Chapter Thirty-Two

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Evening was upon Mauville City. Its inhabitants were going about their nightly rituals, prepping for bed and making late calls to friends for whatever reason they deemed necessary. The Crooner's Café was open late into the night, and many were gathering and discussing the tournament results.

The topic was hot at the moment, and for various reasons. Two widely know trainers hashed it out and it resulted in a stalemate. Courtney, who was sitting at the bar with a mocha, was also thinking of how the match went. She idily tapped her fingers on the table and sipped her drink. She needed a break from the hideout.

"Long day?" A male voice inquired as Courtney began to sip her drink. It was Mike.

She gave him a quizzical look. She glanced at his name tag and then back at him. She nodded, not exactly thrilled about social interaction at the moment, but she'd humor him.

"You have no idea..." Courtney sighed.

"I know the feeling," he added, his ears twitching at the sound of the door opening.

Through the door walked Brendan. He seemed to be in high spirits. But even with the half smile on his face, there was a hint of exhaustion in his eyes. Mike could tell he had just as rough a day. First a tough opponent, and then Wattson's request.

"But I think I know what might cheer you up," Mike hinted, his eyes shifting towards Brendan.

Courtney followed his gaze and her eyes locked onto Brendan. A sleepy smile crossed her tired features. Perhaps seeing him would lighten her mood.

Brendan closed the door to the Crooner's Café. Head on a swivel, he searched for a seat. As his eyes swept the room, they met with a familiar pair of lilac eyes. Drawn in, Brendan wandered her way and sat down.

"You look tired," Courtney greeted.

Brendan yawned, further validating her claim. "Yeah, I am. May wanted to go shopping..."

Courtney sniggered. "Well, we women do love our clothes. It's no secret."

"My mom can vouch for that. She's got a closet full of nothing to wear," Brendan replied casually.

Courtney held in a giggle. She rolled her eyes and sipped her drink. "You say that as if you understand the meaning."

It was Brendan's turn to laugh this time. "Let's put it this way. When you all say you have 'nothing to wear,' it means that you have nothing new to wear. You're literally bored of what you have. When we men say the same thing, it means we haven't done laundry yet..."

Impressed, Courtney clapped her hands lightly. "Someone's done their research. It appears that there are men in this world who know a little about what's going on in our minds."

Brendan shrugged and slung his backpack off his shoulders, setting it on the table before him. He unzipped it and pulled out the incubater.

"So I found out what this was," Brendan stated, admiring the egg.

"Oh? And what is it?" Courtney questioned, her eyes fixated on the peculiar egg.

"A Feebas egg. I'm a little nervous about it though. It will take a lot of time to evolve it. I don't even know what moves this will know," Brendan sighed.

Courtney placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled. "I'm sure it will be just fine. Depending on who bred it will determine what it will know."

"Not that it matters though. I will just be happy to add a new friend to the team," Brendan replied with a chuckle.

Courtney blinked. In her experience, the power of the Pokémon meant everything. Her Pokémon were all bred and trained to set her foes ablaze. Hearing Brendan say that the moves didn't matter much to him, confused her to a degree.

This is unprecedented. For a competitive trainer, he seems to care more about making friends with his Pokémon rather than their power. Further research will be required...

"I am certain it will be just fine. You are a fine trainer with a raw talent for battling. You proved that you are able to handle the tough situations when they arise," Courtney replied.

"Thanks. Though I think I met my match out there. We may have tied, but it sure seemed like she had me pinned," Brendan retorted.

She grinned at this statement. "True, but you were able to pull a tie, meaning you were the only one worth her time. Few barely managed to get by her Magmar. To top it all off, you made off with the better end of the deal and a gift certificate that you really ought to be using now," Courtney hinted.

Catching her drift, Brendan raised a brow. "Are you asking me out on a date?"

"Is your hat white?" Was her facetious reply.

Getting the message, Brendan fumbled for the prize and brought it out. Mike, who had been serving customers while watching the two, noticed this and made his way to the duo.

"I take it you will be wanting the special then?" Mike grinned, gesturing to the certificate in Brendan's hand.

Brendan nodded and handed the certificate off. He turned to Courtney who had a smug grin plastered onto her face. It was the kind of smile that a villain used when a plan came full circle.

"Oh, and by the way, that certificate means you two get a more private setting..."

Brendan sweat-dropped.

May sighed as she flopped onto her bed. Bags of clothes littered the floor around her. She had gone shopping for new outfits and even found a few for her Pokémon. Her Pikachu was now the proud owner of some raiment for the contest coming up. She released the electric mouse from her ball.

"Pika?" She queried upon appearing.

"Hey there new friend!" She cooed, scratching under Pikachu's chin.

The little one seemed to agree with the scratches, affectionately pushing her face into May's hand. May smiled gleefully and pulled Pikachu into a tight hug.

"You and I are going to be best friends. I can feel it! Now, I know this is sudden but..."

May shuffled around in her bags for a tiny outfir. It was a dress that nearly matched her own contest dress. She held it up to her companion who sniffed it.

"Would you mind trying this on?" May asked.

Brendan and Courtney found themselves in a more secluded setting. It was usually reserved for romantic occasions. Something that Brendan didn't think to check on when he got the certificate. The room had candles in the center of each table. A red cloth covered the table they sat at.

There were various booths with wooden frames and cushions of like coloration. Brendan grew a bit nervous as he looked around. Courtney, though she didn't show it, was eating this up. It was amusing to her. His reactions were fun to observe. It was almost as if-

"You've never done this before, have you?" Courtney prodded, trying not to laugh.

Wide-eyed, Brendan swallowed hard. "N-not really. No. I mean-"

"It's alright Brendan. It's just a date. I had been meaning to ask you after the tournament but I had some things I had to take care of," Courtney replied, hiding the irritation in her voice as she trailed off.

Is she for real!? Thought Brendan as he listened to her speak. I mean, I just met her and-

"Still in disbelief?" Courtney asked with a smirk.

Snapping back to reality, Brendan hastily replied. "We-well yeah. I mean, sorta. I wasn't expecting this really.

"Understandable. We did just meet after all. But I won't pretend that I didn't see you steal a glance at me a time or two during your matches," she replied mischievously.

"Well you're not wrong..." Brendan said hesitantly as he felt Courtney brush her foot gently against his leg, sliding it up ever so slowly to his lap before bringing it back down.

A shiver ran down Brendan's spine at the feeling. She was flirting with him and had the edge by a mile. Courtney, satisfied with the reaction in his eyes, ceased fire for the time being. Their dinner had arrived along with a few choice beverages. Mike set the plates down and beamed.

"Enjoy the meal you two," he said as he exited the room.

They both thanked Mike before he left, and began to eat. The duo began to engage in small talk for a while until Courtney decided to shift the conversation in a different direction.

"So, you wear that hat a lot. To be honest, I don't think I've ever seen you with it off," Courtney began, taking a sip of her Rawst Berry wine.

Brendan cleared his throat before speaking.

"It's a long story," he paused, taking another bite of his meal.

"I see. Perhaps another time then?" Courtney asked as she dug back into her meal which consisted of ziti and Tamato Berry sauce with parmesan in the mix.

"Yeah, that would be okay," Brendan replied with a smile, taking his time with his pasta as well.

"There was one more question I wanted to ask," Courtney stated as she set her fork down, placing her chin between her hands as she spoke. "You mentioned that this was a first for you. Does that mean you've never-"

"How's it going you two?" Came the voice of Mike as he slid in with the dessert menus.

"We're good," Brendan said quickly, trying not to look at Courtney at the moment.

Courtney concurred with Brendan's statement and sipped her wine once more.

"Good to hear. Well, those are the dessert menus if you are wanting anything," Mike replied as he stepped out.

I believe I do want dessert. But maybe not just yet, Courtney mused to herself as she looked over at Brendan.

"So, uh...what were you asking?" Brendan asked, almost wishing he hadn't.

"Oh! It's nothing. I was just wondering if you've ever kissed a woman besides your mother," Courtney fibbed.

"Oh," Brendan replied, relieved that it wasn't quite what he thought it was. "No, not really. I mean, there were a few girls that I liked but-"

"But what?" Courtney pried.

"But they were kinda taken. And it was in high school. I wanted to focus more on getting through my classes before I considered dating. Hell, some of my classmates were already dating and engaged in other pleasurable activities," Brendan went on.

"Did you ever think about it?" Courtney inquired, bringing it back around to her original intent.

"No, I mean...not at first. A few of my friends had done it during their senior year. I know, typical high school boys right? I thought of joining in but it didn't feel right. In the end, I managed to make it out without doing so," Brendan replied calmly.

"In other words, sex was not on your brain like most guys eh?" Courtney asked with a grin.

"Not really. I figured that, if I met someone I clicked with and felt a connection with, and if they felt the same, it might happen. Then again, I am caught between waiting til I tie the knot or someone really special," Brendan continued.

Courtney nodded, a bit of joy showing in her eyes as she listened to him speak. He was different. Much different than a certain two she knew. He had morals. She admired and respected that. Did they make her ease up on her thoughts towards him? Not in the slightest.

"That is very commendable Brendan. Most men your age and lower are horn dogs that can't keep it under control," Courtney replied with a chuckle.

"That's true, however there are a few of us who manage well enough," Brendan stated, finishing his meal.

He looked up to see that Courtney's face was dangerously close to his. His hazel irises were suddenly lost in her lilac depths.

"So you've told me," Courtney purred, placing a hand under Brendan's chin, tilting his head toward her. "'ll show me as well, hmm?" She queried, her lips now centimeters from his own.

Courtney released his chin and pulled away, effectively teasing him. Much to Courtney's delight, Brendan's face grew hot and his cheeks tinted red. Giggling, Courtney flipped open the dessert menu. Brendan snapped out of his stupor and shook his head vigorously. He too, lost himself in the dessert menu.

May had finally gone through her outfits and laid out one for the morning. Pikachu had also tried on several and was now curled up on the bed next to May.

"That was fun! You looked so cute in your new clothes. You'll look even better on stage," May smiled.

"Chu?" Pikachu asked, confused.

"Oh! Right. I didn't mention the contests yet. See, I'm doing contests as well as gym battles. Contests are a bit different as I get to showcase your moves with more flare and style and all that good stuff. It's so fun!" May squeeled.

Pikachu seemed to be intrigued. She smiled wide and then yawned, causing May to do the same.

"I'm sleepy too. Why don't we get some sleep?" May sId as she climbed into bed and curled up, Pikachu hopping over and snuggling beside her.

May clicked off the light and the two slipped off to dreamland.

Courtney and Brendan were now outside the Crooner's Café looking up at the crescent moon and the starlit sky.

"That was rather fun. Thank you for that," Courtney said with a smirk.

"You're welcome, though I ought to be thanking you for suggesting it. First dates, I heard, are kinda awkward. But you didn't make it that way," Brendan replied with a chuckle.

"No trouble at all Brendan. Anyway, we should do this again sometime," she winked.

Brendan swallowed. The look in her eyes was sultry and teasing, and the sad part was that he couldn't even tell.

"I'd like that. Yeah, that'd be great!" Brendan replied.

"Good. Next we meet, we'll do this again. Until then," she paused, leaning in to nip at his ear and purr. "Keep doing what you're doing," she finished, planting a wet one on his cheek.

Brendan froze as she did this for the second time. Goosebumps broke out on him as she pulled away.

"See you soon," she whispered teasingly before walking off and leaving him to his own devices.

Brendan was still mesmerized by the effects of what had occurred. He didn't notice the paper that was slipped into his pocket, which had an address written on it.

Looks like it's -Puts on shades- getting hot in here. Eh? No? Okay, never again. Anyway, more development between the two as this is a Romance/Action-Adventure story. Nothing major happening save for this first date.

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