Chapter Nine

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It was eight in the evening when we arrived back at school. We were all exhausted from the long journey but very happy from what we had achieved. Our school had been ranked top out of all the thirty universities in attendance. If there was a trophy I'm sure we'd have carried home the biggest one but our certificates for participation were enough as it really wasn't a competition. We were just ranked to show which universities needed to improve of their skills.

Dr James stood at the front of the bus to talk before we left.

"Settled down." He ordered and we all kept quiet. "Now a few things before we leave. First of all I want to thank you all for giving me an easy time. I know it's hard to behave at your age but in spite of the few mishaps here and there it was a smooth trip so thank you. Clap for yourselves." We all clapped and he continued when we quieted down. "Next is thank you to all of you for all the awesome performances. Dr. Beatrice and I are very proud. A special thanks to our writer and our lead star. Igwe to you guys." He complimented and we all clapped out loud. The rest of the class saying Igwe over and over again to Lee and I. "Enough enough. Let's not forget a thank you to the two girls too for treating us to a feast. We know we said thank you but really that was unexpected and we appreciate." He said.

"Your welcome guys. I'd say anytime but then you'll get used to it and I'm just a hustler like the rest of you." Lee said and we all laughed.

"Finally go get some rest because on Monday we have a meeting with the Vice Chancellor. Dress nice. And yes Kylie I'm looking at you."

"What did I do?" Kylie asked innocently.

"You know what I'm talking about. Goodnight ladies and gentlemen. See you on Monday." Dr. James said before exiting the bus.

"Goodnight kids. It was a good week and I'm a very happy HOD. I will see you on Monday and listen to Dr. James Kylie." Dr. Beatrice teased exiting the bus too making us all laugh and Kylie groan. She was famous for her skimpy clothing.

"I swear you guys just pick on me." Kylie complained getting up from her seat.

She shouldn't have said that wearing a romper that showed half her butt cheeks and her nipples poking out, showing she had no bra on. That girl really was something but she was just comfortable with her body and I admired that though I'd never dress like her.

"So is Mason picking you up?" Lee asked as we exited the bus.

"No. I want to surprise him. We arrived a day early so I decided not to tell him." I answered.

"That's cool. Well Jake is going to be here any minute." She said.

"I'm sure you guys have a lot of catching up to do." I said with a knowing look.

"Yes we do." She replied in a sultry tone making me chuckle.

"Here are your suitcases ladies. I'll see you on Monday." Dennis one of our classmates said bringing us bags.

"Thanks Dennis. Goodnight." Lee said.

"Goodnight." He replied and left.

"I see Jake. Make sure to let me know when you get to Masons place safe and I'll let you know when we get to the house. I love you boo. Say hello to Mason for me and I will see you at the meeting ." Lee said pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

"I love you too. Goodnight love." I said kissing her cheek before we parted ways.

I took a motorbike to Masons place. I could have walked if I wasn't carrying three bags.

Carrying all three bags up the stairs was not an easy thing to do. Thankfully I had been pretty physically active since I decided to quit drugs. All the runs Lee made us do before rehearsals made sure I wasn't out of breath when I got to Mason's door which was on the third floor. I stood outside for a few minutes deciding what to do, knock or just enter. The light was on so I knew he was awake and I could hear the Tv so he was either watching a movie or playing video games.

I decided to knock because entering in myself would lead to too much noise and I wanted to surprise him. So I knocked and waited. I knocked again and still no answer. I decided to hell with it. Maybe he had headphones on while playing video games.

I took my key out of my bag and decided to just go in. Mason had given them to me a week after he asked me to be his girlfriend but I had never used them.

I unlocked the door and let myself in leaving all my stuff and shoes by the door. When I walked into the living room I almost laughed at the sight. Mason was seated cross legged on the rug in front of the Tv playing soccer on his game console. He was dressed in a pair of shorts and a loose tank top and his hair was a mess. I don't think I've ever seen Mason look so relaxed and with so much skin showing. He was always dressed in hoodies and jeans or a T-shirt and sweatpants if he wanted to relax.

I wondered how he hadn't noticed me yet. I took off one of my socks rolled it into a ball and threw it at him. He looked immediately his face taking on a shocked look.

"Surprise!" I said smiling.

"Baby what are you doing here? You were to get here tomorrow night." He said getting up.

"I could always leave and come back tomorrow." I said turning around to leave.

He stopped me by grabbing my hand, turning me around and pulling me into his arms. I put my hands around his neck and he put his on my thighs before hoisting me up. My legs wound themselves around his waist and he pushed me into the wall burying his face in my neck.

" God I missed you." He said kissing my neck.

"I missed you too." I replied burying my hands in his hair.

"This is a good surprise. Are you alone?" He asked.

"Yeah. Jake picked up Lee at the gate." I explained.

"Why didn't you call me to pick you up? You know I don't like it when you walk alone at night." He scolded.

"I wanted to surprise you." I reply.

"But still....." I shut him up with a kiss.

He was surprised at first but he responded fast enough. I had really missed him. He tasted of passion fruit so he must have had some of that recently. His lips were so soft and felt so good against mine. I still felt the tingles all over my body whenever we kissed. Our lips and tongues clashed in a dance of passion showing how much we had missed each other. We soon pulled apart for air out foreheads pressed against each other.

"I really need a shower." I said after a few minutes of us staring at each other.

"No you don't. You smell great to me." Mason said sniffing my neck before licking it making me giggle.

"Mason stop I really need to shower. Put me down." I requested and he did.

"Fine go take a shower. I'll get your things." He said.

"Okay but don't open anything. I have a surprise for you." I replied heading to the bathroom.

"Now I have to see." Mason whispered thinking I wouldn't hear him.

"Mason Baraka don't you dare look through my bags." I ordered him through the bathroom door.

"Yes ma'am." He replied.

I heard him mutter something in the lines of women and their supernatural hearing making me laugh.

I had definitely missed that man.


When I got out of the bathroom I found Mason trying to go through my stuff. I stood leaning on the door watching him with a towel wrapped around me. He struggled with the suitcase lock for a few minutes before I felt sorry for him.

"It's your birth year." I told him making him jump.

"I'll not even try to pretend I wasn't looking. You knew I'd try to look that's why you told me about the surprise." He said putting in the code.

"Yeah you're right. I'm nasty that way." I told him grabbing a change of clothes. "Now turn around."

"You know I'll see you naked sooner or later right." He said turning around.

"Yeah well till later arrives you can keep imagining." I told him quickly pulling on my clothes first.

A simple pair of shorts and a tank top would have to do.

"I do imagine alright and it drives me crazy." He said making me smile.

"Okay you can turn around now." I told him and he turned to look at me.

"You look good." He complimented pulling me into his arms and kissing me lightly.

"I thought you were looking for your surprise."I teased him when we pulled apart.

"Yes I was until you distracted me." He replied.

He pecked me quickly before turning it to my suitcase and pulled out a shopping bag.

"I thought you hated shopping." He teased.

"Just look inside." I replied.

I was so nervous not knowing how he would react. It was so hard finding a gift for a guy who had money to get anything he wanted so I decided to go simple. Fingers crossed he wouldn't think them cheap.

"Oh My Word! Babe you didn't."He exclaimed shocked seeing what I had gotten him.

"So what do you think?" I asked him.

"Babe I love them. Thank you so much." He said pulling out two matching black hoodies. I didn't want to go basic with the cliche ' king&queen ' or ' His&hers ' choices because they looked dorky unless worn as a pair. I decided to be basic but creative. My hoody had Minnie mouse on it while his had Mickey mouse.

"You're welcome. I wanted to get you something simple but thoughtful." I explained to him.

"This is the best gift I have ever received." He said pulling me into his arms.

I was starting to realize that he likes doing that a lot.

"Don't exaggerate babe. They are awesome but not that great." I said.

He looked at me before he shook his head and sat down on the bed pulling me with him so I fell on his lap straddling him. My hands around his neck and his around my waist.

"I want to tell you something. Don't interrupt me till I'm done." He instructed me.

"What about?" I asked looking at him quizzically.

"What have I just said? " He scolded.

"But you hadn't started talking yet." I defended and he glared at me. I made a zipping gesture on my lips and tossed the key away.

"This past two months since I met you have been heaven. I didn't think I would meet someone like you in my life till the rain carried you to my door. You are intriguing, you make me happy and best of all you make me feel complete. I know you said that I wouldn't be able to like you with your tattoos and all your bad habits but all those just make you the person who you are and I love all of you Becca's Rubadiri." Those words punched the breath right out of me but he wasn't done yet . "I know people may think that it's too soon and maybe it is but I know what I feel for you is true and pure. So even if it's too soon I love you Becca and I just wanted you to know that." He said with finality in his voice.

"Are you high?" Were the first words he heard me say making him laugh.

"No babe I'm not high." He replied.

"You sure?" I asked still in shock.

"You know this is not the reaction I expected." He expressed.

"I'm sorry I'm just shocked. That's not the reaction I expected just from giving you the hoodies." I explained.

"It's not the hoodies. I've felt this way for a while. I think since we met but I finally realized it when I saw that bus leave and I realized I couldn't live my life without you. I felt as if you were leaving me and I never wanted to feel that way ever again. I really do love you and its okay if you don't feel the same. I don't......" I cut him off with a kiss.

It was passionate and Mason kissed me back showing me exactly how he felt. He pulled me closer to him but his hands never left my waist. The man was too perfect for me. He didn't even try to cope a feel. We pulled away soon after for air.

"I love you too Mason . I don't have a whole speech so you'll have to take my word for it." I joked and he laughed.

"It's okay. You're lucky I love you so I believe you. Now say it again." He requested.

"I love you Mason." I said kissing his forehead.

"I don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing you say that." He said pulling me in for another kiss.

I was finally content. I was in love with the perfect guy and he loved me too. If this is what real love is then I'd never let Mason go because I never wanted to stop feeling like this.

 *Igwe is a title of respect and honor .*     






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