Chapter Forty-Six

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Brendan couldn't process what had occured the night before. He was staring down at a poké ball that contained more power than he felt he was worthy of possessing. Was he really the trainer for the Eon Twins now? He felt as though he was in a dream. Or some alternate reality. Yet there sat Latias, in the ball connected to a necklace string, on the table of the Fortree City Pokémon Center. His mind traveled back to the previous night.

"I-I'm sorry, what?" Brendan asked in shock.

I said, I would like to join you on your journey, if you'll have me, Latias repeated with a bright smile.

And if it's not too much trouble, I too would like to take part in this. My sister and I have been watching ovet Hoenn for years. We have seen countless battles, but have never participated in any. Latios clarified for Brendan.

That's because you are a fun sucker brother. It only took you two years to finally start to live a little, Latias giggled.

Latios rolled his eyes. The point is. We want to know more about this world outside of what we know. Plus, as my sister has convinced me, battles do look fun when done for sport.

But there is one other thing. We aren't certain...but we sense something is off with the people who attacked this island. We can tell that they are a threat to our land and therefore that is another reason we wish to help. Latias added.

So if you are willing, will you allow us to travel with you? It is the least we can do for your assistance, Latios stated.

Brendan took a deep breath and exhaled. Was he hearing them right? He still couldn't believe it.

I can see that this is a lot for you to consider. So this is what we propose. Why not alternate between us? After all, this island is still our home. Does that sound better? Latias inquired.

Brendan finally spoke up.

"I don't know how I feel about this. You both play a major role in protecting Hoenn don't you? Wouldn't I essentially be taking you away from your duties?" Brendan said with a frown.

Aren't you also protecting Hoenn as well Brendan? As far as I can see, there is a loophole here. Our partnership doesn't have to be permanent. We just wish to aide you and travel with you, Latias countered, a bright smile on her face as she spoke.

Brendan couldn't argue with that. In a sense, he was doing the same thing, but on a much different level. Maybe alternating between them wouldn't be such a bad thing. Brendan rubbed his temples, trying to process it all.

"Okay, but what about gym battles? Would it really be okay to have you guys battle? Or are you only wanting to watch?" Brendan inquired, still unsure of what he was considering.

I see. You want to earn your badges without what you humans call the "instant win button," right?" Latios replied.

"Exactly. The matches are televised. I don't really want to be seen as a trainer who had an unfair advantage," Brendan stated, scratching the back of his head nervously.

Latias nodded. Then you don't have to use us in gym matches. Besides, we are interested in the League that we have watched on occasion. If you use us there, nobody can say that you breezed through the gyms. Trainers are in top form, especially since a lot of them will be using Mega Evolution. It's much more fair that way.

And, you can train us for the League. Imagine the surprise of the spectators, Latios added.

Brendan looked at the twins. They seemed so eager to go. Latias did raise a good point. The League would have trainers at the top of their game. And it would be exciting to battle alongside the Eon Twins. With an exasperated sigh, he relented, dawning a smile.

"Okay, you win. But, if you travel with us, you train with us, okay?" Brendan stated.

Understood. you have any extra Poké Balls on you? Latias queried.

Brendan blinked. Reality slapped him in the face at this point. Latias and Latios weren't simply asking to travel with him. They wanted him to be their actual trainer. The meaning of this hit him faster than the realization of Courtney's intentions a few nights prior.

Should I let her out? I don't want a huge crowd around me right now. This is so weird! Brendan thought as he looked at the shrunken capture sphere.

Steven had left prior to the conversation with the Eon Twins, so even he had no clue as to what had gone on. What's more, Latias gave him a lift, which was the fastest flight he'd ever been on. Flying on Skarmory was fun, but due to how aerodynamic Latias was, there was very little air resistance to slow them down. He wasn't about to make a habit of traveling by day with the twins though.

The fact that he was deemed worthy by them to be called their trainer was enough. He wasn't about to go flaunting it. With a sigh, he looked over at the counter. The nurse had gone to check on the progress of the other Pokémon. He wondered how his team was holding up. His eyes flickered towards the doors to the Pokémon Center as they opened.

In walked Abby, one of the opponents he'd faced in the Food Court Tournament. Spotting him, Abby waved and made her way to him.

"Hey Brendan, fancy meeting you here," Abby said as she sat down beside him.

"Let me guess, here for the badge?" Brendan asked curiously.

"Actually, I got it last night, just before the gym closed. Winona really lays down the punishment. You'll really need some anti-air tactics to take her Pokémon down," Abby stated as she relaxed.

"I've been thinking about that. I have two that will work," Brendan paused, knowing he really had a third option, but wasn't going to use it.

"Two huh? I'm guessing Skarmory and Mightyena?" Abby queried.

"Now that you mention it, I could use him. Thunder Fang will be useful. Milotic was my second," Brendan replied casually.

Abby sweat-dropped. "A Milotic? I didn't realize you had that. I must've missed your last match."

"It's okay. I didn't exactly catch yours either. I was a little tied up," Brendan responded with a nervous chuckle.

"I suppose that makes things more interesting huh? I can't wait to see what else you're packing," Abby grinned excitedly.

"You and me both," Brendan replied.

"Brendan? Your Pokémon are all ready to go," The nurse announced. "Sorry for the delay."

Brendan stood up and met the nurse at the counter to retrieve his team. He placed them all back on his belt and put the necklace back on. He turned around and headed for the door.

"I'm gonna head out. I need to prepare for the next gym battle. See you later Abby!" Brendan said with a wave.

"Oi! Birch. Don't forget about what you said back in Mauville. We meet again for a rematch in the League," Abby called after him.

Brendan smirked and gave a thumbs up. "I still haven't forgotten. Trust me, you'll get it."

With one last wave, Brendan exited the center. He figured he'd go for a fly. First, he wanted to test something. The Eon Twins had the ability to become invisible. This gave him an interesting idea.

May and Wally arrived in Verdanturf Town in the middle of the afternoon. Wally was going to visit his parents. May decided to accompany him since she was going to be heading to Fallarbor Town for the next contest. Wally sighed as he leaned against a tree to catch his breath.

"You okay Wally?" May asked, a concerned expression on her face.

"Yeah, I-I'm fine. Just a...little all," Wally replied, taking a deep breath and exhaling.

"As long as you're sure. But if you need any help, I'm right here," May smiled cheerfully.

Wally blushed a little. May could tell that Wally was a shy individual, and probably wasn't used to being alone with a woman.

"Wally?" Came a familiar voice, causing him to turn around.

"Hi mom!" Wally exclaimed, embracing her in a tight hug.

"How are you sweetie!?" She asked excitedly, kissing her son on his forehead.

"I'm doing great! Did you see my last battle?" Wally asked hopefully.

"Did I? The whole family saw it! We're proud of you Wally," his mother declared proudly.

Wally's mother looked up to see May.

"It seems my son has brought home a lady friend. And a coordinator no less. We all saw your debut. You were very impressive," Wally's mother said with a sweet smile.

It was May's turn to blush. "Thank you, I appreciate the compliment."

Wally's mother slid up next to May. "Has my son been a gentleman?"

"A perfect gentleman. You've raised a fine young man," May replied, feeling somewhat nervous about that statement.

"Good! That's all I need to know. Why don't you join us? The family's about to eat lunch," Wally's mom proposed.

May, never being one to turn down food, gladly accepted.

The sound of fists hitting a punching bag could be heard echoing through the workout room. Miles was doing his daily routine, making sure to keep his skills sharp. As he did, he couldn't help but think of the little "chat" he had with Shelly.

So why don't we see if all your remarks about me wanting to make good on my promises are true...or just a bunch of talk...

Those words mingled with the nip she applied to his ear lobe was enough to get him more curious than he ought to be. He gave the bag a final jab before turning to look at his team. They were all sparring until he stopped.

"Okay team, that's all for now. Flygon, we're are heading out soon. It seems our adversaries are on the move once again," Miles stated as he recalled them.

All seemed calm on the east side of Fortree City. A few Tropius craned their necks to watch several Tailow soar across the sky with their mothers. All seemed normal, until the grass near them was pressed down upon by an invisible force. Out of thin air, Latias immerged as though she had been hiding there all along. Upon her back, also seeming to materialize out of nowhere, was Brendan.

"Wow...that actually worked!" Brendan exclaimed in a hushed tone.

It only took a few tries to get it right. Once I was able to psychically link our bodies and minds it was much easier, Latias stated as Brendan hopped off.

"Well it was awesome. A little shaky at first but fun nonetheless," Brendan replied with a grin.

So what made you choose a secluded setting like this?  Latias queried.

With a grin, Brendan took hold of Mightyena's ball.

"We're going to train..."

So Brendan has officially agreed to train the Eon Twins. I made it so that he would only use them in the League, or in the case of the situation at hand, battles against the villains. I made it this way so that he wouldn't have an easy time with the gyms. If he threw Latias or Latios out, the gyms would pretty much be reduced to rubble.

Legendaries are powerful. And aside from Brandon and Tobias, none of them have learned, I'm guessing, to restrain themselves. So to make this more fair, I'm having Brendan train them. So, there you have it! Remember to vote and comment!


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