Epilogue :'(

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Glory was nervous out of her mind. Tsunami kept smoothing out her dress. Sunny was grinning ear to ear. And Starflight kept telling them weird facts.

"Glory, you look absolutely beautiful," Sunny cried out.

"This wedding dress is way better than what I wore a couple years ago," Tsunami agreed.

"Vending machines can kill you," Starflight stated. Then he added, "you look great, Glory."

Glory sighed happily. "Thanks, guys. But why am I so nervous?" She turned to Tsunami. "Were you this nervous at your wedding?"

Tsunami shook her head. "A little bit. Actually, I was really calm. But you know, we're different people." She thought for a moment. "Or maybe you're just freaking out because something might go wrong. You know?"

Glory blinked. She didn't get it at all, but she nodded. "That must be it."

"Don't be nervous, Glory," Sunny said. "I have to say, this building is absolutely beautiful. Did you choose the flowers?"

"Yep," Glory replied. She still remembered how she and Deathbringer had hunted every flower place in their city for the perfect flowers.

She walked to the door and peeked outside. People were filling in the seats. In a few more minutes, they would all be staring at her. The thought made her want to freak out.

You're Glory Bright. You can do this. This is your happy day— you're getting married!

Married. Why was she nervous? Was she not sure about her choice? She placed it off immediately. She loved Deathbringer with everything she was— and she would forever continue to love him.

But why does something feel off?

"So, who's going to accompany you on your way to Deathbringer?"

If she was sure about anything today, it was this. "Every one of you. You guys are all important part of my life. It might seem like a crowd, but I absolutely insist."

"That's an awesome idea," Sunny approved. "So, gotta go in a few minutes. Are you ready for this, new bride?"

Glory grinned nervously. "Absolutely, sister."

"I can't believe we're all grown up now," Tsunami whispered, reaching out to hug her. Glory gratefully let her, melting into her friend's strong arms.

"Time flies by, huh?" Glory could remember their broken childhood. "I'm so lucky to have you guys beside me."

"Yes, you are," Tsunami replied, grinning. "Are you sure that we can all accompany you on the way to Deathbriger? Wouldn't that be weird?"

Before Glory could reply, someone knocked on the door.

"It must be Kinkajou!" Sunny said. "You know that she had Turtle—"

When she opened the door, the world seemed like it went mute. Sunny words were abruptly cut off.

Glory couldn't hear anything. She could just see the stranger at the door. Just staring, with her mouth slightly open, gaping.

This isn't possible.

Even when the stranger's hair was black, not brown, even when the stranger's eyes were blue, she knew. He was so tall and so handsome in a lovingly brotherly way.

Sunny was grinning ear to ear. Tsunami gasped. Starflight just stared wordlessly.

It was Clay.

"Was I hearing something about everyone accompanying the bride?" He said, a smile on his face. A woman was behind him. Her blue eyes could be seen.

Glory finally ran to him and hugged him. She felt sobs escaping her mouth. Happy tears rolled down her face.

Suddenly, the feeling that something was wrong was gone. Everything finally felt complete.


=) hello ÷)

Wow this looks weird ÷)

So how are you guys feeling??? ÷)÷)÷)÷)÷)÷)÷)÷)

Okay, I know people are expecting a "this fanfiction was a part of me" speech, but TRUTHFULLY.

I just wanted to get this over with I'm sorry XD

However, I AM glad and extremely grateful for everyone that stuck with me for the ups and downs of this fanfiction.

Honestly, the characters had a part of me, every one of them. The things they suffered with had a taste of what I was and still am going through.

Remember this: you are you for a reason. The things you went through will make sense in time. Beautiful things await in life. Your weaknesses will drag you down until you accept them.

So THANK YOU. For your beautiful support that never ends! Wattpad has been a great part of my life. For a shy introvert like me, writing stories and trying to inspire people with words I can never say aloud is such a great thing for me.

OH NO this is getting emotionaaaaaal-------

Let's end it there shall we XD


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