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Five weeks of travelling around the country with my boyfriend, my best friend and her boyfriend had been epic. I finally now understood why people loved our country, it was beautiful and magnificent with all the beautiful sights to offer. My favorite had been a three day camp trip to Mount Kenya. It had been so cold that Mason and I ended up sharing a sleeping bag, naked. Nothing happened but now I can confirm Lee's assumption, my man was packing a machine gun down there.

It finally did happen between Mason and I when we went over to the coast for a week and he gave me the most beautiful promise ring I've ever seen. I didn't even know people could give those here but I had fallen in love with it. I had taken Mason back to our hotel room and let him have his way with me. The first time we did, it was painful as hell, it's as if I was losing my virginity all over again. He had given me a day to heal before we went at it again and it had been the best sex of my life. Don't let my mom know that, I was her little angel. I won't give any details, a lady doesn't kiss and tell though I have already kissed and told you, but I will say this, if I didn't marry Mason out of love in the future I would marry him for the sex. It was that good.

Right now he was driving us to the airport. Lee and Jake were in the back seat snuggled together. I think Lee had considered smuggling Jake in as luggage. My feet were up on the dash, Mason hated it when I did that but he was giving me the silent treatment and I wanted him to talk to me even if it was just to yell at me.

"Get your feet off the dash Becca." He said tersely not even giving me a glance.

I ignored the fact that he called me Becca because he only does that when he's pissed at me. I didn't remove my feet off the dash either. If he could be mean I could too.

"Baby am sorry. I know you are mad am giving you the silent treatment but what do you want me to say. You are leaving for the next four months. I have the right to be upset." Mason said.

"Am upset too. Am also leaving you behind. Jake is upset too and he's all over Lee." I complained getting my feet off the dash.

Mason let out a frustrated sigh"Your right. Am sorry. I should be savouring each moment I have left with you." He agreed taking my arm in his and kissing my knuckles.

"Agreed." I said leaning over and kissing his cheek.

He turned to me and gave me a sweet smile and I managed to steal a quick kiss before I sat down on my seat.

It was comfortable silence for a while none of us saying anything just enjoying the silence in each others company.

"B have you talked to any of the others?" Lee asked.

"Yeah they both texted saying they were almost at the airport." I replied.

"Text them back and tell them to wait by the entrance. I have a surprise for all you." Mason said and I did as he asked.

" What is the surprise ?" I asked him.

He knew I wouldn't let it go so he decided to just tell me.

"You remember when you saw that picture of my mom and her business associates and you said they looked like they all flew private jets. That was true. One of them is flying to London in two hours and my mom talked him into giving the four of you a ride." Mason said in one breath and shrugged it off as if it wasn't a big deal.

It was a big deal because as soon as he finished talking Lee screamed one of her famous screams.

"And I say again Mason. If I wasn't in love with this hunk here I would kiss you." Lee said after her excitement burst.

"Hands of my man Lee." I threatened playfully.

"Babe you know that statement is a punch to my ego." Jake said to her.

"Am sorry love I take it back. But seriously how loaded is your mom. First she got us this beautiful jeep to tour the country with and now a ride on a private jet. Lee, someone is making extra effort to kiss your ass for forgiveness." Lee said.

"Your right and I don't know why yet I already forgave her. I even bought her a card for mothers day and a gift."

"Just accept and say thank you." Mason said.

"I'll call her and thank her personally." I replied.

Half an hour Later Mason pulled up at the temporary parking lot at the airport. We all got out of the car and rounded at the boot. Lee and I decided to carry a suitcase each and a carry on to avoid excess luggage. Anything we needed we would buy later.

"Ladies for you." Mason said handing me and Lee each one of those business looking satchels.

"Another Mason travel care package. I love those." Lee opening hers.

"What did you do?" I asked Mason and he just shrugged.

I opened my satchel and inside there was a brand new Macbook laptop, an iPad and a new iPhone. I assumed Lee got the same.

"Mason these are awesome. Thank you so much." Lee said giving him a hug.

"Can you guys give us a minute?" I requested Jake and Lee.

"Yes of course." Lee grabbed Jacked hand and they gave us some space.

"Please just accept them without making a fuss." Mason pleaded.

"Mason this is a lot of money you've spent. I thought we talked about this." I said frustrated at his behavior.

This was the exact reason Marie didn't approve of me,she thought I was a gold digger.

"Babe don't over think this. I just wanted you guys to have the best of everything for this trip. It's the least I can do since am not even coming with you." He pleaded putting his hands around me in a hug.

"Okay fine but no more expensive gifts." I pleaded.

"Just one more." He said pulling away.

"Let me give you mine first at least." I told him and he nodded.

I opened my backpack and removed a wrapped gift before handing it to him. He undid the wrapping paper before opening the box. Inside were two items. A ring that matched the one I was wearing just less girly and a gold bracelet engraved ' M.B is property of B.R '.

"So am your property now?" He asked putting on the items.

"It's to keep the vultures away." I informed him.

" I promise I'll never take either off." He said pulling me in for a kiss. "It seems we had the same idea."He said pulling out a necklace with his initials on. It was in the shape of a paw.

I got the joke and laughed as he helped me put it on.

"I love it thank you and I will never take it off either. Thanks babe."

"Your welcome."

I put my arms around his neck and he put his on my waist before he pulled me in for a kiss. This was a see you later kiss because i wasn't going to say goodbye to him.

"Okay love birds stop swallowing each other, time to go B." Lee said interrupting us.

We pulled apart but didn't really let go of each other.

"I'll miss you." I said my voice muffled into Masons hood.

"Ill miss you more love. I'll see you in four months." Mason said pulling me tighter against him.

He eventually let me go and hugged Lee while I hugged Jake. We grabbed all our luggage and headed towards departure to meet with our travel companions. Lee and I had promised not to look back so we linked our free hands and walked ahead without looking back. It wasn't easy but we did it.

I would make the most of the next four months so that when it came time to come back I could dedicate all my time graduating with honors and being a good girlfriend to my man.

"Ready for the best four months of our lives. Boyfriend free, parent free and in a foreign country?" Lee asked me.

"You don't have to ask me twice." I replied.

It was going to be epic.






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