piece of paper to Jackson making me frown.

"Mom, something's wrong." I hold her before walking to Kane.

"What's wrong?" I asked Kane.

"Jaha is up to something." Kane said as I walked with him.

"What is he doing?" I said as I watched hardy take over telling them to fight. This is out of hand.

"We have to stop Jaha now." I said running towards where Jaha went opening the airlock seeing him putting things inside a bag.

"Jaha, what the hell are you doing?" I told him as Kane closed the door and I grabbed what he was putting in his bag. Gas.

"I am not losing three hundred and sixty four people today." He told Kane and I.

"I did not find this bunker just so we can kill ourselves in it. So you're gonna what? You're gonna- you're gonna gas the grounders, knock them out? Is that it?" Kane asked him.

"Like hell you are." I said to Jaha.

"Yes." He simply said not denying it.

"And then we threaten to destroy the crops unless they make room for our people." Jaha said to us.

"You can't be serious."

"Are you out of your damn mind?" I asked Jaha.

"Once we have the food, we have the power. We call the shots." Jaha said to us.

"You're going to kill everyone." I said to Jaha.

"There's a thousand grounders in this bunker. You'll never make it to the food, even with the gas." Kane said to him.

"We'll see." Jaha said walking away before Kane stopped him. "Thelonious, just stop. Stop." Kane said to him.

"You're going to kill us all. Not the grounders. You are." I told him harshly.

"It'll be a bloodbath, and you know it. How many would have to die, all of them, all of us?" Kane asked him. Jaha just stared and Kane blankly and gave no reaction to us.

"As many as it takes." Jaha said making me scoff.

"If we fight. Then we die." Kane said to him, Jaha didn't say anything but simply try to walk off.

"Hey." I said to Jaha before he grabbed my arm and pushed me to the ground.

"The time for diplomacy is over." He said to Kane and i.

"Now either you lead us to battle. Of get the hell out of my way." Jaha said to him.

"Just listen to me, I'm begging you. You found this place when nobody else believed you. You-you saved eleven hundred grounders. You saved humanity." Kane said to him.

"And if you give that damn order what's the point of saving humanity if it will we just kill each other." I told Jaha.

"And found this bunker for nothing." I said trying to reason with him.

"Stop this." Kane told him.

"Your people need you." Kane said.

"Listen to them." Jaha said as we heard everyone chant. "They want to fight. How do we stop them now?" Jaha said to us.

"I got an idea." Kane said taking out the gas giving me a mask, and so did Jaha. And opened the door tossing them to the ground, closing the door. I looked at them. Did we just do this? We did. It's better than watching them fight.

"Let's go." Kane said opening the door seeing them on the ground unconscious not moving. They are all on the ground.

The doors open seeing Octavia looking around before at us. "This is how we save our people." Kane said with a small whimper looking around.

"Marcus, how do we choose?" Jaha asked him.

"We already have." Kane said to us making me sigh.

"Clarke's list." Jaha said to Kane making him nod.

"It was always our best chance for survival." Kane said to us.

"And I know where it is." Jaha said to us.

"Is this how we save us all?" I asked.

"This is how we save our people." He said trying to hold his tears making me hug him.


A/n: so how did you like this chapter? Where did her mom go guys?? You'll see later on! Hope you like this chapter.
My Check my TikTok for edits @stilesstilinskiibaee.wp Enjoy!!
Your fav, 🥰🥰


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