Chapter Forty-Four

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Brendan stood at the water's edge and sighed. He had spent half of his day with his three friends and was now off once more. He reached for Milotic's ball and released the majestic shimmering serpent into the water. The twenty foot long beauty immerged from the depths and lowered her head for Brendan to stroke.

"Hey girl, you ready?" Brendan inquired, getting a coo of approval as he rubbed her face.

"Okay, let's get going then," Brendan stated, leaping onto Milotic's neck.

The large serpentine Pokémon rose up and began to swim swiftly towards the eastern side of Hoenn.

Just a short boat ride away, a certain young man stood on the beach of the route connecting Mauville with all of eastern Hoenn. The steel blue-haired man stood facing the vast sea itself, his eyes looking into the distance, as if he were waiting for something.

Something doesn't feel right. Why do I suddenly feel a sense of urgency? Steven thought as he stared into the open blue.

The sound of waves crashing onto the shore beside him, drew his attention away from his thoughts. A light smile spread over his features as he saw Brendan hopping off his Milotic. Brendan caressed Milotic's hair-like fins before returning her to her ball. He turned to walk, only to pause when he saw Steven on the shore.

"Steven?" Brendan said in a baffled tone.

"Hey Brendan, long time no see," Steven replied.

"No kidding. I haven't seen you since Dewford Town. How's it going?" Brendan inquired.

Syeven simply shrugged. "Same as usual. Digging for stones and traveling around, enjoying life."

"Sounds about like what I'm doing. Minus the stones part," Brendan replied with a chuckle.

Steven laughed. "Well, not all of us have that hobby," Steven pointed out. "But anyway, I see you're doing well for yourself. I caught a gimpse of the last half of your battle with Norman. Well done."

Brendan placed his hands behind his head and grinned. "It was a fun fight. I see why Norman is so respected. May's dad's team packs a wallop."

"He was one of our most impressive candidates for the job. Speaking of jobs, my father wanted me to give you something, should we ever cross paths," Steven stated, rummaging in his pocket to pull out a small smooth sphere.

Brendan recognized the stone for what it was. A keystone. Of course Steven would have one. He collected things like that. Brendan reached out and took hold of the sphere and looked at it.

"Wow...this is one of the keys to Mega Evolution," Brendan replied as he rolled the sphere between his fingers.

"And you have a Pokémon that can use it too. Your Sceptile will be able to, once you have a Mega Stone for him," Steven pointed out.

Brendan smirked. The more he thought about it, the more it excited him. He opened his mouth to respond  only to pause when he saw something that held his stare. It was a man with blue hair and red eyes. He wore a white suit jacket with a blue button-up beneath and a pair of white pants with blue shoes. A red tie topped off the ensemble.

What was really odd was the fact that it looked like he was standing on the water. He was in fact, levitating. Steven, noticing Brendan's gaze, turned to face what he was looking at. Steven smiled at the sight.

"Judging by the look in your eyes, I'd say this isn't a house it Latios?" Steven stated, much to the surprise of Brendan.

Nothing ever gets by you, Steven, Came a telepathic voice.

Steven shrugged, watching as the man transformed into the Legendary itself.

Brendan shot a look at Steven who smirked. He knew what Brendan was going to say.

"Yes, I know the Eon Twins. I met them several years ago," Steven pointed out, turning to speak with Latios.

Brendan remained silent, still trying to process it all. The last time he was that speechless was when Courtney showed him her rack. He pushed the thought to the back of his mind to keep it from plaguing his thoughts with desire the rest of the day.

I'm afraid I am in need of your help my friends, Latios addressed the two with a concerned expression.

"What seems to be the issue?" Steven inquired.

Latios gazed into the distance. My sister and I, as you know, have been guarding this land for years. Our home has always been secluded. Privately closed off and guarded so that few may enter. But it appears that our safety is being compromised...

Steven frowned. "And what is the cause of this concern?" Steven queried.

Latios sighed and nodded in the direction of his home. His eyes began to glow as the sight sharing ability took effect. He could see several humans on the backs of aquatic Pokémon, heading for the island.

Come see for yourself. We must hurry!

"I think I may know who it is," Brendan replied, clenching his fists.

"I have a strong hunch as well," Steven declared, releasing his Skarmory into the air and hopping aboard to take flight.

Brendan reached for his own, only to pause when Latios lowered himself beside him.

Would you like a lift? Latios asked.

Brendan's eyes popped. Was he being asked by a Legendary to have a ride? Without a second thought, he hopped on the back of Latios and the jet dragon rose into the sky along with Steven.

"Hold on tight Brendan. Latios doesn't mess around in the sky," Steven laughed.

"Thanks for the WARNIIIIING!" Brendan shouted as Latios suddenly jolted forward, a sonic boom shattering the air as he took off.

Steven shook his head and ordered Skarmory to take flight as well. As the two took off, a certain Flygon was just landing where they had been. Miles was on his way back when he spotted the two in the air. He had taken a snapshot of them and was now sending it to Courtney.

Courtney wiped her forehead with a towel as she stepped out of the workout room. She'd gotten in a good hour of workout time and was about to shower when her gear rang. She grabbed her gear, a deadpan expression on her face as she answered.

"What?" She answered.

"Still as cheerful as always. Seriously, how do you do it?" Miles retorted with a stifled laugh.

"I'm busy, this better be good," Courtney replied curtly.

"Sheesh, how many spoonfuls of Bish did you have this morning?" Miles laughed.

Courtney stifled a laugh and frowned. "Just get to the point," Courtney replied.

"Yeah, yeah. Did you get the file I sent?" Miles stated in a more serious tone.

Courtney flipped the gear over and opened the screen to view the picture. She nearly dropped her phone.

"What the actual-"

"What you and Brendan did? Yeah...I thought that too..." Miles replied.

Courtney blushed profusely at this statement, almost regretting telling him. She wasn't ashamed, Miles was just an arse.

"I am going to pretend you didn't just say that. Now, seriously, what the hell?" Courtney demanded.

"Long story short, I arrived on the scene just as Brendan got on and took off. I was lucky to get a shot of this. I'm following the path they took now," Miles stated as he and Flygon increased in altitude.

"You've outdone yourself Miles. I never would have guessed that Brendan was an acquaintance with the Champion himself," Courtney said as she examined the snapshot.

"I'm not surprised. He battled the younger sister of one of the most revered Champions out there, and is friends with the niece of a famous Coordinator and Gym Leader, and the daughter of another Gym Leader here. It's safe to say that he knows a lot of powerful people," Miles deduced.

"Yes...I remember the other girl. Katrina. Her family ties to the Sinnoh Champion are rather unexpected. She's interesting," Courtney replied.

"Yeah, no kidding. I think-" Miles paused.

"Miles?" Courtney questioned.

"Yeeeaah, this is gonna be interesting. Guess where your lover and Hoenn's golden boy are right now?" Miles stated, taking a picture and sending it to Courtney.

She opened the file and her eyes widened.

"Isn't that-"

"The Southern Isle? Yes. I thought it wasn't accessible to humans but it appears that the barrier is weakening. And you'll never guess who else is there, or on their way," Miles added.

"Team Aqua..." Courtney replied with a frown.

"Bingo," Miles stated. "I was going to head back after finding where they went but," he paused, spotting a certain Swanna flying in, "I think I'll go help."

"Hmmm...if the Champion is there, it should be okay to fight. He can handle most of them on his own," Courtney said simply.

"Yeah, though Aqua's new hitman is there along with muscles for brains. Oh and Shelly just arrived with her team. It's a party over here. I'm gonna join the fray," Miles grinned.

"Don't have too much fun," Courtney snickered jokingly.

"Oh I'm gonna have fun alright," Miles said with a sinister laugh.

Courtney rolled her eyes and turned off her gear. Miles shut his off and ordered Flygon to dive toward the island.

And the battle is about to begin! Brendan got to ride a Latios to the island. Miles and Courtney act like siblings again and now the agent of Magma, tje Champion of Hoenn and Courtney's lover are going to clash with Matt Muscles For Brains, Seth, and Super Yandere Woman! This is gonna be so fun!

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