Chapter Eight: Glory

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She ignored the whispers, the looks and the raised eyebrows whenever she walked by.

She was in her green gown, her freshly blonde hair tied to a bun to match the last character she had acted.

Tsunami was there, looking uncomfortable in her dress. Someone was talking to her, maybe Riptide- no, it was a girl.

She passed up to them, looking around to see if he was there- he wasn't.

It see- it was Indigo.

Tsunami was smiling awkwardly, her fingers fidgeting. Riptide was grinning behind them.

"So don't hate me," Indigo was saying. " I totally panicked when I saw that you hated me! The Waves is such a cheesy and stupid movie, and that time I kissed guys for fun. Besides, I loved the Dragonet Prophecy. "

"Finally!" Tsunami yelled. "Someone appreciates my awesome acting."

Riptide grinned. "Got that, Tsunami? Now let's go dance."

Tsunami grinned and walked after him, letting him grip her hand. Glory smiled to herself.

" Wait! " Indigo called. "Is your brother Fathom?"

" Yeah, " Tsunami answered, almost shyly. It almost made her laugh out loud.

Indigo winked. "I love that guy. He's cute. Can you give him my number?"

She laughed and linked her arm with Indigo's. "Still flirting?"

Indigo looked at her and her smile faltered, just for a bit. "Glory."

She suddenly felt defensive. She's thinking about the kissing.


" I need you to stay away from the guy you like. He's....he's Not what you think. Just find someone else. "

She narrowed her eyes. Indigo barely knows me. Sure, we are both in the Hollywood business- but she doesn't know me.

She suddenly felt angry, angry at how people talked about Deathbringer. Which was crazy. But it was in there, roaring.

"That's none of your business," she hissed, snatching her arm away. Her happy mood faded.

Indigo pulses her lips, and she looked actually scared. Indigo.


"Deathbringer," she interrupted. "His name is Deathbringer."

She shook her head and fidgeted. "Look. I saw this sign...there was a guy in the newspaper that looked exactly like your bodyguard.."

"Yes, and you see a movie star that looks like me in the newspaper everyday," Glory replied coldly. She couldn't believe how angry she was getting.

Her anger was always carefully controlled, carefully planned and carefully limited. It was unbelievable how angry, how uncontrolled she was getting.

Just for Deathbringer.

No. That's not it. I'm stressed out. Yes. I'm stressed out.

She gave Indigo a I'm having a crappy day look and walked away. She felt Indigo watching her, and she felt hot.

I wish I wasn't stupid enough to kiss Deathbringer. He's just a bodyguard. And an annoying one.

Then someone grabbed her, by the shoulder. She almost instinctively kicked his shin and faced him, her face flushed. It was a man, a man in a mask.

He wasnt carting a weapon, and her eyes darted around to found one.

Blood was thumping in her ears and she felt so scared, felt what the word assassinated was truly like.

Then she spotted one: a gun.

She shrieked but she was muffled by the man's hand.

"Shush," he said.

It was Deathbringer.

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