Part 7

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"Madhu..." I find her in my cabin. She stands up from the chair & turns to face me

"I was..." I walk close to her shutting my office door. If we are going to have another row of fight then I don't want my employees to overhear & talk nonsense about our relationship.

"Yeah, I saw..." she says calmly crossing her arms.

"It's not what you think, Madhu" I rush to tell her the event.

"What do you thing I actually thought seeing you two in your cabin?" she asks raising her brow.

"That... um.. the usual" I say evasively.

"What? You usually flirt with girls?" she asks me, shocked.

"No! I meant to say what usually wives think seeing their husbands talking to other chicks... Flirting as you put." I shrug.

"Well, I actually do know what you were doing" she says looking at her manicured nails.

"Oh really? What?" I ask. Of course she would have thought something wrong about me.

"You fired that bitch, didn't you?" she asks surprising me.

"How do you know that?" I ask curiously.

"Well, that's your maxim right?"


"When you are not so mad at your employees you just shout at them & threaten to fire them but you won't... and when you are at the heights of madness you act immensely calm but without any preamble you throw them out..." she says & stops suddenly, frowning.

"Ahaan! so you already know me well?" I ask. I am surprised that she has noted me so keenly.

"Trying to know you better" she says distracted. She is talking to me but her thoughts are somewhere else. What she is thinking? I wish I could know.

"Yeah, even I am" I want to know my Madhu better & be the best man for her.

"So you were so mad at me this morning?" she asks, now looking straight into my eyes. Oh-huh! Where she is going with this?

"Yes. I was" I agree honestly.

"That's why you were so calm?" she emphasis the word 'calm'. Now, I get where she is coming from.

"That's why you didn't shout at me when I hurt you"

"Madhu... You didn't hurt me"

"Don't lie. I did & you agreed too" yes, I told her that her words wounded me but I am okay now because I know she didn't mean to hurt me.

"So when are you going to throw me out? Out of your life?" she asks, her voice wavering, her eyes looks everywhere but me.

"What nonsense?" I growl at her. She jumps a step back in fear.

"Dipali was one useless trash, a s**t, she harassed you & that's enough a reason for me to fire her & I just did that in a dignified way... But you..." I shout then stop seeing her scared expression & I press the bridge of my nose & inhale deeply to control my temper but I couldn't. "From where to where you have linked the issue, Madhu? She is just a mere employee but you are my wife. I envisage to have a bright future with you. I want you Madhu. All my life & why don't you understand that? Why you are so filled with doubts? You really like to demonize me right?" I ask angrily & also hurtfully.

"I thought you were a brilliant girl but you are stupid. Stupid!" I spit the word at her. She looks at me with her mouth slightly parted. Her eyes start to well up. I groan inwardly. I don't want to make her. I can't bear her tears. "Now, stop with this water works" I threaten. Her lips starts trembling. Oh god!

"Don't cry, please. I am sorry" I apologize to her softly caressing her cheek with my finger tip. Her tears miraculously ceases in her eyes & she presses her lips to stop trembling. Uff! I sigh visibly.

"Come with me" I hold out my hand for her. She places her hand looking straight at my eyes.

"Where are we going?" she asks once we are in the car.

"You will see" I tell without looking at her but the road ahead.

"You are mad at me?" she asks softly.



"But don't worry, I am not taking you to some deserted place to kill you" I say warily. She giggles. I like to see her smile & laugh.

"We are going to Pune" I reveal the suspense.


"I have a farm house there"


"We will be spending the weekend there"


I couldn't take the silence between us so I told my plans hoping she will say or ask something further. But nothing came out from her mouth other that 'Oh & Okay'

"I have got applications in various colleges for you to pursue your higher studies. Monday, when we return home, you decide in which college you wanna do your Masters in Administration"

"Okay. Thanks" she says smiling. I nod.

"Why you didn't tell me about this sudden trip? I would have got my necessary things nah?"

"Don't worry, you will find there everything you need" I tell her. She nods. I made this decision to bring her to my farmhouse suddenly. I just thought we need a break. Break from the row of fights we put.

"How long it will take?" she asks after a pause.

"Another two... two & a half hours" I reply.

"So you often go to your farm house?" she asks.

"No! Rarely."

"Hmm..." she hums & her little head starts thinking.

"What?" I ask glancing at her.

"Do you take girls to your farm house?" she asks. I want to kick myself for wanting to know what she was thinking. f**k!


"Er... Your f**k buddies"

"Don't rain on my parade, Madhu" I shake my head irately. Why can't she keep her gargantuan mouth shut for a while?

"You are the first girl I am taking to my farm house" I reply in a brusque tone, after several minutes. She glances at me through her long lashes, feeling guilty I guess.

"You know, you are one frustrating woman" I couldn't help but say that to her.

"If I say that's all in my past & you will be the only girl in my life from now on then I expect you to trust my words. I don't like to be doubted."

"It's not easy" she whispers.

"So help me, what can I do to earn your trust? What can I do to make you feel comfortable with me?" I am really confused.

She remains silent fidgeting with her fingers. I guess she is nervous & confused too.

"I made a mistake" I tell & glance at her. She is looking at me, her beautiful eyes filled with fear.

"Are you regretting marrying me?" she spells out her fear.

"No!" I say & see her visibly relax.

"But I regret forcing you."

"No! You didn't force me. It was entirely my decision to marry you"

"Then why are you taking time to accept me?"

"I am just struggling to understand all these feelings I feel for you. Its all alien to me" I guess I can understand her well because I felt the same when I fell in love with her. It took me nearly a year to come to terms so it's just four days since we got married & she surely will need time.

"What feelings?" I ask her, narrowing my eyes at her though I know what it is.

"I don't know..." she struggles to make it into words. It's love, Baby!

"I should have taken thing slow"

"Yes" she agrees.

"When I got your consent to be my wife & your mother's blessing, I thought what's the need to wait to start the new chapter of our life." I sigh. She didn't say anything, just looks down at her lap.

Then I turn on the music set in the car to lighten our mood.

"If you want you can sleep. I will wake you up when we reach" I tell her seeing her yawn subtly.

"Um... No! Its okay. It's just the seat is so comfortable & the music is so pleasant to hear" she says & looks outside the window but all too soon she dozes off curling up her body like a kitten.

"Madhu..." I gently stroke her cheek with the back of my hand.

"Hmm..." she moans sleepily.

"We are here. Wake up!" I smooth the loose strand of hair from her face & tuck them behind her ear as I leisurely trail my fingers behind her soft spot & suddenly she comes awake & I quickly pull my hand away from her. She sits up & looks everywhere but me. We sit in the car for a moment in awkward silence.

"Come!" I step out of the car quickly & went around to her side to open the door for her.

"It's cold here" she says & rubs her palms to warm them.

"Come. Let me get you in, quickly." I say & drape my arm around her shoulder & lead her into the house. She feels so soft & small in my arm. How I wish to hold her in my arms forever & more!

"Welcome" I say & gesture her to step in first. She smiles & walks in looking around the mansion.

"It's such a big place & beautiful too"

"Hun? Yeah! It's big. It has terrace garden & a swimming pool at the back of the mansion too."


"You can relax, read books as we have a library too, cook or do whatever you feel like." expect annoying me! I wanted to add but I didn't as I didn't want to spoil her mood.

"What you will be doing?" she asks.

"I will be in my study, working!" what else I can do?

"You are so boring" she mutters. Wish you could entertain me!

"You have something interesting for me to do?" I ask shooting an eye brow up.

"Don't you find me interesting?" she says softly looking down at her feet.

"What? Come again?" I ask though I heard what she said.

"Nothing" she shakes her & walks towards the fireplace mantle to warm her body.

"I will get something for us to eat"

"You have food stocked here?"

"Yeah, my housekeeper keeps the pantry well stocked"

"Oh. Where is your housekeeper?"

"I gave him the weekend off. So its just you & me"

"Oh!" she gulps. I smirk. One minute she asking me 'Am I not finding her interesting?' & next minute she getting all worked up when I say we will be staying alone for the next two days. Such an intriguing person she is. So naive, innocent & feisty at times.

"Feel free" I say & walk to the kitchen.

"There you are! I was searching for you everywhere" finally I found her near the pool gazing up at the dark sky. She looks like an angel in the moon light.

"I was just..." Don't tell me you were thinking. I know how crooked your brain can function. "... enjoying the cool breeze" Oh! That's better.

"Dinner is ready"

"Um... I am not hungry."

"But it's already late" I say looking for the time on my wrist watch. Thirty minutes more to strike midnight.


"Okay we will have later" I agree & sit down near the pool, immersing my legs in the water.

"Rishab..." Madhu softly calls my name & sits next to me hugging her propped up knees with her hands.


"I want to talk to you"

"I hope it's something pleasant & romantic" I say dryly. She snorts then giggles.

"Why don't you kiss me?" she says out of the blue.

"That's absolutely romantic." I say softly blinking my eyes at her in disbelief.

"Are you serious?" I ask. She nods her head shyly. I smile & take her hand in mine & place a gently kiss on her palm. She frowns. I chuckle.

"You want more?" I ask teasingly.

"Yes" she nods biting her lips. I pull Madhu up & place her on my lap. She is such a light weight.

"Hold me tight. If you let me I will fall off & drench in the pool water" she warn me. Yes! Ma'am!

"I guess I would love to see you wet" I whisper near her ear & kiss her earlobe. She shivers in my arms.

Then I hold her chin up & pull her lip with my thumb which she was biting hard with her teeth. She is nervous.

"There is no hurry, Madhu. I can wait." I pull myself back from her & try to lift her off my lap.

"No, please" she holds my shoulders to stop me. I place her back on my lap & encircle my arms around her waist.

"Rishab..." she takes my face between her hands & her eyes penetrates through my eyes deeply finding my soul. "I am sorry" Oh! Why?

"I am sorry for all the awful things I said."

"No! I should be the one begging your pardon for shouting at you & saying 'you are stupid'. I am sorry, I didn't mean it"

"I know. In fact your out burst made me realize that you are still the same, Rishab"

"What?" I ask confused.

"The Rishab kundra I knew was always hot tempered, arrogant man with devil may care attitude but since the day you proposed me you have changed a lot. You were so sweet & tender with me. So I didn't know which was the real you"

"Real me?" I laugh. "You are seeing the real me, Madhu."

"I know. I realized you do have a softer side too"

"I do. I don't have anyone to show my softer side before but I do now. I have you. My lover, my wife, who I want to hold, cherish & love as long as I shall live in this world." I say earnestly, cupping her face looking through her eyes & I plant a kiss on her forehead.

"I.. I... I was..."

"Free your mind, Madhu. Just tell me what's bothering you?"
"I was insecure & scared..." I raise my eye brow "...But not any more" she rushes.

"I am glad you are not scared or insecure anymore but may I know what gave room for such a dangerous combination in your head?" Are her insecurity and fear the reasons for her holding reservations to take our relationship ahead?

"I don't know what you see in me. You are rich, handsome, sexy... you are you. But I am nothing compared to you..." I cut her off before she could go on "I don't know why you have such a low self esteem? Who said you are not rich? You are rich! Rich in beauty! Rich in caring nature! Rich in loving your loved ones! I find so much richness in you which made me fall for you head over heels"

"Really?" she asks, her lips quirk up to a shy smile.

"Of course, darling" I peck her cheek as an assurance.

"I was scared that you might get bored of me & leave me in the dark but then I realized I was being foolish. As you said this morning, if you just wanted me for my body then you could have easily had me but why would you need to marry me? But still I got insecure, jealous, possessive & what not for you when you said about your ex-girl friend & about your favorite hobby" she grumbles which makes me laugh. She can be dramatic at times which I find cute & funny.

"I am sorry I said that. I was really insensible to say that I am good at f**king to my wife but in my defense all I can say is... Um... I was just endeavoring to be honest with you." I say sincerely. She nods understandingly. "But trust me, Madhu, I will never cheat on you & hurt you" I vow. She smiles a heart melting smile. "If I hurt you then I will end up hurting myself so I will never do that because you know how much I love ME" I say grinning. She giggles & buries her head in my chest. I inhale her sweet scent deeply. Having my Madhu close to me is like a dream come true.

She continuous after her giggle subsides. "I was struggling to balance all the extreme emotions I felt for you. One minute you overwhelm me with your love & care & the next minute you piss off me by being brutally honest"

"Well, I can say the same to you." I back at her.

"One minute you were heart achingly sweet & all blushy blushy but the very next minute you open your big mouth & irk me" I say in a teasing tone as I pull her mouth with my fingers.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to irk you... I was just making sure that I am worthy for you & also clarifying my doubts."

"You are more than worthy for me. Please don't have anymore self doubts & ruin our happiness."

"I won't. I promise."

"So you had all these worries in your little head?" I ask tapping her temple with my middle two fingers.

"Now it's all cleared" she smiles in relief.

"Good!" I say & stare at the crystal clear pool water. "So you do realize I truly love you?" I ask her after a beat.

"Yes. And you?" she asks blushing

"What?" I ask looking down at her confused.

"That I love you?"

"What? You love me? When? You didn't tell me?" Its a news to me, dammit!

"I told you to kiss me, right?" she says as if that's the cue which I didn't pick.

"What? But we kiss before too" I try to remind her about our first kiss which we shared the very next morning we got married.

"But that was an assault. You completely took me by surprise & you didn't even give me time to reciprocate your kiss well" Assault? Aww... that hurts.

"So you love me?" I ask. She shyly nods & her lips briefly touches mine. Is this her so called kiss?

"Tell me, Madhu?" I coax her, holding her face between my palms.

She stares at me, her eyes boring through mine. I could hear our hearts rapid beats. I anticipate for the moment to hear her say 'I love you' to me.

she breaks the spell by taking my left hand from her face & twisting it a bit. She is staring at my wrist watch. I stare at her in daze.

"Happy Birthday & yes, I love you, Rishab" she says looking straight at me, when the watch ticks twelve. I breath a sigh of relief. I didn't realize I was holding my breath.

Then turning my head I rub my temple with my fingers I try to hide my face splitting grin.

"Rishab, I said I love you" she says softly, dipping her finger tip in my dimple. I let out a chuckle.

"I heard, Madhu. I heard you." I pull her close in my arms & hug her hard. She hugs me back, her hands wrapping around my waist as she rests her head on my chest.

"I love you too, Madhu" I whisper, ruffling her hair & I rest my cheek on her head. This is bliss!

Then leaning down, I kiss her neck. She moves her head to one side & give me easier access. I trail kisses on every available inch of her neck. Then she pulls gently on my hair making me lift my head up her neck. She is weaving her fingers in my hair in a way I love & with other hand, she tentatively run her fingers down my cheek, along the edge of my sideburn, to the stubble on my chin, her eyes focusing hard on my stubble. Slowly closing my eyes, I lean my face into her touch & my breathe hitches in my throat.

"Your stubble is a curious mixture of soft & prickly." she whispers. My eyes flicker open.

"Are you doing research with my stubble? I thought you were going to kiss me?" I would initiate the kiss but then she will say I attacked her. Assault! If I want to be particular.

"Oh! I forgot" she says & licks her lips moisturizing them.

She pulls gently on my hair, bringing my mouth down to hers & she kisses me, a sweet gentle kiss like her but that won't go well with me so I force my tongue between her lips and into her mouth. She moans pleasurably which turns me on. I embrace her in my arms, flushing her onto my body, kissing her deeply & passionately. My hands find their way into her hair, and I kiss her even harder & deeper as my tongue & her tongue twist & turn together, consuming each other. God! She tastes divine!

I pull back suddenly as I didn't want to suffocate her. Our breathing ragged & mingling as we stare each other, our eyes clouding dark with burning passion.

"That was... too good... too intense & consuming. I liked it" she breathes. I grin & peck her lips.

"Happy Birthday, Rishab"

"Thank you, darling. My birthday is getting happier now" I smile. She blushes.

"Where is my birthday gift?" I ask with a wicked gleam playing in my eyes.

"I didn't buy you any gift" she panics.

"You can be my gift" I whisper near her ears.

"Then take your gift & unwrap it, now" she says blushing.

"You never cease to amuse me, Madhu." if I say I am shocked then it would be an understatement.

"Make me yours, Rishab" she is begging to be mine. I was dying for this moment & I got that moment on my birthday. For sure this will be my best ever birthday & my Madhu will be my best ever present. A very precious gift, God has sent for me to make my life beautiful.

"Avec pleasure, darling" I smirk & without any preamble I raise up on my heels carrying Madhu in my arms. She squeals in surprise & clutches my arms tightly scared for her precious life. I laugh & claim her lips again and take her into the house, to the master bedroom, to make sweet sweet love to my sweet little wife.

... to be continued!!!

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