chapter 43

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Mark and Tom walked over to the dinner table and sat down, sighing when his mom took his plate away. "What are your schools grades?" "They're all As mom". "Did you fail any test?". "No." "Are you doing drugs again?". "N-no mom". "Are you stealing? Or hurting others?" "I'm not doing any o-of that mom." "You still single?" "Yes ma, now please, let me e-eat!" He got a small nod from his mother as she pushed the plate back towards him. Mark smiling slightly and starting to eat again. Once they got Jack's house, they walked inside and jack walked upstairs and into his room with sam following. His mom went  to go make dinner.

Mark started to eat at his food slowly, knowing that if he eats quickly his mother will scold him. "So, are you finally deciding to pick a job that matter's like your father's?" Oh no not this, not the military talk. He quickly went into his thoughts and used that to ignore this conversation. And of course he thought about jack 'I wonder why jack was walking away so fast? Was he mad?'. Jack was sitting on his bed with sam next to him laying his head on Jack's lap. Jack let his mind wonder and then he started to think about mark making him blush madly.

(HeartsYarn: oml is he thinking about mark sexually? XD) 'Maybe he's mad at me? I don't think I did anything wrong? Right? Guys that have hoy bodies never get mad...right? That's what the TV said anyways. Dammit' marks mom kept rambling on about the job he should try to do, while mark just dazed off. Tom still there eating nicely. (Me: no! XD he was thinking about mark as a normal person... A normal person who he Has a crush on! XD) jack covered his face with his hands, "why did I have to have a crush on my friend" he whispered. (Me: Also mark, you think Jack has a hot body!?!?! Are you listening to yourself right now? XD)

(HeartsYarn: imao ((((; ) "Mark!" His mom was talking loudly, saying name, but he wasn't listening. 'I wonder who that girl is? Do I have to be cooler? Then will he actually notice me more and not that sherry girl? Maybe I should just dye my hair black again. Mom said I looked stupid. Maybe that's why he's already trying to third wheel me?' His thoughts were like fog clouds. Thick, fog clouds. (Me: Ooohhh jealousy mark activated! XD also mark a little to jack about it) (HeartsYarn: my shy smol bean can't talk things out doe. He too shy, kek)

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