Get your damn hands off her! (Marty xreader)

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(798 words)

Your POV 

I had gotten into a fight with my boyfriend. I was walking over to see Doc and Marty. I knew that Marty didn't like my boyfriend so this wouldn't go over too well. I got to the house before I opened the garage door and went inside. Marty and Doc were in the midst of dismantling the DeLorean. 

I leaned on the wall as they looked over. They shared a look before Marty walked over and went outside with me. We were sitting on the front step as he listened to my story. "Looks like I have another reason to hate him" he mumbled with a huff. I gave a small chuckle as I looked at him. "Don't tell Doc alright. I don't want him to worry, he has enough white hair as it is" I said and he smiled before he nodded. "Your secret is safe with me" he said and we stood before he hugged me gently. 

Marty always had a helping hug that he could give out. It was something that I loved about him. He was always really sweet. Compared to my boyfriend he was the sweetest boy on the planet. "(y/n)! You're leaving with me" I heard. I looked over as Marty turned around and let me go. He frowned as he noticed that it was my boyfriend. 

"I'm not going anywhere with you" I said as he stomped up the driveway. Heglared at me as his hand wrapped around my arm tightly. "You are coming with me right now. You know I don't like you being here" he said as I tried to fight him off. 

"I'm so sick and tired of how you treat me! I feel like I can't breathe when I'm with you since you always walk all over me! I hate being with you, I don't know what I ever saw in you to begin with" I said as I stared at him. Marty looked a little surprised at my outburst. I was never the type to raise my voice, so yelling like I was-was pretty new to him. 

My boyfriend growled as he tried to pull me along. "You're going to wish that you never said that to me! From now on you aren't going to be allowed to come anywhere near Doc Brown or Marty" he said and that pissed off Marty. He grabbed ahold of his jacket and pushed him off of me. "Get your damn hands off her!" he said as he shoved him away. 

I watched as they stared each other down. Marty was a bit taller than me, but my boyfriend was only a couple inches shorter than Doc. He stared up at him as he stepped a little closer to him. "Move it pipsqueak" he said and Marty growled a little. He smirked as he noticed that he was pushing his buttons. 

Marty had enough of him as he reeled his arm back and swung. My boyfriend stumbled as he was surprised and held his jaw. I looked at him as he growled and ran off. The door to the garage flew open as Doc stuck his head out. "Do I want to know what just happened out here?" he asked as I looked at him. 

Marty looked over and shook his hand as he sighed. "Nothing that I couldn't handle" he said as we walked inside. Doc looked between the two of us but decided to let it go. He shrugged as he went back to what he was doing. I looked over at Marty before I pulled him into the kitchen. I looked at his knuckles as he sat at the counter. I held some ice to his hand as I looked at him. 

"Thanks for what you did back there" I said and he looked up at me. He shook his head a little. "That guy deserved more than what I did" he said and I chuckled gently. "I know, and I hope that he gets the message and leaves me the hell alone" I said and he nodded. "If not let me know. I would definitely throw another punch at him" he said and I laughed a little. 

He smiled at me before we went back into the garage to join Doc. He looked at the both of us and rose a brow. His eyes bounced between the two of us and I tilted my head. "What?" I asked as he shook his head. "I've known you both for years, and I still can never figure out what's going on with you" he said as he leaned on the car a little. I smiled gently. "We stumped the almight Doc Brown" I said as I looked at Marty. He smiled as he nodded "Heavy" 

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