One In The Same (Biff x Reader)

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Thank you to @Liz_Steddmann54for the idea! I hope you enjoy!

(2851 words)

Your POV 



"Both of you, my office, now!" 

Gritting my teeth while rolling my eyes, I followed the Principal to his office. Walking down the office, the girls that I passed at their lockers, avoiding my gaze and looking sheepish, the boys did the same as they saw Biff. Once we were in the office we were told to sit at a couple of the chairs outside of the Principal's office. 

Watching the secretary at the desk glance at us a few times, I tapped my foot in annoyance. Was he really going to make us sit here and wait for his ass? 

"Do you think he's going to make us sit here all day?" 

Get out of my head, Tannen! 

"Beats me, I wouldn't doubt it. Can't be that terrible if he's making us wait." 

He smirked, chuckling gently. Glancing at me for a moment, his blue eyes gleaming at me. My (e/c) eyes catching his oceanic ones. Call me shallow, but Biff is pretty cute. 

"So. what are you in for?" 

"You know, the usual. Torturing people." 

"Strickland caught me messing with McFly again, it wouldn't happen if he finished my homework on time." 

"Why don't you get a few kids to do it for you? Better than having just the one."

He smiled and nodded, "That sounds like a good idea." 

There was a calm silence for a bit before he spoke up again. 

"Do you have a date to the dance this weekend?" 

"Oh, Tannen, are you asking me out?"

Releasing a nervous chuckle, he rubbed his neck. "I am, i-if that's okay." 

Smiling gently for a moment as i nodded. "You can pick me up at 7." 

The principal came out of his office to point at me and usher me into his office. Standing and brushing my leg against his knee as I walked into the office. I couldn't believe that I got a date to the dance by doing what I do best, ruining people's days. 

Biff's POV 

Feeling her brush her leg against mine as she walked into the Principal's office, I sighed gently. Leaning back in my chair as I watched her dissappear into the office, it was like I was in a daze. I've been crushing on her for a while now, just now getting the courage to ask her out. Maybe I could have lucked out sooner, if only I tried. 

I remember the first time that I saw her, It was a few months ago. She was bullying a few girls about their hair styles, since they were almost 10 years old at the time. The outfits, were undoubtedly hand-me-downs from elder siblings. Watching her put the fear of God into those two, got my heart racing. 

"I can't believe you're here not only, with notes that I can't read, but you're here with that up do that's over a decade old, and hand-me-down clothes. I thought I couldn't see you as any more pathetic!" 

"I-i'm sorry, (y/n). I had nothing else to wear, I'm behind on my chores, and had to rush to finish those notes before class was over! I'll have them redone by the end of the day, I promise!" 

She clicked her tongue as she shook her head slowly. "You know, I don't think that's going to cut it this time. See, I need those notes before lunch."

The girl gulped hard, i could see the sweat building up on her forehead as she panicked internally. I was on the edge of my seat! 

"Here's what I'll do, since you're doing your best, and this is your first offence. I'll get the notes from someone else. For now, you'll owe me something. What that Is, I don't know." 

She turned to walk away, before stopping in her tracks for a second and looking over her shoulder. "In the meantime, burn that outfit." 

The bell rang and I watched her turn the corner to go to her class. Biting my lip for a moment, I shivered. The things that girl could do too me, god damn. Walking off to class I decided then and there, she would be my girl, forget Lorraine. 


Snapping from my thoughts, the Principal was standing in front of me. (Y/n) smirked at me as she walked by before leaving to go to class. Standing up and following the Principal to his office, noticing that my pants felt a little tighter than normal. 

-Day of the Dance- 

Your POV 

Today was the day. The dance is in a few hours. I've done my hair, and am working on my makeup. I haven't had to dress up like this in quite some time, it felt, different to say the least. Grabbing the eyeshadow that I had on my vanity, brushing the pressed powder to the crease of my eyelid. Moving to the base color and applying that before blending the two. 

Once those were done, deciding that I could use a little mascara and some rouge. Applying that and smiling gently. Thinking that a simple gloss would be nice, not wanting lipstick on my teeth, especially tonight. 

Looking over to the dress, I breathed deeply. I hope this would be enough to impress him this evening. Studying the white silk dress with a tie behind the neck, before standing. (Think Marilyn Monroe's iconic dress from the subway grate picture). Standing up slowly before walking over to the mannequin the dress was on, taking it off gently and getting into it. 

Gazing in the mirror I sighed gently. Looking at myself, being nothing but bland. Should 
I wear something else? Would he change his mind?  

Hearing a knock at the door, my Dad walked in. He saw me and stopped in his tracks. 

"Going to the dance after all?" 

"I was asked a couple of days ago, I would have told you but you've been working a lot." 

"That's fine, he certainly is a lucky kid." 

Smiling gently at my Dad, he walked over and kissed my forehead. Hearing a knock on the door, 

i glanced at the clock to see that it was 7. Following my Dad down the stairs as he opened the door. I could see Biff from the upstairs balcony. He was wearing a white suit jacket, he looked nervous but was still handsome. He gulped a little as my Dad answered the door. 

"You here for (y/n)?" 

"yes, Sir" 

My Dad nodded gently before he opened the door and whistled for me. That whistle I've heard the majority of my life. Walking down the steps, doing my best not to fall down them. Getting to the bottom of the steps, i looked up to see Biff almost drooling. 

"Have her home before 11" 

Biff nodded gently before he put the corsage on my wrist. Smiling gently at him before we were out of the door. Walking down to his car, he opened the door for me and I got in. 

"Thanks for not getting weirded out by my Dad, he can be a lot sometimes." 

He smiled and looked at me. "You should hear my Grandma. She's worse." 

Giggling as I nodded, I smiled. Tonight might be fun. 

-At the Dance- 

Looking at Biff as we heard the music play, he smiled gently before he rose his hand and pulled me to the dance floor. Following him out as he smiled down at me, he stopped and pulled me to him. Swaying along to the music as we danced in place. Looking up at him for a second before he pulled me a little closer to him. Resting my hand on the lapel for his jacket he looked down at me, swallowing a little. 

"I had something i wanted to ask you." 

I looked at him and tilted my head. 

"What was it, everything okay?" 

"Everything's great, don't worry." 

"Then what did you want to ask?"

"Do you, um, want to be my girlfriend? I know that this is technically our first date but I-" 

Cutting him off as I put my lips on his. He stopped before leaning down to me to deepen the kiss. Smiling gently and feeling my cheeks heat up as I looked up at him. "Is that, a yes?" 

Nodding quickly he smiled gently before burying his face into my neck for a moment. Planting  small kiss on my neck as he stayed there. Finishing out the song as I smiled wide, holding onto his lapel a bit more, rubbing my thumb across his hand as we danced. 

-Time skip- 

It's been about 7 months or so since Biff and I got together. We haven't seen Calvin Klein for quite some time, and Lorraine and McFly are together. I've noticed that Biff doesn't look twice at her anymore as she goes by in the hall. We've both eased up on the bullying lately too. 

"What are you thinking about?" 

We were currently in my room, Dad was out working as usual. 

"Just about the last couple of months. Why?" 

"Regretting saying yes to me on the dance floor?" 

Smacking him with my pillow as he laughed, I shook my head. 

"Never, I uh, Was just thinking about some other things." 

He sat up and narrowed his eyes at me. 

"About what?" 

Grabbing the pillow that I smacked him with and bringing it closer to me, I sat up and glanced around the room. 

"(y/n)? Tell me what it is?" 

"I uh, haven't told you something about me yet, I was going to wait a bit longer, but I think you should know in case you don't like it." 

He looked at me for a moment, sitting up as he looked at me. 

"I, haven't, um." 

Feeling my face warm up as he looked at me, with those damn eyes of his. I stopped and looked away, pulling the pillow closer to me. 

He felt his hands grab me gently. Pulling the pillow from me and putting it on my lap, before he laid his head on it. Looking at him as he smiled up at me, I ran a hand through his hair. 

"Just tell me, kitten." 

Smiling at the nickname he gave me a while ago, I nodded. "I haven't had sex, I haven't told you yet since I thought you would have left me after you found out." 

He blinked at me for a moment, before smiling. "Is that what you're worried about? Kitten you should know that I only want you, no matter how you come. I love your rough edges, it's what made me fall for you to begin with. I just want you."

Sighing with relief for a second as i watched him sit up, he looked at me before I sat on his lap and kissed him. He returned it as I held the sides of his face in my hands, his finding their way to my waist. The kiss quickly turned into a make-out session. His hands found their way under my shirt before he pushed me over onto the bed, Kissing my neck and shoulder as his fingers traced the underwire of my bra. 

Watching him pull away and take off his polo, I unbuttoned my blouse. His hand snaked around my waist and pulled me closer to him as he came down to kiss me again. Running my hands in his hair, feeling the stickiness of the gel he used. Panting gently as he looked me in the eyes. His face was flushed as he hovered over me. 

"I know that you're a virgin. So do you want me to-" 

He faded out as he looked at me. I nodded gently. "Take me already, baby." 

He smirked before he started taking off his belt and pants. Unzipping the back of my skirt, I slipped it off as he threw his pants on the floor. Turning back to me he stopped and watched me. Blushing as I noticed his staring, I sighed gently. 

He leaned down again and kissed me deeply, his teeth tugging on my lip a little as he did. Rubbing my hands across his chest as he did, he pulled away and looked at me. 

"You're beautiful, don't be nervous." 

Nodding gently, he kissed along my collarbone and my neck, nibbling here and there as I arched my back. His hands grabbed the bra clasp, they fought for a moment, his hands winning as I felt the strap loosen. He pulled away and slipped it off before throwing it somewhere. Feeling his fingers trace the flesh in front of him I shivered a little. His hands grabbed them gently before he started to knead them. 

I could feel the heat in my underwear starting to spill out. His knee was rubbing against me a little as he hovered above me. Panting a little as he teased me with his hands and his knee. 
I could feel his breath on my skin as he breathed. 

"Damn you make me so hungry~" 

Blushing deeply as he said that, I clutched onto the pillow behind me. He kissed a trail down towards my underwear. Hooking them before he pulled them down. Spreading my legs apart gently, he glanced at me before he licked his lips and moved in closer to my clit. Licking it a few times before he kissed around it, my legs twitching as he teased it. 

Biting my lip as I closed my eyes. feeling his breath on my skin before he kissed and licked my clit. Sucking on it here and there, wrapping a leg around his shoulder as his tongue danced on me. It wasn't long before he could hear my voice. 

Panting and moaning as he ate me, I bit my lip and arched my back. There was an odd feeling in my stomach for a moment before it released as soon as it came. Giving one last loud noise, I felt the bed move as Biff was above me. Kissing me deeply again, making me taste myself. Panting as he pulled away for a second. 


i nodded gently. Feeling his fingers rub against me for a second, before the warm tip of his length touched me a little. 

"Relax, I'll be gentle Kitten~" 

Holding onto his arm, as I moved my legs open a bit more to try and give him more room. He kissed me again before he smiled gently, slipping the tip in a little, I gasped. He stopped and gave gentle kissed, getting me lost in them as he waited to move in more. When I relaxed again he moved in a bit more, and then a bit more as I relaxed under him. Before I knew it he was already completely inside of me, and I had a full feeling inside of me. 

His hand rested on my hip as he kissed me gently. "Let me know if it hurts, or if you want to stop~" 

I nodded before he moved out of me slowly, stopping a bit before he was completely out. Biting my lip as he pushed back in, pleasure washed over me in the process. Panting gently as I dug my nails into his arms. I heard a low grown come from him as I did. Pulling me closer to him for a moment, he continued his movements. Releasing a few noises from before, I bit my lip to try and get them to quit. Before he moved his hips closer to mine, pulling my legs around him. 

He started moving in little thrusts, the pleasure hitting a spot that made my legs twitch. "Ah~ Biff~" He panted gently in my ear as he gave another noise. Digging my nails into his shoulders I felt him groan again before he picked up the pace a little. Moaning more frequently as panted more. I felt the same feeling as before the build was slower this time than before. He sat up and held my hips as he continued his movements. Covering my mouth to try and not be as loud, the knot getting bigger and bigger before it released over him. Moaning louder than I wanted, he followed not long after me. 

Laying down next to me and pulling me closer to him. I panted gently. "That was, amazing." Feeling him nod as he kissed my forehead. I looked up at him and ran a finger against his chest. 

"I love you, Tannen."

He turned to look at me before smirking. "I love you more, Kitten." 

"I wanted to ask you something, I know you fell for me because I was so abrasive to others, but I think it's time for a change, I want to be better for you. I just hope you wont change your mind about me." 

he shook his head and wrapped his arms around me. "I love you, I'm not going to change how I feel about you, if you want to change, then so do I." 

I smiled gently and kissed him again, we both fell asleep not long after. 

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