Chapter Nine

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The sun greeted the island with its warm rays, waking the inhabitants that still slumbered snug in their beds. Brendan slowly awoke to see that it was fairly early. Glancing at the clock, he saw that it was seven o'clock. He turned his attention to where his Pokémon slept. Treecko was just stretching itself awake and so was Poochyena. Skarmory craned her neck as her trainer awoke.

Brendan blinked as she looked at him. He then smiled and reached out to stroke her beak. Just then, Treecko and Poochyena hopped on the bed with him and nestled into him.

"Well, good morning to you too," Brendan laughed, patting his friends on the head.

"We got another match today. Poochyena, since you went first in the last match, I'll rotate you out for Skarmory. She needs some experience. Also, the leader here uses Fighting-types so yeah..."

Poochyena cringed a bit, but understood. A smart trainer usually knows how to make safe plays as well as risky ones. But there was such a thing as too risky.

"So, Treecko, I'll have you go first. Fight hard and then if and when you win, we'll see how the next one goes. Skarmory will take over if it doesn't go well. Okay?"

"Treecko, Tree Treecko!"

"That's what I like to hear! Anyway, I'm gonna get ready to go swimming. Tim and May wanted to spend some time on the beach before the match."

"So you got the first badge? Roxanne called me the other day and told me you fought valiantly. I'm proud of you, May," Norman said with a smile.

"Thanks daddy! It was so hard though. Torchic had the worst time of it. But she's getting better, and Shroomish was wonderful. I still didn't exactly win though."

"But you showed you understood what you were doing right? She told me that you pulled a pretty clever move at the end which sealed her decision to give you the badge," Norman stated.

"I know, and I was so happy about it. I remembered that winning isn't everything and doing your best is what's important. You taught me that," May reminded.

"Indeed I did. Well May, I need to go. Your mother is cooking a wonderful breakfast and I simply can't miss out on it before work. Talk to you soon May," Norman smiled.

"Okay daddy, bye! Tell mom I said hi," May said, getting a thumbs up from her father before hanging up.

A sigh expelled from her lips as she hung up. Her thoughts were on the gym battle that would be taking place today. She really needed a plan. Shroomish was capable of putting up a decent fight due to Stun Spore. But Torchic needed a little bit more work. What redeemed him was Peck and his speed. Other than that, he was still young and needed more training. Maybe Brendan and Tim could show her a thing or two? Making up her mind, she stood up and began to change into her bathing suit.

Brendan broke the surface of the water, gulping in air as he came up after Tim.

"That was close. You still hold your breath longer," Tim laughed.

"Looks like it," Brendan chuckled.

"So, what's your big plan for Brawly? Because unless you have a Psychic-type or something that flies, you're in for one hell of a fight," Tim stated seriously.

"Oh don't worry. I've got that covered. Lady Luck opened up the gift bag on me yesterday and boy was it awesome!" Brendan grinned with pride.

"Must have been a real catch. What was it?" Tim prodded.

"You'll see," Brendan smirked.

At that point, May rocketed to the surface, startling the two boys.

"Arceus May, warn a guy when you do that!" Brendan said with a frown.

"Sorry! But that was fun!" May giggled.

"Yeah, fun..." Tim laughed nervously.

May rolled her eyes. "So guys, when can I get some training in? I don't know if I am ready for this gym yet."

Brendan looked at Tim. "Well, we could start now I suppose. We can always get back in the water."

"Hey Brendan, mind if I start? Since I've already battled Brawly, I figure I can give her some advice," Tim inputted.

"I was gonna suggest that actually. I haven't fought Brawly, I just know what he uses," Brendan replied with a shrug.

"Either one of you will do. I just don't want to mess this up," May sighed.

"Well don't you worry. By the time we get done, you will be more than ready. I'll even face Brawly first so you can watch how he fights."

"That would be awesome! Thanks Brendan!" May squeeled happily.

"Always ahead of the game, eh Brendan?" Tim snickered.

"You're darn right. Now how about we get started?"

A hop, skip and a boat ride away from Dewford Town, Slateport City was teeming with life. The denizens of the city were all going to and fro from their homes to their work. The hotel was also bustling with tourists. But there was also another attraction that held a particular interest to certain individuals. The Museum. And lined up outside of it was none other than Team Aqua.

Miles was just exiting the Pokémon Center when he spotted them. Fortunately for him, he wasn't in uniform. He wore his more casual attire which consisted of a black t-shirt and faded jeans. He wore sunglasses and sandals. The way the members of Team Aqua were gathered looked rather suspicious to him.

Now why would a bunch of Team Aqua goons be hanging around here? I know they like stuff like this but...this is a little much. Even Archie is here! I had better report this, Miles thought, pulling out his gear.

After a few rings, Courtney picked up.

"Speak..." She said.

"We have a minor issue. Team Aqua is here, and by that I mean nearly ALL of them. They're crowded around a museum," Miles finished.

"Analyzing...odd. They must be after something. I believe Archie is there too, correct?" Courtney asked.

"Oh yeah, he's here. You won't catch that sea dog away from a place that has everything to do with the sea," Miles mumbled.

"Keep an eye on them. Find out what they're doing. Report anything you find. Clear?" Courtney commanded.

"Crystal clear Commander. Over and out," Miles replied before ending the call.

I swear, if it wasn't for her human scent, I'd mistake her for a robot, Miles thought as he stuffed his hands in his pocket and casually walked to the museum.

He could blend in with the line of people mixed with Aqua. He booked a night at the hotel so he could wait for Brendan and May. But right now, he had bigger problems. _______________________________________

"Shroomish, use Seed Bomb!" May cried out.

"Gurdurr, block it and use Bulk Up!" Tim countered.

Shroomish fomulated an array of golden orbs and fired them from his mouth, one by one. Gurdurr, undeterred, swung his beam around and thwarted the assault before slamming the beam down to power up. Gurdurr pumped himself up before picking the beam back up.

"So Brawly will be doing a lot of that in your match. It hardens the defenses and ups the attack power. As long as you don't give him the chance, he's a bit easier to deal with. But those aren't his only tricks," Tim stated.

"I see. I think I get it now! In other words...keep him on his toes?"

"Yeah, that's it! See you got it," Tim replied, returning Gurdurr.

"Thanks Tim!" May beamed happily, returning Shroomish as well.

"Good job out there May. I think you're ready for the match," Brendan stated, patting May on the shoulder.

"Thanks Brendan, that's sweet of you to say," May responded with a smile.

"Well, shall we go find...nevermind, he's right over there," Tim pointed out, causing May and Brendan to turn around and see a man with blue hair in a surfer outfit, riding a wave into shore.

"Now that was a sweet wave!" Brawly said in a satisfied tone.

"Yo, Brawly!" Tim shouted, gaining the Gym Leader's attention.

"Tim my man, what's happenin'?" Brawly asked as he walked over to the group.

"Not much, just helping out my friends here. They're here to challenge you," Tim informed.

"Right on. Hey, why don't we make it a beach battle? It'll be more fun that way," Brawly suggested.

"I'm on board with that idea," May agreed.

"Me too. It does sound more fun," Brendan replied.

"Cool. So, who's going first?" Brawly asked.

"I am," Brendan announced.

"Whoa, Brendan? You got tall dude," Brawly laughed.

"How many people do you know?" May asked, bewildered.

"I don't wanna answer that," Brendan laughed nervously.

"He knows about everyone," Tim supplied.

"I guess being the Professor's son has its perks. Meanwhile, I'm Norman's daughter and I hardly know anyone," May sighed.

"I knew that. I visited Norman a while back and saw your picture," Brawly stated.

"That makes me feel a little better," May smiled.

"Glad to hear it. So, Brendan bro, ready to battle?" Brawly asked with a grin.

"You betcha" Brendan stated with a determined look.

Miles stood inside the museum and looked around with mild interest. He wasn't really a boat kind of guy, but he did like history. It was his best subject in school and he was fond of learning anything new. But he wasn't there for pleasure. As he observed a model of the S.S. Anne, he overheard a few Grunts talking.

"So, do you think it's here?" One Grunt asked another while they looked at various paintings.

"Archie said it would be. Though after Allen and Bernie screwed up the mission a few days ago, I'm not sure. But we'll get the goods and then we'll be one step closer to our goal," said the other Grunt.

Miles made a mental note and walked to the reception desk. 'Scuse me, where might I find the bathroom?"

The receptionist looked up and smiled. "Down that hallway to your right," she replied.

"Much obliged," Miles stated in thanks, turning to make his way there.

Slipping into the room, he locked himself in and dialed Courtney.

"What?" She answered.

"Hello cheerful," Miles replied sarcastically. "Just thought you'd like to know that Team Aqua are a persistent bunch of people who won't give up for anything. Remember that package they failed to acquire?"

"Go on..."

"Well, they think it's here. We, however, know for a fact that it isn't," Miles explained.

"Brendan has it still," Courtney replied.

"Bingo. I saw them leave with it. Which means that they were probably asked to hang onto it," Miles deduced.

"Hmmm, this could be tricky. Make sure that Brendan does not lose the parcel. We can't afford to have Team Aqua gain the upper hand. Understood?"

"I hear you loud and clear, Commander Courtney. Over and out," Miles replied, turning off the gear.

Courtney set her gear down and picked up her bowl of spicy noodles and continued to eat. On her monitor was a set of blueprints she was working on. In another browser was a profile of information on Team Aqua, and lastly, one about Brendan. She was very thorough in her research, especially when she found something particularly interesting.

The beach suddenly became crowded as Brawly and Brendan stood opposite one another, ready to have an official gym battle.

"I hope you're ready Brendan, because you'll need to be in order to face the waves headed your way," Brawly grinned.

"Oh I'm ready Brawly, and you'd better be too," Brendan replied with a smirk.

"Alright everyone, we've got a treat for you today! We've got a gym battle between the Dewford Town Gym Leader; Brawly and Brendan of Littleroot Town!" Announced the judge.

"Now, this is an official gym battle so only the challenger may substitute Pokémon. It'll be a two on two matchup. Combatants, are you ready!?"

Brendan and Brawly nodded.

"Alright then! Brendan gets the first move so send out your Pokémon!" The judge echoed.

"Treecko, Battle station!" Brendan commanded, firing Treecko's ball and releasing him from his chamber.

"Okay, Machop, surf's up!" Brawly called out, sending out the Superpower Pokémon.

"Begin!" The judge shouted.

"Treecko, get in there with Quick Attack!"

"Machop, use Karate Chop!" Brawly ordered.

Treecko burst forth at tremendous speeds, zigzagging to make his striking time less predictable as he approached. Machop prepared a countermeasure and sidestepped the assault and swung down only to be met by Treecko's tail which cushioned the strike.

"Seed Bomb!" Brendan commanded.

Treecko formed a golden sphere in his palm and threw it at point blank range before darting away.

"Bulk up, quick!" Brawly countered.

An explosion went off after the bomb hit, kicking up sand. When the smoke cleared, Machop was standing with his arms crossed and glowing crimson. The Seed Bomb did its work, but not too much impact was made. Then again, the purpose of the attack was to throw Machop off guard.

"Machop, use Ice Punch!" Brawly directed.

"Quick Attack into Pound!" Brendan instructed.

Treecko blurred forward and evaded the oncoming cold infused fist of Machop. He lept high and swung down with his tail only to have Machop grab it with both hands and throw him down hard.

"Ice Punch again!"

"Grass Knot!" Brendan countered hastily.

Machop swung downwards only to trip over a vine that erupted from beneath the sand, causing him to hit the sand with his fist instead of Treecko. Quickly, Treecko swung his tail and batted Machop away, sending him flying and then bouncing along the ground.

How did Treecko do that? There aren't any-oh I see...the trees and grass just on the edge of Town. He extended it! That was some tricky business. Brawly thought as Machop shook his head after getting up.

"Bulk up and use Karate Chop!"

Machop flexed his muscles and powered up. He then took off, his arm glowing brightly as he prepared to strike.

"Seed Bomb!" Brendan countered.

Treecko formed two golden orbs in his hands and waited for the opportune moment. As Machop swung, Treecko ducked away from the chop and stuck the bombs to Machop before jumping away. After a short delay the bombs exploded. When the dust settled, Machop was unconscious.

"Machop is unable to battle! Treecko wins!" Said the judge as his hand went up.

"Great job Machop, you deserve to rest," Brawly stated as he returned Machop. "That was pretty awesome Brendan. I wasn't expecting that at all. Way to go dude!"

"Thanks Brawly. I thought Machop had it won for a second there," Brendan chuckled.

"Well, you certainly shocked me. But now it's my turn. Hariyama, your turn to ride the waves!"

Hariyama!? Tim and Brendan thought at the same time.

The giant sumo Pokémon immerged onto the battlefield and picked up his right foot and slammed it down. This was not good.

"Oh yeah, Makuhita evolved the other day. Pretty sweet huh?" Brawly said with a grin.

"Yeah, sweet..."

Okay, get it together. Hariyama are slow. Maybe I can take him down with speed. Wait! Hariyama weigh a lot! The more they weigh, the stronger Grass Knot is. Perfect!

"Treecko, Quick Attack and use Seed Bomb!" Brendan commanded.

"Bulk Up now and use Ice Punch!" Brawly countered.

Hariyama began to raise his power just as Treecko took off. Treecko fired the nature powered spheres and made direct contact with Hariyama. The spheres exploded. But out of the dust came a powerful ice infused palm that batted Treecko into the ground with intense force.

"Again!" Brawly ordered.

"Grass Knot, Quick!"

Too late. Hariyama connected his icy palm with brutal force, knocking Treecko out on the spot. The vines were just inches from wrapping around Hariyama's ankles.

"Treecko is unable to battle! Hariyama wins!" The judge proclaimed.

The crowd went crazy as they watched. Music was playing and everyone was having a blast. Brawly seemed to have a few fans as there were several signs made for him in the crowd.

Phew! Had that Grass Knot hit, Hariyama would have taken a hell of a fall. It doesn't matter too much how strong the opponent is because the damage gets more powerful the more the victim weighs. I lucked out there, Brawly thought as he watched Brendan return Treecko.

"That was close Brawly. I almost had that. But I'm not about to give up here. You're not the only one with a secret weapon up his sleeve!" Brendan declared, snapping off Skarmory's ball from his belt. "Skarmory, it's time!"

Brendan released the majestic avian Pokémon from her containment. She screeched and spread her wings wide, creating the sound similar to that of several blades being unsheathed from their scabbards. Tim's eyes popped as he beheld the steel bird in all her ironclad glory.

So that was the surprise he mentioned! But how did he manage to get one so early? He actually stands more of a chance now, Tim thought, clearly impressed and flabbergasted at the same time.

"Get ready Brawly! Because we're coming for ya!" Brenden declared.

"Bring on the big wave Brendan, I'm ready for it!" Brawly exclaimed excitedly.

"You asked for it! Skarmory, Steel Wing!" Brendan ordered.

Skarmory straightened out her wings and took off at 190 miles per hour in Hariyama's direction.

"Catch it quick!" Brawly reacted.

Hariyama put up his massive hands and braced for heavy impact as Skarmory hammered into him.

"Ice Punch, go!" Brawly demanded.

An emerald aura surrounded Skarmory right as the palm made a solid connection. Skarmory was blown back but didn't seem too badly hurt by the assault.

Awesome! That worked out perfectly. The defense boost was lucky but we got it. I just need to mind that Ice Punch and we should be able to win this, Brendan contemplated.

"Hariyama, Bulk Up!"

"Drill Peck!"

Hariyama raised his power once more, hardening his defenses as he prepared for Skarmory to come at him. Skarmory screeched and powered forward at starting speeds. Skarmory's beak began to spin like a drill just before her attack hammered home. She pushed with all her weight, causing Hariyama to slide backwards along the ground.

"Ice Punch again!" Brawly ordered.

The empowered sumo Pokémon dug in and directed a powerful punch towards Skarmory, sending her sprawling back through the air. She quickly flapped her wings to right herself and glared at Hariyama.

Skarmory can take a beating, but Hariyama's too strong right now. I need to catch it off guard. Wait a sec! That's right!

"Hariyama, let's end this, one more Ice Punch!"

Hariyama charged forward, his icy palm stretching as he lept at Skarmory.

"Sorry Brawly, but you fell for it! Whirlwind!" Brendan countered.

Skarmory spread her wings and released an intense gust of wind from them. The wind spiraled into a horizontal vortex that pushed Hariyama backwards and then upwards.

"Drill Peck!"

Skarmory rocketed above the airborne Hariyama and then swooped down upon him. Her beak spun rapidly and connected with devastating force. She used the rapid descent to crash into the ground with Hariyama beneath her. A huge cloud of sand kicked up, causing other people to shield their faces. Skarmory's triumphant screech was heard as her silhouette was revealed. With a flap of her wings, the cloud dispersed. Hariyama lay defeated beneath her.

"Astounding!" The judge called out. "Hariyama is unable to battle! Skarmory wins which means that the match goes to Brendan!"

"Way to go Brendan!" May cheered.

"Awesome battle dude!" Tim shouted.

Brendan pumped his fist in the air. He'd won, and boy did that feel good.

"That was a killer battle Brendan. You really turned the tide. As a reward for having defeated me, I present you with the Knuckle Badge!" Brawly announced, handing Brendan the badge he just earned.

"Thanks! And thank you for the fun battle. That experience taught me a lot," Brendan replied with a chuckle.

"I bet it did. Now, give me a bit so I can heal up. May, you ready?" He asked.

"Uh...yeah, sure!" May said nervously.

"Cool, I'll be right back. See ya in a bit!" Brawly said as he walked to the Pokémon Center.

Phew! And there it is! Brendan has badge number two! Wewt! Things are unfolding with Team Aqua and Team Magma as well. Let's see how this all plays out. Don't forget to vote and comment! Thank you!!!!

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