Bonus Chapter. 2

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Mason's POV

This is Masons version of what happens after Becca breaks up with him and walks out of the house leaving him and his mom......

I stood frozen on the same spot Becca had left me in trying to wrap my head around what had just happened. She's gone. She's actually gone and she's not My Becca anymore. I went to open the door to stop her from leaving but my mom's voice stopped me.

"Don't you dare go after her Mason." She shouted at me.

I turned to face her so quick am surprised I didn't get a whiplash. I took long angry strides towards her and stood toe to toe with her towering over her. My mom was the most important woman in my life. But that was before I met Becca. She and I met in the most awkward if situations but right now she was woven into the very fibre of my existence. I loved my mom but Becca was my world now and I couldn't loose her.

"Why mom? Why?"I asked through gritted teeth.

"Because you are my baby boy and I know what's best for you. And that half naked tattooed girl is not good for you." She replied.

I wanted to lash out and scream at my mom but I held myself back. I couldn't do that to the woman who had raised me all on her own in a society where single mom's were frowned upon. My mom was the most understanding person out there with a golden heart. Am sure I could make her see reason. This was all just a huge misunderstanding. Am sure if I just sat down and explained everything to her she would understand why Becca was the best thing to ever happen to me.

I took her hands in mine and guided her to the seat "Sit down mom let's talk."

She nodded and sat down on the sofa and I sat next to her. I was pretending to be calm but deep down inside I was dying and all I wanted was to go after Becca but I couldn't do that. I had to deal with this situation with my mom first.

"First of all am so happy your here. I missed you. I didn't even know you were coming." I said giving her as much of a genuine smile as I could with all the pain in my heart as I pulled her in for a hug.

"I missed you too baby boy. I wanted it to be a surprise." She replied when we pulled apart and she patted my cheek lovingly.

My mom and I had been so close and I told her basically everything. I always missed her when she was outside the country but since I met Becca it had been easier to deal with her absence. Now she was here but Becca was gone. It's like I could only have one of them in my life. I refused to believe that though. My mom and the love of my life had to get along. They were both equally important to me but I would choose Becca over my mom in a heartbeat. Maybe she knew I would think that way and that's why she made the decision for me. She just gave me more reasons to love her. She was willing to sacrifice her happiness to save my relationship with my mom. She was just perfect.

"Mom why did you treat Becca like that?" I asked getting serious.

"Mason I thought we were over this. Your a big boy now. You can't throw tantrums over my absence and date such girls."She replied.

Then it clicked. When I was younger I went through a rebellious phase. My mom's foundation was just picking up so she was away a lot. I didn't like that so I tried anything to attract her attention. That included dating girls who my mother wouldn't approve of. It was a stupid thing to do because I just got hurt and used badly by the girls. Anyway long story short my mom and I talked and I eventually outgrew that phase.

But my mom had to understand that Becca was not like those girls. She was anything but. She was beautiful both inside and out. She had the biggest heart and at times she could be a savage but it only added to her personality which I loved about her. She loved me for me and not my money. She actually hated it when I spent money on her. Too bad though because I loved spoiling her.

"Mom, Becca is not like those girls. I'm over fake dating girls who don't care about me as a person to get your attention. Am too old for that." I replied.

She shook her head at me"No Mason. You're still my baby boy. My only child and I will protect you at whatever cost."

"I don't need protection mom. Becca is one of the most descent people I have ever met." I defended.

"Are we still talking about that same girl I saw when I walked in?" She asked surprised.

"Yes mom."

"The half naked girl with tattoos?" She asked.

"She was half naked because we just woke up and I see nothing wrong with getting tattoos. I was thinking of getting one myself." I replied.

My mother's mouth dropped in shock and she just stared at me gaping.

"Oh my sweet boy. What has that girl done to you? She has ruined my sweet child. Don't worry, mom is here to fix everything." She replied.

I swear to God it's as if she wasn't listening to me. Ruined?! Becca saved me. She gave me life. She was my baby girl. How could someone so perfect ruin me?

"Mom your not listening to me. I know your first impression of her wasn't perfect but Becca is the best thing to ever happen to me in a while. Mom I love her please just meet her and get to know her." I pleaded.

"Listen to me son. You may think you love her but it's just an infatuation. You'll get over her very soon. I promise you." She said patting my cheek.

I grabbed her hand and sandwiched it between mine.

"Mom please listen to me. Becca is not who you think she is. She's nice and perfect and she makes me happy. Don't you want me to be happy?" I asked her.

"Of course I want you to be happy. Your my only son. The most important person in my life. That's why that girl had to go. She was not good for you." She replied and I groaned out loud getting up.

It's like everything I said was going in one ear and coming out the other. I actually wanted my mom to like Becca but it looked like that wasn't going to happen.

"You know what I'm done with this. I have to go find Becca." I said looking for my keys.

"Mason if you dare walk out that door to go after that girl you will see a side of me you have never seen before. I will protect you at whatever cost even if it means I need to get rid of her." My mom threatened and I felt all the power drain from my body.

I dropped in the sofa staring at my mom in shock. I heard never heard her talk like that before. Maybe it's because I had never spoke so passionately about anyone like I did when it came to Becca. My mom was a powerful woman and if she said she would destroy Becca then she would do it with a few phone calls.

"Please don't do this mom." I begged.

"Am doing this to protect you." She replied.

Something in me snapped and I had no control of what I said next "No you're doing this because you're insecure. You're scared because for the first time in my life I truly care about another woman who is not you. You're overcompensating for your absence in my life by trying to protect me in your own twisted way. You're not protecting me mother you are destroying me. Becca is my soul, my life and my whole being. You think keeping me from her is what I need but what I need is her mom. I wish you would have stayed in whatever country you just came back from. At least then everything in my life was perfect. I had the love of my life in my arms and you were still the best mom in the world."

After that rant I grabbed my car keys and left the house. I didn't care anymore. I was going to see Becca whether my mother approved or not. I was in love with Becca not my mother.

I pulled up at the gate of her hostels and parked my car carefully by the side of the road before getting out. As I got in I was called over by the gate man. He always greeted me with a smile before but right now he had a stone cold face on.

"Kijana unadhani unaenda wapi?Ebu kwanza inua mikono." He asked chewing on a piece of grass.

Young man where do you think you're going? Lift your hands.

He knew where I was going. I had been here several times before. I did as he said and stood there as he frisked me. Since when do they frisk guests here. I let him do it though I didn't like it one bit.

"Nimeenda kuona Becca." I replied impatiently and began to walk away but he stopped me by blocking my path.

I'm going to see Becca.

"Becca hayuko na ata kama yuko hataki kukuona na ata kama anataka kukuona hauruhusiwi kuingia hapa." He said and I looked at him confused. What the hell did he mean by that?

Becca is not here and even if she is she doesn't want to see you and even if she wanted to see you, you're not allowed in here.

"Unamaanisha nini ukisema hivo?" I asked him.

What do you mean by that?

I knew Becca was in there. It was the only place she could go. Her only friend was Lee and she was banned from going to Lee's place.

"Let me use a language you will understand better young man. You are not allowed in there. Please leave before I remove you myself." He threatened and I took a step back.

I didn't have any issues with this man and I didn't want to start any trouble.

"Please let me see her. It's all a simple misunderstanding." I pleaded.

"No." He replied.

I knew I wasn't going to move him that way so I grabbed my wallet and took out all the cash I had which was about three thousand shillings and handed it to him. He eyed the money in my hands before giving me a once over from head to toe. He then grabbed the money from my hands with a smile on his face which I returned with a small one of my own. I thought I had won him over and began walking toward Becca's house but he stopped me again.

"It's still a no young man." He said pocketing the money.

"But you just took my money." I replied flabbergasted.

"Yes, Yes I did. Only a fool would turn down free money. Now leave before I get angry and release my beautiful dog on you." He said pointing at the huge German shepherd chained next to his post. That was one huge dog that I didn't want tearing through me. I raised my hands in surrender.

"Okay how about this. I call Becca and if she comes out to see me I can go in." I negotiated.

He seemed to think about it for a while before he nodded and indicated for me to go ahead. I grabbed my phone and dialed Becca's number. It rang for a while but she didn't pick up and the call was cut off.

"Labda amelala wacha nimjaribu tena." I said redialing.

Maybe she's asleep, let me try her again.

After calling her five more times without anyone picking up the phone it was finally shut off on the sixth call. The gatekeeper looked at me with a winning smile and pointed to the gate.

"Please let me see her." I begged.

"Apana. Sasa toka. Bruno hajakula nyama siku mingi na najua kijana sonko kama wewe uko na nyama laini na tamu sana." He said walking towards his dog.

No. Now leave. Bruno hasn't had meant in a while and a sure a rich boy like you is made of sweet tender meat.

I gave up trying to plead with him and went back into my car. I tried calling Becca again but her phone was off so I called her best friend.

"Hey rich boy." Lee greeted gleefully when she picked up. She always picked up my calls like that.

If she was this cheerful it meant that Becca hadn't told her yet.

"Where are you Lee?" I asked her.

"Jake took me for a romantic get away. So how's you and my girl doing?" She asked and I could tell she was smiling and wriggling her eyebrows.

"I won't bore you with the details but something happened and we broke up. She's not picking my calls and the gatekeeper won't allow me to her place. Can you just come back and check up on her? I think she really needs you right now. " I pleaded my voice breaking in the end.

I heard silence in the other end of the phone before Lee lost it or it loaded in her brain what I had just said and she started shouting at me.

"What the fuck did you do Mason? I can't come back right now. I'm in a different country at the moment. It'll take me days to get back there." She shouted angrily.

"Then please send someone else to check up on her or at least call her yourself." I begged.

I was doing a lot of pleading and begging today but for B it was all worth it.

"Okay let me see." Lee said before hanging up. I leaned back in my seat and groaned out frustratedly.

I rubbed my eyes fast willing the tears not to come but it was really hard. I know grown men don't cry but I would cry if I lost Becca. Crying is even an understatement. I would wail like a child who just lost their favorite toy. Why was this happening to me? I did not want any of this. Last night B and I were happy in each others arms. Right now we were broken up and she didn't even want to see me.

I took out my wallet from my pocket and opened it. I stared at the picture I had in there which was of B. She was seating on the passengers seat of my car biting into a burger. I had taken this photo on our first date. She had begged me to delete it but I just printed it out and put it in my wallet. She looked so beautiful in that moment.

I don't know for how long I sat there staring at her photo and kissing it when my phone rang. I picked it up immediately knowing it was Lee.

"She's not picking up my calls and I've sent two people already to check up on her but they are all saying nobody is home but I know she's in there. What did you do Mason?" She asked sounding hurt and angry.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I apologized.

"You know what rich boy. Fuck you."I heard some rushed rustling before she said" Baby pack up we need to go. B needs me." I heard her say before she hang up the phone.

I stayed outside for a while longer before I finally gathered the strength to drive away. I didn't want to leave but if I stayed away too long my mom would get agitated and think am with Becca and actually carry out her plan.

I'm so sorry my love. Am sorry I can't fight for you. Am sorry I can't keep you.

"Where are you coming from Mason?" My mom asked as soon as I got into the house.

"Nowhere." I replied without sparing her a glance and walked straight to my room slamming the door behind me.

I changed into sweatpants and the hoodie B got me on her school trip before I lay in my bed hugging one of her t-shirts that she had left behind. So this is what was left of my romance with B because of my selfish uncaring mother. The both of us suffering separately but still deeply in love with each other. I turned to my side and lay my head on the pillow she had declared hers. I inhaled her intoxicating scent and I let the tears flow. A grown man crying for a girl. Sue me but this was more than a girl to me. She was my soulmate. And I didn't care if crying for her made me weak but I didn't care. I was hurting.






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