chapter 22

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"There you are sam!" Someone called making jack blushed darker than Marks. "Sean,sweetie what are you doing?" The person said making jack blushed 10x harder. "Ma, can you please get us out?" Jack asked. Jack's mom walked over to the two guys and smiled at jack before undoing the leash. Mark's face was covered by a mad blush, his eyes slightly watery from all this embarrassment. Once able to, mark quickly moved out from under jack and got to his feet, then brushed himself off. He looked at Jack's mom and smiled slightly, "oh u-uh... Heya.. Y-y-you must b-be Jack's mother.."

"Yes, I am" Jack's mom said kindly. "And who are you my dear?" She asked nicely. Mark smiled a bit, seeming a little more comfortable with jacks mother, since she seemed kind. "My name's M-mark Fischbach." He spoke more quietly trying not to stutter.

"That's a nice name" Jack's mom said kindly. "So mark, are you and my son dating?" She asked politely. Mark blushed and rubbed at his arms, "N-no... Heh .. I-i-it's..j-just t-that S-sam's leash got u-us t-t-tangled a-a-and-" he stopped himself realizing how badly he was stuttering. He sighed heavily.

Jack's mom nodded, "oh ok, well I was walking sam past here and I guest he knew sean was here and ran off" she explained. "I'm sorry if he scared you guys" Jack's mom said nicely. Mark rubbed at his arms and smiled slightly, "Oh.. I-it's alright.."

Jack looked at sam and petted his head a bit making the dog bark. Jack's mom smiled and grabbed Sam's leash, "well sam and I have to walk back home now, it was meeting you mark." She said kindly. Mark nodded and smiled warmly at her, "O-oh alright.. It was v-very nice m-meeting you."

Jack's mom smiled back, "bye!" She said before her and sam walked away. Jack got off the ground and muttered something in Irish before sighing and looked at mark. Mark blinked rubbing at his arms, "what was that j-jack?" He asked slightly smiling.

Jack rolled his eyes and started walking the way they came in. Mark's smiled faded and let out a small breath, moving and following after with his head down.

Once the two were out of the old train tunnel, jack looked at mark and smiled, "what I said was 'go raibh embarrassing' " he said smiling at mark. (It means 'that was embarrassing' in Irish)
Mark thought for a bit, translating some of the words in his mind. Since he's studied languages before. The raven chuckled slightly, "N-not really... S-she's v-v-very nice.."

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