Chapter Thirty-Two

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It seemed impossible to reach. The light seemed like it was fading away. Her heart felt like it would burst. She could hear the walls collapsing, they they would be a part of this building if they didn't get out quicker.

But they did reach it. Except it wasn't much better.

Morrowseer. He had torn clothes and his tie was ripped. He was staring at the burning building without a particular emotion.

"They told me she was with you." Morrowseer turned. Morrowseer had always puzzled Sunny. The mysterious man, the broken, cold, merciless man. And she had always felt pity for him.

Nobody replied. Everyone seemed broken and exhausted. We came all this way to be killed by Morrowseer.

Even she felt tired. What was the point of running when everything eventually returned to the beginning?

"You think I have waited here to kill you. It's not true." Morrowseer stared pointedly at Sunny. She felt a spark of surprise and hope.

He continued. "I know Glory Bright is unconscious. I know I tricked you. I know I shot him in the eye." He nodded at Starflight. "But I won't bother you again."

And they just stood there, staring at him. It was almost funny, ironic. Morrowseer wasn't apologizing, he was striking a deal.

"On what condition?" She asked. Her voice seemed tired and raspy. Her face stung from the heat.

"They said Moonwatcher was with you." Morrowseer blinked slowly. His face was emotionless, but his eyes told a different story. "Believe it or not, but I have changed. I feel no anger towards any of you. I feel a new interest in life: in family. I'm an old man. My interests from before doesn't excite me any longer."

Morrowseer searched their faces for something. Sunny only felt dread. And what surprised her was that she felt dread not because he would kill them all after knowing the truth. It was because he would be utterly broken— as a man, as a father— after he heard what had happened.

She hadn't known her well. But she felt the dread, the hate, the sadness all the same. She felt fear that any of them could die so quickly, so meaninglessly. She felt pain. That a little girl could die— for what? Because of a woman wanted revenge for something Moon wasn't even a part of?

"It all started when Greatness was born. I watched her get broken, like me. Into an obeying killing machine. I wanted to spare Moonwatcher. I still do." Morrowseer closed his eyes for a moment and opened them again. "Please, I know I made your lives hell. But this— I helped you."

He nodded at Qibli. "I was working to shut off the assassin system when I realized Thorn was already doing it. So I turned a blind eye whenever she worked, although the job was very poorly done." Qibli bristled at the last words, but Morrowseer ignored her.

He stared at them, especially at Sunny. He knows that I am the most forgiving, she realized.

"Of course, I don't care for any of you. Just let me have Moon, and we'll be off." He thought for a moment, and added, "I can't fight you all. But she will be safe with me."


Morrowseer raised his eyebrow as Deathbringer stepped out, facing him. "Morrowseer. Moon's dead."

The small smile playing on Morrowseer's lips disappeared. He stared icily at Deathbringer. "What?" Then he laughed. "So this is how you pay back the years of mistreat? Jokes?"

Maybe it was the look on Deathbringer's face. Maybe it was the tears in Qibli's eyes.

Maybe if was the smoke, or their exhaustion, or their fear. But Morrowseer realized the truth.

"You killed her," Morrowseer said in a hoarse whisper. His hands clenched into fists.

"No," Deathbringer said. Sunny closed her eyes. She didn't want to see— she didn't want to hear—

"It was Scarlet— a bomb—"

"YOU KILLED HER TO GET BACK AT ME!" Morrowseer shouted. "Where is she? Where did you shoot her?"

"Stop, Morrowseer," Sunny said quietly. She felt the tears swelling in her eyes and tipping over so that they spilled. "Stop it. She died because of Scarlet's bomb. She's in the fire."

Morrowseer's shoulders shook and the color went out of his eyes. "How dare you— how dare you leave her underneath the building she so hated." The man facing her wasn't a monster. It was a father, a broken creature.

"I'm sorry," Sunny whispered. The tears kept spilling, and it was so, so painful— she couldn't bear it—

She could hear the sirens coming closer.

"MOON!" Morrowseer shrieked. "MOON!"

She reached out for him. I have to help him. He won't hurt me— how can he? I can't just stand by and watch—


He took her by the shoulders and wrapped his arm around her throat. He was strong. I'm wrong. The only broken side of him is his mind— he won't hesitate to kill me.

"I'm going to kill all of you," Morrowseer said, his voice deep with hatred. "Every single one of you."

And that was when Clay gently placed Peril on the ground. And he ran to them, grabbed Morrowseer's arm and pushed Sunny roughly out of the way.

No, her mind knew it before she did. Morrowseer and he was punching and blocking. Compared to Morrowseer, a skilled assassin, Clay was overpowered.

Within seconds, they were close to the  building.

She reached out for them, her hands stretching. He was getting smaller and smaller.

"CLAY!" She screamed. Tsunami tried to run towards them, but with Glory on her back, she failed.

And then Morrowseer gripped Clay by the collar, and together they fell into the fire.


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