Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Dear Ms. Glory,

We have gotten your letter. Although it is a shame that you are choosing this route, we have high hopes that you are doing the right thing.

Thank you for the years of service. Hollywood wishes you luck.



The day she got out of the hospital, people were there. People were always there. Wanting to ask about her. Reporters. Flashes of cameras. Questions.

So step by step, tightly holding Deathbringer's hand on the right and holding Starlight's in the other, she got to the door. A fragile thing keeping them apart.

In every step, her heart started to beat furiously. Blood rushed to her ears.

She looked at Deathbringer and her friends. Although Clay was missing, they were all smiling at her, accepting her. And she smiled back.

She would do this. She would do it for her friends. She would accept herself for her friends, and for herself.

She didn't want to hate herself any longer.

The moment they stepped out of the crowd, people suddenly turned silent.

I have to meet their eyes. She confidently looked up at them, although that was the last thing she felt. They were all staring at her ugly, scarred face. The Glory Bright they had wanted was gone. Somebody in the crowd screamed, making her feel small and weak.

I have to tell them. I must. I can't run from myself anymore.

"Thank you for taking your time to congratulate me on my return," she whispered. And then she repeated it, louder. "I know everyone is surprised. It's because I chose to hide myself from you. I was ashamed of myself. Just like you, I was surprised at myself. I hated my ugly face."

People stared at her. They had watched her movies. But they had never seen her personal life.

"When I first woke up from the fire, I wanted to die," she said truthfully. "I never knew it, but... I couldn't face it because it meant nobody would accept me. But they did." She turned to her friends. "The truth is, I'm still Glory Bright. My hair might have been burnt off, and my face might be scarred and ugly, but I'm still me."

Starlight grinned at her. Starflight's lost eye had been one of her greatest regrets. Now, it was a part of him, too. It was fate.

"Before, I wanted to act because I wanted to get out of my life. I hated myself. Even with my pretty clothes and pretty face, I couldn't find myself." She blinked. "And now, I found me. I don't want to hide anymore."

Her courage was beginning to soar. "Thank you for supporting me all these years. Through my movies, I have made you cry and laugh. And now I hope to do it on my own.

"I'm sorry for never telling you how grateful I am for your support. Your kind words always urged my to go higher, to do better. Thank you all. My last hope is that you will support my decision."

She paused. Blood was rushing to her ears. She felt confident. Yeah. Maybe I'm not the pretty Glory anymore. Maybe I'm not Hollywood's sweetheart. But I'm Glory Bright. "I'm retiring."

Questions erupted around them. And Glory answered them all. Some people sneered at her. They screamed at her. They shrugged off her speech like she was talking in a language they couldn't understand, like she was just a piece in their entertainment that weren't allowed to have feelings.

But there were smiles and words of encouragement. There were cheers. They gave her flowers and asked questions to her friends. And they helped her get through until the last question. And they were what helped her stay strong. And they were there, still smiling, as she got in the car with Deathbringer and drove away.

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