chapter 15

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Mark squeaked, "NO!" He let out in a yelp, then looked at Jack. Wide eyed. After a few heart beats he sighed and looked down. "I-I mean.. U-uh.. N-no.. I-i mean! S-sure I-I-if you R-REALLY want to.." He stuttered quite a bit. Jack blinked a few times, "R u okay, mark? I don't have to see them if you don't want me to" he said softly.Mark blinked and kept his gaze on the floor. "I-I'm alright... I-I-I just don't like people seeing my work.." He whispered and puffed his cheeks out again. Jack nodded and looked at the sky, smiling thinking about things.Mark stood there for a bit, then smiled slightly. "W-well... I guess I'll see you at the last class huh?" He said with a smile growing on his face. Taking his book bag. Jack smiled back and nodded, "yeah, see ya later!" He said before picking up his book bag and walking away to his next class.Mark smiled and began to head to his class as well. Happy that it seemed like him and Jack were friends now. Which was really nice. Since Mark never really had that. He smiled brighter and soon reached his class.Mark was heading to his second to last class, but weirdly, someone on the way gave him a glass of lemonade. Odd, but he took it anyway and drank it. It did taste weird, yes, but he didn't realize there was vodka mixed in. It was until he was on his way to his last class that he started to act loopy. Stumbling into class and laughing weirdly. Jack walked into his last class and sat down in his seat. Mark grinned seeing Jack walk in, giggling and slightly waving at him. "I know you.." He let out weirdly, then jumped. Hiccuping. Some kids at the back of the class noticing and snickering about this. Jack rolled his eyes but smiled and waved back before looking at the window. Mark kept waving, not stopping this lazy hand movements. He then went and drew something on his note book. Giggling slightly and glancing at Jack weirdly. Sometimes just saying 'PSSST' for no reason.Jack looked at mark, "what?" He asked when mark was looking at him and saying 'PSSST' . Mark smiled, "You look very Preeetttyyy today." He winked, then let out a hiccup.Jack blushed a bit and shook his head before looking at the window again. Mark smirked and turned to doodle once more, drawing and giggling. the bell rung, jack got up and grabbed his book bag and walked out the door. Mark smiled and did the same, but he stumbled and chuckled at himself. Walking and stumbling after Jack. jack smiled at mark once mark caught up to him, "hey mark" he said smiling. Mark hiccuped and laughed slightly, "Hey.. Beautiful." He slurred slightly, snickering. Jack blushed a bit more and rolled his eyes, "whatever, ya goober" Mark hiccuped as he laughed slightly, "B-but it's defiantly true!" He smiled lazily at the other. The two soon to their neighborhood, jack looked at mark "do u want to come over my house?" He asked nicely. Mark grinned nice and wide, "of course, handsome!" He giggled and hiccupped the two walked to jacks house, jack opened his door and the two walked inside. They walked upstairs and into jacks room, jack sat down on his bed. Mark moved and sat on Jack's bed, going and laughing as he patted on it. "Is this were the Love makin' is?" He chuckled, looking at Jack with a hiccupJack blushed and shook his head, "No." He said. Mark chuckled slightly and hiccuped again, "Oooooooohhhh... Yeah.. This is we're cuddles are taken place..." He looked at Jack and grinned, how arms out as he went and tried to hug the other. "It'sa time for da cuddles!" jack got off the bed making mark fall on his stomach on jacks bed. Mark blinked and giggled a bit, sitting up again. "Ohh... Your a tough one, huh?" He smiled and wiggled slightly, before going and tackling Jack with a big bear hug. Laughing as he did so.Jack blushed and tried to push mark back but failed. Mark chuckled, feeling the other try to push him away. "This is called cuddling Jack, you should try it some time." He grinned and let out a hiccup.jack rolled his eyes and felt someone (mark) pulling off his beanie. Mark smiled, holding the red beanie and putting it on his own head. "Mmm... Nice.." He purred, giggling. Still holding the other close.Jack looked at mark and sighed, "can I have my beanie back?" He asked nicely. Mark hiccuped, "Naw, it's mine now." He said quietly.Mark giggled and let his eyes close, now leaning up against the other. He just kept giggling. Poking the other. "Mmm... Jackaboy... You're so weird..." He mumbled the words out, smiling and giggling slightly. jack rolled his eyes "how am I weird?" He asked.Mark hiccuped again, "Your hair is green.. Yah got tattoos... You smoke... You look scary..." His voice was softer, still hiccuping from time to time. "... Your just... Weird..." (me: WHAT R U TRYING TO SAY ABOUT MY JACKY, MARK!!?!?!?) jack looked away and now didn't really feel comfortable anymore after what mark said. ( cat:  hue hue ) Mark tightened his grip on the other, "But like... Your weird... In a good way.." He shifted around slightly. "Your green hair makes you stick out... Your tattoos show that your tough... Your smoking makes others feel weaker... You scary looks make me shiver... It's all good... It makes you different..." He kept his voice soft, slightly slurring. Now staring at the floor. "It all made me... Become interested in you.. Since I'm just the normal, weak, stuttering kid.." He had a blank expression on his face, still not looking at the other. ( me: Wait! What!?! Jacks scary looks makes mark shiver?.... Interesting! XD) Jack looked at mark and smiled, "its cute when you stutter sometimes." He said softly. Mark blushed, the alcohol in his system just making him softly laugh. "Yeah, I guess so. Other kids don't think that though, they think I'm broken." He went and shrugged his shoulders, smiling. "Guess that's why I'm called a broken record." Jack smiled and cuddle up to mark a bit. Mark moved his head just a bit, to look at Jack and blinked. He paused for a moment, before going and leaning forward. Puckering his lips as he did it. Mark moved closer and closer, then he stopped and chuckled slightly. "Your eyes are very pretty." He mumbled, his eyes narrowing slightly as he smirked. Jack looked at mark and blushed a bit noticing how close they r but smiled anyway, "why r u so close to me?" He asking smiling at mark. "So I can look into your eyes." He whispered, lying. He puckered his lips again and leaded closer to the other. Doing this slowly so he could see the other's reactions. Jack blushed even more but smiled more before grabbing his red beanie and pulled it over marks eyes, He giggled a bit and gently kissed marks cheek. Mark blushed and let out a tiny yelp from being surprised. Then paused. And started to giggle, smiling as he let the beanie cover his eyes. "You're the goof." He chuckled and hiccuped. Jack rolled his eyes and took the beanie off of mark and put it his head, he stuck out his tongue a bit. Mark blinked at the tongue piercing, then chuckled more. "Alright now, time for more cuddles." He grabbed the other more tightly and loved so he would fall back on the bed. Jack falling with him. The Raven only laughing. Once jack and mark were on jacks bed, Jack felt mark pull him closer to mark. Mark smiled a bit, leaning closer to the other, "You are so Pretty.." He said softly, before his body leaned forward as well. Mark falling weird so his head rested on the other's lap. He had fallen asleep just like that. Jack blinked a bit before smiling and soon falling asleep after.
(Sorry if it seems rushed I had to write it on my computer and I didn't want my mom yelling at me to get off so yeah...)

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