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"You want me t' do what?"

McCree was currently sitting in his commander's office, trying to process what the he had said. The ticking of the clock on the wall wasn't helping.

"I said," Reyes muttered quietly, "That I want you to go undercover as a bodyguard. It's for a new recruit."

"Why me?" The cowboy asked, crossing his arms. The chair under him squeaked in protest. "Why not Genji, or one of the younger recruits?"

The commander grinded his teeth together. "Because," he spoke slowly, "Genji is too emotionally involved with him. And he's dangerous. The newer members would get slaughtered by him."

Jesse's eyebrows raised slightly, curious about who this guy was. "Who's this 'dangerous wanderer' anyhow?"

"I'm glad you asked." Gabriel slapped a file on the desk and slid it towards him. The southerner cautiously took it and opened it, reading it as the other spoke.

"His name's Hanzo Shimada. He was the one who tried to kill Genji. He's been in the run for years now, and in that time he's killed everyone who's attempted to assassinate him. He's smart, and he knows what he's doing. It's been a pain trying to track him, but we've finally got his location."

He stared at the photo for a moment longer, taking in every detail. His short, pulled up black hair. Those dark, brown eyes that pierced into your soul. His striking resemblance to Genji. He slowly closed the file and slid it back over to his boss. "And where's that?"

"Route Sixty-Six."

His face fell. "Gabe, y'know I can't-"

"You're the only one who knows the area," he interrupted. "And that's Commander Reyes to you."

McCree rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair. It lifted off the ground some. "Whatever, boss." His gaze flickered towards the clock, watching the minute hand tick. "How the hell am I suppose to convince him I'm his bodyguard?"

"Simple. You tell him you work for an underground crime organization that used to work with the Shimadas. Recently, they cut ties with them, but are interested in keeping you alive. For what reason, they didn't specify. All they told you was to keep him alive until they can meet with him."

He bit his cheek, still leaning back in the chair. "He ain't dumb."

"But he's lonely," Reyes countered. "If you can get him to trust you, we can recruit him without a problem."

Jesse couldn't help but smirk. "Alright..." He tilted his head back, looked at the ceiling. "What if I say no?"

"You can't. It's an order. Deny it, and you'll be released from Black watch and Genji will have to face his murderer without you to soften the blow."

The cowboy's head shot up, shocked. In his moment of panic, the chair leaned too far back and he fell. A few seconds after he hit the floor, he scrambled to his feet. "S'cuse me, you're gonna do what now? C'mon boss, that's too harsh! Not jus' for me, but for Genji, too! It'd kill us!"

The commander shrugged, and his lack of compassion caught McCree off guard. "He really ain't playin'..." he thought, shocked. He spared a glance back at the file. "He is Genji's brother... How hard could it be?"

With a sigh, he stood up straighter. "When do I start?"

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