Chapter 6

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Parth is seen walking here and there holding his head .
Tension is clearly visible on his face .

The other four Pandavas are sitting on his bed and watching their ever calm and self balanced brother loosing himself .

Two women are sitting on the couch smiling teasingly .

Atlast nakul break the pin drop silence .

Nakul - bhratashree , what's wrong with you ?
What are you thinking?

Sehdev - oho nakul why do you always jump in between?
Bhratashree must be in his dreamland with bhabhishree .
Let him continue na

Parth - ohhh shut up you both .
She will be your bhabhi when she will except me .
And it seems that if looks can kill she would have killed me infinite times till now .

Yudhishthir - oh god why are you so much scared parth ?
Just go and tell her that you love her .

Bheem - yes , and i am sure she will not be able to reject the most desirable man of aryavart .

Devika - you all , don't give him your useless opinions .

Valandhara - and arya she herself is the most desirable woman of the whole aryavart .
And an exceptional warrior .

Devika - and i am sure you all never want your brother beaten black and blue by his own to be wife .

The two ladies were none other than Devika and Valandhara .
They just got to know that their dever is the prey of love bug now .
And they are soo excited to get another sister in form of krishnaa .

Parth - bhabhishree please help me .
I am going crazy .
I really don't know what to do .

Devika - Parth you don't need to be worried .
Just be yourself .

Parth - Means?

Valandhara - Means , don't be the great Prince Arjun
Just be Parth .

Devika - and then she will not be able to ignore your innocent love .

Parth - hmmmmmmm
Actually , i have an idea .

Pandavs - what ?

Parth - hehe hehe 🤭🤭🤭🤭😆😆

Pandavs - no no please no
You can't do this

In Panchal

Panchal Palace was standing in its all proud .

Maharaj Drupad was sitting in the varanda and suddenly he heard a voice .

"I think you forgot me" came a voice of guru dron filled with sircasm .

Drupad - you will never change , right ?

Drona - never my dear friend .
Hahahaha hahahaha 😆

The two friends started with their old talks and discussion about their children future .

"Guru dron" shouted an excited krishnaa .

Drishtdyumna - Draupadi don't shout he is here only not miles far .

Krishnaa - bhratashree guru dron came after so many days sooooo hehe .

Dron - putri how many times I have told you that call me kakashree because i am your father's friend but you .....

Krishnaa - oops......sorry kakashree .

Dron - that's like my daughter .

Drupad - ohh wow , very nice
Then who i am here ?

Krishnaa - pitashreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Krishnaa went and hugged both of them .

Drishtdyumna - hmmmmmm
Now you forgot me , right?

Krishnaa - ohhhh bhratashree

She hugged her brother tightly .
This is what she is
Everyone's life
Happiness of every face in Panchal
This is Panchal Princess .

Dron - by the way, drupad as our little angel is old enough to get married i think we should talk to mahamahim bheeshm .

Drupad - yes , i was also thinking the same .

Drishtdyumna - but pitashree groom must be the best because i don't wany sister to shed a single tear otherwise i will distroy the whole Hastinapur .

Dron - calm down Agnisut , calm down .
As father as son , always aggressive .
What do you think i will let my princess be sad ?
And i will be more than happy when Arjun and Draupadi will be married because I know no one can handle the fire in her other than Arjun .

All the while krishnaa was listening all this and getting annoyed .
Always Arjun arjun Arjun , everyone is chanting his name as if nothing is more important than him .
She was now more furious on him .
She started leaving but Drishtdyumna stopped her .

Drishtdyumna - lado where are you going ?
Let's go it's time for dinner .

She just hummed and went behind them .

After dinner

Krishnaa's POV

Arjun arjun arjun i am fedup of this Arjun . He became my headache now .
I can't believe he is the one who made my father's head hung down and her pitashree is trying to make him son in law .
If i found that Arjun here i will tear him into two pieces .
How could he ?
He snatched my pitashree , my bhratashree , everyone is talking about him only .
Govind always praise him .
Even that small malini i can't believe in front of everyone she told me that he is my love and he will take me with him on his horse like a fairytale .

Who are you Arjun ?
Why are you doing this?
What do you want?

POV ends

She came to her room and shut the door loudly and suddenly she noticed some activity behind the curtain .
Before she could do anything she became the prisoner of two strong arms .
One held her waist tightly and another shut her mouth feeling her soft lips on the palm .
When she noticed who held her like that her eyes went wide open .

Here is the chapter

What do you think who came to krishnaa's chamber?
What will krishnaa do now?
What will Arjun do to get his love?

Meet you in the next chappy

Krishnaa ❤️.

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