Chapter Sixteen

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Brendan exited the café about an hour after Courtney had left. He admitted to himself that he got a strange feeling from her. Maybe it was the resting bored and semi-sultry look that she gave whenever she smiled. Whatever the case, she made him nervous and downright curious too. He couldn't figure her out at all. Usually, Brendan didn't have too much trouble making friends with women. But with her, he nearly became tongue-tied.

What happened back there? He thought as he walked towards the north side of the city.

I mean. I never had a problem talking to May or Lucia like that. Is that bad!? No...they're my friends. I should be able to talk to them easily. But still, he paused in his tracks, observing several passerbys as they all walked down the path to work. "Why did I get so nervous?" Brendan said aloud with a sigh.

It was weird. I felt funny all of a sudden and almost too embarrassed to talk. Mostly because of something that should never be said out loud...

Brendan shook his head vigorously at the thought of what had occurred.

Get ahold of yourself Brendan. Now is not the time to be thinking about that! He coached himself, forcing his face to go neutral.

He began to head to the desert in order to find a new teammate to add to his lineup against Wattson. He needed an edge against him and what he had now was anything but that if what Tim said was true. As he passed the north end of the gym, a familiar voice reached his ears.

"Uncle please! Let me challenge this gym. I know I can do it!" Pleaded a green-haired boy wity pale skin.

"I'm sorry Wally, but you aren't in any condition to be doing that right now. You only have Ratls and Wattson has several other Pokémon. It wouldn't be fair," his uncle replied firmly.

"I can so do this! Why don't you believe me!?" Wally shot back.

His uncle sighed. At that moment, Brendan walked up to them. Wally turned his head and a huge smile lit up his face.

"Brendan! You gotta help me!" Wally said frantically.

"Whoa, slow down Wally. What's up?" Brendan inquired, wondering what the situation was about.

"My uncle says that I can't challenge this gym because I am in no condition. But I know I can do it. With Ralts at my side, we can do anything," Wally stated with a fixed stare.

"I see. Well-" Brendan was interrupted.

"I know, Brendan. I challenge you to a battle! One Pokémon a side. I need you to help me prove to my uncle that I am ready," Wally stated, snapping off Ralts' ball from his belt and hefting it, nearly dropping it as well.

He seriously wants to do this. And I don't have the heart to tell him no. Brendan sighed.

"I-I don't want you to hold back either Brendan!" Wally declared.

Brendan winced. So much for that idea. Then again, taking it easy is insulting to any trainer. If he wants my best, then I have no other choice but to give it to him.

Brendan reached for Grovyle's ball and primed it. Wally stared back, a nervous sweat trickling down the right side of his visage. Brendan could see it. He was nervous.

"Okay...h-here goes. Ralts, let's f-fight!" Wally called out, tossing Ralts' ball rather clumsily.

"Grovyle, battle's on!" Brendan said confidently as he released his companion.

Both Pokémon immerged onto the battlefield, each ready to fight for the sake of their trainer. Ralts had been in a few battles but he was still green compared to Grovyle. The dual-typed Pokémon still faced Grovyle with a semi-confident attitude.

"Okay Ralts...uh...Disarming Voice!" Wally commanded.

"Disrupt it with Seed Bomb!" Brendan countered.

Ralts opened his mouth wide and fired a beam of purple hearts towards Grovyle. The tall reptile stood unfazed as the attack drew near. He formed several gold orbs in his hands and thrust them down, creating an explosion that sent out disrupting pulse waves of energy, dispelling the assault.

Grovyle then dove forward in a blurred motion, out of his makeshift smokescreen and with arm blades aglow, nailed Ralts with two clear strikes to the torso. This sent Ralts flying back right into Wally who caught him quickly.

"Looks like I lost," Wally replied with a defeated tone.

"This battle? Yes. But the other battle you won by a long shot," Brendan pointed out.

"Huh? I don't get-"

"What I mean is. The battle of your beliefs. You showed you had heart by battling me and proving that you could do it. Though you lost, you gave it everything, and that is what counts," Brendan explained.

"He's right Wally. I didn't think you were ready for a Gym Battle, much less Brendan. But you seem more capable than what I gave you credit for. Perhaps if you caught more Pokémon and when you have gotten better, you could take the League Challenge yourself," his uncle decided.

"Really uncle!? You m-mean it!?" Wally exclaimed excitedly.

"Absolutely. Now, let's get you home," he said with a smile.

Wally nodded and turned to face Brendan. "Thank you for the battle, Brendan. I promise that one day I will rise to meet you as your equal. So, c-can I c-call you my r-r-rival?" Wally asked nervously.

Brendan blinked as Wally asked him. Sheesh, you'd think he was asking out a girl or something. But how can I say no to the guy? Besides, I could do with another friendly rivalry.

"Sure, why not," Brendan replied with a bright smile. "But you have to promise that you will make it to the League and meet me there. Are we clear?"

"Cr-crystal!" Wally declared, dawning a bigger smile this time.

"Okay, then it's settled. I'll be waiting for you at the League," Brendan replied as he walked off.

Courtney sat in the conference room with the other members of Team Magma. Maxie was looking over his notes on the subjects he planned to bring up. Every Grunt sat in their chair, waiting for what Maxie had to say. He finished typing something on his laptop and turned on the projector. On the screen was a map of the Hoenn region. Several locations had been marked by the Magma emblem.

"I am sure you are all aware of the situation at hand is. We are in search of an energy source capable of awakening Groudon from its slumber. However," Maxie paused, "these locations have proved fruitless."

Maxie looked over at Courtney who nodded and stood up. Maxie moved to the next slide.

"Thanks to the cooperative efforts of Courtney and her recruit; Miles, we have discovered an individual who possesses infinite potential. He has thwarted Team Aqua's plans on several occasions, the most recent being the Oceanic Museum," Maxie stated.

"As Commander Courtney has informed me, Brendan is exceptionally talented and able to adapt to vexing situations with creative measures of high quality. It is therefore concluded that he could either be a great asset to us, or a great threat. But as long as we stay under the radar, he will continue his squabbles against Team Aqua," Maxie declared, adjusting his glasses.

"Should you encounter him as opposition, tread cautiously as he has two other friends who boast just as much of a threat. Now, let's discuss our next move..."

"Alright Torchic, we've pretty much got it down, but let's try one more time," May said as she watched Torchic ready himself.

Torchic nodded and began to concentrate. May had been working with Lisia in order to help her routine along. May didn't want to disappoint her at all.

Torchic inhaled and then bounced up, landing on his beak and spreading his legs for balance. He then belched intense flames and began to spin rapidly until the flames spiraled around him like a fiery vortex. The twister of fire took off like a spinning top, expanding and contracting as he went along.

As the tornado of flame continued, a white light suddenly erupted and intertwined with the orange flames. When the spinning and glowing stopped, a Combusken stood tall.

May blinked. A few seconds later, it registered.

"You evolved!"

Brendan found himself on a very long path to the west of Mauville. He was informed that the route north was blocked off until it could be cleared of obstruction. He soon happened upon the daycare just outside of Mauville. There, he found a young girl, around eight years old, looking over the fence rather intently at something.

Brendan glanced up to see that there, sleeping in the grass behind the fence, was a Growlithe. Brendan's eyes grew wide. Just then, the door to the daycare opened and an elderly man came out.

"Becca? You're still here I see," the old man said as he walked over to her.

"Yeah...I'm just here to check up on Growlithe, gramps," Becca smiled.

"Ah, the one your father found and brought to me. He's doing much better now," the caretaker laughed.

"I know but...why hasn't anyone adopted him yet? Just look at him! He's cute," Becca whined.

"In am certain that someone will want him. I did advertise that he was available. He has been here a few months and has learned much. He would be a great asset to any team," the old man said with a smile.

Brendan thought for a moment. A Growlithe would be a fantastic addition to his team. On top of that, he could use him against Wattson. Sure, he was no Ground-type, but that didn't matter when it came to this particular case. Brendan smiled and walked over to the fence and leaned over it casually. He let out a long whistle as he saw an abundance of Pokémon.

"Quite a few Pokémon here eh?" Brendan asked nonchalantly, keeping his attention on the Growlithe.

"Indeed there are young man. How may my granddaughter and I assist you?" He asked.

Brendan smirked and faced them. It was time to talk business.

"Well, I sorta just got to Mauville last night. I'm taking the gym challenge and I was looking for more Pokémon to add to my team," Brendan said casually.

"And so you came out here? I'm sorry to disappoint you, but these Pokémon all belong to other trainers," the old man replied seriously.

"I had a feeling. It's a shame though," Brendan replied as he turned his back. "That Growlithe looks kinda nice."

At this, the old man reconsidered. "W-well actually, that one is available."

Bingo! Brendan thought with a grin. He turned around and acted surprised.

"Really? What do you want for him? I don't have much at the moment but-"

"You can have him," the girl beamed.

"I'm sorry, what?" Brendan replied, slightly dumbstruck.

"We've been trying to find a suitable trainer for months. And you seem like a good lad. I will inform my wife that a trainer desires to take Growlithe. Wait here a moment, I will let you in to meet him. And don't worry, he's as playful as they come," the old man said happily.

As the old man walked inside, Becca suddenly hugged him and buried her face in his abdomen.

"Uh..." was all he managed to get out.

Sniffling could be heard before the girl looked up at him.

"Sorry Mister. It's just that, this Poor Growlithe has been here a while and nobody seemed to want him. He's such a sweet one too," Becca sniffled, wiping tears away.

"Why wouldn't anyone want him? Growlithe are great and make loyal companions," Brendan replied with a bewildered look.

"Yeah, well...all the other trainers just want super tough Pokémon and say that Growlithe are weak and won't get very far," Becca grumbled.

"Oh yeah? Well, they're wrong," Brendan grinned. "If I did my homework, which Roxanne would kill me if I didn't," Brendan added. "I wouldn't know how amazing they become after evolving."

"Are they really strong?" Becca asked wide-eyed.

"With proper training, and a Fire Stone, they can become a real powerhouse. Speaking of which," Brendan paused, fumbling around in his backpack, "I have one!"

Becca squeeled in delight.

"Are ya gonna evolve it!?" Becca asked excitedly.

"Only if it wants to. Unlike those who don't have a stone-based evolution, Growlithe has a choice. If he wants me to evolve him, then that is what I will do. If not, it will be when he is ready," Brendan replied with a shrug.

"Well, I guess that makes sense. I hope he still wants to though," Becca grinned, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

"We'll see. Hey, the gate's open now. I guess I'd better get in there..."

Within the cool caverns of Meteor Falls, a group of scientists worked tirelessly as they studied the various meteorites within. One in particular caught the attention of the group, so they began to invest time into digging it up.

"This one is extraordinary. Just look at those patterns! I wonder how long it's been here," One scientist wondered aloud.

"I suppose we will find out once we get it unearthed. It may take some doing since it is wedged in deep. Shall we continue?" Said another.

The group agreed and began the excavation process.

Brendan sat down near Growlithe who had just woken up from his nap. He tilted his head cutely as soon as he saw Brendan.

"Hey there Growlithe," Brendan greeted.

Growlithe looked over at Becca and then back at Brendan. He then proceeded to cautiously approach him. Brendan, knowing the behavior Growlithe was exhibiting, having read about it in class, Brendan allowed Growlithe to sniff his hand. The pup duly did so and then barked, wagging his tail happily as a sign that he liked Brendan.

"Now that you know a bit about me, how about we discuss why I am here?" Brendan started off.

Growlithe sat on his haunches and listened.

"How would you like to join my team?" Brendan proposed. "You would get to travel with me and you would have new friends to call family. We would be going on lots of adventures together. What do you say?" Brendan asked.

Growlithe thought for a moment. He had always wanted a good friend. And Brendan seemed nice and smelled trustworthy enough. What excited him the most was the fact that he was wanted. With little more thought put into his decision, he leapt into Brendan's arms and licked his face. Growlithe had made his choice.

Yahooooo!!! Growlithe has joined the team! I love the Gen 1 fire dog. He's been a favorite of mine for a while now. Arcanine is also just awesome. Brendan now has what he needs to take on Wattson. Oh yeah!!!

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