Chapter Thirty-Five

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Brendan skidded to a halt in front of the Fiery Path. He reached down and stroked Arcanine behind his ear, getting an approving growl.

"Just through here is the route to Fallarbor Town. Wanna take a break? Or can you make it the rest of the way?" Brendan asked his friend.

As if by answer, Arcanine stomped the ground with his front right paw, and pointed his nose towards the path.

"You really do live up to what's said about you, don't you?" Brendan laughed, lightly kicking Arcanine's sides to get him going.

Fallarbor Town, although extremely close to the majestic Mount Chimney, was a small, thriving community of farmers. Despite the conditions, there was rich foliage that grew near the town. Ot was a hot place, but the inhabitants seemed to adapt well. Just off to the west, many fishermen gathered by the stream.

In the small town, a certain Professor Cozmo resides. Preparing to finally unearth his latest discovery, he grabs his tools and steps out of his room. His wife sat in the living room, reading quietly.

"I'm off honey," Cozmo said with a broad smile.

His wife looked up and smiled. She bookmarked her spot and stood up to embrace and kiss her husband.

"Don't be too long love. Remember we are going to try again tonight," she said with a smile, her cheeks tinting as she spoke.

"I remember dear. Which is why I am going to hurry so that I can be home early," the Professor replied with a grin.

"Oh please do!" His wife said happily.

Cozmo waved as he opened the door. The moment he stepped outside, a hand was placed over his mouth and he was yanked aside. His wife's eyes widened in panic. She rushed outside to see her husband struggling as he was tied up.

"Cozmo!" She exclaimed, running to him only to be blocked by a man wearing similar clothing.

"Sorry 'bout this. But we be needin' the Professor for some business," a man wearing a black bandanna and a blue and white striped shirt declared.

"What are you going to do with him!?" Cozmo's wife asked desperately.

"Relax, he's just going to help us with a little project and then we will be on our way," A woman in a wetsuit stated as she walked up behind the group.

"Ready to head out Commander Shelly," a Grunt stated.

"Right, let's shove off, mates!" Shelly ordered.

As the Professor was being hauled away, a thick fog suddenly covered the area. Through the fog, a black shadow could be seen. The cape of the shadow could be seen rustling, the sharp edges of it giving away the fact that it belonged to a certain group. The two Grunts took a step back as they saw the silhouette of a strange Pokémon within the fog.

It was the shape of a chandelier and was ablaze with an eerie fire. Two haunting eyes could be seen. The Grunts released their Mightyena to defend. They seemed panicked. Shelly frowned as she saw the figure. She knew exactly who it was, and deep down, he scared the hell out of her.

" decided to show yourself huh? It's just like you Magma morons to try and get in our way," Shelly scowled.

"On the contrary. It is you, who is in my way," the figure stated.

He snapped his fingers and two powerful streams of violet flames erupted from the haze, laying both Mightyena out flat.

"Now, we can either do this the easy way, or the hard way," Miles grinned.

"Sorry hun, but I think I'll pass on your offer. Kingdra, Smokescreen now!" Shelly ordered.

As she released her Pokémon, the dragon loosed a black smoke from his mouth, covering the area around them. Miles coughed violently as did Cozmo's wife. Team Aqua fled quickly from the scene.


Miles stumbled out of the smoke and returned his Pokémon. The wife of the Professor had quickly gone back inside. Team Aqua was nowhere to be seen. Miles sighed and pursued them. He knew where they were going.

Courtney sat in Maxie's office discussing the design of her project with him. Maxie seemed impressed.

"The overall look is appealing. It gives off a certain air of intimidation. I assume this is made for one of our agents?" Maxie deduced, adjusting his glasses.

"It's plausible that one of our agents could use it. However, I believe that someone more athletic is better suited for it. We will need to see who fits the bill. In the mean time-" she paused as her gear went off.

"Speak..." Courtney said as she picked up the gear.

"Well hello to you too sunshine," Miles replied sarcastically.

"I'm busy. Is this important?" Courtney questioned impatiently.

"If Professor Cozmo, the researcher that excavates and studies meteorites, getting kidnapped qualifies as important, then yes," Miles quipped.

"Where are they now?" Courtney demanded.

"Heading to Meteor Falls by the looks of things," Miles replied as he ran.

"Keep up the pursuit, I will be there momentarily," Maxie interjected.

"Over and out," Miles finished and hung up.

The wife of the Professor came out of her house and headed to the Pokémon Center where she hoped some trainers would be gathered. She needed help. As she was about to enter the center, she turned to see Brendan riding swiftly into town on his Arcanine.

Thank Arceus! She thought, rushing towards him as though he were her only hope.

Brendan slowed to a stop and dismounted Arcanine. As he was about to return him, he heard a woman shout to him. He turned to see a woman standing before him, a look of worry on her face.

"I need your help," she said in a shaky voice. "M-my husband was just abducted. I-I couldn't do anything!" She cried.

Brendan's eyes widened at this. He hadn't been in town for five minutes and already there was a crisis.

"I'll help you, but tell me if you remember who did it first," Brendan replied in a calm manner.

"I don't know. Th-they wore strange outfits and had bandanas on their heads," she recalled in an unsteady tone.

Brendan knew exactly who it was that had done the deed. Without a second thought, he jumped back on Arcanine.

"Which way did they head?" Brendan asked.

"Towards Meteor Falls. They left about ten minutes ago," she said in a worried tone.

Brendan nodded in thanks and took off on Arcanine's back.

Meteor Falls, ancestral home to the Draconid people and the site of a meteor shower, was truly a sight to behold. Within its confines were lake beds of all sizes and an abundance of rare Pokémon. It was here that Professor Cozmo discovered something incredible. A meteorite like no other had been found.

Team Aqua ordered Cozmo to lead them to it and then used his tools to dig it up. Shelly picked up the beauty of a meteorite and grinned.

"Thank you for your cooperation Professor. Rest assured, we of Team Aqua will put this to good use," Shelly grinned.

As she turned away, a circle of violet flames shot out of the ground and surrounded them. A chandelier shaped Pokémon rose up from beneath the surface and floated beside its master.

"You just don't give up, do you?" Shelly smirked.

"It's not exactly in my lexicon. Besides, I wouldn't get to see your whole squad piss themselves if I did," Miles retorted.

"What are ya talkin' about? We aren't afraid of the likes of you!" A Grunt replied angrily.

Miles shrugged.

"So...are we gonna just stand here or-"

A blast of water roacketed towards his companion, causing it to faze into the ground to avoid it. The blast came from an Octillery that was released by a Grunt into the water.

"Really?" Miles sighed.

A Shadow Ball burst through the bottom of the lake bed and hammered into Octillery, knocking him out of the water. This was followed up by a ball of verdant energy colliding with the artillery Pokémon, knocking it out.

The Grunt who released it soon returned it and released a Carvanha. The other Grunts released two Mightyena. Shelly dawned a smug look as she knew she had him surrounded.

"Take him down!" She ordered.

The Carvanha released a Water Pulse and the two Mightyena pounced. Before they could reach Chandelure, however, two golden orbs crashed into them and exploded, sending them careening into the walls. The Ghost-type fended off the pulse with an Energy Ball. Miles smirked.

"You certainly know how to make an entrance don't you," Miles stated, not bothering to look at Brendan.

Brendan and Grovyle trekked towards the Magma operative and stood beside him.

"Looks like I just made it. Though I seem to be a bit late," Brendan stated as he looked at Miles.

He drank in the appearance of Miles, taking note of the cape and hood with horns. The large black "M" stood out, giving Brendan the conclusion that he must be with the Team Magma he'd heard about in Petalburg Woods. He didn't know much about them, but from what he could gather, they opposed Team Aqua. By the looks of things, Miles was trying to help. Getting a better look at him, Brendan recognized Miles as the man who helped him in Slateport.

"Looks like I can repay you for your help after all," Brendan said casually.

" aren't you?" Miles laughed, turning to see the rather annoyed look on Shelly's face.

"You might as well surrender, Shelly. You can't defeat all of us," a voice stated from behind the group.

"Maxie..." Shelly growled, clenching her fists and glaring in his direction.

Maxie walked up the stair like structures and stood before Team Aqua, his hands behind his back. Adjusting his specs, he cleared his throat.

"You've nowhere to run. The wise choice would be to hand over the meteorite calmly. We might even let you leave should you cooperate. Now, have some respect for yourself and hand it over," Maxie smirked.

Shelly grinned and bagged the meteorite.

"Sorry Maxie, but you bore me with all your speech," she paused, snapping off Kingdra's ball and releasing him. "Smokescreen!"

In seconds, the platform was covered in black smoke. When it parted, Team Aqua had left without a trace. Professor Cozmo was left behind.

"Brendan, was it?" Maxie queried as he watched the lad hurry to untie Cozmo.

"Seems my name is all over now," Brendan replied as he undid the ropes binding the Professor.

"Thank you young man," Professor Cozmo said in gratitude.

"It's hard not to hear of the son of the esteemed Professor Birch. Your reputation precedes you," Maxie remarked.

"Good to know," Brendan replied casually.

"We of Team Magma are well informed. Your actions have not gone unnoticed. Now, if you will excuse us...we must pursue the opposition," Maxie said as he turned to his team.

"Let me guess, that meteorite is of importance to you right?" Brendan inquired.

"In a sense. However, we have no need for it, but Team Aqua does. And with its power, I fear they will do something that will cause a disaster to occur. You should return the Professor to his home," Maxie stated, turning to exit the falls hastily.

Brendan mulled all of this over as Maxie walked away with Miles and the others. If Team Aqua did have plans for the meteorite, he needed to help stop them.

"Come on Professor, let's get you home."

It's time! The part we all probably liked or loved. A battle on a feaking volcano! Miles is showing a bit more of his battle smarts. I hope you all enjoyed it! Don't forget to vote and give feedback!

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