chapter 13

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Jack walked over to the two, "leave him alone!" He said looking at the guy holding mark. Mark glanced at jack with a fearful look in his eyes. Tomas only laughing as he looked at jack. "Wow, broken record, I wouldn't expect the gangster wanna be to go and try to help you out. Or is it emo wanna be, can't tell" tomas still held at mark, looking at jack.

Jack clenched his fist, "just leave us alone, beef stick" he snapped. (Me: not a good come back but whatever! XD also when HeartsYarn said the kid was "beefy" I thought of beef sticks! XDDDD) (HeartsYarn: XDD) tomas tightened his grip on mark, making the shorter pathetically yelp and slightly squirming. The taller male then pulled mark forward and crashed him back up against the wall roughly. The stuttery kid hissing at the pain, "and what are you gonna do about it?" Tomas asked jack in a harsh tone.

Jack walked closer to tomas and punched him in the face HARD. Tomas let out a weird sound and stumbled from the impact, letting go of mark. The smaller taking that time to go and coward behind jack. Tomas stood and laughed a bit, "Ha, cute baby punches" he muttered. "I'll get you back at some point gangster wanna be." Tomas stood for a minute then thought, feeling his face. Then dumbly smiled and walked off, Still thinking about it all.

Jack rolled his eyes and looked at mark, "are you okay?" He asked softly and a bit worried. Mark rubbed at his nose, "M-my back hurts.. B-b-but that's a-all.." The raven stomped his foot slightly, "I h-h-hate it when p-people call me t-that.. 'Broken record'.. I m-mean I don't s-s-stutter to much r-right?" He asked jack, blinking.

"No, you don't stutter to much." Jack said looking at mark. Mark smiled and let out a heavy breath to calm himself. "Thank you... And you don't look like a gangster or a emo wanna be.." He kept his voice quiet so he didn't stutter.

Jack smiled a bit, "thanks" he said. "So what were you going to say before the asshole came?" Jack asked curiously. Mark shook his head slightly, "it was nothing that important." He said softly, his voice still quiet.

Jack nodded, "do u want to come outside with me?" He asked nicely. Mark blinked, then nodded a bit with a small smile on his face, "S-sure!" He said happily.

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