Chapter 18

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Hola Amigos! 

I am so sorry for being so absent but my artist mode was on and I have been spending all the time in completing my room wall that had been pending for almost a whole YEAR! 

Finally I did something worthwhile in 2016!

And I was thing about doing something else too. I plan to finish posting this story by 30th of December. I have no idea how to do it, but I will. Well that's what I have planned. 

On to the chapter now



Asher's mind was going to burst. He had powers, why would he have powers? No, the question was how come he has any powers which didn't even show throughout his life. But, Annie too had powers and they showed in the time of need. When would his time of need come?

"Ash, come on. Stop it, you are giving me a headache," Annie said as she sat on his bed, and Asher paced in front of her.

"I can't. I'm confused," Asher told her as he continued pacing.

What powers could he have? Was he a teleporter or maybe he could memorize everything. Why would a memory power be a supernatural thing? Many humans had a photographic memory. Ugh, he was going mad by all the thinking.

"Asher, sit down!" Annie said in an authoritative tone. Normally Asher loved when she was bossy, but today he was just not thinking about it. He continued pacing as he heard Annie groan.

Rafael had left the room earlier because of Asher's pacing. He was getting nervous so he went out with his mini gamer to the common room.

Asher kept on pacing with his head down. Suddenly he turned, and saw Annie and stopped in front of her. Annie held his shoulders, making him face her, and Asher heard himself sigh as he looked into her eyes.

"You will have to stop, Ash. We'll figure it out," Annie said calmly, Asher nodded.

"You're right, but I can't help feeling excited and nervous about it," Asher admitted, Annie smiled.

"It IS exciting and nervous. You'll find the answer soon. Just be alert," Annie said softly, Asher sighed. "I'm sure you have cool powers," Annie grinned, and Asher felt a smile creeping on his lips. She always made him smile.

Even if she was fighting with him, or making fun of him, even when she insulted him, Annie made him smile.

"I love you," Asher said unintelligibly and saw blush creeping on Annie's face.

"I love you too," Annie said wrapping her arms around his neck, making him lean down a bit so their foreheads were connected. "I love you more than you can even imagine. I will continue to love you even when you have wrinkled skin and a big stomach," She told him making Asher grin like a maniac.

It was always Asher who mentioned their future first. Annie never said anything about getting married or anything related to future. She blushed when Asher said that he would love to have a baby girl who looked like her but said nothing. Asher knew why, she thought she didn't deserve Asher, that he was too good for her. She was insecure and that's what came between them. Not anymore. They were just 18 but a guy can dream, right?

"Really? What if when I'm old and I forget things? Will you love me then?" Asher asked, pulling her close so now their nose was touching too, and lips some centimeters apart.

"Even if I get a memory issue, I will still love you. My heart will remember you, even when my brain doesn't," Annie said softly, Asher thought his heart would burst. He held her face in his palms and kissed her mouth slowly.

Annie kissed him back, her hands weaving through his hair, driving him crazy. His tongue grazed her lips asking for the allowance which she gave readily. As their tongues mingled, the slow and sweet kiss became a hot and heavy one with no one wanting to pull away for air.

Asher pulled away, kissing the side of Annie's mouth and then her jaw as a moan left her throat while Asher's hands roamed around her waist under the black leather jacket she loved.

Annie's hands roamed on his chest, clutching his t-shirt tightly as he kissed her neck. Annie pushed him as she pulled the collar of his jacket making him look up as she kissed him again. It was getting hot. Asher pulled Annie's jacket off and she unzipped his jacket. Annie stripped him off his jacket exposing his thin black t-shirt.

Annie's hands roamed all over his chest, and then his abs as she kissed him with urgency. Asher understood because he too was feeling that way. He hadn't kissed her since he got back. Asher's hands roamed around her perfect waist as they went under her t-shirt which earned him a gasp from Annie, and he smiled into the hungry kisses.

Annie pulled away, a glint of mischief in her eyes and before he could know, Asher's t-shirt was off and on the side of his bed. Annie kissed his neck as her hands traced his abs making Asher moan. She was good at it and Asher had no idea how.

Annie turned Asher and pushed him so that he fell on his bed, and she was on top of him, kissing his abs one by one. Asher felt himself tighten.

"Annie," He moaned which encouraged her to kiss his exposed chest as her lips grazed his neck, then his chest. "Fuck," Asher said, finally gaining control of himself as he pulled off Annie's t-shirt revealing the black sports bra she wore.

Asher's turned, catching Annie by surprise so he was on top of her, and she was under him. He did the same to her, he grazed her neck with his tongue. Annie moaned with pleasure and Asher thought if he didn't stop it would be hard not to.

"Annie, we should stop," Asher said, panting.

"I don't want to," Annie told him, lust clear in her eyes. Asher never felt this happy.

"Raf would be here any minute. I hope you don't want him to see you like this," Asher told her but Annie shushed him as she kissed him again.

"I don't care. Let's go somewhere else, and continue this. I don't want you to stop," Annie said as she pulled away and kissed Asher again, which he returned, but stopped when he processed what she meant.

"You mean...?" Asher asked, propping himself on his hands so he could see Annie more clearly. Annie nodded, her eyes were determined and lusty.

"Where can we go?" He asked and Annie smirked.

She pulled herself up so now she was half sitting, and Asher wanted to hold her in his arms right now, but then he won't stop. He knew it.

"Your old house, it's empty, and still not sold. We'll be back before anyone finds out we went," Annie said and Asher shook his head.

"I don't want that Annie. You're not like the other girls for me. I want to make love to you, hold you close as we sleep and look at your face the first thing when I wake up. You don't deserve a tumble under the sheets, you deserve much more," Asher told her, caressing her face and Annie's eyes widened at his confession.

Annie kissed him, holding his face in her hands. This wasn't a hungry kiss, but a sweet and loving one. She was expressive like that, Asher loved it.

"Then we both will wait," Annie said resting her forehead against his and Asher smiled.

"I can wait for you till eternity," Asher said kissing her nose and pulling away as he gave her his t-shirt.

"This is your t-shirt," Annie pointed out, Asher grinned.

"I like when you wear my clothes. In fact, I think I should lend you some," Asher told her, sitting beside her, and kissing her cheek.

"I like wearing your clothes too. I like your idea, you're so gonna get robbed off of your clothes," Annie said as she wore his t-shirt.

"Gladly," Asher said as he got off his bed and stretched his arms moving towards his study table.

"Wear a shirt," Annie said, his back towards her.

"I will, later," Asher told her as he searched for something.

"Wear a shirt, or else I won't care even if Raf comes in," Annie said in an authoritative voice making Asher look at her. Her hair were messy, her face flushed. and her dark eyes glowing with lust. Asher gulped as he felt himself tighten again. He was in trouble. But, then he smirked and moved closer to her, it was playing with fire but he was ready to get burnt.

"What are you doing?" Annie asked him, eyeing his movement curiously.

"Nothing," Asher said calmly, walking towards her slowly.

"Don't test me, Ash," Annie said, moving back towards the board of the bed.

"I am not doing anything, Annie," Asher said, his voice a bit deeper than he expected.

Annie didn't say anything just bit her lip as Asher bent down to her level. Asher knew he should not be testing himself, or Annie but he couldn't help himself. He was too much attracted to her and there were too many pent up emotions, almost a year full of emotions.

He didn't say anything just took her hand, and kept it on his wildly beating heart.

"Feel this?" He asked her and she nodded. "You do to me every time I see you. This is my body's normal when I see you," He told her as he saw her eyes widen and a small smile appearing on her lips. "So if you think it's just you who is affected, then you are wrong," He said and Annie's cheeks turned red.

Asher kissed her forehead, lips lingering there for a moment before he pushed himself away. He grabbed a t-shirt from his closet and walked towards the bathroom.

"Wanna join?" Asher asked Annie, his voice playful.

"That is not soundproof," Was the only thing she said before getting up his bed, giving him a mock salute, making a portal to her room, and disappeared.

Asher groaned loudly resting his head against the bathroom door, hitting it with his fist loudly.

"I hate you so much, Annie," He said as he heard her laugh in his head.


Young love! I have no idea what that is whatsoever. 

Anyways  chapters left!!!

Random Question: If I tell you that there is a sequel to this story, how would you feel?

P.S. It's all random

Until next time... 

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