One: Deathbringer

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Dear Ms. Glory,

We have confirmed that you will take a break of shooting movies for couple of months. You will go to Pyrrhia High School and we will send a bodyguard. We appreciate your talent in acting. It was, or it seemed, that you needed a small break.

It was noted that you seemed extremely exhausted by your secretary. Although Hollywood desperately loves your movies and talent, it is impossible to not be tired after such a long time without a calm, much-needed break. We understand. Rest when possible, and enjoy your time, Ms. Glory Bright. Remember that we will need you back as soon as you seem ready.

Have a great day.


Glory Bright stepped out of the car, wearing a white gown, high heels and sunglasses. Her fans screamed as she walked on the red carpet with her bodyguards on her back. She smiled and waved her gloved hand politely, and a small glimmer in her eyes said she meant it.

Her curled blonde hair fell on her shoulders, flowing in the wind, like even the wind fell for her. When she took her sunglasses off her green eyes sparkled in intelligence that made him unable to tore his eyes off of her. Then, maybe it was his imagination, their eyes met.

Beautiful. Dashing. Graceful.

No wonder she was a Hollywood star; he could see that. The looks were all they needed these days— barbie blonde hair and shining green eyes.

Her full red lips pulled upwards into a faint, hard-to-miss smile, and she unconsciously brushed away a small lock of hair that went into her eyes. There was a faint blush on her cheeks as she made her way to the entrance of the school.

He was, for a moment, paralyzed; But he took in calm, smooth breaths, telling himself that she was fake.

Fake. Every famous star had a fatal flaw. How could she, the most famous star, be different? It was a mask she was wearing. She was as fake as a doll, a puppet. Another Hollywood toy.

She was fake, like the others. Her eyes hid a secret, and her smile hid a growling, hideous figure inside.


He controlled his emotions and twisted his awe into hate. His face remained neutral while his anger boiled and spat in his chest. It was just getting ready to erupt, but he had to push it deep down, the horrible anger. She was his target, and he would get the job done.

He had to prove that he was a good assassin.

Assassins do not feel. They shred, they kill. They feel no remorse. They control the emotions of their prey. They are merciless.

Hate. Fear. Anger.

He searched his brain for the beautiful figure he was seeing right now— Glory Bright. The beautiful, dashing Glory Bright.

His thoughts battled against each other: kill her. Love her. Hate her. Press her close. Kill her—

His hand curled into a small fist, but he released his fingers so it wouldn't look suspicious. He shook his head, and the angry side of him won, allowing a small, triumphant smile.

He was strong. He would control himself. He knew what he was doing.


Glory walked away, into the school. the guards made a protective circle around her, but she shooed them away, giving the other students an easy, natural smile. He slipped inside, too.

He moved swiftly through the crowd until he reached her. He put his hand out for a handshake, and she shook it with her gloved hand without much of a second thought. She was careless. That was good.

"Hi," he said. "I'm Deathbringer. Who are you?"

"Oh," Glory said politely, flashing him the normal smile. Her green eyes shone brighter than the sun. For a moment her eyes narrowed, but it was gone before he could detect it. Wow, she was dazzling. "I'm Glory. "

He grinned what he hoped was his most charming smile. "I'm your bodyguard."

Actually, I'm not, his brain muttered. He almost laughed out loud. Your real bodyguard is tied up, in the trash can where nobody can find him.

"Great," she said, nodding. "You have the same schedule, right?"

"Uh-huh," he answered. "This is lunchtime, though. You can go to the cafeteria, if you want."

Glory nodded, her green eyes meeting his black ones again. He needed to be careful, he kept getting distracted by her. He nodded back, tearing his eyes away from hers. He wiped off his stupid grin.

"I'm going to sit with my friends," she said slowly.

"You had friends?" he choked out. That made everything harder.

"Um, yes. Tsunami. Sunny. Clay. Starflight. We shot a few movies together. Didn't they tell you in your—er— job application?"

She looked at him up and down, her eyes flashing with suspicion. "Are you sure you're my...bodyguard?"

"Of course," he said smoothly, trying to ignore how fast his heart was thumping in the danger of being busted in the first day. He whipped out his fake card and waved it front of her face, hoping it would do the trick. It worked beautifully, and she relaxed immediately. "I am highly trained, and I can protect you wherever you go, without the assassins knowing. I even look pretty normal." He winked. "But, of course, extremely attractive."

Her lips curled in amusement, and he gave a grin in return. Her small almost-smile disappeared. "Let's get back into the game, shall we? For now, you're the most popular kid in school. What do you think of that? "

She narrowed her eyes at him, her pale skin in the sunlight. Her amusement and friendliness was swallowed by caution. He gulped. This wasn't as easy as he expected it to be. "Nothing."

She was haughty. That much he had expected. She was haughty and she treated him like someone she could control. One a few words that they had exchanged, and he could guess her entire character.


He watched as she walked away, smiling and shaking hands. He did not detect fatal flaws.

Not yet.

Then he jerked from his nausea and hurried after her, calling her name. Assassins do not feel anything.

How could she be so perfect, though? So polite? So...impossible to ignore? He let himself slip for once in his life and let his lingering thoughts roam free.

She was beautiful.

All he could think for the rest of the day was how her green eyes sparkled in the sunlight.

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