chapter 40

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Mark was picking on a scab on his arm, glancing up at jack for a moment to see the other's bright red face. "So...... W-who were you texting? Was it some g-girl or something? C-cause you're blushing a-a lot." He chuckled slightly, then sighed more calmly. Still picking at the scab. (HeartsYarn: I bet they were talking about tomas. Imao jk. ) (me: OOOOOOHHHH HHHHHEEEEEELLLL NOOOOO!!!!!!) "You could say that" jack said laughing a bit. (Me: ooooooohhhhh is mark jealous? XD)

(HeartsYarn: a lil yeah, imao) mark blinked and made a face, "oh, g-gotcha." He mumbled and rolled his shoulders, again. Finally stopping himself from picking at his scab. "What's h-her name..?" He whispered. (Me: MARK, ITS JACKS MOM FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!) jack looked at mark and decided maybe it wouldn't hurt to tell his mom's first name. "Sherry" he said simply. (Me: I GUSSED OK!!!! DON'T JUDGE ME!!! XD)

(HeartsYarn: well he doesn't know that it's Jack's mom. So you can't yell at him for thinking it a girl from school. Kek) "huh, cool" he stretched slightly, his house now in view. "She s-seems... Nice" mark kept mumbling, pretty much to himself at this point. He had just gotten so quiet. Yet his stutter would break through from time to time. (Me: I could if I tried harder) once they got to Mark's house, jack looked at mark and smiled. (Me: GOD DAMN IT, THE STRUGGLES!!!! IDK IF I WANT JACK TO TELL MARK THAT SHERRY IS HIS MOM OR NOT!!!! AAAAHHH!!!)

(HeartsYarn: o) mark smiled slightly, "w-well uh, bye.... And t-thanks..." He slowly moved up to his front door and he's totaled before walking inside. "I h-hope you have fun w-with that sherry g-girl!" And that, he walked inside and shut the door behind him. A loud and very long sigh leaving his lips. (HeartsYarn: its to late now. It's to lllllllaaaaattteeee) (me: OH COME ON!!!!!) jack felt some of his heart break when mark shut the door but ignored it and started walking away until he realized something, 'shit! He doesn't know that my mom IS sherry!' He thought cursing at himself.

Mark moved upstairs slowly and threw his shirt off, stretching his arms out and frowning. "Well darn it. I d-didn't know he w-was DATING someone. O-or at least... H-has a crush on this 'sherry' girl... God I'm stupid." He moved and sat on his bed. For some reason not really.... Wanting to do his homework for once. Like, for once he actually had homework he didn't do right away. And now he just didn't want to do any of it. "I-i'll.... Do it later." (HeartsYarn: akakakakAKAKAK) (me: oh, don't you "akak" me!!!!) 'I'll tell him tomorrow' jack thought trying to calm his nerves but that didn't work to well, 'he probably Hates me now'. He didn't notice the tears falling from his cheek while walking home.

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