chapter 26

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Jack and sam walked into the abandoned park and were walking past the old train tunnel until sam started barking then he started running into the tunnel. Jack ran a after sam, "SAM!!!!" Jack called running deeper into the tunnel. Mark got slightly teary eyed, looking around and heading the direction where he thought the path was. But he only walked deeper in the area. God, everything around him seemed to be green. "S-so... I-i-i'm totally lo-!" He was cut off, not realizing the fallen brach in front of him. He kinda tumbled down into ditch, yelling when feeling small amounts of pain everywhere. He tumbled into thick brambles, the thorns clawing at his skin and making him bleed slightly. He let out whimper, and tried to get up, but.... There were so many plants....he couldn't get up.. "O-oh god... T-t-this is how i-i'm gonna die.."

Sam got over to the edge of the ditch where mark fell and barked at him. "SAM!!! GET OVER HERE!!!!" Jack called, he got to where sam was. Sam looked at jack and then looked down at mark and barked more, "what are you barking at sam?" Jack asked a bit annoyed. Mark couldn't help but smile when seeing jack, trying to move so he could at least wave, but it only made it so more thorns pierced his skin. Some cuts getting deeper. "A-a-ahh... J-jack! Mmhmg.... H-help.." He did his best to call out, but it was hard with the stinging pain that came to him.

Jack looked down to see mark in the ditch, his eyes widen. Mark let out a sound, feeling the thorns in skin. His leg and arms being kinda spread out to, only making it worse. "J-jack... P-p-please do something!" He whined, closing his eyes tightly.

Jack sighed and unhooked Sam's leash used it as a rope for mark. Mark licked his lips and watched jack send the other half of the leash down by him. He moved his arm, trying to grab the leash. Then grabbed it just a bit, brambles making it hard to move. "G-got it." He whimpered.

Jack started to pull mark u with sam helping, soon mark was out of the ditch. Mark smiled a bit, teary eyed and doing his best to not touch his cuts. They were all over his shown skin. "T-thanks..." He said softly. "You're welcome...." Jack said hooking sam to his leash again, "what happened?" Jack asked looking at mark.

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