chapter 17

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"Sure!" Jack said smiling a bit, he walked to the door and opened it. Mark was hesitant, but he nodded at jack and walked out the door. Rubbing his arms slightly as he looked around.

Jack walked out and closed the door behind them and started walking. Mark went and followed jack, smiling slightly as he glanced around.

The two got to an abandon park and walked in. Mark looked around and shivered slightly, moving a bit closer to jack. At one point he could hear people yelling, but he just thought it was just his mind playing a trick on them.

Jack heard the yelling to and walked over to where it was coming from. Mark yelped and glanced around before slowly following after jack. They saw a group of people, with drinks and food in there hands. Yelling and laughing at one another.

One of the people, a kid with nice brown hair and bright blue eyes, spotted them. Looking at jack, "oh shit, someone found us." He said with a small chuckle. Jack rolled his eyes and looked at mark and smiled.

A tall guy with a poofy afro like hair, looked over and smiled. "Heya friends! You guys lost or something?" He snickered looking at jack and mark. "Here, no need to hide. Come here". Jack walked over the group, "hey" he said smiling.

Mark slowly followed after jack, hiding away. The man with the poofy hair smiled and held a hand out. "Heya peeps" he said smiled welcoming. "What's your name, kid?" He asked looking at jack. "My names jack" jack introduced himself and looked at mark, "and this is mark" he added.

The kid smiled wide, "well nice to meet yah both. My names Danby or just Dan for short" he looked around, pointing at the boy with bright blue eyes. "That's Ross, and over there is Barry." He pointed at a kid with a small beard. "And that's arin and Suzy" he pointed at the couple, both of them having blond in their hair. "And that's Kevin and brain." He pointed, one kid with black hair and a little bit darker skin then the others. A beanie on his head. While brain had narrow eyes and a cigarette. Mark smiled slightly and pointed at Kevin and brain. "Hey j-jack, look, its like i-i-if they fused t-together they w-would look l-l-like you." He chuckled weakly, paused then stepped back. "I'll shut up now." He said softly.

(Me: I can't tell if that was an insult or a joke! XD) jack rolled his eyes but smiled at mark before his phone went off, "I'll be right back." He said before walking off. (HeartsYarn: meant to be a joke but it sounded like an insult! XD) mark blinked watching as jack walked off. "Alright!" He waved a bit, then looked at the others and weirdly smiling. The group of kids already chatting with him.

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