Chapter Eleven: Deathbringer

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He wasn't drunk, not really, not as much as he could have been.

Glory was.

She had drunk barely half a bottle, not even that, but she was drunk, very drunk when they arrived at his house.

He wasn't sure who to contact about Glory, since she had pretty much ran away with him, so he decided that she would spend a night in his bed and he on his couch.

He didn't like his bed anyway.

Glory was muttering something in the lines of, "Zeus! Hic! Poseidon! Hades! Athena! Jupiter! Neptune! Pluto....Hic..Minerva...."


Glory's hiccups were kind of cute, so cute that he wanted to take a video and post it on YouTube.

When Glory Bright is drunk.

He would get over a million views.


He raised an eyebrow, now that his days of acting stupid was over. He was ten percent smarter than a normal assassin, which was saying a lot. Really, he was tired of acting stupid in his missions.

"Greek and Roman? You study a lot, Bright," he commented as he say her down on the bed.

She smiled, a dreamy, sweet smile that made the tips of his mouth twitch in amusement.

"I'm smart," she bragged, nodding. " I'm smart as Neptune and hot as the sun... "

"Sure you are," he replied, smirking.

She giggled and inhaled. "This bed smells like you!"


"It's mine, duh."

She grinned. "You smell nice."

"And you should drink alcohol more. "

She tilted her head, beaming. "You're sweet."

" And you're drunk. "

She shrugged the comment off, her sea-green eyes sparkling, sparkling with excitement. "Where are you going to sleep?"

"On the couch. No worries."

She threw her arms around his neck, pouting. "You don't want to sleep with me?"

" Whoa, " he said, panic rising in his chest. Blood rose into his cheeks. Her breath collided with his, making him slightly dizzy.

She smelled like vanilla.


His mother smelled like vanilla.

Then a flashback hit him:

He was licking vanilla ice cream from an ice cream cone. His mother was next to him, smiling.

It was one of those early, few memories of her being alive, alive and full of her early richness, not an Assassin and so bitter all the time.

Her blonde hair rested on her shoulders, her red lips a smile and her green eyes filled with majestic richness. His mother was beautiful; a thin cheek and high nose and collarbone. Her pale cheek never got messed or smeared and a hint of a wrong eyelash pointed in a strange way was unacceptable for his mother.

He loved his mother.

He was not one of those kids that wished for their dad to come home; no, he was fine by himself.

They were sitting by the sunlight, and he was devouring on his ice cream since it was melting fast.

"Thank you for taking me here," he had said. He had grinned, wide and mischievous.

"You'll make a great adult someday, I tell you," Quickstrike had murmured, softly into his ear. She had tilted her head in an angle to study his features. Her green eyes had sparkled with amusement at his vanilla-covered face. "And you know I get the facts straight. Oh, you know I do."

He opened his eyes. It had seemed like it was a century ago. It was barely more than a decade in reality.


He looked at Glory. She blinked.

He blinked.

Glory giggled. This was funny, in a weird way. He couldn't wait to tell her all about it, when she was finally herself again.

"Not sleep sleep," she said, laughing. " Like, just...sleep. "


"No," he said, laughing. " I like you, Glory Bright, but not that way... "

Glory smiled. A dreamy smile that didn't belong to the strictly guarded face he had seen earlier in the day.

It made her face shine. She was beautiful, yes, without the smile. She could have been the goddess Aphrodite herself, with her gentle eyes and her charmspeaking voice. She could have been easily the most beautiful woman on earth.

But this smile, it belonged to her, it made her, shaped her, made her features more clear and sweet and beautiful.

Beautiful was one thing- this was another.

Without knowing what he was doing he leaned down and kissed her, her lips on his. Yes, he was aware of the fact that he had a gun in his pocket and he was to kill her in two or three days.

But this felt good.

More than good- beautiful, fun, new.

This was dangerous. But he didn't want this to end. He knew he would be in pain later, deep pain and suffering, but that was later.

Definitely later.

This was that and that was this.

Then the kiss was getting more intense and he wanted more, his heart bursting and his blood thundering in his ears. He wanted more and all he could think was more, more, more....

It wasn't like him.

Then Glory pulled away, and he belonged to her, she belonged to him.

They weren't two souls, they were one.

Then Glory smiled.

Smiled, as if they were two couples that had just kissed another and like it wasn't complicated and like it was just...another relationship. Like they were normal.

They couldn't be farther away from normal.

She tilted her head and her eyes were filled with wonder. She brought her fingertips to his face and touched his nose, his cheek, his eyebrows and his lips - every touch was beautiful and every touch was precious, and he smiled.


He started to stroke her hair. Her hair smelled like wildflowers.

"Mine," he mumbled. Sleep was getting into him. The alcohol wasn't helping, either. " You're mine. "

Glory sighed, sighed warmly and her breath was against his neck, it was so warm and gentle that it closed his eyes.


He let his breathing go slower and more relaxed.

You're mine, Glory Bright.

If this story could reach 200 votes I would really be amazed! :) please




❤ Love you all~

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