Chapter 13

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Hey guys! 

So I'm back with the chapter. TBH I just realized its Saturday. I actually forgot what day is it with the workload. Anyways, some action scenes are waiting for you, so I'm gonna leave this and let you read. 



Dean wasn't sure why he was in the headmistress's house. Sure, Calista treated him like her son, he practically lived here, but it wasn't what confused him. It was TJ.

That girl was nothing like the girls he had ever met, she wasn't bratty, but was stubborn. She didn't crib, or whine, but cursed like a sailor. She didn't use makeup but was a natural beauty. She wasn't slutty but had a natural seductiveness in her. Her dark gray orbs could make her an Enchanter, even she wasn't one. She was not overly bulky with muscles, but fit and athletic, and she had those pouty round lips.

Those lips would be the death of him, he wanted to kiss them so bad. His feelings for TJ weren't his confusion. The confusion was the reason behind helping her. He wasn't sure why he was going to Frost.

Dean had heard TJ saying that she trapped her boyfriend in the parallel plane, and Calista won't allow TJ to go to Frost alone. Why did Dean even volunteer? It would have been better if Asher disappeared, he could have TJ for himself.

Dean thought maybe it was that voice, those emotions he heard while TJ pleaded Calista to let her go. No, it was those eyes, yes, of course, it was the eyes. Those eyes had charmed the pants off him. It was the first time he saw her, those eyes had entranced him, but those eyes were sad. Dean desperately wanted to know what her happy eyes looked like. Yesterday he saw tears in those eyes, and Dean swore he would never want to do that again.

Dean would do anything for her happiness, even if it meant getting her boyfriend back.

"Dean?" A sweet voice pulled him out of his thoughts. He looked up and saw Amaya standing there with a frown on her adorable face.

"Yeah?" He asked her.

"Raffy is ready with the equipment. I was calling you, but you spaced out," Amaya told him and Dean nodded.

"Yeah sorry, I was thinking about what creature we could face in Frost," Dean told her, standing up. It wasn't a lie, he was curious to know what creatures protected the library.

"I think they might be Elves. I've never actually met Elves, I hope we see them!" Amaya said cheerfully. The girl was never sad.

"Believe me you don't want to meet those creatures. Anyways, why would there be Elves in Frost? Won't they die in the cold?" Dean pointed out.

"Uh...I don't know. Maybe mermaids? They are so pretty!" Amaya gushed, and Dean rolled his eyes.

"And dangerous? Won't they die too?" Dean asked her with an amused smile.

"Ugh... they can adapt...but then there won't be water...this is so confusing! Ugh!" Amaya grunted in frustration and Dean laughed. She always made him laugh, she was so naïve and innocent sometimes. Actually, all the time.

"Don't pressurize your pretty little head, we'll find out what it is when we get there," Dean said Amaya wrinkled her face.

"Hey! I don't have a little head. I'm smarter than you!" Amaya argued and Dean raised his eyebrow at her, Amaya rolled her eyes at him as they reached Calista's study.

"You are not smarter than me, Amaya. I am practically your teacher," Dean said as they entered the room.

"You graduated before me that's why, but I am smarter and better than you," Amaya said sticking out her tongue at Dean, and he looked away, trying to hide his smile. She always made him smile, no matter what, and that was when she wasn't even trying to use her powers.

"Enough with the argument, you guys are so loud," Rafael complained, and Dean looked around.

TJ was nowhere to be seen and so was Calista.

"Where are..." Dean's question was cut as a glittering black portal appeared, and Calista and TJ appeared, their hands full of coats and sweaters.

"Hey guys, wear these," TJ said putting the clothes in front of Dean and Amaya as she went towards Rafael.

"Raf, can you show me, Frost? Any pictures or videos?" TJ asked as Rafael's fingers swiftly typed on his keypad.

Amaya gave Dean a sweater, he wore it, his eyes not leaving TJ and Rafael.

"I have something better," Rafael said as he tapped on the screen of his, what TJ called a computer. "Here. Yesterday, I tried connecting to Frost, and there were signals on the dimension so I converted them into an algorithm, and now this works like a map," Rafael told TJ who was engrossed in watching what Rafael's computer screen was showing.

"You mean like a Sat Nav?" TJ asked.

"A what?" Rafael asked.

"Satellite Navigation... You mean it tells us where were have to go?" TJ asked, and Dean couldn't help but get in awe of her knowledge of everything.

Rafael nodded, "Can you please locate the library? This would be easier for me to make a portal," TJ asked Rafael as Calista joined them.

"Of course, give me a minute," Rafael said as he typed furiously as he tapped on the screen simultaneously. His eyes shuffling from the screen to the keypad and back to the screen. "Here you go," Rafael said as Dean walked towards them, Amaya behind him.

"Woah!" Amaya exclaimed as she saw the library on the screen. It looked huge, more like a castle.

"Fu...Damn! How will we ever find one book in this place?" TJ almost cursed, but covered up. Dean realized it was because Calista was here. TJ was suppressing her curses?

Dean observed her, she was wearing a thick black colored sweater which matched her hair, she wore thick pants, it looked like she wore leggings underneath them. She had snow boots on, and a thick coat was in her arms. She was covered up from head to toe, stuffed with warms clothes and yet she managed to look hot.

"I found that already, this map works on the inside as well, but it's too weak. The books written by every master is on a different floor, which means twelve floors. Due to weak signals,I could only get codes and according to that..." He types some more, "Master Eleazar's books....are on the ground floor, and Master Tiffany's books are on the first floor," Rafael informed and TJ's face lit up.

"Really? Can you tell where exactly, or at least a point where we can search?" This time it was Amaya.

"As a matter of fact sister, I's on the third row to the left of the stairs...52nd book...first or second shelf, it's not clear," Rafael said tapping on the screen as the coding appeared.

"Oh my god! Thank you Raffy!" TJ said excitedly and threw her arms around Rafael as she hugged him.

"If I get this reaction from other girls, I might actually like going to other dimensions too," Rafael said as TJ laughed and pulled away. She kissed his cheek, and Dean saw Rafael blush as the girls laughed.

Dean smiled, his eyes fell on Calista who was looking at TJ with an emotion he could decipher. Maybe she was worried about them all, Frost was a dangerous place anyhow.

"Are you alright, Aunt Calista?" Dean asked Calista and she looked at Dean with surprise.

"Yes, yes. I am alright. I just don't want any of you to be hurt," Calista told him and Dean understood her.

Calista loved all the children equally. Although she was a bit partial to Dean. Calista herself taught Dean how to master his skills and combat, Dean loved her like his own mother.

"You don't worry, Ms. Thorton. We'll be back without a scratch," TJ said and Calista smiled warmly at her.

Dean was curious, Calista's eyes gleamed in a special way when TJ was around her. He had never seen Calista smile so much, not even with Amaya or himself. Calista was known for her seriousness and professionalism, she was a warm person but she never really smiled. Dean couldn't forget the time when Calista stuttered when TJ asked about her father in the simulation room the other day. What was Calista really hiding?

Or maybe Dean was thinking too much, maybe TJ was like that. She brought happiness and love wherever she went. Moreover, her parents were friends with the headmistress that's why she was warmer towards TJ so much. Yes, of course, that's the reason, Arabella and Theodore were best friends with Calista and TJ was their daughter, which made sense.

"I promise to keep both of them safe," Dean told the headmistress who smiled gratefully at him.

"And I'll take care of mister I-am-smarter-than-everyone because he's the most useless one on Frost," Amaya said with a smirk and Dean glared at her.

"You miss, take your words back," Dean told her.

"No. I am right and you'll see. There is nothing on that plane for you to do your mind magic on," Amaya said with a proud smirk and Dean scowled at her.

"Let's see who is more useless, miss I-am-better-than-everyone," Dean challenged Amaya who crossed her arms and looked at him with her chin high. There was something today about Amaya. She wasn't weak and naïve, she looked confident. That was unusual.

"Stop it you both. Everyone here is useful in one way or the other," Calista said strictly and Dean and Amaya gave another a challenging looked before looking away from each other.

"Okay guys, wear these pendants. They are trackers so we could see where you guys are going, or if any of you is lost, we can find you" Rafael said giving them small pendants.

"Really Raf? A butterfly?" TJ said wrinkling her face and Dean chuckled.

His was in the shape of a sun.

"I like mine, it's a half crescent moon," Amaya said with a smile as she wore her necklace. It looked good on her, even if it was digital.

"Take this one then. I don't understand you girls," Rafael grunted giving TJ a key shaped locket, and TJ laughed.

"I like this one," TJ said and put it on. Dean looked at her and smiled, she even made a plain key look exquisite.

"Let's go?" Dean asked. Amaya and TJ nodded in sync.

"Wait!" Rafael, stopped them.

"What is it Raffy?" Amaya asked.

"Knowing TJ, she would try to make a portal inside the library," Rafael looked at TJ who rolled her eyes at him. "This won't be possible because the library opens with the designated key. There is no other way to get inside. Just the front door," Rafael informed them and TJ nodded.

"Got it. Let's do this, Asher," TJ said out loud and Dean looked away, his lips forming a straight line. Will it always be Asher?

"Let's do this!" Amaya said enthusiastically.

"Yeah," Dean said equaling her excitement. He felt weirdly excited as TJ's fingers started shining black. Her spark wasn't the dark black, it was sparkling, like a night sky full of stars. Beautiful and breathtaking, just like her.

"All the best children!" Calista wished them as they entered through the portal.

The first thing Dean noticed was the severe cold, it was freezing like 5000 storage freezers all together at full power, maybe worse.

"Shit, it's freezing!" TJ cursed as her teeth chattered in the cold. Dean wanted to wrap his arms around her to make her warm.

"Think about fire and hot cocoa," Amaya suggested through her chattering teeth and Dean smiled despite from the cold.

"Let's find the damn book, and get out of here," Dean said and the girls nodded.

The library was just in front of them, as soon as they stepped towards it, the earth started shaking.

"Earthquake?" TJ asked with panic.

"Hush, be quiet and stay close," Dean told them as they formed a group with their backs together as they scanned the ice cold environment. The Earthquake subsided, and the trio relaxed.

Dean took another step towards the library, and the ground started shaking again, this time more violently.

"I think it's the guard of the library, stay close and be alert," Dean told the girls and they nodded but moved forward, and the ground started shaking even more violently.

"GUYS!" Amaya shouted and three stepped back for a huge head to come out of the ice ground.

"Is it a...?" Dean's voice left his throat as the head followed a humongous body out of the ground, and the creature cried loudly, making the three shut their ears from the loud voice.

"HOLY MOTHER OF DRAGONS! A REAL DRAGON!" TJ screamed and the humongous dragon screeched loudly.

The Dragon wasn't the one they heard and read about in history lessons, or in the folklore. It looked like it was made up of ice. Its body was translucent like ice, its teeth looked like icicles and it was a 30 feet creature with a tail equalling the size of its body. Its claws were shining and Dean thought they were sharper than anything he has ever seen. It looked vicious yet beautiful.

"It's a motherfucking Dragon. No wonder nobody came back," TJ cursed loudly. "You better be worth it Asher, if I die, you go with me," TJ muttered under her breath but Dean heard. He couldn't help but smile. She really loved that guy.

"How do we beat this thing?" TJ asked.

"Simple, we don't," Dean replied and the girls looked at him with worry.

The dragon snarled as it looked at them, and opened his mouth towards the sky and breathed out ice.

"What the fuck?" TJ looked crazily panicked, "And do what? Get frozen by that to death?" TJ asked incredulously.

"No, we distract it. We can't beat this, no one can. The Masters were smart, an Ice Dragon in Frost is invincible," Dean said as he saw Amaya on the verge of crying.

"Amaya, I need you to concentrate, try and distract this Dragon while I and TJ keep it away from you," Dean said and Amaya nodded meekly, looking at the Dragon with scared eyes.

Dean sighed walked right in front of Amaya, and cupped her face with his palms making her look at him, "I'll not let anything happen to you, okay?" Dean told her and Amaya nodded while TJ smiled at the two. "Show your magic, Maya," Dean winked at her, backing away getting into a combat position, and Amaya's eyes widened but she composed herself and looked at the Dragon.

"It's time to cry, big one," Amaya said under her breath as she closed her eyes as her hands started glowing baby pink. Amaya's spark touched the Dragon and it snarled in anger, lunging at her.

Dean looked at the two huge stones, and lifted them up with his powers and threw them at the dragon, making it turn towards Dean who picked ice stones and kept on hitting the Dragon, trying to keep him within Amaya's reach.

"I can't reach it and it's too big to be controlled," Amaya informed and Dean sighed.

"What if I bring it to you? Will that help?" He asked and Amaya nodded with hesitation.

Dean lifted her up in the air as the Dragon's eyes fell on Amaya, it forwarded towards her. TJ threw an ice ball at the Dragon to distract and laughed humorlessly when the Dragon continued going towards Dean and Amaya who was now fully glowing in pink.

The Dragon released ice, but before it could reach Dean and Amaya, TJ made a portal in front of the two and the ice went through it and hit the back of the dragon's head who screeched in pain and anger.

Amaya's powers were not reaching it. Maybe the Dragon had no feelings. Of course, it was Enchanter-made.

It turned around in anger towards TJ and released ice again and TJ made a shield like portal and the ice ended just above the Dragon's head and TJ noticed something.

"Guy's!" TJ shouted and Dean looked at her. "This Dragon has a key below its neck!" TJ told them and Dean noticed the key.

"Amaya!" Dean shouted and Amaya looked at him.

"Get the key!" He shouted and Amaya nodded, as he lifted Amaya higher up in the air.

"It's too dangerous, Dean. Pull her down!" TJ shouted as the Dragon came towards Amaya who was flying up.

"This Dragon is radiating cold, bring me down, or I'll freeze!" Amaya shouted it seemed like she was using all her strength in it.

Dean immediately pulled her down as the Dragon ran past her and turned again in anger and flew fast towards them. Dean grabbed Amaya  and wrapped his arms around her.

"NO!" TJ shouted as the Dragon flew towards her friends and jerked her hands to stop the Dragon.

Suddenly a whirlpool of ice struck the Dragon and it staggered backward. TJ's mouth went open and she looked behind her but there was no one.

Dean pulled his arms away from Amaya, holding her hand as they both ran to their friend as the Dragon regained its balance and snarled in anger as it flapped its wings.

"What was that?" Amaya asked her friend.

"I have no bloody idea!" TJ said as the Dragon came towards them and TJ pushed them both aside and tried to make the whirlpool again and it worked, a whirlpool of ice formed and TJ tried to make it as big as she could and then when it was big enough she pushed it towards the Dragon who was struck in it and growled.

"TJ! You have two powers!" Dean said excitedly to the girl who looked at the Dragon with concentration.

"Then I will use this power to distract that Frozen princess," TJ sneered looking at the Dragon who looked at TJ with anger and Dean smirked. She was amazingly badass.

"I'll try to hold it with those whirlpools, then when it's distracted, Dean use your powers and get the key without going near the Dragon and go inside. Amy, get the book, I'll guard the door," TJ said and the two nodded without a word. This was the best plan they could come up with at the moment.

"Hey, Monster Elsa!" TJ shouted at the Dragon whose's nose flared, and fog came out. "Come and get me," TJ said as she started to make the whirlpool, this time it was thinner and longer.

"What are you doing?" Dean asked as he planted his feet on the ground beside her and Amaya was behind him.

"Making a tornado from this whirlpool, and using it as a chain. It would be strong enough to hold this one," TJ said gritting her teeth as the whirlpool started looking like a rope and as soon as the Dragon was near TJ pushed it towards the Dragon, binding it starting from its limbs to its neck and the Dragon fell down and the Earth shook from the fall.

"Go, quick!" TJ exclaimed, not stopping the whirlpool from her hands.

Dean quickly used his powers and lifted the key from the dragon's neck and it came in his hands, as Dean and Amaya ran towards the library. The Dragon released his icy breath towards them but TJ made a portal around its mouth which lead the Dragon's ice fall on his head covering its eyes and TJ smirked.

TJ pulled back her hands as she ran towards Dean who opened the library and both Amaya and he rushed inside as TJ guarded the door.

"First floor, left-hand side, third row, first or second shelf, book number 52," Amaya told Dean as they ran up towards the third row of bookshelves. The place was huge just like it looked from the outside. Dean had never seen so many books in his life, and boy he was in awe.

"Will you see this? This place is like the sea of books and it's all ancient!" Dean said in awe.

"I know right, I hate books but this place is beautiful," Amaya said scanning the staircases that lead to another stack of thousands of bookshelves.

The floor was tiled with plush tiles, there was no furniture in the library except for tables in the corner and some couches on the first floor and some ladders to reach higher shelves.

"Come on, stop fangirling," Amaya said tugging the coat Dean wore.

"You go ahead. I am going to get pictures of this place" Dean said and Amaya nodded and ran towards the third row and started counting the books from both shelves.

Dean took out his screenshorter and started clicking pictures of the library. Something caught Dean's eye and he walked towards the book which was kept on the table and picked it up.

"'Null and Void'? What kind of book is this?" Dean said picking up the small book and peered through its contents.

"Dean!" Amaya's voice boomed through the library.

"Hush!" He scolded her as she came into the view.

"Sorry, but I got the book, let's go!" Amaya said and Dean nodded looking at the book in Amaya's hand.

He kept the small book in his coat pocket and grabbed Amaya's hand and rushed downstairs and outside to see TJ talking to the Dragon.

"You see, I never wanted to harm you. I just want my Asher back. He means a lot," She was saying, "Do you have a girlfriend?" She asked the Dragon who gave out a foggy breath as if agreeing. "I bet you love her, I love him too," TJ said in a soft voice as Dean saw TJ touching the Dragon's icy skin without pulling back her hand.

"'What is she doing?" Dean asked Amaya who was smiling at the scene.

"Seems like TJ found a new friend," Amaya said as she walked towards TJ.

"We got the book," Amaya said and TJ looked at the Dragon and Dean noticed that the portal in front of his mouth was gone.

"Nice to meet you, Monster Elsa...I mean Monster Jack Frost," TJ said as she kissed the Dragon's cheek and Dean saw the Dragon snorting at the action. "Give my love to your Elsa," She said as TJ made a portal to Calista's study.

Amaya stepped into it and Dean followed and TJ was halfway when she released the Ice Dragon and came through the portal closing it immediately behind her.

"As much as I liked him, I wasn't going to take any chances," TJ said as they returned.

Suddenly something tackled her on the floor and she saw Rafael hugging her as she laughed and patted the boy.

"Ow, Raf. You should have been on the football team. Damn, you just look scrawny!" TJ grunted as Rafael got up and helped TJ up.

"I am so happy to see you guys back!" Rafael said with excitement as he tackled his sister like he tackled TJ, but she didn't even budge.

"Yeah and we got the book!" Amaya laughed as she pulled away from her brother.

"Good to see you, Dean!" Rafael said and they gave each other the typical man hug.

"Oh my! You guys are back!" Calista said entering the room, her hands full with the tray with hot chocolates and TJ rushed towards her grabbing a mug and gulping the much needed hot drink.

"Be careful!" Calista scolded her and TJ gave her a sheepish grin and backed away, sipping her drink slowly.

"Thanks a lot, Ms. Thorton, it's much needed," Amaya said picking a mug and giving it to Dean, and then picking it up for her and Rafael, and giving one mug to him.

"Did you guys get hurt? Any wounds?" Calista asked nervously keeping the empty tray down.

"Nope. I told you we'll be back without a scratch," TJ grinned like a kid and Calista smiled at her as she sat beside TJ.

Dean noticed that this was the first time he saw Calista's smile reaching her eyes.

"We got the book too and TJ got a new power!" Amaya told Calista excitedly. Calista looked at TJ and she nodded.

"I made a whirlpool of ice. It was an accident. I wanted to make a portal but a huge tornado-like whirlpool of ice started and it struck Monster Jack Frost," TJ told her headmistress.

"Monster what?" Rafael asked and Amaya nodded.

"It was an Ice Dragon, it was huge. Its breath was ice, its body was made up of ice and its claws and teeth were of ice and it radiated ice!" Amaya told her brother.

"An Ice Dragon, that's awesome!" Rafael said excitedly.

"It was. He was a male and we talked. He was really cool, pun intended," TJ joked, but nobody laughedexcept Rafael.

"What? It's punny?" Rafael joked and this time only TJ laughed.

"You guys are so stupid," TJ said, "High five man!" She said and Rafael extended his hand for a high five.

"What are you guys talking about?" Amaya asked, confused.

"Nothing sis, it's a cool people thing, you won't get it," Rafael said and TJ and he did another high five.

"Hey, don't leave me," Dean said and TJ and Rafael high fived him one by one.

"You guys are so immature," Amaya said and Calista smiled at their antics.

"Well, at least I did something in Frost, unlike someone," Dean mocked looking at Amaya with a smirk.

"It's not my fault that beast was bigger than your head," Amaya said rolling her eyes.

"You are just jealous," Dean taunted.

"Why would I be? I was the one who got the book. You almost froze me!" Amaya argued.

"I did not, it's not my fault that you need to polish your powers," Dean said with a huff.

"Will you both like seriously stop, you are acting like an old married couple. Bickering all the time!" TJ commented with a knowing smile. "And why are you fighting, you guys are a great team," TJ said and Dean looked at her with a smile on his face. She noticed him! Damn he sounded like a teenager obsessing over his crush.

"Whatever, I'm better," Amaya said looking away and Dean decided not to reply. As much as he liked bickering with Amaya, he liked talking to TJ more.

"What were you even talking to that Dragon and who are Jack Frost and Elsa?" Dean asked her.

"Oh, Jack Frost is human folklore and Elsa is a Disney princess from the movie Frozen. I love movies so I keep comparing situations to movies and TV shows," TJ said casually.

"Hey TJ! How were you not freezing while being near that Dragon?" Amaya asked.

"I was, but when I started talking to him, it became better," TJ told her.

"Alright, too much talking. TJ I think you should not waste any time. Read the book first thing in the morning. Keep it with you if you want," Calista Told TJ and she nodded. "You all must be tired, sleep here. I'll get the rooms ready," Calista told them.

"Don't bother ma'am, I'll get everyone to their rooms," TJ said her fingers sparkled, but Calista shook her head.

"Stay and that's an order," Calista said and TJ chuckled but nodded as the sparkled subsided.

"Dean, Rafael, take Dean's old room across this lobby. TJ and Amaya, you both come downstairs with me," Calista ordered and they obeyed.

Rafael slept as soon as he lied down and now was snoring lightly. Dean was still wide awake and in thought.

Dean thought about what he saw today, TJ had two powers, this was one of the rare times he saw this. The last person he knew who had two powers was his grandfather who had telekinesis and could teleport too. He died when Dean was 10 but he was one of the most powerful Enchanters of his time. Dean had no doubts TJ too would be one.

Dean smiled when he remembered how TJ smirked when she realized that she had another power. Her smirk, it was dangerous but charming. Everything about that girl was charming, even her cursing. God, he really liked her. Dean's smile turned into a frown when he realized that Asher could be back any day. He wished that Asher was to be sent home so Dean could spend all the time with TJ.

That's what he wanted, to spend all his time with TJ, learning about her, listening while she talked, and kiss those pouty lips. With the last thought of TJ in his mind, Dean closed his eyes and slept, dreaming of him and TJ.


Ice Dragons and whirlpools! Wow!

Random question: Do you like TJ with Dean or Asher?

I was just curious about what you guys think. I find Asher pretty awesome but Dean is pretty darn cute too!



Until next time..

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