Chapter Four: Deathbringer

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"Hello? Almost done?"

Then Glory stepped out, wearing blue, ripped jeans and a normal T-shirt.

Her hair was a messy ponytail.

It was red.

"Don't worry, it's a wig," she said. "it would take forever to dye my hair." She eyes him with amusement, but her eyes were cold and untouchable. "Duh."

She was beautiful, her green eyes sparkling with intelligence and her face pale.

Why was his heart thumping?

Make a plan, Deathbringer. Then kill her whichever way you want. Whichever way you need to.


"Come on," he said. "We're going to watch It."

Glory shrugged, eyeing him suspiciously. "I watched it get filmed, so I won't be squeaking or anything. Don't you dare hold my hand or anything like that."

He bowed. "I won't dare, Your Majesty."

She laughed and they went into the theater. He quickly played for the tickets and she bought the popcorn, and they found their seats and had time to settle in before the movie started.

As they watched, Deathbringer found out that Glory was in fact very weird when watching movies.

As a boy got murdered, Glory laughed, nudging him with her elbow. "Did you see his face?"

He was watching this movie to get ideas, actually. No luck.

Then Glory laughed as a different person got killed. Everyone stared at them, and one girl ran out of the theater, crying, and screaming, "He's in here, laughing!"

When the movie finished, Glory was yawning. "That was boring."

He was going to have nightmares, but no way she was going to know that. "C'mon, let's go to the fair."

She twirled her hair nervously. "But in the fair there are people...annoying paparazzi...the media..."

"Rides... " he finished. "C'mon, this is for fun."

As they walked, they got a caramel apple, popcorn, and drinks. Then they rode a ride. Then another.

"Fireball!" Deathbringer said. Glory screamed as they got around and around. It made his eardrums numb, but it was thrilling. Actually, he might have just enjoyed the satisfaction of Glory screaming her brains out.

"Vortex!" Glory covered her face during the ride.

"Diamondback!" He said. Glory was mumbling to herself during it. Or was it a prayer?

"Let's ride that!" Deathbringer whined. "Look how high it goes! I think seventy feet! "

"That's dangerous!" Glory said, shaking her head. "See this net? It means someone fell off before!"

"Who cares?" He said, dragging her to the line. "I'm forcing you to come."

"No!" she said, her face paler. "No, Deathbringer!"

"Please? I'll buy you a an ice cream cone."


"Are you guys in line?" the worker said, annoyed. Glory ducked her head so he wouldn't see her face.

"Yes!" Deathbringer said loudly.

"Then you can go in," the worker yelled, throwing his arms in the air in frustration.

Deathbringer grabbed Glory by the waist so she would get in. She glared at him, and he thought he heard a faint noise of growling coming from her.

"This will be fun," He insisted.

"It better be," she hissed. "Or I swear I will push you off-"

The ride started; it turned sideways then turned a whole circle. Glory screamed and he winced.

After few moments, they were going up. Glory seemed close to crying. Yet she just stared at the sky, her lip trembling. "Is it a bad time to mention I'm scared of heights?"

"Yeah, sort of."

"Well, no going back now." She clenched her eyes shut, gritting her teeth.

"Glory," he said. "Here, look at me."


"No," she said, trembling.


"Look at me."

She looked at him, trembling, glancing down and then closing her eyes.

"I'm here. With you. And if you fall, I'll fall too, just to keep you safe. Got it?"

She looked unconvinced. She shrugged.


Why do I want to protect you? Why do I are so much about you feeling safe?

Am I getting addicted to you?

He grabbed her hand. When Glory looked at him with a raised eyebrow, he shrugged.

"I did ask you out," he whispered.


Then Glory leaned closer and closer...and the space between their lips closed. He didn't feel them going down, just...

...just the feeling of her lips, firmly on his.

"Is that Glory Bright?"

"Yeah, it is!"

Then cameras flashed, and Deathbringer departed from her first, gasping.

"Your wig...your wig..." He gasped out.

Her wig was gone.

Glory looked flushed. He quickly ran away from the paparazzi with her, his mind whirling and dizzy.

His heart bubbling up, he looked at Glory again.

I can't do this.

Glory was laughing. "That was great!"

" I-I.. "

Glory smiled- and he felt his heart melt.

Which was a dangerous sign.

Then she put her hands over his neck and pulled him closer.

"Admit it," she whispered. "You loved kissing me."

Then he was kissing his target, the one he was supposed to kill.

Yeah, totally addicted.

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