Part 1

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(Madhu's POV)

I reach my destination "Kundra group of Companies (KGC)" to start my new life, my new job. Only two months back I got graduated. I had the idea of doing Masters in Administration but due to financial crisis I couldn't pursue my higher studies. Being a single parent, my mother Padmini took all the hardship to give a better life & decent education to me & to my sister Trishna. My sister also completed only her under graduation when she started working in a reputed firm with a decent pay but later through distance education she did her post graduation. She was ready to fund me for my higher studies but I did't want to bother neither my mother nor my sister. I will work & support my family as my sister is of marital age & we need to save money for her marriage, I can think of everything else later.

I had given my interview 2 weeks back in KGC & I was surprised when I got my appointment later yesterday asking me to join immediately. I am recruited for the post of personal secretary of the CEO. I don't know who is my boss yet. Hoping to see some aged bald head pot belly to be my boss. I gaze up the huge multi-story office building, all curved glass & steel. An architect's utilitarian fantasy. I was asked to report by sharp 9 in the morning & I look at my wrist watch & heave a sigh of relief as I am not late on my very first day. I step into the enormous, quite intimidating & posh - glass, steel, white marble lobby. I walk straight to the reception desk & hand my call letter indicating why I am here & what I should do next. The young elegant girl in the desk quickly studies the letter & tells "You may please go to 34th floor & wait there. CEO will arrive soon & will meet you" I mutter my thanks to her & enter the elevator & press no. 34. I travel along with two men & a lady elegantly dressed in formal suits whereas I am in my blue skinny jeans & white kurta, my hair scooped up to a pony tail. When the elevator reaches 34th floor I m alone in it as the other members stepped out in previous floors. I step out & turn to my left to see the information counter & opposite to that I see few chairs & decide to wait there, till some one calls me.

I am looking down at my feet wondering whether I will fit in the job? Whether I m raised to take up the challenge? Being a fresher I shouldn't have tried to work in a huge company. I should have looked for some easy role. "No, Madhu, you can to this, put your full effort & do your work properly. Keep faith in you. I tell myself. Then I hear foot steps & look up to see a handsome man in dark color suit walk past me without glancing at me as he seems busy talking over his phone. Again I resume my position of staring my feet.

"Miss. Malik" a girl calls my name.

"Yes" I say softly & stand up.

"Please ,this way Miss. Malik" she leads the way into the office.

"No need to knock. You may enter in directly, as our boss is expecting you" she tells. I nod & Enter in to the office room. A tall man in dark suit, the same person I saw few minutes back outside in the waiting hall is my boss. He is looking outside the huge glass wall with one hand tucked in his pants pocket & other placed on the glass wall. The look of the city from this height is staggering.

"Sir" I whisper to seek his attention.

He sharply turns his head & glances at me, he turns his whole body & strides gracefully to his seat regarding me closely.

"Please, have a seat, Miss. ..."

"Madhubala Malik" I tell him& sit on the chair opposite to his desk as elegantly as I could.

"Oh yeah. My new secretary. You have a very impressive GPA, Miss Malik. And that's the reason why you got this job" he says with attitude, lean back on his chair, he crosses his legs, his ankle resting on his other knee.

"Sir" I nod.

"So you do know your role in this office right?" He inquires me. Holy cow! I don't know!

"Um... I..." I stammer.

"You should be here at sharp 9 every morning & make arrangements for my meetings, prepare presentations, take my dictations, you will be around me almost all the time during office hours, whenever I call you, you should be present in my cabin in the next 10 seconds... & finally you will be making my coffee" He says everything in a blink. He is quite intimidating.

"Sir, you drink coffee at any particular time?" I ask breathing erratically.

"I need my coffee when I reach the office in the morning & one at 4 in the evening. In between I may ask you" He says fidgeting his pen between his index & middle finger. Its quite distracting. I couldn't concentrate on his words. He clears his throat & I look up at him.

"Yes, Sir" I nod.

"So you may start your work from now on. Opposite cabin is yours. Company will be providing you mobile phone & laptop for office purpose not to play subway surfer..."

"I don't play games in mobile phone, Sir" I tell him politely.

"Well, good then. But still don't read story books in kindle app or Wattpad during work hours. Got it?" he asks. I flush. How does he know I read e-books?

"Yes, Sir" I say.

"One more important thing, I want my employees focused on work & only work. Nothing else. If I assign any task then it should be ready on time or prior to it. And... be punctual" he seems a total control freak. I simply nod as I couldn't articulate any words.

"You may go now" he tell. I heave a sigh of relief to hide in safety. He makes me feel hot and bothered. His dark captivating eyes makes my blood rush through places which really bothers me.

"Thank you, Sir" I say & stand up to take my leave.

"Call me, Chief" he tell looking though a file.


"What?" He asks.

"Um... nothing. Just testing the word" I mutter embarrassed. He nods. I make my move but he stops me saying "Wait"

"Sir?" I ask.

"Make me a cup of coffee" he says & tilts his chin up pointing to the coffee machine.

"Sure, Sir... Chief" I need to get use to that word. Then I walk to the coffee machine "Chief, how you would like to take your coffee?" I ask.

"Make it strong. One cube of sugar" he tells without looking at me.

"Si...Chief" I nod. Then I quickly make the coffee like how he preferred & placed the cup in front of his huge mahogany desk.

"Leave" he says & taking the cup he sips the coffee. No change in his face, I guess the coffee is not bad. But he is quite rude. No thanks, nothing. I shake my head & walk out of his room & enter the cabin assigned to me. My first day went in a jiff without much work. My chief, Rishab Kundra aka Rk, didn't call me to his cabin the whole day. I was just twiddling my thumb & in lunch break I got to talk with two of my colleagues Dipali & Sikendar. Sikky seems friendly & funny but Dipali is... quite frankly a bitch. I didn't like her. I tell the same story to Mom & my sister when I reach home. But yeah, I am sure I can fit myself in the new environment. I kinda like working in KGC.


It's been nearly 2 months since I joined this job. I am doing pretty good with my job that I can see for myself. I learned my role in this office pretty well & credit goes to Mr. Kundra. He is so passionate about what he does. His vision & goals are different. He is a hard worker, quite ambitious I guess, but I am totally in awe of him.

"My cabin" Rk says the moment I pick up the call & ends it before I could utter a word. I take my note pad & hurry out & hear Dipali talking to someone over the phone. May be her boyfriend.

"Not Today, Jaanu. I was late getting in, & my boss is like an angry bear with sore head & poison ivy up his ass... we will go on date some other day..." She talks in a nasal tone. I shake my head & enter Chief's cabin. He seems to be in foul mood.

"Chief." I call him softly.

"Arrange these paper in this file date wise & type this letter & come" he says dryly. I nod & quickly arranged the papers & put it in the file.

"Chief, You want a cup of coffee" I ask politely. He is really stressed over something.

"Please" he says. I make a cup of coffee for him & place it in front of him.

"Chief, you okay?" I ask in concern.

"Leave" he says brusquely. I nod & turn to walk back to my room but I hear his loud groan. Is he sick? He is holding his head with both his hands. I rush to him & touch his forehead. It's burning. Oh god!

"Chief, you have high fever. You need a doctor" I say but he didn't reply. Suddenly he rushes to the rest room & I run behind him. He gags & throws up on the bowl of the toilet kneeling down on the floor. I sit beside him & rub his back.

"No, Please, Go" he swats my hand away.

"Chief, please let me help you" I insists. Then I help him stand & after he cleans his mouth & hands, I take him to his room & help him lie down on the couch & then I call the doctor.

"Just inform the staffs not to disturb me & thanks for your help. You may leave now" Rk says but I stood in my place. I am not leaving him alone not at least till the doctor comes.

"Chief, you please rest. I will stay here till the doctor comes" I tell but I guess he slept already.


After the doctor checked him, he gave me what all medicines to be given to him & instructs me to make sure he takes rest. After an hour or so, Rk wakes up & looks surprised to see me sitting beside him on the chair.

"You didn't go? Office time over" he reminds me.

"I know." I tell taking my hand near to his head to check his temperature but he moves back.

"I am fine. Thanks"

"No, you are not. You still have fever. I have made veg-soup for you, please have this & take your meds" I order him. He raises his eye brow.

"I am sorry, Chief. Please have this" I say in a leveled tone & hand him the soup bowl.

"I will have. You go home. It's late"

"You eat then I will go" I smile at him. He glares at me & fishes out his phone from his coat pocket & dials someone.

"Hello, Patil, Madhu ma'am will come down now, you take her to her home" He tells & hangs up.


"My driver is waiting for you ready with the car. Go!" he command.


"Will you leave nicely or you want me to fire your post & throw you out of the office?" he threatens. I nod my head fearing of losing my job & run to my cabin to collect my phone & purse. Then I knock at his cabin door again.

"What?" he barks from inside. I poke my head in & remind him gently "Don't forget to take your meds. It's there on your table." I point at the medicine cover. He nods & takes a spoon full of soup.

"You still didn't leave?" he asks. I didn't realize I was staring at him expecting him to say how was soup.

"Um... Sorry." I say & lock the door only to open it again poking my head in.

"What now?"

"After taking meds, please do take rest. Don't do any work" I instruct him.

"You are one annoying woman. If you don't leave this building in a minute then I swear I will kill you" he says in a chilling tone.

"Chief..." I call him again. He sets the soup bowl down & runs both his hands through his hair, obviously frustrated.

"Do I still have my job?" I ask worriedly.

"You still have but if you utter another word then you are fired" he tells seriously. I want to tell him thank you for not firing me for annoying him but I don't want to risk losing my job by opening my mouth so I pressed both my lips tightly. He smiles & shakes his head. Then I finally let him in peace & rush down to the waiting car.


"Yes... Consolidate the shares in KGC & fire the board... Just do as I told, Bittuji... I don't give a f**k... I m the boss here so you don't tell what to do & what not to do. Okay?" Rk barks at the phone, I stand in his room waiting for him to the check the file & sign it. I m still scared of him. Just two day back he was so sick but now he is back to his usual ever in command & controlling nature, keeping his employees on their toes, may be that's the secret of his success. All he cares is his empire which he has built with his blood & sweat for which I feel so proud of him but what about his person life? He has no one to say as his family. He lives all alone in his ivory tower. I idly wonder why he puts an arrogant cold hearted man image to the world? But why I feel its just a facade & he is so sweet at heart?

"Miss. Malik, I didn't pay you for standing still like a statue" he pulls me back from my running thoughts.

"Sorry, Chief. Er.. I need your sign in these papers" I say & pass the file to him.

"Tomorrow we have an important meeting with foreign delegates so be ready with the presentation"

"Yes, Chief" I say.

"What you are waiting for? Go back to your cabin"

"File?" I point to the file I handed him now.

"I will check it, sign it & will send it back to you" he says rudely. This man never knows to be polite.

"Um... Chief"

"God save me from this most frustrating woman in the planet" he groans & closes her eyes in dread.

"Um... sorry sorry sorry chief, don't fire me from the job, please" I beg him.

"I just wanted to ask you how are you now? Did you complete the medication for your fever?"

"Oh yeah! I m awesome. Can I dance & show you? Or you wanna dance with me?" he asks taking me by surprise.

"No, Chief." I say in panic.

"Then please" he gesture his hand pointing towards the door asking me to make my way. I quickly bolts out of his room.

When I reach my cabin I notice my mobile ringing. 4 missed calls from my sister. Why?

"Hello, Didu?" I answer her call.

"Madhu, Maa... Maa..." she sobs down the phone. I panic.

"What happen to Maa? Please stop crying & tell me? You are worrying me"

"Maa met with an accident. While crossing the road, a car hit her, she is taken to City hospital huh, I don't know how she is, I got a call from the hospital, I m on my way, you too please come" Trishna tells me.

"Yes, didu, I will be there in 15 minutes" I say & hang up the phone call & grab my things & dash out of my office not bothering to inform anyone.

When I reach the hospital, I find didu outside the ICU.

"Didu, Maa... how is she? Did you talk with doctors?" I asks crying.

"Madhu... Maa is safe. Doctor informs there is no serious injury, only her right hand is cracked & some external injuries on her side head & knees. But she is fine" Didu says hugging.

"Oh thank God!" I whisper.


(Rk's POV)

(Next day)

"Dipali, Where is Miss. Malik?" I ask my employee.

"She hasn't arrived yet, Chief"

"Call her & ask her to come to office in 10 minutes... And also remind her about the meeting"

"Okay Chief"

then I walk to my room wondering why it's taking so long for Miss. Malik to reach office? She is a punctilious person, never in this 2 months since she joined she was late to office but why today?. She is one perfectionist, I got so impressed & kind of started depending on her for every simple work & tend to delegate more work on her as she is quick & accurate. That's why I asked her to prepare the presentation for this important meeting but she didn't turn up yet.

"Chief, I couldn't reach her as her phone is switched off"

"Hmm... okay" I dismiss her. I have only 15 minutes for the meeting. I cant rely on her, I should start preparing the presentation myself. But my mind went blank, I couldn't focus but wonder what happened to Miss. Malik.

When I was about to enter the conference hall, I notice Miss. Malik rushing to me.

"Sorry, Chief, I ..."

"I have no time to waste with you" I say irately.

"Chief, I m sorry. Here is the presentation" she pulls out the pen drive from her purse.

"Throw it in trash can" I say & walk past her but she follows me.

"You stay here, no need to come in" I stop her. I don't do business with unprofessional.

"Chief..." I stop her with my chilling glare.

The meeting went like crap & now I m brooding in rage in my cabin. Still frustrated with Miss. Malik's irresponsibility.

I hear a knock at the door.

"Come in" I shout. There enters Miss. Malik.

"Chief, I m really sorry... I was help up..."

"Madhubala madam, First you please sit down" I tell her mockingly. I don't want to hear her bullshit.

she stands stock still in her place.

"Chief, how the meeting went?" she asks in a meek voice.

"uff.. uff.." I blow the invisible dust on my hand & mutter "Gone!" she blinks her eyes in shocks & softly gasps.

"We lost the deal, dammit."

"I... I am sorry. If you wish I can resign my job, Chief" she says with trembling lips.

"Resign?? you are giving me the choice now? If I want I can fire you any moment."

"I just want you to do your work properly if you couldn't then at least you should know the courtesy to inform me" I growl at her.

"Yes" she says looking down at her knotted finger.

"Don't repeat this mistake again. Get back to your place now"

She nods & walks without glancing back.

I don't know what came into me & why I behaved so rudely with Miss. Malik. She is a very sweet & friendly girl. I have seen most of the girls in my office swoon on me & try to get close with me, which irks me to the core. But Miss. Malik? She never takes advantage of any situation, even two days back when I was sick she nurtured me like a caring person but she didn't step her limit.

I look up to see Miss. Malik through the one way mirror. I feel a pang of guilt hit me hard like a wrecked ball seeing her cry. She is crying with her face buried in her palms. Did I really scolded her bad? Do I owe her an apology for my behaviour?

I quickly pick my phone & call Miss. Malik as I look her from my cabin through the glass wall.

She wipes her face with the back of her hand & takes a deep breathe before attending the call.


"Miss. Malik, book a table for two in blue mount for lunch"

"Yes,Chief" she says in her sweet soft voice.

"You are accompanying me" I inform her.

"Um... I..."

"We have an official meeting with our investors" I quickly lie before she could deny me.

"Oh! Okay Chief."

"We will be leaving in an hour" I tell & hang up before letting her speak further. She stares at the phone for a second or two appalled with my behaviour as she scowls at it & I chuckle seeing her cuteness.

We reach the hotel, all our way to hotel we both remained silent. I am usually not used asking apologies. I have an ego taller than my height 6.2'' so I never bend down but here I feel the need to say sorry to Miss. Malik as I couldn't bear when I saw tears in her eyes & to know I was the reason behind her tears which made me upset.

"Sit" I pull the chair for her like a gentleman. I have never done things like this before.

"Thanks" she gave me a weak smile. I could see she is nervous though she assumes its a formal meeting but its not.

I look at her through the menu card & she seems worried about something. She keeps fidgeting her fingers. Then she gets a call & I listen to her one side conversation thought I didn't show out as I pretend to look at the menu.

"Didu, How is Maa, now?" what happened to her mother? I wonder.

"Hmm...Yeah... oh okay... I will try to come early this evening from office then we can discharge Maa... okay... bye" she says & hangs up. Discharge? Is her mother sick & admitted in hospital? Was it the reason for her being late to office today?

"Are you okay, Miss Malik?" I ask trying to start a conversation.

"Yes, Chief" she nods & looks at her wrist watch.

"Are you in hurry to somewhere?"

"Um... No." she says hesitantly.

I nod pissed that she is not confiding her worries with me. Well, who am I to her? Why should she tell me her problems?

"Let's go back to office" I tell.

"Chief, meeting?"

"Canceled" I say & walk past her & she follows me without questioning me again.

"I'm sorry" I tell her softly. We are sitting at the rear seat of the car. She turns her gaze from the window to me & blinks her eyes.

"Chief?" she asks. Gah! This girl wants me to say the word again.

"I said SORRY!!" I bark at her & she jerks back in her seat, scared. Go soft with her Rk!

"I'm sorry, I am sorry" I tell & take her hand in mine. She didn't pull her hand from my hold. She feels so soft in my hard hand.

"Miss. Malik, I want to apologize to you for my rude behaviour, this morning. I... I am..."

"It's okay, Chief. I should be the one apologizing to you & feel glad for not being fired by you. I should have called you & let you know about my absence but I didn't so I was to be blamed" she reasons my act.

"So why were you crying?" I ask her.

"Um... I got scared that I might lose my job. I badly need this job to support my family" she whispers.

"Don't worry Miss. Malik, you are a rare found. A hard worker. I will never throw you out of your job" I promise her gently squeezing her hand. She smiles in gratitude.

"So what happened to your mother?" I ask her & she looks at me for a moment wondering how I know about it but quickly works it out that I heard her phone call.

"Yesterday, she met with a minor accident. She is better now. Thanks" she says & gently extricate her hand from my hold. I didn't like that. I have this uncanny urge to hold her hand & never let it go.

"You could have told me" I tell her. If she had then surely I wouldn't have blasted her for being late, would I?

"Yeah but I had other things to handle so I forgot" she tells & I nod.

"I will drop you at the hospital now & you can take two days leave & look after your mother & don't bother about the hospital bills, company will pay it" this is the least I can do for my peace of mind.

"No. there is absolutely no need for any of those considerations. Everything is fine. I can manage." she denies my offer.

"Miss. Malik..."

"Chief you are being so generous but I really don't need your favour, thanks" she is one head strong young woman. I like her principle of handling things on her own without seeking help from others but how could she deny me? That hurts my ego.

"Who is the boss here?" I ask her raising my eye brow.

"You" she whispers.

"Well, do you want to be in this job for long?" I ask her, well threaten her. She nods.

"Then never dare to deny my words" I warn her. She nods again. I know I m frightening her. But this is how I behave. This is how I deal with things.

"Sorry, Chief. And thank you" she says, her voice cracks.

Oh my! I like this sweet little kitten.

Precap -

Rk - I love you, Madhu. Marry me!!

Madhu - ???

My friend Anika asked me to write a Boss- Secretary Love story & she even suggested me this story title. Thanks to her!

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