Chapter Eighteen: Deathbringer

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She was not alone.

"Ewwwwww!" A girl with rainbow hair shrieked, covering her eyes as Greatness pulled away from Deathbringer. "My innocence is dying! I need holy water! A Bible! Ahhhhhh!!!"

He almost laughed out loud before Greatness instinctively took out her gun, aiming it straight at the girl. "I wouldn't joke if I were you," Greatness snarled, her eyes glimmering dangerously. "I do not tolerate silly, dim-witted children."

Glory came into view, her green eyes narrowed. Her hair was messy but it still looked awesome, like an athletic, tan girl from a Californian magazine. Even in the dark room, her features were astonishingly beautiful, overlapping into a face worthy of a goddess. It took his breath away.

She raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms. "So sorry to interrupt such a romantic moment, but we have something to say."

"Say it before I shoot you, then." Greatness laughed coldly. Her finger slipped inside the trigger guard, and it was one motion away from firing when he stopped her.

"Wait!" he gasped out. "Don't. They might...uh..."

They might what?

Greatness gave him a cold, snarling look. "Stay out of this, Deathy."

So this is how it will go when we marry, he almost mocked out loud. He struggled to keep his face emotionless. He channeled his anger to amusement and tried to look at Greatness with the love-is-making-me-stupid smile. How did lovebirds act again? He tried to give her a dreamy look. "I'm only trying to help," he said smoothly. "I just realized how important you are to me, Greatness. Cut me loose and let me help you kill those little annoying idiots. Then maybe we can consider marrying again." Even to him it sounded pathetic. He was turning desperate. Why? No idea. "We can work as a team, Greatness. Prove to me we can work together."

Hurt flashed across Glory's face, along with disgust and anger.

It worked. Greatness gave him a charming, dizzy smile and unlocked the chains, untangling them and placing them on the floor swiftly. In seconds, she was done.

He was free.

Greatness gave Glory a triumphant smirk. "See?" She reached out to Deathbringer and held his hand, stroking his cheek. It made him shiver, but he hid it with a forced smile. "He's mine." Her laughter was beautiful and cold. And hateful.

"I don't care," Glory said through gritted teeth. She pointed her gun at Deathbringer, watching him with hatred and fury. "I'll kill him and not lose a night of sleep. I'll kill both of you."

He felt hurt bubbling up in his chest but pushed them deep down. He was surprised: assassins were supposed to expect the unexpected. The fact Glory hated him hadn't even crossed his mind as a possibility. "I—"

Greatness stared at Glory with manipulative eyes, giving her a motherly smile. "Darling," She began softly. It was her comfort voice. Gain their trust before you kill them. Greatness was the best at that.

Glory's face remained stony. "Tell me where my friends are."

"But they don't need you," Greatness replied in a hushed voice, taking a step closer to her. "Nobody needs you. Nobody wants you."

Glory shook her head, but there was a hint of confusion in her beautiful face. It made him feel angry at Greatness. "You lie." She clenched her fists, her face clearing of emotions. "All of you lie! You guys are fakes, acting like people you aren't. Call yourself anything you like, but you guys are all fakes to me. People that doesn't have a life. People longing for a different life and trying to make themselves believe they are real. You act like different people, but have you noticed? They're not you, no matter how much you want them to be. They will never, ever be you!"

Deathbringer hated to admit it, but there was some truth in her words. And it stung.

"What about you, Glory Bright?" Greatness inched closer like a snake closing in on to its prey. Her eyes flashed with something she had not seen before: jealousy. "You are Hollywood's Golden Girl. You act everyday. You put your pretty, fake face on the screen and lay out a life that will never come true." Greatness opened her arms. "This is your life, dear. You call us fakes, but what about you? You're not any different from us. Messed up. Hate. Lies. Fake."

Glory shook her head fiercely, but tears were streaming from her bright green eyes. It made him want to cuddle her until she stopped crying. Moons, she was so beautiful. "At least I can tell the difference between fake and real."

"BURNNNN!" Kinkajou shouted, whistling, but was quickly silenced as Greatness pushed her to the ground. She yelped.

Greatness walked up to Glory, face-to-face, and smiled. But the smile hid the monster inside. "You and I are the same, Glory. We both live in a fake world, but we make them real. We are the leaders. We are powerful." Deathbringer felt his eyes widen as he saw the genuine in Greatness's eyes. She meant what she said. Which was more dangerous than her lies.

If she wanted something, she would never stop. She will not eat or drink until she got what she wanted.

That was Greatness.

"You are glory, and I am greatness. Together, we will rule the world... " Greatness peeked up in excitement. "Don't you see? Work with me. We will make so many great things together. We are the same, Glory. We live in the same lives. We are the same people."

Glory stared at her, speechless. Kinkajou yelled, "No! Don't listen to that witch, Glory!"

Greatness didn't pay any attention to her. "I have power. I can take your friends back and make sure they live safe and sound all their lives. We can be family." Her eyes flashed with longing and hunger. "What do you say?"

Glory's eyes lit up, weighing out all the possibilities and pros and cons. Her eyes shine with caution and temptation. Deathbringer gulped— there were some truth in Greatness's words. Glory and greatness. They looked the exact same, both beautiful, both powerful, and both longing for love.

The world's destruction was a word away, and he knew that. So he did what he had to do: he raised his tranquilizer and shot Greatness with a dart.

Time slowed. His pulse quickened.

Greatness didn't have time to say anything, but as she fell, she stared at him in disbelief, and her mouth worded the word traitor.

But, moments later, she was unconscious and controllable. He calmed himself down with quick breaths.

Glory stared at him in surprise. "W-what did you just do?" She whispered, her eyes dull.

"I shot her with a dart. She'll wake up in a few minutes," he said, motioning with his arms. "If we want to find your friends, Glory, we better go."

Glory bristled, her old self abruptly coming back. She crossed her arms, her eyes narrowed. "I'm not going to accept help from you," She snapped.

He gave her a grin. "Why? What did I do?"

Glory hissed like he burned her. "Hm. Let's see. Only tried to kill me once, I think."

"Only?" He tapped his chin. "Well, I did save you from a crazy, beautiful psycho. You owe me, Bright."

She frowned at the word beautiful. "You forgot dangerous." She seemed to ask about something but then closed her mouth sharply.

"I know. Everyone is extremely dangerous here." He walked up to her and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, smiling. Glory flinched. "And that, dear Glory, is why you need my help specifically."

"Such a speculation," She muttered. She stared at him suspiciously, but her eyes weren't hostile like it was five minutes ago. She played along, placing a hand on his chest. "How do I know you're not spying on me again, Deathbringer Black?"

He smiled. "Because," he breathed, "I'm in love with you, Glory Bright."



Thanks for reading :) ❤

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