Chapter Forty-Nine

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Brendan touched down in Fortree City, Courtney landing beside him on her Swellow. Brendan gave Skarmory a pat on the beak before returning her. He had done a bit of training to get ready for the match and felt confident about it. He knew that Winona was an expert when it came to battles in the air. Brendan had but one aerial threat. It was going to be a hard fight.

The gym, as expected, was outdoors so that her Pokémon could have the freedom of the open air. The structure was massive and the most noticeable thing in the city. It stuck out like a sore thumb. There were steps that led up to statues of a Charizard and a Skarmory. Beyond that, were about a hundred more steps that led up to a massive arena in the air.

Brendan had narrowed his team down to the four he wanted to use. He moved the other two he was not using to the opposite side of his belt. Latias remained tucked away in her ball. Courtney had noticed the ball, but figured it was just an extra.

"This is it. Time to see if I can fly with the best of them," Brendan said as he took a deep breath, staring way up at the arena.

"I'm sure you'll be fine. You have a few good checks to her lineup. Now, why don't we get in there and get that badge?" Courtney replied with a grin.

Brendan nodded and began to head for the stairs when the sound of a feminine voice caught his attention.

"Brendan Birch. I was wondering when you'd make it here," came the voice of the lavender haired Gym Leader.

Brendan turned around to greet her. As usual, she was in her aviator attire. "I got in the other night. I was just too tired to do anything else," Brendan replied.

"I understand. It's a good thing you're here now though. I've been waiting to battle you. The other people you've fought have already passed through and let me tell you, it was hard work. I expect a good challenge out of you, just like the others," Winona smirked.

"You can count on it, Winona," Brendan stated confidently.

Winona nodded and stared up at the sky. A longing for it filled her eyes as her thoughts drifted upward to the great blue. She had quite a few fantastic battles as of late. Now she would have another.

"I'll meet you at the top," Winona smirked, turning to walk up the steps.

Brendan turned to Courtney.

"Thanks for coming to watch me. It's nice to have someone rooting for me here," Brendan stated.

Courtney smiled softly and leaned in to kiss his cheek. "I wouldn't miss it. It's a good thing I was free today."

Brendan nodded. He glanced up at the massive gym and fixed his eyes on the top. He had studied Winona's team and knew that she was capable of really laying down some punishment. Those inexperienced at battling in the sky have fallen victim to Winona's tactics. Brendan and Courtney began to climb.

With the contest being not too far away, May was outside practicing for the event. Combusken and Wailmer were attempting their first combination with a bit of difficulty.

"Okay, let's try that again. We'll start with you Combusken. Remember to keep that Fire Spin as tight as possible. Wailmer, make that Whirlpool wide! Let's not have a repeat of the last time," May sweat-dropped.

Combusken hopped onto Wailmer's head and waited for May's command.

"Go!" May commanded.

Combusken's beak crackled with flames. The brawling bird spewed out a stream of fire and then spun counter-clockwise. The flames stayed close to Combusken as he spun. Wailmer's spout erupted, shooting out a cyclone of water that wrapped around the flames, leaving gaps so that the fire could expand and mingle with the water without being extinguished. A blast of air burst from the spout, sending the spinning Combusken skyward, carrying the fire and water with him.

Combusken landed like a spinning top, electrical currents running along the fire as he spun. With a final turn, he ceased his Fire Spin and bounced out of the combo, dispelling it. May smiled at the finish. It wasn't quite complete yet, but they did get this done correctly. Pride shone in her eyes as she looked at her Pokémon. She was nearly ready.

Brendan and Courtney reached the top of the stairs and stopped dead in their tracks. Two rising platforms were posted on opposite sides of the arena as well as four pillars around it. Winona stood on one of the platforms, her arms crossed and eyes focused on Brendan. Adjusting his hat, he trekked towards the opposing platform, looking back at Courtney as he walked.

Courtney gave him a reassuring smile and a thumbs up. Brendan returned the gesture and stepped onto his platform. Winona and Brendan rose into the air and faced one another. Winona seemed more than ready to face her opponent.

"I hope you're prepared Brendan, because this isn't going to be like any of your other battles!" Winona informed him.

Brendan smirked. "I know, which is why I made sure to do my homework before the battle!"

The judge walked onto the field below and cleared his throat.

"The battle between Brendan of Littleroot Town and the Gym Leader of Fortree City will now commence! Both sides are allowed a maximum of four Pokémon. Only the challenger may substitute Pokémon! Brendan will have the first move. Combatants, send out your first Pokémon!" Boomed the judge.

"Talonflame, the sky is yours!" Winona cried out.

The majestic fire bird erupted from her ball and spread her wings wide, a challenging cry emitting from her as she soared into battle.

Talonflame...just my luck. Knowing Winona, that thing has Gale Wings. I need something that can get the jump on it. I think I know just who to use...

"Mightyena, battle station!" Brendan shouted out, releasing the dark canine from his ball.

The fierce dark canine howled upon arrival and planted his feet in preparation for battle. He snarled at the fire hawk, causing her to become a little nervous. Intimidate had worked its magic.

"Begin!" The judge hollered.

"Dig!" Brendan commanded.

"Acrobatics!" Winona ordered.

Talonflame executed a series of blurred movements in the air upon descent as she darted for Mightyena. The canine began to burrow, only to be nailed Mightyena several times on the fly by. Mightyena yelped as the assault struck. He skidded back on his side and slowly got up. He shook the dirt off and scowled at the circling bird of prey.

She's not gonna let him go underground. And it looks like I was right about the ability. Looks like I'll need to meet her head on, Brendan thought as he watched Talonflame dive downward.

"Mightyena, use Thunder Fang!" Brendan commanded.

That's not good! Winona thought, executing a swift counter strategy. "Pull up and use Flamethrower!"

Mightyena's teeth crackled with electricity as Talonflame drew near. Planting his feet, he bent his back legs and sprang up, his jaws just missing the speedy prey. Talonflame circled around and fired off a Flamethrower which Mightyena evaded. The hound's eyes lit up with crimson energy as the Talonflame poised herself to strike again.

Talonflame was suddenly filled with an unexpected amount of power. With said power came a struggle for control as she began to spew fire every which way. Before she could regain a sound mental state, she was barreled into by a flying tackle that had the backing power of a freight train with no brakes, going full speed. Talonflame was sent crashing and sliding along the ground. Before she could get up, Mightyena pounced and pinned her, teeth crackling with lightning.

In a swift motion, Mightyena bit Talonflame and sent several shocks into her body. She collapsed into unconscious and Mightyena stepped off of her, panting in exhaustion.

"Talonflame is unable to battle! Mightyena wins!" The judge announced.

Winona returned her injured friend and smiled. "Well done my friend. Get some rest. Good work Brendan, Talonflame isn't easily bested so quickly. Not many know how to counter her so they get tripped up."

Brendan shrugged and readied himself for her next Pokémon. "I studied them enough to know they're dangerous."

"Good to know you did your research. Let's see if you're ready for my next one. Sigilyph, take to the skies!" Winona bellowed.

Out of the ball, appeared what was by far the strangest looking Pokémon he'd ever seen. It looked like a marking you would find in a cave or a petroglyph found in Alola. More importantly, as well as even more confusing, was the fact that it was part Psychic-type. Mightyena had a clear advantage. Brendan decided to stay in.

That's right Brendan. Just stay in with your little hound. But I can guarantee that you won't like what I'm going to do, Winona thought with a devious smirk.

"Mightyena, use Crunch!" Brendan commanded.

Sigilyph waited as Mightyena charged him, leaping with jaws open wide.

"Dazzling Gleam!" Was Winona's command.

The Avianoid Pokémon's body erupted with a bright light that shot rainbow colored beams in multiple directions, most of them slamming into Mightyena, sending him crashing into the arena.

"Mightyena is unable to battle! Sigilyph wins!" Declared the judge.

Brendan palmed his face at the mistake he'd made.

Of course she would pull something like that. I shouldn't be surprised though. Every leader I have faced has had a counter for me. Heh...I'm still such a rookie. Oh well, time to get back in the game, Brendan thought as he reached for his next teammate.

"Skarmory, time to fly!" Brendan shouted.

The steel avian Pokémon screeched out of her ball and spread her wings, hovering in the air as she caught a nice draft. She stared down her peculiar opponent, ready to take this fight up a notch.

Maxie sat at his desk and observed the match as it took place. He had received word from Courtney that Brendan had thought about her offer. He hadn't given an answer fully yet, but would by the day's end.

Courtney, you've done very well. I need to remember to bump your pay a little more if he joins. In the meantime, let's see how he handles the last remaining gyms. Rumor has it, they are far stronger than the previous five.

Maxie adjusted his specs as he watched Skarmory duck a Heat Wave and fire off a Flash Cannon as a distraction before charging.

"Skarmory, Agility!" Brendan commanded hastily as another Heat Wave was sent Skarmory's way.

Skarmory picked up speed and pulled a culbit in order to gain altitude. As she leveled out she shot towards Sigilyph and battered him with a Steel Wing that sent him reeling. Sigilyph regained his bearings and loosed a Psybeam that cannoned into Skarmory, clipping her on the left wing, tipping her off balance a bit. A swift Heat Wave was sent shortly after, scoring a hit on the right flank of the Armored Bird Pokémon.

Skarmory screeched in pain and fought to regain balance, barely pulling herself together to avoid another Heat Wave. She climbed up quickly with an Agility boost and landed a rapid succession of Drill Pecks followed by a Steel Wing pile-drive that sent both Skarmory and Sigilyph into the ground. Skarmory's silhouette could be seen standing triumphant over the fallen Sigilyph. She seemed exhausted, but it was worth the effort.

"Sigilyph is unable to battle! Skarmory wins!" The judge proclaimed.

Winona was grinning this time. The battle seemed to excite her due to the fact that it was between two flying types. To her, there was nothing more graceful than the art of flight.

"You surprise me again Brendan. I commend you on how well your Skarmory has been trained. But it will take a lot more than that to rescue it from my next Pokémon. Altaria, spread your wings!" Winona cried out.

The cloud dragon burst forth in all her fluffiness. She let out a shrill sound that echoed through the arena. Brendan had to be careful with her. Altaria was one of her strongest Pokémon.

"Roost!" Brendan commanded, wanting Skarmory to recover before the fight.

"Recovering eh? Fine by me. Flamethrower!" Winona cried out.

Altaria reared her head back and loosed a stream of intense fire from her mouth. The blast met with a green globe of protection which Skarmory set up as she crossed her wings. She let down the barrier and was off like a shot. Altaria's fluff began to swell a little, cushioning the Steel Wing that was delivered to her right flank.

The dragon turned and fired several streams of flames in succession. Skarmory weaved around them, turning to shoot an occasional Flash Cannon. Skarmory rocketed upwards and turned her back to the sun, and spread her wings wide. A blue fire cloaked her frame as a lover would, before she dove.

Altaria gathered superheated fire into her mouth before firing a five pointed blast of flames upward at the incoming Armored Bird Pokémon. An explosion rocked the arena, shaking the platforms, causing the contenders to hold on tight to the rails. Skarmory plummeted to the ground and crashed.

"Skarmory is unable to battle! Altaria wins!" The judge announced.

Brendan narrowed his eyes at the result. He was certain he could have pulled off the Brave Bird. Sadly, Winona was ahead of him in terms of strategy there. Deciding to let it go, he returned Skarmory and silently thanked her before reaching for his next Pokémon.

"Milotic, battle's on!" Brendan commanded calmly as he thrust the sphere containing Milotic onto the arena.

The large serpentine Pokémon rose up from her coil and was now level with the circling Altaria. Winona was now worried. Milotic posed a massive threat to her team. Wearing one down was not going to be easy at all.

"Altaria, Draco Meteor!" Winona cried out fiercely.

She's going for broke. She knows that Brendan's Milotic can take a lot of abuse. She wants to weaken her. What she doesn't realize, is that is exactly what Brendan was counting on. This won't be pretty, Courtney thought as she watched from below.

Altaria sent a large orange ball high into the air, which exploded into hundreds of orange flaming meteors that rained down upon Milotic. The powerful assault was met by a blockade that absorbed the devastating attack and returned to sender. The counter blast connected and blasted Altaria out of the sky, causing her to land in a heap on the ground.

"Altaria is unable to battle! Milotic wins!" The judge voiced.

Winona blinked at the result. She expected Milotic to be problematic, but this was unforseen. It meant that her best was absolutely necessary to defeat Milotic. It made her supremely giddy just thinking about it.

"That was amazing! I can't remember the last time anyone's stopped Altaria's Draco Meteor, much less reflected it. I applaud you, Brendan. Now it's time to see just how badly you want this badge. Pinsir, time for battle!" Winona cried out.

Brendan did a double take. There stood the Stag Beetle Pokémon. A Bug-type. There was one thing that Brendan noticed that seemed off. A band of sorts was wrapped around the right leg. A small yellow sphere with an orange and brown coloration in the center, was seen in the center of the band.

"Surprised? It's okay if you are. Not many expect this sort of thing. But let's not waste anyone time. Pinsir, spread your wings!" Winona shouted powerfully as she unzipped part of her top to reveal a necklace with a keystone attached to it.

The stones resonated with one another, engulfing Pinsir in an array of different colored light. Wings erupted from his back and his form changed instantly. He also appeared to be wearing goggles.

Katrina watched from her seat in the Pokémon Center of Pacifidlog Town. She had taken a detour from Mossdeep in order to do a little sight-seeing. That, and her grandfather had flown in from Sinnoh to visit her.

"So, this is the lad I've heard so much about. And you say he tied with you in your first tournament?" Her grandfather asked as he observed Brendan's face.

Katrina nodded and toyed with the earring in her right ear. It had a keystone embedded into it.

"Yes. He was very formidable. You would have enjoyed watching him," Katrina replied as she observed the match.

Brendan's Milotic fired a hasty Ice Beam that was met by a Thrash attack which batted the blast away. Pinsir winced from the risky maneuver but recovered nicely and stabilized himself.

"Use Quick Attack!" Winona commanded.

"Hydro Pump!" Brendan countered.

A high pressure beam of water erupted from Milotic's orifice and sailed by her target who had evaded swiftly. A few more shots cannoned off from the serpentine Pokémon's mouth before she was struck hard by the Stag Beetle who followed the attack with a flurry of Thrash attacks.

Milotic cried out painfully before using a quick Recover. She rounded on the speeding Pinsir with a Dragon Pulse only to miss as he rushed her again, knocking her onto her side with a powerful Aerialate induced Thrash. The mighty serpent fell heavily onto the arena floor, out for the count.

"Milotic is unable to battle! Pinsir wins!" The judge declared.

Courtney dawned a worried expression as Brendan returned Milotic. He had one choice left to make. There were a few options. Oddly enough, they all held a huge advantage over Pinsir. Brendan needed something that could compete with the speed of the Mega Pinsir. He found his answer.

"Winona. You really are a strong Gym Leader. None of the others have used Mega Evolution, but you decided to give me a challenge unlike any of the other gyms. And for that, I thank you," Brendan stated as he snapped off Sceptile's ball.

"You're welcome, Brendan. I think you'll find that your battles from here on out will only get harder. But to face them, you will need to defeat me," Winona stated with a serious expression.

"I plan on it. Sceptile, let's go!" Brendan commanded, releasing the bipedal reptilian Pokémon from his chambers.

Sceptile turned to meet Pinsir, determination burning in his eyes as he faced down his opponent. About his neck was a collar with his Mega Stone embedded in the middle. Winona saw this and grinned. It was about to get crazy now.

Courtney tried to contain her excitement. He was actually going to use it! The first gift she gave him, technicalities aside, and he was using it. She felt, for the first time as far as she knew, giddy. It was a strange feeling and would be classified as odd behavior for her should she express it publicly.

Brendan looked over at Courtney and smiled. Courtney smiled in return. Taking a deep breath, he turned back to the fight. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the stone.

Sceptile. What can I say? You've been there for me through a lot of tough battles. From the day you hatched, I swear you came out fighting...

Brendan watched as the egg on his desk shook. The gift his father had given was finally hatching! First the arms crashed through the sides of the egg and then the legs. Brendan watched in amazement as the green legs stood up and began to stumble around. The walking egg tipped over and fell to the floor, cracking open completely.

Brendan looked down on the floor to see the little reptilian Pokémon flat on his bottom, rubbing his head. He looked up at Brendan the moment he noticed someone else was with him. Brendan knelt down and smiled at the little one.

"Hi, Treecko..."

You fought your way out of that egg. You managed to learn to balance on your feet pretty quickly too. Your willingness to improve and grow strong was a quality I liked from the start.

Images of Treecko going from barely walking to leaping from tree branches and scaling glass surfaces, passed through his thoughts. The battles he fought and evolved in also played out in his thoughts. From rescuing May's Torchic, to defeating Norman's Slaking, it was all there. Every obstacle they ever overcame was running through their heads.

You have been my companion from the start. I'm lucky to have you as my friend.

The stone in Brendan's hand began to heat up and a warmth filled his hand. Soon his body tingled all over as a bright light erupted from the small stone. Sceptile roared majestically as light erupted around him, causing him to undergo a startling transformation. Mega Sceptile was born. Brendan's eyes widened. He could almost feel tears of happiness welling up, but he blinked those back.

"We did it!" Brendan exclaimed.

Courtney smiled broadly and pumped her fist in the air excitedly. Now the battle would really heat up.

"It can't get any better than this, can it Brendan? Let's see how well he does against my Mega Pinsir! X-Scissor!"

"Dragon Claw!" Brendan countered.

Pinsir sped towards Sceptile with an increase in speed due to a swift use of Quick Attack. Sceptile met him half way with a Quick Attack of his own. Claws clashed with horns as the two attacks met. Sceptile threw his weight into the Stag Beetle and forced him back, whipping around to swipe at him with his tail. Pinsir avoided this and began swiping at Sceptile with a volley of Thrash attacks which Sceptile avoided with superior speed.

"Dragon Pulse!" Brendan commanded.

"Double Team!" Winona called out.

Sceptile unhinged his jaws and shot forth a blast of draconic energy that ripped through the air. Pinsir split into multiple copies of himself and was able to avoid the explosive blast. In a swift motion he plowed into Sceptile and unleashed his wrath in a series of punches and kicks.

Sceptile crossed his now Leaf Blade armed apendages before him and softened the blows a little. Every strike drove Sceptile back. As Pinsir raised a claw to strike again, Sceptile opened his jaws again and fired a close range Dragon Pulse which made contact and sent Pinsir sprawling through the air.

Pinsir hovered in place and Sceptile recovered from the thrashing he'd been given. The two combatants were striving to win for their trainers.

"Seed Bomb!" Brendan commanded.

"Fury Attack!" Winona ordered.

A cluster of Seed Bombs were sent towards Pinsir only to be smashed to bits by his claws. As the explosions occurred, a very fast Sceptile charged through and bodied the Stag Beetle with a Quick Attack. Pinsir retaliated with a powerful X-Scissor that knocked Sceptile away. Sceptile dug his feet in to remain standing.

He opened his mouth again, a ball of emerald light forming between his jaws. The sphere fired off and made contact. While doing minimal damage, a faint blue glow was seen around Pinsir. Brendan smirked. He needed that, and desperately. Sceptile was exhausted from the ongoing battle. Brendan wasn't sure how much longer he would hold up.

"Seems like Sceptile is near his limit. Why don't we help you with that? Pinsir, let's wrap this up! Double Team into Giga Impact!" Winona commanded.

She's trying to put the nail in the coffin. Crap! There has to be a way to...wait a second! There is!

Brendan looked at the list of moves that had been bred into Treecko after he hatched and was quite confused.

"Bullet Seed huh? Not bad, range is always nice to have. Hmm...Grassy Terrain? I wonder why dad did that. There's enough grass here in Hoenn as is. I doubt I'll ever need you to use that," Brendan laughed.

"Sceptile! This place has nothing to work with, fix it! Grassy Terrain!" Brendan commanded hastily.

As Pinsir duplicated himself, Sceptile roared and expelled verdant energy in all directions, engulfing the arena in green light. Grass grew over the arena. Vines snaked upwards around the pillars. The entire arena was now a small grassland. Winona sweat-dropped.

"I don't know what you plan to do, but it won't do any good if you can't hit Pinsir. I admire your strategy, but this ends here!" Winona stated firmly.

"You're right, this does end here. But not for me. You see, Grassy Terrain has a healing effect on any Pokémon on the ground, but it also gives Grass-type moves a fifty percent power boost, meaning Sceptile will be reaping those benefits! Frenzy Plant!" Brendan commanded.

Winona's eyes popped as Sceptile loosed a battle cry. Green flames erupted around him as the effects of Grassy Terrain took hold. Sceptile raised both claws and slammed them down, causing the ground to heave. Oversized plant roots erupted from the arena floor and dispersed the copies of Mega Pinsir instantly. The enlarged roots caught the advancing Pinsir mid flight and drove him into the arena floor with a loud crash!

When the dust cleared, Pinsir was in his normal form and out cold.

"Pinsir is unable to battle! Sceptile wins!"

Whew! What a fight huh? I decided to have Mega Pinsir be Winona's Mega due to it being an unexpected choice. For those thinking Mega Altaria would be making a showing, sorry to disappoint. I wanted to make the choice less predictable than that.

So the thing with Sceptile's moves. As you noticed and I may have explained, I opened up the move slots pretty wide. Restrictions are no fun in stories when it comes to moves. Come on, a Spearow can't simply forget how to Peck right? I can't imagine:

Trainer: "Spearow, use Peck!"

Spearow: "How? I forgot that, remember?"

Trainer: "How do you forget how to Peck!? You use your fudging beak, and you hit them with it!"

Or this:

Trainer: "Golem! Use Rock Throw!"

Golem looks confused.

Trainer: "Oh for the love pick up a rock and you throw it!"

Anyway, ciao!

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