Chapter Thirteen: Glory

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Three seconds.

That is all that took.

Her life was swishing like waves in her ears, her one and maybe only love was her murderer.

"Stop worrying about me," Glory snapped. Her four friends looked at her doubtfully but turned.

Starflight looked at her with green eyes that were filled with fear. "What are we going to do?"

Tsunami sighed. "Look, guys. It's going to be okay."

" No, it's not, " Starflight muttered.

Her heart was threatening to burst out of her body.

Kestrel was dead.

Orphanage. That was a horrible word. More strict rules and more horrible adults.

She had to stay strong.

Yet.....The future have her the faintest whisper of doubt...

"Shoot me, then," Glory replied. What was she feeling? Scary calmness? Emptiness?

Deathbringer smiled, and his smile shone of confidence. His hand gripped the gun even more tightly.

But...his eyes.....

....The eyes....had the faintest whisper...

.....of doubt...

I know that look, she realized. I had it, so many times.

His eyes....they were wild, with pain, with fear, with horror of what he was about to do.

She didn't care about pain. It was in the heart, the feeling of betrayal, the feeling of heartbreak, horrible than any pain she had experienced before.

She looked up, and slowly reached up, like touching a wild animal, and her hand passed the gun, and it finally rested on the arm she had fell asleep, feeling protected, the arm that she had danced with, the one she finally felt belonged....

She touched his cheek, softly, and looked into his brown-black eyes, and found them beautiful.


"I do know how you feel," she whispered.

Six words.

Understanding. A door opened, love that was unexplainable. A key turned. A connection.

He looked shocked, surprised, and he looked at her, and backed away, step by step.

"I- I don't understand-"

He stammered, his eyes more wild and confused than ever. He dropped the gun, his hands shaking.

You do understand! Glory wanted to shout.

"I-I don't know what you say, Glory. I can't...I-"

"Just say you love me," Glory replied gently. "Even if you do a little. Please, Deathbringer."

" But-"


" But I can't, " he whispered. "Stop, Glory. You have to understand...The thing is...I don't."

" What? "

Deathbringer backed away even more. "I...I don't love you."

That was it. The connection was broken. The door was shut again.

"But- w-we-" she tried to say, but she choked on the words she wished to say- she- couldn't - it can't be true-


She looked at him, and dashed out of the room, out of the apartment, and she wanted to run, our of the world, or run until her heart stopped beating.

Pain. Unbelievable pain. Horrible pain.

It was a moment of madness, the first moment of her life when she didn't care, she didn't care at all...

It was over.

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