chapter 56

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Mark just stretched out more and now sat up, a yawn leaving his mouth. "So uh, let me What's your sexuality..?" He whispered, his voice smooth and now even lower. "I'm bisexual, what about you?" Jack asked looking at mark.

Mark blinked, moving so he could hug jack from behind, his arms around the other's torso. There was a weird grin on his face. "N-not really sure actually... My sexuality is just a jumble of confusion and curiosity right now. Heh..." Jack blushed feeling mark wrapped his arm around Jack's waist, "oh ok" he said simply.

Mark smiled slightly, now letting his chin rest on the other's shoulder. "Have you dated anyone before....?" He whispered... His voice like a low growl. Jack blushed more, "no, why?" He asked starting to smile a bit.

Mark shrugged, humming a bit. "No reason... Just... Curious ~" the male mumbled close to Jack's ear. Jack blushed more and covered his face with his hands but couldn't stop the smile on his face.

Mark was silent for the most part at the moment, just humming and hugging the other. Until a weird smirk was plastered on his face. "Hey, why don't we play a game, huh?" He let his hold on the other loosen. Jack moved his hands away from his face and looked at mark, "um...okay. What's the game about?" He asked.

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