Chapter Eight

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McCree didn't remember much of that morning. Hanzo woke him up, told him they needed to move, and they left within ten minutes. It took a little while for the cowboy to fully wake up, and when he did it was eleven a.m and he had three shots of espresso in him. As he downed the caffeine, his companion gave him and incredulous look.

"I'm surprised. I pictured you being more of a morning person."

"Where I come from, it'd still be dark out," the brunet retorted. He took another sip of coffee. "All this travellin' has got my sleep schedule all off..."

The archer hummed in acknowledgement and stared out the shop's window. "Well, it should be back to normal soon..."

For a moment, Jesse forgot he was undercover. He wanted to snicker and say, "Oh honey, it's only gonna go downhill from here." But he bit his tongue when he noticed Hanzo's expression.

The ravenet was staring out the window with wide, fearful eyes. He was in the middle of asking what was wrong when he saw it, too: An An omnic sniper, perched about a street away. "Oh, shit."

The Shimada saw the red laser before McCree did. With one quick, sudden movement, he shoved the table to the ground and ducked behind it. One of the employees went to fuss him out, but was cut off by the gunshot.

Glass shattered, the bullet ricocheted, and the coffee shop erupted into chaos. Costumers were running around frantically, and Jesse barely had enough time to slid in next to Hanzo. "What the hell was that?" he shouted over the costumers screams.

"That," the Asian murmured, pulling an arrow from his quiver. "Is what I like to call 'saving my ass'. As a bodyguard, I thought you'd know that."

The southerner bit his cheek, starting to realize he wasn't good at going undercover. He raised his voice and said, "Well, as your bodyguard, I say we head out the back while the sniper can't get a clear shot of us. Stay low so it makes it even harder for 'em."

He heard the bowman sigh. "Finally, you suggest a good idea." And with that, he started sneaking towards the back door, keeping low to the ground. McCree pulled out his revolver and followed close behind.

To their dismay, the crowd had cleared out a bit by the time they started moving. The brunet spared a glance at the window and noticed the sniper was reassessing his target. "Aw, hell no..."

This time, McCree saw the laser first. Without thinking, he found himself tackling Hanzo to the ground. The next thing he knew, the screams rose higher and pain shot up his arm. Looking down, he realized he had been shot in the arm. "Dammit..."

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Hanzo staring at him and the wound in shock. The gunslinger rolled his eyes and pushed him with his good arm. "What are you waitin' for? Move!"

He obeyed, and scrambled to his feet. He spun around once and drew his bow back. A second later, a blue arrow was sticking out of the omnic's forehead. The Shimada grabbed the other's good arm and dragged him out the back door.

The exit had led them to another street, somewhat close to the water. Jesse was gripping his injury tightly, hoping to stop the bleeding. Of course, it wasn't helping much. In quick, raspy breaths he muttered, "Now what, Han?"

To his surprise, the Asian whispered, "You... You saved my life."

He laughed drily at the statement. "Jus' doin' my job, hon." His laughter was followed by hoarse coughing. "But seriously, what now? They prolly have reinforcements up front, or reporters. We don't wanna get caught up in that."

Hanzo nodded, seeming far away. "Right, right... We could go ahead and board the ship. It isn't supposed to leave for another hour or two, though."

"Fine by me," the southerner mumbled, trying to ignore the warm blood oozing between his fingers. While he ignored it, the other did not.

"Here." Hanzo reached up and pulled the yellow ribbon out of his bun. His messy, black hair somehow fell perfectly into place around his shoulders. McCree couldn't help but stare in awe.

The archer rolled his eyes and moved Jesse's hand away from the wound. Carefully, he tied the ribbon around his arm tightly. "That should at least clot it," he growled. "We can get the bullet out later."

He stared at the temporary bandage without three things in mind:

One, this ribbon was more like a scarf than he had thought.

Two, the ravenet had experienced in patching up wounds.

And three, he looked even more attractive with his hair down. The cowboy finally came to his senses when Hanzo shook his good shoulder.

"Jesse snap out of it! Are you losing too much blood? Do I need to tighten it more? Answer me, dammit!" For the first time, the brunet heard the other speak with panic in his voice. With his good arm, he reached and grabbed one of the Asian's wrists.

"I'm fine, doll. Jus' a little shellshocked." He spared a glance at the ribbon again, seeing a spot of blood trying to soak through. "Thank ya for the makeshift cast, though."

"Don't mention it," the Shimada said, sounding somewhat relieved. "But we need to keep moving. The ship's not too far from here, we can easily sneak on board if we stick to the back roads. Just tell me when, and we can go."

McCree couldn't help but notice he was holding Hanzo's wrist. A moment later, he realized the archer had also rested his injured arm around his shoulders. Still a dazed, confused mess, he purred, "Wherever you want, sugar, as long as you're takin' care of me."

"You definitely lost too much blood," Hanzo declared as they started walking towards the ship in the distance.

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